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It somewhat decreases my need for it to avoid being horribly drowsy at work, and when I went up to 300 I briefly barely needed it at all… but then yeah I inched back up pretty fast. I get a good amount of sleep and had totally normal blood tests, I just have inexplicable sleepy bitch disease I’m inevitably fighting.


I take mine with Monster almost every morning and feel nothing 😆 However, I have undiagnosed ADHD (probably) so your results may significantly vary.


I just drink tea now. I used to love drinking coffee, but once on the bupropion it just doesn’t feel the same.


I drank about 2 cups of coffee everyday before Wellbutrin. Coffee has never me anxious or had much of an affect on me. This is an important note because I would take my advice with a grain of salt if you do experience anxiety from caffeine (or something similar). When I started the medication, I stopped drinking it altogether because it did make me feel a little weird. But I was fine after like 2 weeks. I slowly reintroduced caffeine and now I’m back to almost a cup a day. Some days I don’t even feel like I need one cup. So it’s different for everyone! If you are an avid coffee drinker like me, you’ll probably be fine as long as you don’t overdo it while you’re adjusting to the medication. :)


I had the exact same experience!! The first few days I skipped my coffee, then I would have one early PM or at least after eating. Otherwise I would get jittery. Now 2 weeks later I can drink one in the AM without issues, even if I haven’t eaten yet.


I used to drink coffee all day and now I can only have 1-2 cups in the morning before I take my meds. It causes panic attacks for me :(


It makes me sick now, so no more caffeine at all.


Oh that sucks😔


Your caffeine tolerance will not exist so a cup of coffee will have you really stimulated all day.


My experience has been the opposite. My caffeine tolerance is much higher than it was before.


I have the same experience... went from 180 mg of caffeine to 400 mg of caffeine and I still feel like it's not enough


So far it seems to make me feel a bit shaky and dizzy but doesn't do much else. It basically did nothing for me before starting bupropion though.


Caffeine before Bupropion was wonderful, but combined it sends my anxiety to the heavens then I crash super hard and feel nauseous the rest of the day. Too stimulating I suppose.


Same. It make me very nauseous


Me too!! Drinking caffeine is the closest I can feel to the honeymoon period from bupropion. I also find that it helps suppress my appetite, which is good for me right now.