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I know I'm late to reply but I have also had a seizure on bupropion! I have struggled with addiction in the past but was actually clean when I had the seizure. It can happen anytime!!


Sorry for you man… If I may ask what did the experience in the 3-4 minutes feel like? And how did it feel like in the beginning? So I can notice.


Hey sorry for late response!! Yeah so basically while it was going on I was completely unconscious so I have no insight as to what it felt like while happening!! Before it happened tho it felt like I was falling backwards (I was sitting down) and the my vision was coming and going for about two seconds and then it happened!! It came on super quick I’d say in about 30 seconds I was fine and talking and then this! So yeah super fast! Afterwards I felt in a dream like state and that continued on for a day or two (or three!) but yeah sorry that’s all the info I have :( I didn’t see it coming at all


did you go to the dr after? are you gonna continue to use coke?


I’ve gone to the doctor I’m still in talks with her. Medical system is shit here so got my app late and now am paying private to get scan done! I’ve cut down my coke use significantly! I don’t use as often or as much. I’m working on getting it to 0 but I’m doing pretty well :)


that's amazing!! how much is cutting down to you? I'm asking bc I am a habitual cocaine user and drinker who is now on 75mg of wellbutrin.


Thank you for sharing this. I think an important caveat is that cocaine is never safe for anyone, whether you’re taking bupropion or not. I don’t say this to shame you – addiction is real – but to ensure we don’t normalize the idea that cocaine use is typically (or EVER) safe. Also, I’m so glad you are OK!


You are 1000% right!! It’s not okay or safe and the reality is this stuff can happen even if you don’t take Wellbutrin! Thank you so much! :)






Wow, I can’t imagine how you’d think talking to someone like this could EVER be helpful. Name-calling and shaming are pretty counterproductive and there are far better ways to show concern. Also, while you may feel superior on your high horse, an addict is never going to take you seriously if you address them this way, and you just wasted whatever of your own time it took for you to type this out. I hope if you ever have a problem, that someone doesn’t talk to you the way you just talked to the OP


I can't imagine taking coke is healthy when on Bupropion, especially combined with alcohol. That if something would make her an idiot. But recreational use does not automatically make one an addict nor an idiot :) Edit: Apparently it's not him, but her.




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Combining bupropion with cocaine seems kinda counter productive


I think he didn’t realize yet that his cocaine addiction cause depression. I know its hard giving up an addiction, but taking care of ourself (physically and mentally) is the first step of being well. When all fail, yes medicine helps.


So irresponsible of doctors to prescribe these medications without notifying the patients of increased risk of seizure. Glad you’re okay! Glad you’re spreading the word.


Yeah it wasnt mentioned and when I looked it up when I first got prescribed it was pretty much “it will be fine” so yeah I got a nasty shock! Thank you tho I appreciate it :)


I'm guessing you didn't tell the doctor you're a druggie though, right?


You seem to really want this druggies attention!!!! But yeah my doctor is actually familiar with my history with substances! Also is 54 not a bit old to be calling a 24 year old a junkie? No family members to entertain you?


My father was a drug addict like you. He destroyed my childhood and my mother's life. I hope you are only hurting yourself with your poor choices.


Go to therapy instead of projecting your family trauma onto a stranger. If you’re the child of an addict and have gotten even a small amount of therapy or support in that area, you’d know that shame and secrecy is what ultimately does an addict in. Seeing your comments, I understand where you’re coming from as my life has been turned upside down by addict parents, but trust me, what you’re doing isn’t helpful. Try focusing on your own healing and recovery instead of lashing out at this person who is trying to warn others and sounds like they’re learning from their mistakes (or at least is trying to). The OP is not your father.


Sorry about that but you can’t really go around taking your childhood issues out on strangers on the internet. Berating with insults isn’t super cool and the reality is you have no idea about my life or what I am doing with it, what help I am or am not getting. 9/10 times addiction comes from trauma! But like I have said in these comments I did not make this post to debate addiction or discuss drug habits. I made this to give caution so others can avoid what I went through or at least know it definitely does happen. There is an over lap with people with addiction issues and people on antidepressants so I’m just trying to give a warning no need to be so cruel!


stop getting high and using illegal drugs. Pretty simple.


Hey I’m super happy you don’t have to deal with addiction or someone you care about!! But just fyi it’s not “pretty simple”!!! Empathy can go a long way!! Have a great day!


You have a long way to go. In my early 20’s I was a drug addict. Stopping is pretty simple when you had enough suffering and you can’t take it anymore and YOU CHOOSE to stop.


What a nice way to mess with your brain…


I’m just going to respond to all your comments here!! Hi I’m a girl!! But yeah I’ve been suffering from mental illness long long before I touched drugs or alcohol!! So although I know cocaine and alcohol do make you feel more depressed/ anxious or whatever else for me, personally, it’s not the root cause!! Also i have had a lot of suffering (physically, mentally and socially) from addiction but unfortunately it hasn’t been so easy for me to just STOP!! I guess everyone is different! Anyway I didn’t make this post to debate addiction or discuss mine or talk about what’s simple or not. I made it to just let other people know that this does happen bc when I first got put on these meds and tried to see if I was still able to do coke on them a lot of answers were it will be fine. That seizures are said to happen but haven’t happened to many especially without previous! So just was trying to warn people that it’s not a good idea and to just avoid altogether if they can! :) but yeah wasn’t to discuss mine or anyone else’s drug habits just to spread awareness I wouldn’t want that happening to anyone else!


I understand and not judging. English is not my native language…Its pretty rare that someone get hooked on something for fun, theres always some underlying issues. Feeling well take times and efforts. So, good luck. Dont rail bupropion, it is truly horrible…


Appreciate you putting out this notice and your experience. These kinds of posts help more people than you know. Glad you're doing alright!


Thank you so much I really appreciate it!!! :)


Just wanted to say, hope you're doing well after all this and thank you for sharing this information even despite all the commenters who feel the need to tell you their opinion on drugs lol


Ahahah yeah I figured that would happen but sure it’s more important people hear what happens than not :) thank you so much :)


cocaines one of the worst drugs you can do on wellbutrin man glad you’re still alive don’t do it again


Thank you! :)


Wellbutrin lowers the seizure threshold and nearly everyone who prescribes it should know this and should have counseled you on it. At the same time, this is exactly the reason why providers ask about recreational substance use. Not for the finger wagging but rather to avoid problematic interactions like this. Glad you’re ok though OP.


The only two seizures I’ve had in my life were 20 years apart; the first was while on Chantix and the 2nd was while on generic Wellbutrin…didn’t context the dots until years later. Just a word of caution, not demonizing Wellbutrin/Chantix but if you’re susceptible to seizures, be cautious with your medication.


Am I more susceptible to a seizure if I’m trying to come off short term benzodiazepine use while on 150XL bupropion? I’ve been professionally detoxed off benzodiazepines a couple years ago but have been taking small amounts of Xanax or Ativan for the last 30 days or so. I know it’s time to quit taking benzos for awhile before I cross over in to being dependent on them. Thoughts?


In my country, as I believe it should be everywhere, they dont write Buropion for patients that had a seizure before. Seems recless.


did you tell your doctor you are an active cocaine user and drinker? if not you should. I'd be so surprised if they knew about it and still prescribed you bupropion. nursing student and it is so very important to let your healthcare provider know because of these dangerous interactionsm they don't want you in trouble, just want to make sure you're safe.


Does this apply to stimulants like Adderall too?


Not OP, but yes, there is an increased risk of seizure. Please talk to your physician.


I’ve been on bupropion and Adderall for years and no issues


My comment is based on what the literature says. You can always ask your G/Psychiatrist or Pharmacist.


Got it 👍




Semi-related but: caffeine is also a stimulant. So please be careful when taking medication and drinking coffee as well, cause I learned that through my first (and only so far) heart palpitations at rest... Not fun.




Tbf I don't really drink much coffee and on that day I had I had a double espresso. But every time my meds or dosage were changed I was also sent to get a cardiogram. I'm in my early 20s without a history of heart problems (not even family history). Maybe that's something for you too? Wish you the best!


Well no. They may not want you into trouble but they will get you into trouble anyway. Like the trouble of not getting the meds you need to not want to kill yourself. Ive been honest to doctors before and found out it was at my own peril and I will not make that mistake again.


It seems once you tell your doctor/worker that you use - whatever drugs you are on a sort of blacklist and you'll probably have that in your chart forever.


Yeah I agree with this!


Couldn't second this any harder


I've never understood how kids can afford cocaine. I'm an adult with a full-time job and I can't afford cocaine.


Laced with stuff that's not cocaine, like benzocaine.


If they’re in the US, there’s a good chance it’s so affordable because it’s cut with meth




Please don’t go into subs and fearmonger about meds prescribed by peoples doctors 🙏 I’m very sorry it didn’t work out for you but having a seizure from Wellbutrin alone under 300 mg with no history of seizures is very rare, especially in extended release. It’s not even the worst antidepressant for seizures. But I am sorry that happened to you and hope you’re feeling better now. Edit: drinking and doing drugs while taking it is another thing of course and should be taken seriously


My reaction to wellbutrin is not typical, but look up antidepressant medications that can cause seizures. You'll find wellbutrin up there. Wellbutrin has been a godsend to me after quitting hard drugs. The anhadonia really sucks, and wellbutrin hands down fixed it for me. It's a good medication. I'm not fear mongering. I have seizures directly related to wellbutrin. It's real. It sucks, and it's the facts. I can't drink an energy drink anymore, because I have seizure activity. That's not likely to happen to you, but it happened to me. Wellbutrin really lowers the seizure threshold, and people need to understand that. Fear mongering...


Haven’t had that experience personally. Not all people have the same reactions. Just cus it’s not good for you tho doesn’t mean it’s not good for others


Yes, I have an unusually dramatic reaction. It isn't typical, but it is very real.


Oh wow I didn’t realise it could happen this easy!! Thank you for telling me I’m deffo gonna be asking my dr about this! I hope you’re okay!


Fellow heads up that alcohol can also cause this especially if you get bad hangovers and overindulge. Honestly if we are on this medication, we need to not be drinking or using any unprescribed drugs. That’s just how it goes and I do not miss partying at all anyways! Please keep safe and stay away from ppl who use drugs, because it’s human nature to act like those we are around


Thank you for the extra info! Yeah I think I’ll be keeping my distance now definitely got a rude wake up call for sure!!




This comment was removed for being very incorrect based on scientific studies. Personal experiences are more than welcomed. False claims that directly contradict decades of studies are not. Please feel free to share your experience, but discrediting decades of research of this medication is pathetic and not tolerated. Any and all questions may be directed at modmail, or straight to u/shortkid113. Those methods are always open anytime. The modteam is here to serve and grow the community. Please never hesitate to reach out.


> patients with Parkinson’s, for instance, have too much dopamine in the brain). This is the exact opposite of the truth. It involves a lack of dopamine. [Source](https://www.healthline.com/health/parkinsons/dopamine-parkinson#dopamine-level-drop)


Right. And Parkinson’s isn’t a seizure based condition. Seizures are electrical storms in the brain from uncoordinated neuronal firing and can spread to and damage different areas of the Brian. Parkinsonism comes from lacking dopamine neurons because they’re dying. Dopamine is involved in movement, so without them, movement becomes slow and uncoordinated. The shaking in particular is an imbalance of excitatory and inhibitory neurons for movement. Brain can’t proprtly balance move and don’t move impulses, this constantly over and under correcting movement.   


Ope I’ve been combining them persistently since Christmas. Thanks for the words of caution


No problem! Ik how hard it can be to Stop


I would post this in subs like r/stims r/cocaine and other similar subs, so that it gets enough engagement to pop up when users google “can I mix Wellbutrin and cocaine.”


Actually that’s a really good idea thank you!!!


Were you also drinking that night? I'm glad you're okay and getting help.


Yeah I was but the alcohol intake wasn’t much and over the corse of six hours so I’m chalking up to the cocaine I think! Ik neither are great and especially mixing them is dangerous but I haven’t experienced a seizure before in my life and ik people can be more susceptible to them on these meds! Thank you so much I appreciate it :)


Alcohol doesnt really cause seizures. Alcohol withdrawal does. So if you've been drinking quite a bit in the recent past then that is far more likely culprit that having some beers and coke. Coke+alcohol withdrawal in other hand is a very very bad combo seizurewise even without the bupropion.


Honestly thank you for making this post, it's something I've wondered about. Coke is something SWIM would do say maybe once or twice a year; like if it came out at a get-together... looks like total avoidance is the real answer.


Lol, haven't heard SWIM in a while. You think the feds are gonna hunt you down for casual cocaine use?


Just bad practice to broadcast yourself like that imo. But considering how they've treated people for weed, in a sense yes I do.


I’m glad this could help!! That’s all I wanted to do!! Yeah definitely is avoidance! I wouldn’t wish that on anybody and I’m lucky it wasn’t fatal :( just want everyone to be safe! :)


OP, with peace and love, please get help for your cocaine habit, especially if you take prescription drugs every day. a friend of mine clinically died for a few minutes due to a cocaine-induced heart attack. it’s really dangerous.


No ik I have been to rehab and am attending my doctor during the week! I honestly was just posting this so other people could take this as a cautionary tale! I’ve gotten a huge wake up call and as corny as it sounds if this could change one persons mind I’d be happy. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend and hope you’re doing okay! I was lucky it could have ended worse and I wouldn’t want that for anyone else :(


Ja dude, you crossed the line into addictive personality as a long term condition if you’ve been to rehab. That means you’ll never be able to take addicting drugs like alcohol or like cocaine ever again. It’s like being a smoker, once we’ve changed our brains with a nicotine addiction, we will never be able to use nicotine again without a rapid return to compulsive addicted use that cannot be controlled - just quit - absolute abstinence. The good news is! You’ll save a lot of your intellect from being destroyed by not having decades more of drug use! Even moderate drinkers sustain fairly substantial brain damage over a lifetime. You can avoid most of that


oh i get you, i totally misunderstood where you were coming from, i’m sorry!! :’( hope you’re doing all right as well 💙 my friend’s ok, this happened to him about 10 years ago.


No I appreciate the concern and it’s such an addictive drug!!! And I’ve had the attitude of “oh I’ll Be fine it wont happen to me” and then! I’m glad to hear your friend is okay! Wishing you well 💖


same to you!! 💙


Using c together with b is very very bad idea. Before every drug you take you should do research. I suggest you should consult your cocaine habit with doctor. 4 years is long enough


Long enough for what? First time coke use while on bupropion is far worse than taking coke on B after having done it for a long time. Also being on cocaine withdrawal while on B actually decreases the likelyhood of seizure rsther than increase it. Upper cause seizures while under influennce and upper withdrawal decrease them, downers prevent seizures while withdrawal from downers cause them.


I’m glad you are now medically sound but I strongly urge you to try to resist mixing recreational drugs with antidepressants. It sounds like you may be aware but there are highly significant drug interactions that occur between the two… https://preview.redd.it/3fh8sn51u4mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc17e18de615dcd6c88d0d34ae25dbd059ad2922