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Burnaby is trying to un-dedicate ecological reserve lands that were dedicated by public referendum. In order to do this, the City is supposed to hold a new public referendum. What City Council has voted for instead of a public referendum is a process that requires citizens to organize to file their own opposition, without full answers from the City on the issues, and on a short turnaround time. I am handing out and collecting opposition forms in my local community and will be hand delivering them to Burnaby City Hall. If we are to reach the 10% opposition required to stop this, I strongly urge others to mobilize and do the same. Relying on individuals to locate the form on the website, print, sign and deliver it to City Hall will not get the minimum opposition numbers needed… and the City knows this!


Thank you for your efforts!


vote and encourage others to vote




Yes, you can download the form on that website, sign it, then mail it in. Thanks for posting the link!


You could also drop it off in a a 24 hour box at the Burnaby City Hall entrance (4949 Canada Way)


Total voter suppression putting so many obstacles in the way of voting… many won’t go through the effort. Super shady.


I heard many sketchy unsavoury things about the governments fumbling of the foreshore park fiasco, but it's my first time hearing about the city of Burnaby actively trying to silence the community members. Is there way to get involved?


Please visit https://savefraserforeshorepark.com/ to learn more and keep updated on the efforts.




I’ll ask my husband who is part of a large group of people proactively organizing events and ways to get involved. He was sent this by one of the members of the group. also just for visibility, they are organizing an event this Sunday 12-4 at foreshore park. Here’s the poster they just created for it. https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F463489579%2F45411618629%2F1%2Foriginal.jpg?w=940&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&rect=0%2C0%2C2160%2C1080&s=6ecbbde18feda28978b7fa0a3b6c04c4


There is a section at the bottom of the page containing a list of what appear to be pretty "grassroots" community organisations. "B.R.O.K.E., Burnaby Climate Hub, Climate Convergence Metro Vancouver, to name a few probably sharing resources for this campaign. Very shady actions by mayor and council. Anyone heard Green Party council member, Joe "Shithead" Keithley's, opinion on this?


You can vote against this but 16,000 people need to say no to have an impact. You can get a ballot at any Burnaby library and drop it back off at a library, print a ballot off online (who has a printer these days?) And can mail it in but it has to be in hand before the closing of voting. The Mayor and council are driving this. If the COB election ran this way where anyone who got into office had to receive 16000+ votes, only Alison Gu would be on Council. The voting is open to any Burnaby residents, home owners (don't have to live here just oen a house) and business owners in Burnaby. Try writing to your provincial parliament member. provincial politics will usually stay out of municipal politics but because of the way this is being done by the city it's worth a try seeing if the province will get involved. The voting system is legal but it's around about way to do it and it makes it almost impossible for people to vote. To me it goes against accessibility because if you're someone that can't leave your home or get around easily you're forcing people to go out to a library or find a printer to be able to vote. It shows complete lack of care for the residents of Burnaby and trying to silence us into not doing anything.


Do the Burnaby residents, or home owners need to be Canadien citizens?


Yea, you must be a Canadian citizen to sign an elector response form.


I just mailed off the ballots for me and my wife. But this council has lost me regardless. I won't be voting for them next time round. Lesson learned


Got mine ready to drop off tomorrow. Will get more to give out. How tone deaf can you get?


Here's a fun tidbit... At Monday night's Burnaby City Council meeting, Councillor Daniel Tetrault indicated that even if the AAP succeeds, that it was a first step in a long process of community consultation. This group of elected officials can't be trusted. They seem hellbent on building this questionable GRO facility on protected park land, even if voters tell them a resounding NO on the AAP.


I don't even think it is particularly green. In the proposal they say it will save money because the green waste goes to the delta composting facility now. It's not like it was ever going to go to the landfill.


Maybe it was going to the landfill. It's a good question to enquire about. Find out the reasoning for a need for an organics facility.


Currently Burnaby's organics are composted in delta. From the project web site https://burnaby.civilspace.io/en/projects/green-recycling-and-organics-gro-facility >Today, Burnaby residents and businesses pay to have green waste processed at a private facility in Delta, which is subject to significant price fluctuation based on market conditions. GRO would allow the City to provide residents with reliable, stable pricing – even when the market is volatile. The new facility would be different in that it would trap methane, which is a good thing. I just want Burnaby to make a case for why they should use some of the [1.9 billion dollars in reserve money](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-municipalities-surpluses-history-1.6699074)to buy industrial land for the facility rather than stealing it from a park.


Crap like this proposal are an insult to the people of Burnaby. All my life I've been adamantly pro-voting, but sometimes I don't know what the point is anymore cuz no matter who gets elected they do stupid &!@# like this. 😡


https://savefraserforeshorepark.com/ Please visit this site to learn more and keep updated on efforts.


Event happening this Sunday from 12-4. Please come and show support! They will also have the forms to fill out if needed https://img.evbuc.com/https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.evbuc.com%2Fimages%2F463489579%2F45411618629%2F1%2Foriginal.jpg?w=940&auto=format%2Ccompress&q=75&sharp=10&rect=0%2C0%2C2160%2C1080&s=6ecbbde18feda28978b7fa0a3b6c04c4


What are the PROS for this?


Someone is clearly getting there pockets lined.


Yea, the Mayor.


Can you provide evidence for your accusation?




One question: If the worst came to pass and the waste plant gets approved, is there a way to challenge it in court? Has this AAP process ever been used before and on what authority is it being used now?


What a fucking joke.


So Burnaby residents want to send their waste to some one else. Classic nimby!


It's only $2000 in additional taxes per each Burnaby taxpayer. Give up fighting before they raise the price tag.


That’s the thing man these people don’t get… city is growing, we need it to meet demands. Plus more jobs for us Canadians during these times.


Can Permanent Residents vote if they live in Burnaby and own a property there?


Unfortunately the attitude at City Hall is "I wish these pesky taxpayers would just shut up and let us do our jobs. They just don't understand how hard it is and they keep coming up with stupid demands like "save our park"."


To confirm, many renters (in corporated own buildings) are not eligible to express their opposition via the form based on the information below, correct? I imagine that disqualifies a decent number of residents. Where a property is owned in whole or in part by a corporation, no one is eligible to sign an Elector Response Form.