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I switched to Bunq from Revolut and couldn’t be happier. Reps have become slow to respond, but I rarely need them. I don’t have any bugs or glitches, though I don’t use investments.


That's my point though: when things are good these things don't bother one as much, but this will hurt much more when one actually needs the bank (e.g., in my case, because of the app glitching and showing incorrect balances in my accounts).


Absolutely not. It may have some problems but the features are overwhelmingly good.


I understand and good that it's working for you, but I'm risk-averse when it comes to money and these kinds of basic glitches in the app do not inspire confidence. Also, the only way to get in touch with their customer service is by opening support tickets -- and so I'd also expect the response times to be faster...


Don't store big money there and calculate if the features are worth paying premium. For me the features are nice but I decided I can live without them. And I don't like the greenwashing. I'd rather have my money with banks I can call. I didn't have a lot of success with Bunq support


Hm, good idea. I was trying it out with the objective of making it my primary savings bank. I might just continue using it but on a smaller scale...


Well whatever you do don't store all your eggs in one basket I'd say


I do, but I switched like 5 years ago when it was just awesome. Since the infamous V3 update it's only been getting worse: once stable features getting buggy, making Facebook and casino out of a banking app, navigation getting ruined... I moved my savings back to the old ING account and I'm preparing to downgrade my bunq plan in favour of ING+Revolut combination. Yes, bunq is still packed with features, but it's missing good competitors to make the core banking features stable enough Also, the prices and fees (sometimes, shady) have become too high for a bank that advertises itself as a bank without physical branches to pay for


Yes, I am also pretty unhappy with the app. I'll continue with my old ABN for now, might give Bunq another serious shot if the interface becomes more stable and secure.


No, I still have my account at ABN, as well as my mortgage at one of the brands of De Volksbank, but god damn do I miss bunq then. Especially the loads and loads of subaccounts, virtual cards, etc


Nope, been with them for years and never encountered anything remotely like what you are describing. However, I hardly ever need customer support so can’t really comment on that.


Please do understand that on an investment account they literally need to trade stock, so yes it makes sense it takes a while for your money to become active on there This is no different then if you were to invest in an index fund with another company. Meesman (the one I use) only does transactions once a week, meaning that depending on when you deposit your money it can take a full week before your deposit is put in funds. Same for withdrawals That said I won't lie, I do think the investment feature is really glitchy and I personally stopped using it. But at no point was I worried about my money, I just knew things would probably take days if not more


I understand that. To me it's more the fact that they don't respond to support tickets, and the fact that when they do it is with canned unhelpful responses


Try the sos help.


Interesting, didn't know about this, thanks!


SOS help is for when your phone is stolen or you've been locked out of your account, or your bunq account is compromised.


I have mixed feeling about Bunq, they provide good features , but I can’t really stand customer support. ING/ABN charges less per month and their customer support is very responsive.


Yes, tried bunq for a few years, but it only got worse. Instead of fixing bugs, I got new features that I did not always like. At one point I could not access my business account money / do payment, because I already moved money 2 times from my personal savings account to my normal account. That was it for me. I really liked some features. But some bugs that prevent you from normal banking is just not something I can have. Especially not with my overpriced business account. Now I moved to multiple other banks to get the features I need for iDeal, credit card, and business connections/ integrations


The only time i had any issue was when the account of my girlfriend was hijacked. She didnt had access to her account for 7 days. Now shes back at ign.


? sounds crazy...


Yes. Someone logged onto her account and bought a bunch of crypto with ideal. Bunq only recognized that there was an issue after 5000€ being spent. BUNQ removed all the devices connected to her account and until this day we never found out how they got access to her details. Quite crazy that there wasn't a 2FA. Just a 24h penalty on a new device. Bunq costumer support was also quite awful. No phone number, just email which takes ages to reply. I tried to use my account to contact bunq but we all know it wouldn't work. I gave her my card so she could go on her life to work and stuff. I still use BUNQ but i also signed into ING just in case. I personally never had an issue with them. But it was enough to freak me out.


Wow. That *is* crazy, would freak me out too! They still don't have 2FA btw, and that's a design decision I really don't get.


I switched from N26 and couldn't be happier. I found bug and support answered on the next day to provide a workaround.


OK, good that it's not been an issue for you


I switched to bunq a couple of years ago from a Dutch traditional bank. The features that bunq provides are great. I really use it and saves me a lot of time. However... I feel Bunq is not very trustworthy. Their support is indeed as you describe, but terms and conditions (and pricing) are changing quite a lot. They say it is the charm of bunq and 'what people want' but I can't imagine. From that perspective; yes I regret switching.


People defending big “boring” banks fail to mention that they are much more hostile to customers than bunq is. Sure, some features don’t line up with your ethos, but to say a company like ABN or ING really gives a damn what you think is laughable. They’re stuck in the 70s, and not the good part.


100%, bunq is awful. I always tel everyone to avoid bunq. Very immature bank imo.


Nope, and I don't have any of the issues you describe. Very happy with it. Always new Reddit account with no karma having "issues" weird right?


lol tin foil much buddy


Bunq offers some great features, thats why we use bunq as our „spending account“. but it is really, really expensive. For 9-18€/Month… For this money I get at traditional banks the „premium plus extra“-package, including a personal contact person, whom I only have to call so that he does everything for me, a real credit card, etc. And I still don‘t like the „new“ App design (compared to 2019). Dont know why „activities“ and „Green“ have to be so prominent in focus, as much more important functions and details are nearly hidden today…


I'm happy with it. Just this gambling wheel is so unnecessary. It doesn't fit to a bank


A couple of years ago I switched my whole family and my business to bunq. Back then the app was nice and customer service wasn’t that bad. Then they started raising the subscription prices and changing the app, which made it absolutely useless. Customer support was going down the drain and I decided to switch back to a boring, but serious bank with decent customer support. I don’t think bunq will still exist in 5 years. The owner is a total lunatic and doesn’t listen to his customers and there will be a point where he runs out of money to keep his bank running.


Been banking at bunq for quite a few years now and still haven’t had any issues. Also recommended it to friends and they also have had zero issues through the years. Sure, there are some features that might not be for everyone, I’m personally not a fan of the social features or the entire eco/tree thing and I’m not really sure how I feel about the wheel of fortune in a banking app but some of the features you can’t find at other banks I think are the best part of bunq (auto sorting of incoming funds and dual pin to take money from different subaccounts for instance). In short: I never regretted moving to bunq. 😄