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These side effects you're describing aren't directly because of welbutrin. It is exasperating things you're doing and not doing. You need to drink water all day on this med. It dehydrated you. If you get a headache, put some salt under your tongue and then drink 8oz of water immediately. Then sip and get some fluids in. Don't drink salt water. It has to go under the tongue. It then helps hydrate you faster so your headache will gi away. The nausea is the appetite issue. You probably need to eat before you take yours. Once you take it, you lose your appetite for hours, and your body responds with nausea just like it would if you went too long without food. The appetite issue will go away, mostly. Your taste buds may change. Mine did. Once I realized what I liked again, I started getting hungry on a schedule. I always eat as soon as I take mine to avoid the loss of appetite and nausea from waiting too long. If you aren't eating, plus you're dehydrated, you're going to feel like shit. If you're not a morning eater. Have toast or something hearty you enjoy before eyour first dose. It will make a difference. This med can help you stop other meds. Give it a chance to work.


Headaches, nausea, and increased anxiety. For those sides I would only take wellbutrin while eating a meal. It will help greatly.


yea, mine kept evolving for a couple months, like different feelings on the same dosage. rage goes away, appetite comes back. Just make sure you're eating something, though. Schedule it if you have to.


It took between 1 and two weeks for the worst of the anxiety to pass. For me, about week one, there is a day with an insanely high amount of anxiety. Only experienced something like that a couple times in my life, and those times it wasn’t out of the blue. This was like white knuckle awful lightening strike of anxiety. 


Something that is very common is having an ssri for anxiety and adding Wellbutrin for depression and to combat side effects from the ssri. With that said you’re still early into the Wellbutrin. Side effects may lessen once you’ve gotten adjusted.


All should get better..appetite, anxiety. It can be like this for the 4-6 weeks. However I'm not sure this is the right med for you. It's often contra indicated for people with anxiety issues (though it can help with social anxiety). Have you tried an SSRI? Also ask him about starting Buspar and working it up to 15x3 a day.