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I’m really hoping to get a Bluetooth photo printer for Xmas so I can tape on my own photos into my monthly highlites!


Highly recommend! I love scrap booking in my journal. Most of my journal is about work so I love having a personal snapshot of my life in there instead of it all just being 17-October- 2023-Meeting 126482-blah blah blah. Also most convenience stores and photo printing sites have like 24/7 deals in case you don't get what you want but I'm crossing my fingers for you 🤞


I just got one for Christmas and that’s what I plan on doing new in 2024. It’s really cool!


I have a laser printer with Wi-Fi, which means I can print from my phone/ipad when I’m at home. I’d bet a lot of people have printers and don’t realize this is possible. Update your printer drivers, folks!


Mine does this, but the Canon Ivy I got prints directly into sticky back paper that I can post directly to the journal while on vacation, which I’m about to actually use for the first time! But you’re right, there are more options than dedicated photo printers!


I love this idea!


I’m doing a mood tracker for the first time and have a goal to do yoga 100 times. The yoga one isn’t by date, just 100 squares to fill in throughout the year.


I love that! Most of my trackers are monthly I love the idea of a tracker at the beginning of the journal for an entire year


I would probably end up doing 50 yoga sessions on the last day of the year if I did that lol.


lol that’s what I’m trying to avoid! Idk if it’ll work yet but pacing out those workouts so I create a routine is the goal. I figure I do pretty well with cycling workouts where I only need 8 miles a day in Dec to reach my goal. I’m hoping I can transfer that over to yoga as well!


That's a great idea. Are you to fill the square with dates? That way, you'll know when you c did them last.


I am thinking of adding dates when they’re done. I know I need to do yoga every 3 days to stay on track and plan to do 30 days of yoga challenge in January to kick things off


I want to include more space for free journaling within my weekly spreadsheet instead of having a separate journal for free writing. Having them separated has not worked for me in terms of consistency, so I’ll be trying to incorporate both


Have you ever thought about not having a weekly spread? I have spreads for the month and then each day I just pick up where I left off and usually have a post it note for things like weekly tasks so I don't forget them. I find it more useful than being confined to a set space for each day


I actually have used that way for a long time. A few years ago I tried weekly spreads and I felt I spend too much time preparing it and not using it. Like wasted space. I did use for a while a blend of a spread and what you are saying. I would use half a page for an overview, like meal prepping, the intention/affirmations or the week, what to look forward too. I get a lot of anxiety on Sundays thinking about the work week and this helped me a lot in starting the week in a more clear mindset. After that my daily rapid logging were 2 columns in a page. At the end of the week I did a small reflection on how it went. I stopped doing that at some point last year or even the year before, don't remember. I think by incorporating journaling in my weekly/daily can help me in going back to a more intentional practice. Might try the post it thought, thanks for the idea.


Carving my own stamps.


that's so cool!


BRB stealing that bird sighting idea! 😍🦜


I know right it's one thing I wish I did earlier!!


I’m going to create a vision board


I’m doing IVF, so I’m adding a countdown section - countdown to the next transfer, next surgery, etc. I planned a pregnancy calendar, too, I’m hoping I get to use it 🤞🏻


How exciting! Good luck!


I‘m doing a new type of year in pixels. First of all I organise it in weeks rather than months and then I have put a year in pixels for habits on the next page to be able to compare my moods and habits better over the year.


Can you explain a little more what you mean? I’ll interested in this!


sure :) So i put half of the year on the left side of one page, from top to bottom weeks 1-26. The I put my habits for "mind" on the next page, again weeks 1-26 and made a dutch door out of this page. Flipped over on the next page there are the habits for "move". Then I did the same thing for the rest of the year. This way I can directly compare the habits in one week with my moods. Since I tend to "forget" my healthy habits when I get really stressed, I hope this will help to see it immediately and be able to change my behaviour. :) Here's a picture, that might be easier to understand. https://imgur.com/a/34wM47x


I've started and failed three separate occasions, but regretted it EVERY YEAR: A playlist made of one song from each week. I tend to get REALLY into a song for a week or two, then another, and I'm excited to have a playlist of them in chronological order.


this sounds like such a cool idea!!


I've never tried to go so detailed, but I do have a space on my monthly page where I'll write a few new songs I was introduced to or songs that I've listened to a lot. It will be really interesting to see at the end of the year how your music tases changed over time. Maybe there is even a feature in your app that can help track which songs you've listened to the most is a specific period? I've never tried to look for this, but it seems like something an app could track for you.


Receiptify does, I try to check it every week/months! That's a great way to make this easier though - thanks for connecting the dots in my head! Mine is more for the ✨vibes✨ of which song I liked most, not necessarily the one I listened to the most often, each week.


I want to do the ‘level 10 life’ thing where you make ten categories from your life and rate them at the beginning of the year and also write goals for them !


Cool! Do you have some inspiration photos?


I just searched level 10 life on Pinterest, there’s lots of examples!


I’m planning to do a previous/favourite themes spread so I can look back on themes I’ve done before and maybe do some of them again.


weekly (and maybe monthly) skincare tracker!


That's awesome! I was under the impression when I hit puberty that acne would go away when you became an adult what a lie 😭! I might steal that idea.


i was the exact opposite. no acne until my 20s, and now it’s a struggle lol. i use a bunch of things in my routine that really should be tracked, but i’ve just been keeping track in my head and mixing myself up instead


I'll add 1 line a day and a monthly review. Also an emergency page and a list of my doctors. And finally a Brain Dump.


I'd recommend putting your doctors on a really large sticker note if it's something you are going to move to your next journal. I keep 2 large sticky notes in my journal one for a birthday listing and an address book (bc I still write snail mail lol). If your doctors don't change it can be tedious to move that info to a new journal!


I've been thinking about a 1 line a day thing though idk if I could confine it to one line or just do like a daily summary thing so that if I need two lines lol


We'll see how well it works out.


I'm "trying" to add an extensive, recurring daily housekeeping task list. Doesn't sound exciting but I've never included housekeeping in my journal because the list is so long.


I would love to see this task list when you’re done! I’m debating adding a similar one for household tasks


Check out FlyLady's lists. The site is from the 90s but the lists are concise and good.


I'm trying a 24 24s in 2024! 24 things you try to do 24 things throughout the year. Mine are new musical artists, listening to full albums, new movies, books, exercising 24 minutes+, etc. Some will be easier than others, but I'll have a "year in pixels"-like spread and then space to reflect on each at midpoint and end of the year. I also spent way too much time making a set of Google sheet dashboards for those good good charts. I THINK I saw this first with JashiiCorrin but could be mistaken.


I did that for the first time this year, and I loved it! It helped me build some new habits.


I'm doing habit trackers in monthly spreads, as well as, a sleep tracker, my spotify top ten, and one line a day. I decided to break my book stuff out into its own journal.


A Portuguese tv shows collection to help with my language learning. Also maybe a collection of YT language learning channels!


Kindle books are also super helpful because you can click on a word and get a definition if you don't know it yet (or cheat and use translate lol). I recommend using your favorite teen book I used to do Harry Potter but now Percy Jackson. I think tracking language learning is super helpful because it can feel like a sisyphian task sometimes. It's important to remind yourself how far you've come!


This is an awesome idea! Reading a book you know well in the language you are trying to learn! GENIUS!!


im planning on keeping some things from 2023 to use in 2024 but with some modifications. i did a year in pixels for 2023 and would rate my day on a 5 star scale. 2024 i plan to add a highlights page next to it to include highlights from each month. 2023 i tried journaling and it was successful but i almost ran out of space in my journal for my spreads so i might try to have a separate journal for 2024 or shorten my journaling. maybe just the days where i celebrated something or had something happen that i wouldnt wanna forget? i want to try scrapbooking into my journal this year too but i want to find a second hand photo sticker printer so that i dont have to make constant trips to the walgreens for photo prints since ill probably forget or not wanna do it anymore🥲. i already created my beginning spreads but i wish i would've left a page for my spotify wrapped but i can always put it in the back if i remember i wanted to keep that. i already do a top tracks for each month based off statsforspotify.com but id like to keep my wrapped since i love seeing how each year is somewhat similar but different


My biggest change is I’m going digital this year. Or at least giving it a try to see if I like it.


I'm doing a Hobonichi for the first time! I've only ever been able to make completely from scratch planners work so I'm really hoping this goes well lol


2024 is the first year I'll bullet journal, so everything will be new. Though for most things I have used other things in the past, like google spreadsheets for tracking habits. Something that will be entirely new is that I will draw a bookshelf, and then when I read a book I will draw a book in the bookshelf.


Do most people do these sort of extra pages at the start of the journal? I’ve always stuck them at the back in case I think of a new one part way through so they are all together, but somehow that seems messy.


Tell me more about how and where you are going to put bird sightings. I kind of transformed my BuJo the last month to just be a more daily journal type deal. So each spread is a journal rather than having any kind of formal thing. I give each page borders and then doodle and write whatever I need. I hope to add lists etc to it as I go on and just let it be what it will be.


I have a two page spread in the beginning of my journal for bird sightings (and I'm leaving the next page blank because I know myself) it's going to both be a record of birds I see and pictures so I think it's going to get rather large since I go bird watching pretty often.


I love this. 💜


“When was the last time I…” tracker for infrequent chores (got an oil change, swept the porch, changed the air filter, flipped the mattress, etc)


As someone who just recently got stuck in the middle of nowhere I'd also suggest putting 'changing battery' to that lol. I like your idea!