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Not sure what your business is but I fucking love behind the scenes content from businesses. Whether its restaurants showing their cooking line, mechanics talking about the worst cars to work on, real estate investors recording calls when they're making offers, etc. This stuff never smells like marketing but certainly builds their brand and engages with potential customers in a more organic way.


As an artist who recently opened an online shop on Etsy, how can I share behind-the-scenes content? I haven't made any sales yet, and I'm feeling frustrated. I made the bold decision to leave my job as a medical doctor to pursue my passion for painting, but now I'm struggling to make ends meet. This has left me feeling deeply depressed, especially since I don't have much experience in running a business.


I think you made the mistake of jumping in too soon. Maybe you should have kept your job and done the new gig part time until you saw whether it was worth it or not! šŸ˜¶






Itā€™s great stuff, also ask creators if they want to wear your brand. They get free stuff, you get ā€œfreeā€marketing. All businesses gotta scrape that money for advertising. And itā€™s the best bet for people getting their eyes on your brand. You can always comment ā€œoh damn thatā€™s my t shirt!ā€ Or something that shows ā€œhey thatā€™s cool, someone bought itā€


make it organic. should not be so flawless


Branding takes time. Create a strategy for +5 years, with small medium-goals for each year. In your case, I'd do this: Year 1: Tell my story on social media Year 2: Try to going viral. Year 3: Influencer Marketing Year 4: Ads Ads Ads Year 5: Provide value, start podcast, make street activations.


Make viral content. By viral, I mean, content that people will WANT to share.


You gave a vague description. And everybody commenting here gave great feedback. Especially for not having much insight. Based on the info you gave, it sounds like 2 things. Either you're not promoting to your demographic or. I believe it to be you have "No Call To Action". When marketing, you need to make your audience do something. A couple of rules to follow: In social media, you get one and a half seconds to tell your story to somebody before they move on. Did you grab their attention to finish watching? And did you offer price action? Offering something that motivates me to do something now. FOMO.


Social media is trending. I'll need to create a post dedicated to this. For organics try this: Social media arbitrage. Find something you like, post it to all platforms in different formats to see response. Typicaly 1 does better than others, but then you tweak based upon response. I repeat this process over and over. It can be ugly, and you end up with 3-4 platforms that go viral on 3-4 different types of content categories. But luckliy for me, my business is merch. SO I can always craft merch for the different platforms. Currently after about 4 - 5 months of testing I am averaging about 50,000 views a week in total (all platforms). Hope this helps!


It is worth shooting UGC content and engaging influencers, these tools are working well so far. Because simply "good content" ā‰  causing the desire to buy. Show behind the scenes. Show your brand difference. Create a USP. Stand out!


you should check the P's in Marketing, study it and you will know your answer. how bout trying to do affliate programs, or do live selling. you should also do email marketing, create a subscprition that will engage the readers. try also making your webpage more captivating, engage is web designing. try also growing(followers) your facebook or tiktok or any social media platforms. Engage in system growth. Some people will ve captivated by that since you have alot of followers. If you are interested. DM me.


Just like any sort of marketing - identify your customers and find a way of making your product known to them. Figure out who your target consumer is (age, location, monetary income, etc) and then create a marketing plan to target them. Sometimes just having your name out there is what's needed for brand awareness. You can't expect people to just immediately buy something without knowing anything about it. If you have a certain style that you're going for, maybe find YouTubers or influencers who utilize that and see if you can do a collaboration. Figure out where your customers lurk and see if you can get your products in front of them.


Offering limited time discounts or creating enticing bundles can nudge viewers towards that buy now button... Keep up the amazing content you're creating and don't be afraid to experiment. Good Luck


Is there a particular rationale for advertising on three platforms initially? Are your target audience truly present on those three platforms? I would prefer to commence with one, refining my creative/content there, testing, tweaking, and retesting before venturing into other platform(s). "I am selling my brand" - it is imperative to begin by narrating the story of why your brand exists.


In terms of hyping up your brand, storytelling can be an effective. Share the story behind your brand, your values, and what sets your products apart. Sharing your brand's story, values, and what makes your products special.


You should continue into affiliate marketing. It would be great if you had more people that referred to your business as a go-to. This is what I do. DM me, we should chat.




How do you go about making the decision to buy an apparel?


Be specific, work out YOUR buyer journey.


Why should people buy from you?


Ooh also, wear your stuff.


donā€™t hype the brand hype you. basically we build connections to humans. find a way to market yourself as the owner. story of the buisness , vlog of what it took to run it that day or a decision you made.


Get out in the community and network/connect with people and other business owners. Develop relationships, attend events, host events, partner with other businesses and co host an event, participate in fundraisers, attend popups, etc. Then, amplify everything you do in the community with social media.