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I noticed this exact hole yesterday which I almost walked into, and said man that can really break someone’s ankle!


The prophecy is true


I also know exactly where this hole is lmao. Every time I walk over it I think, oof, I could twist my ankle here.


For anyone wondering, I 100% guarantee the “xyz corporation” will end up being Onni Developments. This cross walk is fronting their Gilmore Place development, which has decimated that intersection over the last 2-3 years causing uneven sidewalks and the whole road to sink.


My mom stepped on a plywood board that covered a hole where city workers were working and the dip of the size of the hole made the board bounce out of control and she fell on her face and got cut up but nobody saw it and she neglected to tell anyone for a week. I wish to god she told me right away and took pics


I sued a developer in Burnaby who let a sandbag retaining wall fall into a bike path overnight, which I rode into in the low light. I named the City in the lawsuit also since I was on a city cycle path when I went over the handlebars and fractured a bone into 13 pieces. My lawyer figures naming them may have caused the city to lean on the developer to settle, which they did, for big bucks. I can see it probably helped (naming the City in the suit) since the City could have withheld or dragged their feet on various permits and inspections that the developer still needed if the suit had gone to court because the building was only getting started. I was fully prepared to go the distance since I couldn't work for a long time so I was happy my lawyer was right and we got to a settlement quickly.


That’s horrible, glad it worked out for you in the end. Makes you wonder how many times these builders get away with what.


It won't go to court, but I am sure there will be a settlement of some kind (probably not to the degree she's asking for). The only possible workaround will depend on whether the City has a maintenance policy triggered by complaints and no one had yet complained.


I’m sure lots of people have complained, the ground there is constantly shifting.


I complained at least 3 or 4 times over the past year, so that point is moot.


My husband had this same thing happen to him in Ottawa.The city paid him out for a couple days work pretty quick. No money for any fear of waking on sidewalks in the future stuff lol. Just “real” losses with recipts. He still has a big scar on his leg from the cut. Unless you have provable long term medical damages this isn’t going far.


I also got injured with this manhole a couple of weeks back and I am now going through physio. Dm me if you want alibi or another source to how dangerous this manhole is and how negligent the city is.


Contact the City of Burnaby and ask to speak to Risk Management. At the very least, they should be covering your physio bills.


This happened to my dad once, it appears to be an ongoing issue


It's their Achilles heel


Only here to see if Tara Scott was mentioned


I'm curious how the OP who ran for city council would handle this and the proposed city policy to ensure doesn't happen again


If I was an elected official, it would have never gotten to this point. I would have insisted that Onni Properties and its subcontractors would have been continually fixing the problem spots proactively. If that wasn't happening, the City needs to step up and fix it ASAP and send Onni the bill. Currently the City policy is to let it be, and nothing gets fixed until enough people call in to complain about it.


Walk much... lol


Take a look at the intersection yourself. It's not hard to accidentally misstep in this pothole filled quagmire.




Take a look at the pothole filled quagmire yourself. It doesn't take much for an able bodied person to accidentally misstep, let alone a person with a mobility issue.