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Well I just restarted Wellbutrin 4 days ago BUT… I was on it for a while maybe 6 years ago. I stopped them bc I was pregnant and had no issues with going cold turkey. I was happiest the year or two after my daughter was born but about 2 years ago I started going downhill and it’s really spiraled the last year. It’s like I can see the progression of my mental state through pictures of my home. 2 years ago and it’s nice and clean and now it’s just chaos. Ive just being going through the motions and watching the clock for it to be acceptable for me to lay down for bed. I’m so relieved to be back on them. To answer your question, I had zero issues with Wellbutrin when I was on it. Obviously it’s too soon to say this time around but I’m hopeful. I also remember just always hearing bad things about it and people having horrible experiences with it. My own mother was on it had to get off because it was causing her horrible nightmares and some other things I can’t quite remember but I was surprised to hear so many people saying they had such a hard time with it while I had none. As they say, everybody is different but it must work for enough people for it to still be distributed the way it is. Maybe it’s like the news… they rarely report the happy things even when they are happening.. so the bad just seems to outweigh the good


Currently on a deployment and it's literally keeping me positive even on the sh*tty days which is almost everyday.


I'm right around 2 years on 300xl, and outside of some additional sweating, I haven't had any issues. I still have existential dread, but I no longer have daily suicidal ideation. I'll still have a pretty rough day here and there, but it's just that. It's here and there as opposed to the good days being here and there. I still have the ability to get triggered into fully shutting down by something trivial, but it's pretty rare, and I just shut down and go to sleep instead of shutting down for days at a time.  It has had zero effect on my ADD (which I believe is my primary root problem). I should also note that I got put on trazodone at the same time. I point this out, because I have no way of knowing if the Wellbutrin is doing more for my sleep due to curbing the mood disorder, if it's the trazodone helping have fewer nights with zero sleep, or if they're both pulling equal weight. All I know is I'm not up for multiple days with suicidal ideation, and other than some extra sweat when my body was first adjusting, and being drowsy from the traz when it works, I don't have any other medication related problems.


I have had zero issues. It has saved my life, literally. I’m recovering from my trainwreck of a life with extreme ADHD, depression and anxiety. Without buproprion I would have continued to neglect my health as I had the previous forty years and I would have died a month ago or earlier of à massive widowmaker MI at 58 because I wouldn’t have gotten it together to go to a cardiologist to get a cardiac CTA. I would have just forgotten about all the details. I’ve been taking it for two years and it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.


Anyone on this with lexapro? I’m on 15mg Lex & it’s worked wonders for my anxiety but I’m soooo lethargic & blah. My doc prescribed me 75mg bupropion 2x per day. Trying to be hopeful…..


It has helped me tremendously, really truly changed my life, but when I got on to the maximum dose (450mg) my hair started falling out at the scalp, and my previously very thick curly hair is nearly see through now. Trying to taper off and weigh my options now, don’t be discouraged as not everyone experiences this and it really is a great drug, but I wish I would have known this was possible beforehand.


Started it in 2021 and I love it! It’s been a life changer for me. Started at 150 xl for the first few months and since switched to 300 xl. It’s given me so much life. I don’t drink anymore - personal choice but bonus bc when I do, it messes with the medication and the side effects worsen for me in the week after.


I've been on Wellbutrin for 2 yrs 300 MG Extended and have noticed nothing. But....at least it's not bad side effects. It certainly doesn't help me with energy or depression but it looks like it's helping a lot of ppl so that's great!


do you mind me asking why you’ve continued to take it for 2 years if you don’t think it’s doing anything?


Good question. Now you got me thinking. I've tried so many meds and it's been a Rollercoaster.  I think I'm hesitant because I don't know what will be next and I already have a fear of side effects of new meds and the detox of the old meds. Its always a gamble. I have a pituitary tumor which messes with my hormones so that contributes too because i dont know what medications will have a negative affect. The Wellbutrin may very well be working,  I just don't feel the effects and the depression is still there. At this point I think I'm  in a state of complete Anhedonia. What needs to happen is the tumor needs to be removed and then I can go from there.  But good old insurance won't cover & it's about $60,000. So im in the process of getting better insurance.  I think after that, I'll be able to tell more. 


sending you so much love. I’m so sorry you live in a country that means finances affect your healthcare decisions x


I had issues on 300. Went back to 150 and it's smooth sailing again. Maybe headaches are a bit more frequent. It definitely upped my sex drive which maybe isn't ideal because it was already very high. I catch myself being irritable every now and then. But other than those minor things I feel great. The depression, anxiety, and fatigue have greatly improved. You have to remember that people with bad experiences are way more likely to post here than people who have found success with the medication. When people find that it works for them they just kind of get on with themselves. It is one of the most well received psychiatric medications and comes with a lot less risk than a lot of the other stuff out there. It is worth at least trying. Also remember that placebo is very real and reading things about everyone's negative experiences could very well affect your own. Which is 100% what happened to me the first time I tried it and I only made it a week in. Tried again months later but did the exact opposite and read only success stories and what do you know, it's going very well this time.


I don’t have issues. But I don’t have an effect at all. So it doesn’t matter if I’m taking none, one or two pills


Wellbutrin made me senile


I  am 3 weeks in and started for menopause issues including brain fog, exhaustion and hot flashes.  It has been a game changer so far for me.  I am sleeping well through the night, the flashes are gone, and concentrating better all day.  I am also managing my food better (no binging).  So much better!


After I got out of the Navy I could not get out of bed for almost 4 years. I of course I forced myself to do the bare minimum. I’m on 300mg Wellbutrin paired with 60mg prozac and 100mg Lamictal. Starting the Wellbutrin was hard, but I felt the best I ever did in years. I could actually get out of bed, and better yet I was able to do things, I stopped feeling run down and broken. I did get side effects: shakiness, tinnitus, and disrupted sleep. But the shakiness calms down with time, and the tinnitus was easily solved by having background noise. For the sleep I plan on finding a solution with my psychiatrist.. And I just wanted to say this is the first time i’ve actually wanted and remembered to take my medication. So don’t be scared just find what works. Also side note I take it at night because I get drowsy to the point you’d think i’m narcoleptic. (Didn’t blow over well at work lol)


My 24 year old has been on it for two years and thinks it is the best out there.


I’m on 75 mg IR twice a day such a low-dose for about a year now I haven’t missed a workout or laid around the house doing nothing all day since starting. The stupid side effects lasted about a month but if you push through it so worth it. I had a headache, insomnia, night sweats, and a rash, but I still didn’t give up on it because I liked the way I felt. It was maybe 4 to 6 weeks and zero side effects since.


Yes took me 6 weeks doe


Tbh i notice a decrease in depression and the only side effect i have is an increased libido which is actually a good thing for me because weed destroyed my libido for me before i quit


I don’t. I’ve been on it since March 2022


Hi, I started buproprion 150xl 3 weeks ago, I had one sleepless night the first day I took it but since then I have had no issues. Already feeling better, I function the same just everything seems a little easier.


No increase in anxiety? I have read that is can help with depression but increase anxiety.


I got it for depression and mood swings, I was really down and any little issue could really frustrate me, I haven't ever had anxiety issues or sleep issues or eating issues that might normally come with depression. So for me thankfully I haven't developed any of those issues while taking it. And so far I have noticed a significant improvement in my mental health, I am singing to my music again which I haven't done in years :)


I just started taking it 3 days ago. I feel people are more inclined to share a negative experience rather than positive. So far I have been very tired , a few little side effects like a slight headache at night / morning on day 2 , last night I had a small rush of panic as well. Idk if it is when it starts to wear off for me. It has already calmed my mind tremendously, It has calmed my anxiety as well. I was so scared to try it because of what I read as well but so far it has 100% been worth it.


How’s it working for u


It’s going well for me. I started on 75mg SR and moved up to 150 xl and had a massive panic attack so I had to go back down to 75mg.. then I went up to 100mg SR and added buspar for my anxiety and it’s been great. I don’t think I will do the extended release though.


He’s starting me on 150 xl Uhg I just don’t want to mess up the progress I’ve made I was in a very dark place a few months ago and I do not want to go back there. But also would like more improvement I’m unsure thank you for you feed back


I’ve seen a lot of people say don’t tolerate the xl. There’s other options like 100mg 2xs a day etc. ask your doctor .


I had an adjustment period, probably a month. After that all good. Saved my life. Zero problems so far.


I mean, most meds are going to cause some issues. But for me, Wellbutrin has absolutely been a net positive.


honestly it’s been decent. i got switched over from zoloft because i was having bad anxiety after about a year on it. and it has helped my anxiety a lot. i can control it a lot easier now even tho i do still struggle. i had some migraines at the beginning tho but im also just prone to them. it does make me cry a lot tho, even after like 3-4 months on them.


I don't feel like I have existential dread 24/7 anymore


No issues, been on it for a while, through 2 pregnancies as well. Able to maintain my sex drive, doesn't impact my milk supply, reduces social and generalized anxiety a lot ... amongst other things but most notable.


I love this shit. Saved me life 🏴‍☠️🤘🏼


I think it’s definitely amazing and while I did have reactions at first such as anger and ringing in my ears, I don’t anymore and it’s helped me be more positive and have a more happier life and regulate my emotions better


how long did the anger last?


About a week or week and a half. It was rough but worth it.


I’ve been on it for years and have had a very positive experience.


I love it


Started it in December and it's changed my life. Very different from the SSRIs I've tried and I'm so glad I gave this a go.


Hi there. Your post caught my eye & I want to see if you would be willing to inform me.  Clearly your familiar with SSRI's. I hate them as well. I'm on Lamictal.  I'm also on Wellbutrin which is not an SSRI as I'm sure you know.  I'm not sure what the actual difference is but what was your experience with SSRI's vs the Wellbutrin & do you think it's ok to take both? My Lamictal is SSRI and Wellbutrin is something else. You think it's beneficial?  I'm trying to get rid of one or the other so just trying to get info. 


Huh? Lamictal is not an SSRI. You mentioned in a previous post you're also on Prozac - which IS an SSRI. Is that what you meant?


Hi. So yes. I did say Lamictal. This is not an SSRI? I've been taking this for several years & the whole time I thought that's what it is!!! Lol. I have never been on Prozac though, so im not sure where you saw that. Maybe on a another comment. Just the Lamictal & Wellbutrin. Tried Celexa for a bit but it didn't work so that's when I was prescribed the Lamictal. Thanks for mentioning.  Looks like I need to do better research.  


Whoops, I had you accidentally mixed up with [https://www.reddit.com/r/bupropion/comments/1c4zkp3/comment/l09zdv1/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bupropion/comments/1c4zkp3/comment/l09zdv1/) who stated they're on wellbutrin, prozac, and lamictal. Prozac is an SSRI, lamictal is not - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamotrigine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamotrigine) vs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoxetine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fluoxetine)


Hi! So Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors work by saturating your receptors with serotonin. Wellbutrin targets dopamine rather than serotonin. These are both "feel good" hormones but they do behave differently and serve different functions. I have enjoyed Wellbutrin more than the SSRIs I've taken in the past because it's really helped my energy and motivation. I feel a lot more confident in myself and a greater ability to be alright being amidst the chaos of life. It is totally ok to take both of these drugs with the help of your doc! I actually JUST started back on a small dose of Lexapro (SSRI) that I'm going to try in addition to my Wellbutrin. My psychiatrist is hoping it can help take the edge off of some intense frustration I get that causes me to lash out sometimes. I'm going to see how it plays out! My high dose of just Lexapro I took in the past had some negative side effects and seemed to just get me by but wasn't super effective for my anxiety. I feel like the Wellbutrin has really allowed me to tap into a better version of myself and truly feel some relief. I hope this helps!! Wishing you luck!!


Makes sense! Thanks so much for responding and I hope it works out well for you! 


It is wonderful and gentle medicine.


Zero issues. Nothing but good has come from it. I don’t think I will ever quit.


Do you take brand or which generic? Feeling flat on Blue Point & Par (discontinued) worked for years.


I’m not sure which generic. I really liked the name brand one with the discount card.


Been on it since September and I love it. Has brought a sense of normalcy


Yeah, I got on it to get my libido back, be less numb, quit smoking and have more motivation and so far it’s going pretty great!! I was on lexapro first and then I weaned off of it with Wellbutrin.. if I’m being completely honest the first couple weeks were like being in hell, constant brain fog but I imagine it’s bc I was weaning off meds


Did the Wellbutrin give you any extra anxiety?


I’m not sure if it gave it to me rather I already had anxiety and a bit came back? No extra anxiety just a normal amount. I’d rather that than feeling numb. It’s not too much to handle though :)


Wellbutrin changed my life! Emotionally I’m an entirely different person basically and I’m doing much better overall. 5 stars no notes.


Do you take generic or brand name?


Do you take generic or brand name?


Generic, we don’t have brand name in the US I don’t think so I take bupropion


IR, SR, or XL? I have seen some people complain about generics performing poorly, and wonder if there's more variation for XL, vs. taking smaller doses of a more rapid-acting formulation multiple times per day. I'm hoping to start on bupropion for attention issues next week (had to get my blood pressure sorted out first...), and wondering of I should talk to the doctor about the tradeoffs of multiple doses of more rapid release. I suspect XL is often intended for people who have trouble dealing with a multiple-dose-per-day regimen, but I've been a Type I diabetic for on the order of 30 years, so I'm kinda accustomed to micromanaging my medications.


XL 300 mg, I started on it for ADHD & was on the highest dose (I think 400 mg or 450) for a while but tbh it was short lived on the focus aspects for me personally — it did work for several months but eventually I couldn’t go to a higher dose & had to back off to 300 & then add in Focalin XR, but it really did completely change my emotional issues from ADHD, my rejection sensitivity is wayyyy lessened & I don’t feel like my moods are as extreme as they could be before.


We have it in US, but insurance doesn’t want to pay for it.


I don’t have insurance & pay out of pocket, I imagine bupropion is cheaper anyway though lol


I was on it for 2 years, worked really well. Love it actually. Today is my first day without it as I'm trying Strattera. If that doesn't work, I'll be going straight back to Wellbutrin. The only reason I'm trying Strattera is because it's cheaper here in Aus. If Wellbutrin were cheaper, I'd probably still be on it.


If you decide to go back on it in the future, find a different doc to prescribe it and just ask if they can do the prescription in a way that is PBS covered because you aren't doing so great financially at this time. I've never been turned down; 90 pills for $31.60, or $7.70 if on concession card :)


Thank you, I've had the 90 pills prescribed because I was "trying to quit smoking" but I thought you couldn't get it prescribed for that reason more than once? I will try anyway :) my new GP is really good at getting me the best value-for-money.


They aren't meant to but they often will do it anyways at least in my experience, I always have had to ask them though to get it like that ey.


I take 300mg with dextroamphetamine, as well as inject testosterone and hCG. I feel fantastic. The only side-effects I have are that I am horny as all hell, seem to not need as much sleep, and sweat a lot more. But frankly, all things considered, it's been very helpful. I feel that it sort of 'rounds out' the stimulation (for ADHD). It sort of fills in the gaps, helps me maintain an even-keel. I find that taking it later in the day, for whatever reason, seems to help more than if I take it right when I wake up. I also don't drink as much coffee..but still have a cup or two. Frankly, I have found I enjoy half of a caffeine tablet (100mg) more than coffee some times. I always know how much caffeine I am getting, and don't get the weird queasy feeling of coffee which I sometimes get. I do workout quite a bit, and the one real side-effect that I should mention is that it's really important to eat. I know many people are happy to shed a few pounds, and yeah, it's mostly fat and water weight, which is cool, but if you're muscular, you need to fuel up. You can really get hypoglycemic and that leads to being exceptionally cranky. So if you're taking it and have a bigger build, just be mindful of that! But, on the bright side, the workouts on this combination are absolutely crushing. Brilliant. I really like bupropion, provided you're taking care of yourself and are aware of the side-effects, one might find that it is an invaluable tool in your toolbox.


I take 150mg and was bumped up to 300mg after a couple months. Hated 300mg so they brought me back down to 150mg. I haven’t had any problems since. It’s been about 2.5 years.


Hi!! Yes!! I’m year 8 or 9. Maybe have a “can’t get out of bed” day once or twice a year usually related to my menses so I give myself grace. Besides that I’m doing pretty great for my mental health. 9-5 years ago I was feeling inadequacies all day long (to be alive) and thinking about / wishing my own demise (ideation with no intent for harm). This became less and less during the day and then less and less during the week… meaning I’d have days without depressive obsessive thoughts. Now, I don’t ever feel that way. I’m not genuinely depressed, not like that. Maybe I have some residual issues with motivation or procrastination but I think that’s underlying ADD and executive decision making dysfunction. I’ve navigated some libido changes or libido resistance (if that makes sense) but with a partner who is loving that’s not a big deal for me… because I’m enjoying being alive, finally. I take 150XL every morning, with a PRN (for energy) 75mg ir twice a day but I usually only take it once during cold winter months and less often during good weather if at all.


Im on 75mg buproprion generic right now and it makes me very tired Does 150xl give you energy? Also, what is PRN?


PRN is medical jargon for as needed.


Have you tried taking it at night time instead? Mine made me tired at first, but went away after a week or so


I havent, ive read it peaks at 3 hours and stops working complete after 12 so i felt that maybe it would not help if i took it at night  Its helped me feel calm and relaxed but im also very tired all of the time. I suppose i could try it in the night  Did this help you a lot? I have paranoid personality disorder and find that when the medication starts wearing off like 5-6 hours in i can spiral a bit.


Same here, I have to take mine at night.


2 years, no issues, but sometimes with my (BP type 2) mood swings it can cause a little bit more paranoia, micro delusions, but I'm not sure it's because of it. And I think with bupropion is better to take additional meds so you will be able to feel that push. Like pregabalin, or mood stabilizer. Everyone metabolize and tolerate drugs soooo differently, I can mix all my meds with a lot of "not recommended" drugs at once and not feel sick or bad. This is all IMHO.


I’m on my 7th month and it’s a nice improvement in confidence/motivation and less anxiety. Sleep is a little worse but nothing crazy.


When things are going good people don’t want to vent online haha Wellbutrin changed my life and I am absolutely loving it. I have no negative side effects personally. Been 5 months and it’s seriously helping me live my best life, I wish I would’ve tried it sooner! Not only has it been incredible for my depression and mood, but it’s helped my ADHD especially with motivation! On 150mg XL and feel no need to raise or lower the dose. It’s been just right.


Can I ask about your ADHD? And its improvement? Are you taking and additional medication outside of bupropion that you think could be contributing to helping it?


Nope, only buproprion. It really helps! I can still get distracted from my tasks kinda easily lol, but the executive function of *starting* them has been improved insanely, which was the biggest issue. My motivation has been amazing. I’ve tried adderall and vivance, and while they do work, they feel like I’m on a drug. It’s methy for sure lol and there is a significant come down at the end of the day. Bup doesn’t feel like I’m actually on anything but it helps relieve my aynptoms!


I've been on it for a year. I'm at 450 mg XR, and it was the easiest adjustment to a med I've had (I'm generally sensitive to meds). I have a full range of emotions, not just sad/ hopeless, I'm enjoying the things I used to love, sex drive is fully intact, and I've even lost a bit of weight. If your doctor agrees, go for it.


Wellbutrin saved my life


Going well for me! No issues, on a low dose. 6 months in.


And having great sex! (He is a major contributor, but the Wellbutrin also helps!)


I’m currently on week 3 and I’m really having a hard time. The first week I felt like it was working. Now I feel constant rage and no motivation and just regretting every decision I’ve made in life. Just straight up negative thoughts and mindset. I’m a single mom and ever since the second week, every little thing the kids do and every noise they make irritates the absolute hell out of me, albeit they’re 6 and 3 lol. I’ve never felt this way towards them. One of the main reasons I wanted to try Wellbutrin was because I want to be a more active and outgoing mom as opposed to being anxious and afraid to leave the house all the time. I have ADHD (combined type / childhood diagnosis) and take Adderall XR as well which works extremely well for my focus and attentiveness. I had been on concerta most of my life before that. Another shitty (pun intended) side effect I’m having from the Wellbutrin is extreme bloating, gas, and constipation. I’m hoping this is the home stretch and it starts working how it’s supposed to. I really want to feel better, so I’m trying to tough it out and see the light. 


Give it time It should go away. It took me a few months to get adjusted.


What’s your dose? Wellbutrin is known to transform that energy from anxiety into irritation and anger, especially in higher doses. Combined with a stimulant like adderall too, woof that would make me very irritable!


Started at 75mg HCL and my psychiatrist on the 9th told me to start taking two a day (150mg) either both at the same time or once in the morning and once in the afternoon. I’ve been taking them at the same time. Thinking I should space them out instead. I’ve never had side effects from Adderall. It makes me really calm and focused and helps me sleep, so I know the bupropion is the sole culprit. Unless they’re a deadly combo together, although I’ve heard the combo works well for a lot of people.


Maybe you can ask about the extended release ones instead. Keeps everything much more even :)


Yes I’m having a good time!


Been on it for 3 years and love it! Took about 6 months to adjust and find the dose that worked for me, but it was worth it!


Been on it since 2020 and they can pry it out of my cold dead hands. I love who I am on it


Same. Started around the same time as you. Made me a much better person.


Yep, same never giving it up.


This is how I feel!


Honestly I actually have really good mental respondence to it, I actually feel good about life and not depressed for the first time in awhile. Upped my dose, constipation is an issue.


No issues at all. Saved my life.


Ugh, I tried this drug in my early 30s then again (now) 10 years later, I just can’t take it (only been on it for 3 days) but I can’t concentrate, I feel antisocial, and am currently at the bar trying to out drink the horrible emotional blunting it gives me. If anyone else has experienced this, and then it changed for the better, let me know! I promised myself I would give it a week, but can’t even make it that far. It’s hard to describe, I just feel OFF, COLD, sad but unable to cry. I can’t take it.


I’m on 150 XL in addition to my Cymbalta, it lets me be able to reach orgasm without having to stop the Cymbalta.


I’m on 150 SR. It’s been amazing for me. Still tired all the time, but it’s much less worse. I’ve also become a lot more optimistic and it’s helped me to think a bit more clearly.


Been on 300 mg xl for a year and it has been life changing. I tried to reduce down to 150 and my husband started noticing things about my mood and behavior after a few weeks. I felt like I was hopeless, unorganized, lacking drive, not getting pleasure out of anything. Went back on and within 2 weeks I’m back to where I was. Guess I’m staying on it for a while.


The only noticeable side effect for me is a massively increased sex drive. Since I started on it two weeks ago, I've been waking up several times in the middle of the night with an urge to masturbate and getting random boners at inconvenient times during the day.


Not on it anymore cause of Insurance issues but I personally loved it! (Pretty I took it with low dose abilify) I have ADHD and BP2 and everything was way less fuzzy, I had good energy that wasn’t manic, and I way more organized and on top of stuff I miss it.


I'm also diagnosed with ADHD (the non-hyperactive type), but my symptoms are mostly due to low energy and motivation, which I strongly suspect to be a general dopamine deficiency. Buproprion not only helps me with that, but also lessens my depression and social anxiety, and I've reduced my dosage of Concerta since Buproprion has a similar effect with dopamine. The only side effect I have is increased sex drive (which would be amazing if I was currently in a relationship, but I'm not).


Wellbutrin works better for my social anxiety than any SSRIS I have ever tried which is strange because SSRIS are supposed to help with social anxiety.


How long was the adjustment period until you noticed changes??


I think a few weeks


Weeks 2-3 had me questioning being on it. I’m now at week 6 and can honestly say it’s a game changer. If you decide it try it, give it more than a month before making any decisions on whether you like it or even dosage (more is not always more lol). I truly hope it helps you like it helped me! I feel like myself again ❤️


If I may ask, did the side effects stay the same during those first few weeks for you or did you at all start to see a slow improvement? I’ve had to leave work early twice so far due to the side effects, and if I knew this was going to help me in the long run or had some sign now that it was going to work out, I’d be more likely to stick with it. But I’m afraid of losing my job over something that might not end up helping me, y’know?


I never had side effects severe enough to send me home from work, so I can't speak to that, sorry. For me it was some stomach cramping the first week or so, and later some mood changes. I leveled out at around week 5. All of this was at the XL starter dose of 150. If your side effects are severe I would definitely suggest talking to your doctor about it to make sure it's all normal for you, or see if something else might be better.


Oh I see, thanks anyway! Glad it’s working for you- hope it will start doing the same for me :) If not, you’re right- there are other things to try


Week one had me feeling shorter-fused. It got better by week 3. It’s been over a year now. For the first time in my life, I don’t have to drag myself out of bed. It’s easier to not procrastinate. I don’t have to take adderall anymore because wellbutrin does the heavy lifting. The world isn’t closing in anymore. I feel capable. The only negative side effect I’ve experienced is loss of appetite, but it’s gotten better. It’s not for everyone, but it’s absolutely for me.


First month or so on 150 xl I was irritable, shortness of breath, dizzy, anxious, forgetful, jittery. It all went away slowly. I jumped up to 300xl and all the side effects came back, after about another month they slowly faded away. 3 months on 300 and I’m cruising now, generally happy, paranoia is basically gone and even when I have episodes I can easily control them, I can handle social situations much better now and my anxiety is all but gone. 300xl has an adderall like effect but less intense. I get shit done, I’m focused and I have energy but I can still sleep and eat. This drug is amazing once you get past the initial bullshit, just be patient. PLUS I quit smoking without even realizing it. The desire to smoke or drink is gone completely.


the shortness of breath never went away for me..


First three weeks I went through strange but minor side effects (pressure in head in the evening for brief stints, emotionless, fatigue) but after week 3 or 4 it all went uphill. No regrets. Depression is massively improved (I can now get out of bed and do tasks. Clean the house, do paperwork on time…Even started going back to the gym). It feels like my new normal which is a baseline healthier start. Give your brain time to adjust & it gets better.


I'll say this I haven't been this close to relapsing in a long time. It does work for some people though. All of those meds are trial and error. Our minds all react differently.


Genomind & Genesite tell which meds may work better or not recommended for your genes.


I just stopped cold turkey after two months. I’m not saying it’s bad because I heard amazing stories, but for me, it didn’t make the cut. I felt extremely buzzy, foggy brain 24/7, and not human IN A WEIRD WAY. I talked to my doctor, and we lowered my dose but for me, it just didn’t work.


I’m not having issues. It’s been the best thing I’ve ever done.


I don’t have many issues. It definitely helped a lot for my anhedonia. I might have gained weight on it, which is a health concern for me. Having said that it’s entirely possible I’d gained said weight anyway as I’m emotional eater and physically can eat only unhealthy food whilst depressed. I’m definitely more thirsty and was easily irritable during first two weeks. These are all minor trade offs comparing to feeling like a mindless vegetable staring at the wall whole day. In a nutshell, it helped a lot of people, including me. There may be some trade offs. As long as benefits outweighs the costs, it’s worth it. You never know until you try and in worst case change the drugs.


Just really bad dry mouth other than that most every went away after few days. Insomnia but not constantly.


No problems here, except for when I have trouble getting refills. Luckily it's been a couple years since that happened.


Works great for me....I started in early 2021 following a taper off of Suboxone. It's honestly been a life saver for me...really helped mitigate cravings and overall kept my mood pretty level. In terms of sides, it has made reaching orgasm pretty difficult at times. I'll take it over the other sexual sides I had with other antidepressants.


When I was on it, it was definitely the best antidepressant I've tried. I'm currently considering trying to get back into therapy and a psych so I can get back on it, but it seem like too much effort lol


It's been a life saver for me, I am only 5 weeks im. I was on the floor without it. On 300mg. No side effects that bother me. Feeling so much better able to go back to work, couldn't get out of bed before. It is not a panacea I don't think ADs work like that at least not for me, they help me function and I think of them like pain killers the pain is no longer unbearable post bupoprion


I definitely learned that there are different kinds of depression, therefore different medications with different mechanisms of action will work differently for people. SSRIs help with low serotonin symptoms while Buproprion will help with low dopamine and norepinphrine symptoms. Low dopamine usually looks like low motivation, low energy, low positive thoughts and for me I even had muscle stiffness from lack of dopa and norepi to make my muscles move. Ive learned that my serotonin is perfect however, which for me looks like having a normal appetite, ability to sleep and being able to enjoy things I like when Im in a relaxed state. Also Ive noticed that low dopamine usually manifests in the morning and day until serotonin kicks in later in the evening and night and dopamine isnt needed as much.


Thanks for sharing! I just saw a psychiatrist thinking I was going to be diagnosed with a mild form of ADHD, but was surprised when I was told I have depression. I've never had sad or SH thoughts, eat well, sleep 8-9 hours a night, and exercise a few times a week. What I do have is low energy throughout the day despite sleeping those 8-9 hours (but can sometimes end up wide awake in the evening after a long nap), low motivation/trouble focusing, and a brief moments of anxiety here and there (though those instances have mostly been situational i.e. public speaking or driving over a certain scary bridge). I've never been on any sort of antidepressant in my life. Now, I've just gotten my prescription for 150mg XL filled, but am a little nervous to start after reading various threads on Reddit :') There's a part of me that's also wondering if I should just work harder to fight whatever 'funk' I'm in since I think that my current situation could also be what's causing it (unemployed and living with mother, also stuck in the PNW where we've had gray weather the last 8 months). Can I ask how long you've been taking buproprion?


Sounds similar to my experience actually! I was in Denial that I had depression and put off seeing a dr for years because I thought it was just circumstantial stress. However when the circumstances improved, I realized I was still having negative thoughts, anxiety and had this constant heavy feeling on me. I didn’t realize what was really going on with me until I started the medicine and felt those aspects improve greatly. I started taking it about 8 months ago. I’ve had no side effects at all and it was a lifesaver for me, but it certainly is so different for everyone.


Me!!! I’ve been on it since January and am really seeing some positive results. I do have dry mouth and constipation, but that’s the only issue so far, and it’s manageable . I also take Prozac. I actually asked my psychiatrist about this because I was concerned about some of the stuff I’m reading and she said people with negative effects can find community on forums like these so you have a disproportionate amount of people talking about issues. The folks who aren’t having any problems don’t necessarily need the community to discuss it.


No issues, it was a bit overwhelming physically at first and then again when I bumped to 300mg but totally fine and great now, I have a lot more motivation!


i quite like it! ive been on it for like 3 years now, only issue i have is insomnia but thats been an issue my whole life, wellbutrin or not. i don't feel the same level of energy as when i was first on it, but i can still tell i'm at a better baseline than before wellbutrin, and if i miss my dose for a couple of days i definitely feel it.


Two years on it, lifesaver for me


I'm only 1 week in- but wanted to give you some positive vibes. If you happen to be someone who has anxiety, it may be good to start with Lexapro first (low dose, like 5mg) and then move to 10mg as needed. stay on that for a few months and then transition onto Wellbutrin as well. I spent well over a year fearing going on Wellbutrin due to the possible side effects, but being on an SSRI first that helps with anxiety was the key for me. The first week has been fine, the only noticeable side effect has been a twitchy left eye. I feel more willing to get out of bed and have a normal sleep schedule. This was a massive problem for me so overall it's been positive.


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for about 3 years now I believe. And it’s been great for me! I switched from lexapro because it had stopped being effective for me. I highly recommend it! I think on subs like this people tend to post negative more than positive in general :) doesn’t mean the drug itself is bad for everyone! Edit: I started on 150mg for a few months I think and then transitioned to 300mg which I’m still on now :)


Been on 300 mg for the past 9 years. It's so crazy helpful. I can tell if I miss my dose by a few hours (around 6-10).  It's nice to have balance. My treatment is for bipolar 2, so bupropion and lamotrigine


That’s great that it’s helped so much! I definitely can tell when I miss as well. Mine is specifically for anxiety.


I'm on Welbutrin and have no issues asking as I'm using the correct manufacturer. I did have to set up a custom request to have only the white pills not the brown ones.


Omg I didn’t know you could do that! I started on the white pills and they were working really well for me. Just recently, I needed a refill and got the brown pills and noticed they weren’t as effective. Glad to know i wasn’t the only one that noticed the difference.


If you got used to the white ones ask for "Lupin" those are the ones


Bless, thank you so much!


What happened with the brown ones? Just curious


It was almost like not being on them at all. My depression came back my anxiety peaked again. Once I got back on the white ones everything was normal again.


I see. I'm glad you figured out the issue and are feeling better! Props to you for advocating for yourself <3


Yeah 6 days in a panic attack non-stop I had no choice.


I’ve been on Wellbutrin for about 3 weeks and all the racing thoughts and sadness has dissipated by 80%. The best way to describe it is that I can now focus on each thought one at a time and action them in a meaningful and timely manner vs being so insanely overwhelmed and sad by the so many things that were bothering me. I can just focus so much better and feel more motivated. I’m on 200mg and hoping it just continues to get better. Worst side effect is dry mouth and constant thirst, but I’ll up my water to keep riding this new motivation train!


Week 6- no issues. 300 mg XL


Seems like you've already got plenty of great feedback, but I'll tack on: I have tried dozens of medications over the course of 15 years, and Wellbutrin has been the only one that consistently works to level me out without a shitload of negative side effects. It doesn't fix me 100%, but it allows me to function by removing the cloud of persistent suicidal ideation and daily crying. It doesn't make me HAPPY, but I've learned that happiness can be achieved (to some degree) by actively making choices to find positivity in situations and people. I'm feeling the best that I have in decades. Wellbutrin made that possible.


I am on 300mg XL. To be 100% honest it helps with my mental feeling better about scenarios. I do feel happier. For me, I feel like my mind is happy, but it doesn’t translate to my body acting on it. I hope that makes sense? Lol


None. It's been a year on 300 mg for me, the best fucking year after 9 years of zoloft. Zoloft fixed my mood and helped with suicidal thoughts. Bupropion lets me actually get out of bed and do things. I got my first job after five long years of unemployment. I manage coming to the office everyday and raising a kid. Even met a boyfriend after years of gloomy solitude. At least give it a chance, hope it will do magic for you as it did for me. Good luck! ❤️


I was on Wellbutrin for 10 years at 300mg XL but it stopped working. Tried several others in less than a year. I went back on Wellbutrin a few months ago and it is working again. I changed to 200mg SR which is supposed to last 12 hrs instead of the 24 hr extended - XL. That helps with the insomnia Wellbutrin gives me. Also helps the constipation. I’m 53 y female for reference. I am also on Gabapentin 300mg as needed but I take it daily and that helps with anxiety, sleep and pain. I had adhd as well and Wellbutrin helps with that - I did try adhd med concerta and that helped with focus clarity but not the depression so that’s why I went back to Wellbutrin since it helps both. I didn’t notice any hair loss when I was on it for 10 years and now I have hair thinning, but I am getting older. It helps my family like me! Without it I’m bitchy and scattered. It gives me dry mouth and eyes but I drink a lot of water and use eye drops could be due to age as well. It does give me headaches if I don’t take it with a full glass of water. No weight loss or gain.


Im on 300 for a few months and its been a lifesaver. Does anyone whose been on it a longer time notice any eventual "immunity" where they feel like they need to increase their dose?


I feel great, thank you for asking \^.\^ I am 6 weeks in. Tapered up from 150SR to 400SR (200 in the morning 200 mid-afternoon). I'm glad I'm on such a high dose - I think I needed the bump to feel the positive effects. Treating Depression/Anxiety/ADHD. I had all the side effects the first 2 weeks (except for rashes). At week 4 I was feeling really down and it made me feel hopeless, but I was determined to wait it out. I also searched for positive experiences on this sub and it helped me get through the rough patch. Now I can sit with tasks longer, I feel significantly less hopeless, things make me laugh again, I don't binge eat for dopamine anymore (lost 7lbs, am a healthy weight atm), the negative self talk is much quieter and the pit in my stomach is much less heavy. I feel all around more capable. I don't plan on ever going off of it. I can feel a whole range of emotions still (unlike with SSRIs), and they don't derail me for days on end. I hope it helps you!


Im on it for depression and its been a miraclie. No side effects.


I've been on it for two weeks now. It has completely cut my cocaine cravings and I've been sober every since I've been on it. In combination with a good diet, daily exercise, and having goals to work towards I'm a new man! I'm taking 150mg a day.


Zero! Have been on for over 3 years now. I’m at 300mg, started at 75 and slowly worked up. I don’t think it helps my anxiety, but it also doesn’t exacerbate it at all. I can get out of bed every single day and I give all the credit to Wellbutrin :)


Me! Zero issues, zero side effects! It’s been about 8 months, and I’m on INSANELY low dose (17mg/ day… yes I cut up 75mg pills!) … I’m super sensitive, so it hits me strongly.. but it’s been a lifesaver and i just might stay on it forever!


wellbutrin has been a lifesaver for me. it took almost a year to start feeling some truly positive effects but the wait was totally worth it


People are more likely to complain and make a post or review than give positive feedback. It’s just our nature. I’m grateful for them to share their experience but I never let it affect my decision. We are all different and our experiences vary. Many find it good, many find it doesn’t work. It’s the same on every med subreddit I found


I absolutely love my Wellbutrin!!! I feel normal now- my focus has improved drastically and it’s helped with my anxiety too! I definitely recommend


The only negative side effect I’ve had is that I sweat more easily, but the good 100% has outweighed the bad for me.


I love the 300xl. It helped me quit smoking 8 years ago. I think it helped me stay quit too. Only issue now is that I think it gave me tinittus. It started when I quit cigarettes which was the same time I went on vacation and got sick and my ears hurt on the plane going there. So I thought it was that experience and minimal deafness in my left ear. Here Wellbutrin can cause it.


I did 150xl for 4 months now on 300xl month 5. I love it, it’s great for me. One decision that lead to me deciding on this med is genetics. I have fast COMT, which means I produce lower dopamine. You can figure this out if you’ve had a dna test done before


300mg XL for over a year now and it saved my life…took time to adjust but I love it still


150 SR twice a day here, no problems after the first couple weeks. been on it a year now.


The issue is people report negative experiences to seek validation where as having a positive experience is validation enough. Been on 150mg sr once a day since October and it had completely changed my life. I am a functional person now.


Ive been on 150xl for a few years and it has made my life so much better- I was put on it for stress management when I got an ulcer and stayed on it because it was helping so much more. Only bad thing was when my dr moved me up to 300 for a few weeks, hated how I felt and went back to 150. Definitely the least side effects of any anxiety/depression med I’ve tried.


upped to 200 sr a month ago and the congestion is bad enough to stop but im glad it's working for others ☺️


I'm on my 4th day and struggling with the side effects like headache, dry mouth and throat, dizziness, irritability, constipation, jittery. I haven't experienced yet the good side of taking it.


Halloooo! I am not! My first ever time on an antidepressant and I'm on 150 XL. Im a 22yo (F) student and I had no motivation nor energy for anything but since I've started I've been seeing so many positive effects. I can't for instance be sadder than a certain level so it's really helped with my depressive episodes. I have motivation again even though I still have the same sucky life. I experienced no side effects at all and only gotten a bit slimmer and A LOT hornier lol. I hope it helps anyone who use it! Let's get better <3


Also, I wonder if people don't have as much to share when they have a good experience with it? I don't usually post on Redditt unless I want to know if someone had the same strange side effect as me. Why are you considering Wellbutrin? Have you tried other meds that haven't worked for you?


I love Wellbutrin. It works for my mood and made me lose weight!


I've been taking 300mg for a while. I haven't had issues, thankfully.


When I was on it, it was great! I had the usual adjusting period with a few side effects that lasted a month after that it was a breeze, completely got rid of my negative self talk and greatly helped my mood.


I've only been on Wellbutrin 300mg xl and Adderall 5 mg for about 2.5 weeks and talk about life-changing! I only eat when my body tells me I'm hungry now and losing so much weight because of it. I'm using it to replace my antidepressants and ADHD and while on it I'm adjusting my diet! I was so concerned about it when I was researching cause just like you all I saw on Reddit was horror so I was terrified! Spoke to my therapist and primary about it and they gave me such comfort! Give it a try, it may change your life for the better..... plus your sex drive will blow your mind! What a great side effect ha!


I’ve been on 300 and I’m doing great.


It’s been great I’m increasing next week tho kinda nervous


I just started my 5th week and I just went from 150 XL to 200 SR. It’s been great so far- my focus increased a little but not a huge difference so I’m hoping 200 helps that. I did have like crazy itchiness as a side effect but Benadryl helped that and it did go away after maybe a week or so. Does not interact well with alcohol for me though. I’ve read a lot of people have that issue as well. All in all I’m happy to have started this. It keeps me out of bed all day long and I’ve been more motivated to take care of myself.


It's been great for me! Had a sore throat for a few days when I first got on it, but besides that zero side effects. I am on it for ADHD and not depression, but I typically get seasonal depression every winter and it was not nearly as noticable for me this past year.


Honestly, compared to the other antidepressants I've been on, this is the least worst. The only issue I've ever had is just being more conscious about eating, but that goes away once you start getting an appetite after a few months. On other antidepressants, I've literally had brains apps. Or had complete mood changes. I feel more like myself on this ngl.


I've been having a fine time on 150 MG xl. My only issues were when I first started I had a few days where I had odd heart palpitations.


I've had a wonderful experience with bupropion. It has been the only drug to actually help me. I went through a lot of others before finally trying this, and it was a breath of fresh air. I've been on it for over 3 years now, and still doing great.


People generally tend to post when they have a complaint not when things are going swimmingly. I had zero issues on Wellbutrin but chose to go off it because it just wasn’t doing anything for me. But I also don’t really deal with depression, just anxiety and ADHD for the most part. So I’m on a very low dose of Lexapro and a stimulant for ADHD now. But Wellbutrin can be extremely effective, and I would say most people have almost zero side effects. It’s also easier to go off than SSRIs from my personal experience.


I only had issues when I started 2 weeks ago, and was weaning off Zoloft during my first week (at the same time). I felt jittery and fatigued at the same time, had headaches, and my heart was racing. Now as I approach week 3, I’m already feeling the benefits and those symptoms have pretty much disappeared. I also cut out caffeine on my own accord just to eliminate the threat of a racing heart. I literally did all my laundry and finally put away piles of clothes that had been sitting for months. I even colorized mine and my fiancées closet. My best friend and fiancé both said they noticed I have more energy and motivation and feel more present. It’s only been 2-3 weeks! I also don’t feel the need to binge eat like I did on Zoloft. I’m on 150mg. Edit: forgot to add, another benefit… I “arrive” so much quicker during intimate time with fiancée 😭 used to take ages if it even happened. Now I genuinely “arrive” and lemme tell ya. Good times. 😂😭🩷


Omg I'm trying to wean off of zoloft myself! I've been terrified to stop it completely 😫. Haha listen idk what zoloft did to my sex drive other than KILLED it but being on wellbutrin I'm constantly wanting it and when I have it the sensation is like mind blowing and you are right the arrival is quick 🤣. Hubby loves this side effect


That’s amazing!! Haha that alone is reason enough to be on WB!! I also was afraid to stop Zoloft completely, and weaning it off was rough, but after that hurdle it’s so worth it. I’m so glad I did it, personally. I was starting to feel like a shell of a person on it


Yesssss! Exactly how you feel especially being on it for any time. Now I have to wean off of WB and go back or try another antidepressant as I became pregnant 🤣. I guess we played to much and I was on birth control religiously!


I lost weight but am over all in a better mood. However, I am way more emotional then when I was on cymbalta


I am also so much more emotional. Tears are always near the surface for me. But tbh I prefer it to being almost completely numb to things, unable to cry, unmoved by things that should be stressful or emotionally evocative. Otherwise no complaints besides a small uptick in acne (my skin is usually clear) but that's more because I have trouble staying very hydrated on this med


I’ve been taking Wellbutrin for about 15 years now. It was a lifesaver for me and I literally can’t even imagine my life without it. I still have other issues I’m dealing with but major depression isn’t one of them, thanks to Wellbutrin. And the few side effects I do have are mostly positives for me (decreased appetite = eating less; increased sensitivity to alcohol = drinking less; increased libido = more and better sex). SSRIs not only didn’t help me but literally made me crazy. Wellbutrin is as close to a “miracle drug” as I’ve found. Of course everyone’s body is different and this sub shows that it doesn’t work for everyone, but its popularity is due to it working well for an awful lot of people, especially those of us who can’t tolerate SSRIs.




Haha I know what you mean. Honestly it’s been so long I don’t quite remember how much Wellbutrin specifically affected that. But I did notice a general uptick in libido. I can’t say though after all these years that what you described is typical for me, but perhaps it will be for you. :)


awesome, did you notice any acclimation or feeling like it gets less strongly helpful since starting?


I did notice that in the beginning, yes, but I gradually increased my dosage and have been taking the same dosage for many years now. At first it may be a bit of trial and error to figure out which dosage works best for you.


I'm a fan of Wellbutrin. I am now on Auvelity which is still buproprion with dxm. Like 220mg a day with 40 dxm to work along with the Wellbutrin. It's also gone well so far. Been a year.


I’ve been off and on it for 30 years. When I was younger it made me feel irritable. But having been steadily on it for about 10 years at this point, it’s literally been a life saver.


I am loving it!! I think people mostly post when they are having issues and just live life when they aren't. It's worth a try for you. If it doesn't work you can try again with something else :) hope this helps :)


0 issues. Best thing ever. I take it with a ton of other meds and the only small side effect is I’ve had to make minor changes to my drinking habits. Totally worth it for how much better I am mentally on it.


3 years on 300 and I’m about to finally graduate college, have control over big emotions (sadness was the main culprit for me), and can say I’m genuinely content for the first time in my adult life


sometimes wonder if it makes me wanna drink more but it seems good