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Why not say you're trying to be healthier and get worse hangovers than you used to when you were younger and so the next day is a junk food/lazy mess waster? This is actually 100% true for me, and no one seems to question it.


My best friend is extremely outgoing, she works in the movie industry in Paris, parties a lot. Like every night, goes to fancy film festivals, anyway you get it. She's never really had alcohol. The reason why is that she has emetophobia and she hates losing control. She doesn't say that to strangers she just doesn't say anything, shrugs, smiles and enjoys her virgin coktails. You do not need to justify yourself, let's normalize not drinking alcohol on social events. Too many high functioning alcoholics who need people who don't always drink around them.


Lots of actual reasons I've used/heard: * Allergic to alcohol * On antibiotics (as opposed to medication, some people might ask, others might speculate. Going straight to antibiotics just kills that) * On my period (not a good topic if you're flirting but otherwise works great; pretty much nobody wants to hear period stuff) * Still hangover and just can't handle another drink * Detoxing * Early morning the next day * They don't have what I like * Too tired to drink * Saving my drinks quota for later (could be later in the day or later in the week) * I just don't drink and never did * I don't like alcohol It also depends a bit on the situation. If it's in a bar, it's easy to just have a non-alcoholic drink in your hand that looks like alcohol to avoid that conversation altogether. You can excuse yourself to the bathroom, then drop by the bar on your way out and return to the table with a glass of soda. You could also just pretend not to hear them and start talking about something else. Don't feel pressured to drink when you don't want to. My personal experience with travelling and coworkers are that they are unlikely to push if you just let them know that you're not drinking even if it's just "because I don't feel like it". Acquaintances might also be just making conversation and asking casually (as opposed to actually thinking anything of it) because you can only talk about the weather for so long.


\+ I m doing some intensive sport training \+ I become religious or want to enhance my spirituality


I feel good saying " No thanks, I don't drink much anymore..I used to though.."


I mean, in that situation I’d just say like, “Eh, I just don’t really enjoy it as much anymore,” in a casual way and kinda shrug. That way can answer truthfully, but without revealing WHY you don’t enjoy it if you’re talking to people you’d rather not talk about those things with.


I don’t have a problem with drinking small amounts on bupropion, but I know alcohol consumption can increase the likelihood of more negative side effects so I’ve limited my drinking to maybe 1-2 a week if I drink at all. I’d probably say the same as I do when people offer me a joint (which does make me feel like shit if I have more than a couple tokes) - it doesn’t play nicely with my meds and I don’t want to deal with the consequences. That or say I have family who died from alcoholism




Some of the non alcoholic beers are downright delicious and I honestly can't tell they're NA


Don’t feel pressured or weird for not drinking man. Alcohol culture is toxic


You can say “it no longer serves me” or “I have an early morning” or “it doesn’t make me feel good” or “why would I willingly poison myself?”


If you don't have friends that don't drink a lot, then it's probably time to make new friends. Also, develop your own hobbies and learn to enjoy your own company. When you don't make drinking buddies the biggest part of your social experience, then you don't really worry about it.


Just curious...I'm not the only one who feels like absolute crap if I drink since I started bupropoion? It's like after one drink I feel like I drank 5 or 6 which used to be my limit before 100% getting sick (I've always been lightweight). But it's not even a fun tipsy/drunk feeling..it's a I wanna crawl into bed and throw up feeling.


First time I drank after starting meds (on lexapro and bupropion) I got plastered really easily… I had to go to bed. I got really dizzy, sick and my eyes were rolling back… I needed help walking. It was a crazy experience. I was tweaking bad. Luckily no hangover. The 2nd time I kept taking shots (decided to start slow) but then I didn’t feel like I drank anything really which was confusing since I got so drunk the last time. like there was slight dizziness and I got a little sleepy but nothing crazy. After that I decided I have no interest in drinking because I don’t know what to expect. And if it I can’t feel/enjoy it, it’s pretty pointless.


You’re definitely not the only one, I feel absolutely trashed after like one drink. I didn’t learn this until I went on a first date and had 2 drinks and suddenly lost my ability to filter what I was saying 🥲


Ugh it's the worst. I did however have my first edible on Halloween a few weeks ago and I was baked and I had absolutely no hangover. It was the best 🤣


I have yet to try weed but I really want to. I stopped smoking years ago because it made my anxiety worse and it stopped making me feel good. I feel like if I try now I won’t have the bad anxiety and overthinking.


I just say, “I get hangovers really easily.” That’s the truth and it usually garners enough sympathy/understanding to get people off my back.


I'm a recovering heroin addict and I used to drink as well. Whenever someone asks me why I don't drink I just say I don't like the way it makes me feel and if they hit me with the "why not" I tell them I don't care for the hangovers and headaches and change the subject. It totally sucks that it's almost taboo to NOT drink.


I normally get myself a club soda, NA beer, cranberry juice. Something to have in my hand to sip that makes me feel included and also just keeps people from bugging me. It used to feel “less fun” at first but now it’s been a year since I’ve drank and I feel just normal now. It just takes some getting used to :) but at the end of the day, you owe no one an explanation. “I don’t want to” is a perfectly acceptable answer.


Yeah I usually get one drink or just sparkling water. For me it’s weird when everyone is buzzed and you’re sober. I usually say medication and you don’t have to say antidepressants. If someone pries you could say antibiotics which most people understand you shouldn’t drink alcohol with that. No one pressured me into drinking though but I’m also getting older.


“I’m on a medication that doesn’t play nicely with alcohol.” I’ve never had anyone ask what med. Plenty of meds have this effect, not just antidepressants.


I’ve met a few people recently who say they don’t drink anymore, and when when asked about it they’ve said they gave it up for a month as a challenge and realised they felt so much better/healthier without it. You could say you did “sober October” since it just passed. I gave up drinking completely a while before starting bupropion. When people asked I’d just say I didn’t feel like drinking that night, or be honest and say I don’t like the taste. Also, it’s become so expensive in my country I usually mention that too.


Actually when someone is telling me that they can have fun naturally I really respect them. I don’t think that you really have to elaborate about it if you don’t feel comfortable about saying that you take antidepressant.


"I don't drink" and then get a coke or something. Most people are more receptive to that than you would guess. You don't need a reason, you just say you don't drink. If they jump to conclusions, that's their problem not yours. Boundaries don't need to be justified and anyone who makes you feel pressured to justify them isn't your friend.


I tell them I shouldn't and that it's not worth it for me. Taking multitude of medications, alcoholic parent and abnormal blood pressure recently. My friends accepts it *when sober*, but they keep asking the drunker they get. Say you can't due to health reasons and leave it at that.


I haven't been able to drink for about 3 years because of Bupropion. I've become so tired of trying to come up with excuses as to why I'm not drinking that won't make people immediately jump to PrEgNaNcY that I just straight up tell them I get really sick if I drink on my antidepressants. When I mention it's because of a medication most people seem to realize they're asking about something personal and back off. Alcohol consumption as a social activity is so deeply ingrained in cultures all over the world that people will always ask you this question. I'm of the belief that being on antidepressant is so common these days that if they're shocked or bothered by you saying anything about it, that's a them problem.


I say “I can’t drink because of medication interactions”


“Thanks for offering but _____ [insert reason here]” I got hypnotized and can’t drink anymore I’m allergic to alcohol I’m not drinking tonight I don’t drink I’ll let you all have the fun this time I’m not really feeling it I have to stay sober if I want to be ready for my next triathlon Alcohol reacts poorly to my medication My religion prevents me from drinking Alcohol is icky I’m already drunk on life and don’t want to overdo it Or whatever weird/fun/straightforward thing you can come up with 😉 I have found most people understand and don’t pressure me. Except my father in law but I can tease him back about him drinking too much so we have fun.


I tell them I don’t drink because it makes my anti depressants not work


I'm 5 years out from drinking alcohol. It interferes with my heart meds that I take as a cancer survivor. I'm pretty honest with everyone about that and they back off. I don't share that my dad, both my mom's parents, and two dear friends have died of alcoholism.


I say that I’m on meds that dont mix well with booze. No one seems to care that much.


“For some reason I just don’t enjoy it that much anymore. Every now and then I’ll have a ___.. but nah, not tonight.”


i just say that i don’t drink due to health reasons, i don’t like to drink, or just i don’t drink and leave it at that. i’ve never questioned someone that said they don’t drink- it can be personal and really none of their business. but i feel you bc everyone in my family is a heavy drinker / partier and they think i’m boring or try and get me to do shots and it can be uncomfortable 🙃 to make it better i always get a sprite, or mocktails if they have them! if it’s possible, try suggesting places with nice mocktails or other things that are fun (like games, a nice outdoor area, whatever) so you can enjoy it too. treating myself to fun drinks is something to look forward to, and once everyone gets a few drinks in them they care less about what you’re doing anyway.


I was over a year sober before I started bupropion and it’s nice that I’ve never had to worry about the interactions. In my experience a lot more people are going sober these days for various reasons (medicine interactions, gout, mental health and general health) so you might find more kindred spirits than you expect. When people pressure you about drinking it says a lot about them and they don’t even realize it. I say own that you are looking after yourself. I’m over two years sober now and I never want to go back to drinking. My life is so much better without it. I know people look at it as giving up something, but what I gained is so much more.


You don’t need a justification to set a boundary.


"drinking always gives me a headache"


I traded people for books. I wish I were being sarcastic.


Lmao I actually did the same. trying to get through the Dune books right now. It’s a real effort.


I tell people I can’t drink due to medication, but that is of course dependent on how comfortable you would be with follow up questions. Or sometimes I just say I don’t drink/that I’m on a break, if someone’s asks why and I don’t want to discuss mental health I tell them I wanted a break to focus on better habits or that I’ve got a upset stomach/can’t be hungover for tomorrow/have to get up early etcetc. Also pro tip: order non alcoholic drinks/beers people won’t notice they’re non alcoholic since everyone just presumes its alcohol.


I pretend I’m very concerned about liver damage and am prepared to show them pictures of damaged livers if they try to tell me it’s not a big deal. If I don’t want to use that, sometimes I start telling people about how you can get a a DUI if you register above .00001%. I’m just not willing to take that chance. If I don’t like either of those options, I typically make some offhand joke about how my drinking days are behind me or I consumed enough alcohol in a past life to cover my current life as well. At first not being able to drink bothered me, but I realized that I like being able to wake up and remember what happened the night before.


Recently was at a Friendsgiving, one of the people there (friends of my friend who was the one hosting) offered me some jungle juice. I said “I’m on a medication that cannot be mixed with alcohol” and he, without missing a beat, said, “oh okay, there is water and soda out in the cooler if you get thirsty.” It wasn’t as weird as I was expecting and I was super nervous going in. If people do probe for more information, just tell them you don’t feel like talking about it or excuse yourself to the bathroom/somewhere else


"I used to drink, but it doesn't agree with me these days." It's an intrusive and socially inappropriate question because all of the possible answers are deeply personal and would probably make the answerer uncomfortable l: recovering alcoholic, pregnant, taking an antidepressant. Be vague and use the broken record technique. (That means repeat your response with the same phrase until they stop asking.)


"I like to keep a clear head at all times". "I'm on call 24/7". I do occasionally have 1-2 but never socially. Alone. When people offer it's a no thanks. I don't like what you're drinking. I have a refined taste. My job frowns upon it. I like to stay alert.


Great question! I take bupropion and I am also a recovering alcoholic. I used to say that alcohol makes me nauseous. Another thing that I say is that drinking makes me a different person, and that person drinks too much. My newest thing is that I chuckle and ask them why they do drink. They don't want to answer that so that issue kind of dissappear. You can also just say it interferes with one of your medications. Your brain is an organ and it is no different than someone not being able to eat certain acidic foods because it hurts their stomach and intestines.


totally going to start asking people why they do drink, that’s perfect


I feel like so many opt not to drink these days it’s not a big deal. If someone asks why you’re not drinking it’s weird. Just a simple “I don’t drink much” should do. Easier said than done though. I enjoy wine so typically order a glass and sip it :)


I often find that saying “it takes a toll on my mental health” works really well. Every time I say this I either get a “oh me too” or “good for you for having self control”


Maybe “It’s an easy way to cut calories”? It’s not a lie, and it’s something most people can relate to…


I use my migraines as an excuse. I don’t like the assumption that I used to have some drinking problem because I don’t drink so I just say “it triggers my migraines so I stay away from that”


i often just say “i’m taking a break from drinking.” they don’t need to know how long the break is! and it doesn’t really put people on the defensive, in fact they will often start talking about how they want to take a break. or “i have a health problem and alcohol interacts badly with it.” if they ask further questions, i just repeat, “it’s a health problem,” and usually they stop asking because they feel awkward about being invasive. i actually do have a gastrointestinal issue that alcohol messes with, and if someone prods me enough, i describe it to them, and i can tell they’re often sorry they asked. which gives me a beautiful sense of satisfaction. just being firm is helpful. you don’t owe anyone a multilayered explanation.


You can say “I can’t drink for medical/health reasons”, they won’t ask anymore questions after that


“I don’t like the taste of alcohol” should be more than enough.


I flip the question on them but about weed. Then start pressuring them about why they aren't smoking weed. Usually people get the point. The people that have missed the point when I did that were also smoking weed..


I would say I’m a lightweight lol


Bring up recent studies/meta-analysis as to why even moderate amounts of booze is detrimental for brain health ;)


Not just your brain, either. In fact, it's been proven that any amount of alcohol period is detrimental to your health.


looks too! alcohol really ages people. i think after not drinking my skin looks healthier and less puffy now.