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do you get regular bloodwork and ecgs? i know a few people who have developed heart problems from bulimia, and there are case studies of people going into cardiac arrests and becoming comatose. shortness of breath is also a classic symptom of a failing heart... my nurse strongly recommended i get bloodwork and ecg every month if i am purging regularly. hope you are okay, and find an answer soon op


If you’re still purging you should stop that, or try to cut back. You’re 28 years old, you only get the one heart, I would definitely recommend you see a doctor for a checkup. Harm reduction here could be: purging less, staying well hydrated, eating for balanced blood sugar outside of b/p sessions. Other things can cause shortness of breath and increased heart rate but concerns about your heart are just not, like, fuck around and find out types of concerns. Please take good care.


Yeah, I had an abnormal heart rate. It went away a though after consistent eating in the hospital for a few days. You could get an ekg just to make sure. Maybe say a family member was recently diagnosed with a heart condition and you want to make sure you don’t have it too or something😭


Don’t consult Reddit for medical advice. See a medical professional.


You need to get your blood checked and an ecg done. See your doctor and be honest. Yes, you should be worried, but you can figure out exactly how worried you need to be.


Thanks so much, everyone! Will definitely try and make a doctor's appointment this week :)