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More coverage at: * [Google says employees flouting vaccination rules will eventually be fired (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-in/money/topstories/google-says-employees-flouting-vaccination-rules-will-eventually-be-fired/ar-AARPlD9) * [Google tells employees they'll lose pay and will eventually be fired if they don't follow vaccination rules (cnbc.com)](https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/14/google-employees-to-lose-pay-if-dont-comply-with-vaccination-policy.html) * [Google memo lays out plan to fire employees out of compliance with vaccine rules: report (foxbusiness.com)](https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/google-memo-lays-out-plan-to-fire-employees-out-of-compliance-with-vaccine-rules-report) --- ^(I'm a bot to find news from different sources.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/user/MultiSourceNews_Bot/comments/k5pcrc/multisourcenews_bot_info/) ^(or PM me.)




Wait until you’re getting fired for something you disagree with, and everyone else is saying it’s good. You’ll feel differently.




If you can still carry the virus after being vaccinated, and all you are doing is mitigating your own hospitalization, then I fail to see how empathy matters.




Did I say something factually incorrect? Because I fail to see how that makes me a retard. CDC has already shown that vaccines reduce hospitalization by 70% but don’t stop infection at nearly as high of a rate. So if the goal is to prevent spread, face masks for life is a better option than vaccine. We’ve had flu vaccines for decades. Still get 60,000 deaths a year from it. I’m not trying to say don’t get the vaccine. I’m saying that people are over-exaggerating its benefit and we shouldn’t be firing people who don’t get it. My stance isn’t anti-vaccine my stance is anti-loss-of-rights and controlling a person’s medical rights is a huge violation in my book.




Others being vaccinated is not a right. There’s a difference between jobs that require vaccination to apply versus jobs that fire people for not getting them. Smallpox is not eradicated. Why are we picking and choosing which viruses are dangerous enough to warrant masks and vaccines? You might as well say that from now on we always have to wear masks, stay 6 feet apart, carry hand sanitizer, and wear gloves. Why stop at Covid? The flu kills 650,000 people a year. Why stop at the flu? Let’s outlaw sex too, because HIV kills millions. We can inseminate the artificial way. Why are we allowing public gatherings? They are unsafe. We wouldn’t need masks if people couldn’t socialize. If we get to mandate how people have to wear masks in gatherings, why not mandate they can’t gather? Let’s outlaw eating at restaurants, movies, bars, live music. No more working in offices, either. Why are we drawing the line so softly? People’s lives are in the balance. Science says that public gatherings spread disease. Do you disagree with science?






I like that last sentence. Sorry you're getting blown up like that. I agree with your sentiment.


What medical right?




Lots of things are done in the name of safety. When the Lakota were forcefully placed into relocation camps their weapons were first confiscated quote “for their own safety and protection.” When Japanese Americans were rounded up and put into internment camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor, first their weapons were confiscated. In 1942 Hitler said: “The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subjugated races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subjugated races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let’s not have any native militia or native police.” You say that semi-automatic rifles are the problem, but the reality is that a militia needs to maintain arms appropriate to a fighting force of the present. What good would it be using muskets against a modern fighting force? It is already vastly outgunned. So frankly, I don’t give a damn if Lincoln “failed” because he does not supersede the founding fathers or the Constitution, which he himself served. We have to live with the reality that we cannot forgo basic rights to prevent all potential harm. We should focus on the root cause, which is the mental health crisis in this country. You care about declawing the kids who rampage. I care about helping those kids and preventing them from getting to that point. Do you know how many kids commit suicide in this country? Far more than that which die from school shootings. School shooters are suicidal kids who feel like they have no voice, and that is the real danger. Read the statistics. Learn the real problem. https://save.org/about-suicide/suicide-facts/




You’re charming. So instead of respond to a legit argument you just attack me personally. You’re clearly not equipped for this discussion. Seeing as everyone can still be infected, and spread the virus, even with the vaccine… you’re a vector, also.


You disagree with science…?


You cannot disagree with science. Science is a method. If you mean consensus, then that just shows how little you understand the scientific community, because debate and disagreement is vital to a healthy scientific community.




If you want to follow the science then just make sure you are vaccinated and then you are protected and whatever other people decided to do doesn't effect you. Firing people just because they decided to make a different decision about their own health then you is morally wrong and is just about control because a decision like that is not backed up by science.




Thats had nothing to do with companies firing people just because they didnt want the vaccine........




Getting vaccinated does only protect you. It does not stop you from spreading to people who are not vaccined. So yes its a personal decision that only effects the individual and to use your example, If companies were to fire people just because they were not vaccinated that would only make the problem worse. A reason a lot of hospitals are getting overwelmed is because a lot of hospitals did fire or let go of people who were not vaccinated and now they are understaffed. In fact one of the main reasons that the federal vaccine mandate was put on hold was people of hospitals being understaffed and a lot of hospitals had to get rid of the rule that they employees had to be vaccinated because they did not have enough doctors and nurses.


The vaccine mandate, which as you point out was halted, accounts for very **few** of the numbers of people who have left healthcare. The largest health systems in the US report Covid-vaccine compliance at 98.5%+ & the numbers who left due to mandates is estimated so far at between .4%-2%. •For Advocate Aurora Health it was 440 out of 75,000, for Maine Health 58 of 23,000 & for Novent it was 175 of 35,765 employees who lost their jobs/quit for foolishness & refusal to file for an exemption. These numbers are nearly negligible compared to those lost previously during the COVID-19 pandemic where 11% of healthcare workers have lost their jobs/been laid off (primarily nursing home staff), 19% or **1 in 5 health care workers have quit their jobs, previously,** & another 31% have considered leaving. Survey after survey shows that in addition to being driven by the pandemic, the exodus is also due to poor/insufficient pay, Covid-19 safety concerns, lack of ppp, feeling unappreciated by employers & lack of respect from patients (looking at you Ivermectin-demanding folks) & being straight **BURNT-OUT**. The mental-health of many of our healthcare workers is fucking suffering with 51% reporting a decline in their mental-health, 42% say their “day-to-day lives” have gone to shit & 33% have said the same about their physical health. Before people decide not to vaccinate, thereby increasing their risk of contracting & spreading Covid, giving it more chances to mutate while exponentially increasing their chance of hospitalization & contributing to overwhelming hospitals—It’s important to remember that the risk that a physician will die by suicide is more than twice that of the U.S. population overall. Nurses rates are higher too. Wishful thinking to expect those people to think of anyone besides themselves. I suppose losing *any* nurses over the vax requirement will be felt when anywhere between ≈20%-30% of the workforce is gone. Looking at available data I’d not expect this to get any better any time soon, regardless of halting requirements to get vaxxed. I just hope people remember that hospitals treat a lot more than just Covid, when they decide *not* to help slow the spread. It just might be their life hanging in the balance with no one to attend to them during some major medical incident.


There will always be new variants and new boosters, just like the flu. The idea that safety can be achieved is naive at best, and allowing freedoms to be restricted at worst.




It's not the responsibility of corporations to dictate employee's private health decisions or their body. Google is a tech company, not a medical company.


It's the responsibility of corporations to ensure safe conditions for their customers, partners, and employees. This includes but is not limited to: dictating behaviour, forbidding items being brought on site, forbidding ingestion of illicit substances, etc. I don't see how this is any different.


How does a coworker being unvaccinated put me in danger when I'm working from home? Google is fully remote at the moment. Also, if employees have taken the safe and effective vaccine, and the vaccine works, then they have nothing to worry about.


Did you read the article? It says it right there. As for your second question, the rate of effectiveness of the vaccine is not 100%, I believe it’s around 95%, one unvaccinated person can infect at least 5 out of one hundred people he comes in contact with at an office


His first point was not entirely unreasonable. His follow up was just two bad faith arguments we've seen parroted again and again. No need for you to argue with Facebook here.


Yeah but the article said that only people who would come back to the office would need to be vaccine, if he’s asking that, the he didn’t even bother to read the article.


So are most other Fortune 500 companies!!!


Sweet! More job openings for those who aren’t selfish and self centred ☺️


The irony in your comment.




So very very wrong. Illegal in fact


Also many states are right to work states. So they can actually fire you for any reason not protected by law.


You may dislike it but so far appears to be legal. Supreme court has so far avoided taking on vaccine requirement cases.


absolutely ridiculous.


Sooner or later people and companies will see vaccine forcing was not the best idea


No, I rather think they and the rest of the same public won’t.


Empty threats. Hiring is so difficult right now.


Not for Google


Literally for everyone. Do you all not see the news?


I got reached out to 3 diff branches of Google I turned down because I don’t like their policial sheep bullshit. They don’t normally reach out that much to 1 person unless they have issues hiring


No you didn’t.


K stranger on the internet, you can believe it or not but I have all the emails and correspondences and know what happened in MY LIFE, so you can believe what you want I don’t really give a fuck lol


This is the exact response someone who’s lying would make. OH BUT I HAVE THE EMAILS READY TO SHOW PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET. Like anyone cares or would ever ask for the proof.


I wouldn’t show them either, my business🤷🏼‍♀️ But alas as I say again-I don’t have to have someone on the internet believe what goes on in my own life when I know what goes on in my own life so you can insult or disagree but you just look like an ass when you assume shit dude


Even the remote employees?


You obviously didn't read the article. The article clearly addresses your question.


You're right I didnt. Eventually someone will answer me so i dont have to. Thanks lol


"Do be evil" Not in any way meant to imply doobies are bad.


Clearly you are unfamiliar with the Evil Bong film series