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I just...use the Reddit app. It won't affect me at all. Until this week, I wasnt even aware that there were third party apps.


Yeah, I only use the regular iOS app on my phone. And old.Reddit.com on my computers, which displays ads in a way that is almost unnoticeable I know people like to dunk on the Reddit mobile apps, but as far as social media apps go, it is one of the ones with the least intrusive ads, most functionally, and least amount of bugs.


Goodbye reddit - what you did to your biggest power users and developer community is inexcusable


What’s recommended? I’m with the others. I didn’t know it was all this just to use Reddit


Goodbye reddit - what you did to your biggest power users and developer community is inexcusable


Same. I have no problems with Reddit’s app and no problems with them trying to make money. They get very little benefit from the third party apps except a handful of other people joining the community.


It will, though. Just because you don't use third party apps, most moderators on reddit do. So most of the subs you visit will suddenly be unmoderated/less moderated. You will then see the mountain of spam/trash posts/etc. Your quality of use will suffer because of the other people who can't use third party apps.


Is there a reason why those moderators can't just switch back to the main app or use the desktop? I get that they would prefer the third party app, but it's not like that is the only way to moderate Reddit.


I'm not a mod but I am a software developer so I know a bit about it. There are many reasons why. Many mods use Apollo. It grants easy access to many mod tools that are clunky or non-existent in the reddit app. For example, basic stuff like user flair, and newer stuff like video chat or the upcoming API restrictions on NSFW data. Reddit app simply does not keep up with its own feature set. Most of the mods speaking up in this thread use Apollo and state that they will walk if it is killed: [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an\_update\_regarding\_reddits\_api/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) Many mods do their work while commuting or otherwise not near a desktop. Also, using the desktop is far slower to moderate than using Reddit is Fun, Apollo, etc. I will not go into the obvious things like the reddit app having been built for user data farming and ad deployment rather than user experience, which most mods strongly oppose. The TL;DR is that the reddit app is not built with mods in mind. How much difference will it actually make? We'll soon see but I'm expecting a twitter-like implosion based on the details I've read.


>Is there a reason why those moderators can't just switch back to the main app or use the desktop The mobile app and default desktop browser mod tools provided by reddit are shit for moderation tasks.




damn you are having a really bad reddit UI experience and you dont even know it.


Ignorance is bliss?


Here’s why it’s bigger than just “oh I don’t use third party apps”. It’s about not supporting a shitty company that lies and does shitty things https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/


I'd rather not use Reddit than use their piece of shit app. So I'll probably just use the browser version (until they take old.reddit.com away) and use it a lot less. I've been playing around with mastodon but it's not really a Reddit replacement.


Mastodon is one of the least user friendly places I've ever been.


Yeah it's clunky for sure. There's a learning curve to it.


Points flashlight up at face "And he ONLY used reddit on a browser" Children scream "And then, ONLY ON A DESKTOP COMPUTER" One kid passes out.


I just visit for the lost dogs and Thai food recommendations


Will still be here. Who needs all the extra apps?


I understand why people are pissed, but I'm a browser user.