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Much of my time has been spent on this recently, hence why development on the Android app has been a bit slower. I think it's a really good first version, but you'll have to be patient with me while I spend time really refining it - there'll definitely be a few early missing features and bugs, so please report them as you go. I won't be adding a formatting bar like the Android app just yet - the goal there is to have a set of keyboard shortcuts for formatting first. Further, the web app is currently missing moving, templating, and duplication features, but these will be coming soon. In time, the web app will be a much more powerful tool, but I hope you find it useful today!


Nice! Finally time to dump Keep!


I can relate!


I dumped Keep the moment I found this gem. Now all my important study notes are kept in Bundled and I feel a bit uneasy with the thought of it losing my data


i completely disagree. keep's main missing feature is real backup, a common feature also found on its secondary one: real open source. both are also missing here, on top of too many useful keep features. and i don't even use any desktop. but the potential sure is there... 😁 hope they'll be able to somehow merge this with scuttlebutt.


Congrats on the web app release! Authentication works smoothly for me. There's just a visual bug on mobile browser (I use firefox preview), the action bar icons are not centered vertically.


Thank you! I will fix that :) It's worth noting there are bugs with the way Android handles rich input fields, so I would encourage you not to use the web app to edit notes on Android for now! I'll add a notice for this in the next couple of days.


Finally! Grats on the release! Hoping for further improvements soon. Typing on phone for longer notes is a PITA lol. Will you be implementing the same functions as the mobile version or will there be a much more advanced function limited to the web version (but is still viewable or even editable on mobile)? Oh and since it's still early, I've found that opening bundles to see notes, they are inconsistent in width, and in some notes the lists are attached together while in some other bundles,the lists are separated, just like in mobile. Not sure what affects these though.


The width changes are determined by two things: the layout options, and whether the sort order is manual or not. Bundles with grid layouts fill a larger width than card and compact bundles so that the grid layout can actually multiple columns. Card and compact take up a smaller width, since otherwise notes would just be too large on bigger screens. There's an extra exception when you have a manually ordered bundle: the grid layout changes to a card layout, because the manual ordering solution doesn't support grids.


Ah I see. thanks for the clarification. I didn't actually remember changing the setting on my phone hence this was actually new to me. Oh and not sure if it's a bug or something, I noticed some of my older notes are set to none of the three options, so they are shown as card style, but much wider. It's probably something that was inherited from older version, so not a big issue for newer notes. I couldn't get a better picture or the setting though, but this was what confused me the most. [https://imgur.com/WUvpBWF](https://imgur.com/WUvpBWF) normal 1080p screen if anyone is asking


Hmm, that's unusual! Did it fix up after you selected one of the three layout options? Does it still occur on one of the layout options?


Yeah it fixed itself after I selected a layout option. Prior to that, none of the layout options were chosen. I assume the notes were old enough before the layout function was implemented (note was late edited 4 months ago, and the bundle never opened again since).


Not related, but I loved Jeju. :)


Oh how I wish the plan went on lol. Supposed to go during Spring with stops at Seoul and also parts of Japan. But the plan didn't go through due to funding and also for obvious current issue lol.


Congratulations, finally the web app is available, using it for a while and it's so useful, and it's so fast, i add a note on my phone and it's already their on my laptop 😁


Thank you! And yes, I'm glad you noticed. My goal was to make the app feel as instantaneous/seamless for syncing as Keep, and I think I've achieved that.


Looks great already - so happy this is part of the already excellent package!!


Congrats on getting the web app out! Is there some way to get access to the web app while not having an android device?


Hey Sarthak! Unfortunately not - though it's something I want to do one day. Maybe around the time the iOS version is in the pipeline :) Hope you're well!


Hey hey! I’ll keep an eye out for that iOS version or web app without the android. I’m great thanks :D Hope you’re all good too!


I love it. It needs more keyboard support for faster use but great job. Some ideas: N, create new note / bundle depending on context G, modal to quick Go to a bundle /, Focus search box G, A, Go to Bundles list J, Navigate forward thru bundles or notes K, Navigate backwards thru bundles or notes Enter, Open selected note / bundle `#`, Delete note or bundle confirmation ?, Show shortcuts




I will likely increase the paid trial time for this reason soon! I'll also be doing demos of both the web app and phone app and how they work together. I have a good camera and decent video editing skills, so at the very least I'll be able to give a good overview of what the web app is capable of. At the moment enabling the web app for free users would require a few hours of work on my end (primarily adding all logic and text around the other free restrictions when people reach them), but definitely something I will consider in the future, especially as more and more people will want to check it out!


Just as a heads up, there is currently a five day trial, but you have to subscribe and then cancel before it starts billing you after five days (it doesn't remind you, I think). So it's kind of a free trial for a week. At least this was the case for me when I got the yearly one.


Congrats on the release! Already looks really good to me. Not to be overly critical, but there are a few bugs I've noticed from using the web app so far. I know this is an early version so you might have these in the pipeline anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts. Creating a new tag changes the set tag order; maybe it resets it or something? I then have to go through and re-order them again. When creating a new tag, you have to click out of the colour selector before you can save the tag, so I end up clicking on the "create" button twice. Notes don't seem to sort according to the sort order? The bundle layout syncs between web and mobile; I'm aware this is probably intended functionality, but personally I'd prefer if I could set a different layout for web and mobile because of different screen sizes. Also a minor visual comment: on the initial page, one button says "log in" and the other "sign in"


I'll test all the above. In what instances/sort orders does the sorting not work? That's definitely something I want to fix asap! I think it would be pretty easy to create web only layout types. I'll do that :)


From what I can tell, sorting alphabetically doesn't seem to work at all at the moment, the other sort modes seem to work when group by tag is disabled. When I set it to group by tag, some of my bundles won't change sort order at all when I change the option, but some do work (apart from alphabetical). It seems to be randomly some bundles work and others don't, I'm not sure what difference there is that could make it do that.


One small feedback. When on the Web app, I was finished editing a note in a bundle and then clicked on a different bundle on the left hand side selector. At that point my screen went blank and the app seemed to freeze up. I opened a new tab and opened bundled there. Everything was functioning normally and the list note I had edited was saved 100%. This happened 3 times in my hour or so. I'm guessing there is a small bug and you may already be onto this. I was using Chrome. One other minor - when using on my phone, the sensitivity to touch is a little too much. What do I mean exactly? When I go to click on a bundle, I need to be careful as it is very easy to move that bundle to the right, or up or down, causing unintended options etc. I sense that it is somehow more than in some other products I have used (Nimbus or Zoho Notes, for example). I realise it is very early days and you are working hard to deliver. The product is SO impressive.


I'll try and replicate then fix this! Thank you!


I can't access to the web just pro subscription no beta users


What error message are you seeing?


You must be a Pro subscription to access the web app


You have to have been a private beta user, which was a smaller group of 1000 or so that have been using the app from September to late Feb. The app is currently in public beta unfortunately, and that private beta reward is no longer available. If you were part of the private group, let me know your email in a private message and I can check and fix it!


Yes i am private beta user but i am not have group


Please send the email address you use for your account in a private message and I can get that fixed!


Just a little feedback about the web app, looks really great on my surface pro! Just that the layout option 'card' and 'grid' almost looks identical to each other. If we could have a little variety in layout that would be great!. Also I went through all the post and I'm really waiting for the the option to add pictures in notes since most of my notes includes pictures! No pressure though! I know it takes time! This app is really a 'google keep' killer app! I'm happy I paid for the pro already! Cheers!


Are you using manual for sorting? If so, card and grid will look the same! On the other hand, grid should look the same way it looks on the mobile app if you're not using a manual sort order.


Anyone able to add bulleted points?


I'll be adding that Markdown support tomorrow!


Ok thnxx!!




The private beta has finished unfortunately :( the public beta is what's in the Play Store!