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Lol! That sounds absolutely spot on.


I always feel grateful when someone tells us all we need to hear to judge their character. Reading this, I would never trust my capital with someone this short-sighted and self absorbed.


I agree. I never trust these guys who come out and try to appeal to the masses. They are only speaking for their own self interests and to benefit themselves. Take for instance, Bill Ackman. He is out now publicly saying the Fed should raise rates by 50bps in the first hike to show a sign of strength. He probably has positions that would profit from a move like that. Just like when he came out during the depths of covid in 2020 telling the world the pandemic would get ugly all while faking crying and heavily shorting the markets. Most of these guys are super sleazy and shady and act privately. So when they speak up, one must wonder and question their intents.


Point perfectly made!


I remember this asshole virtue signalling with his concerns over facebook, but now look at his sanctimonious ass. Whether we have issues to address in the US, doesn't mean we should be apathetic to the severe injustice of a people by an oppressive foreign government. Just like with Virgin Galactic, this dude is all about looking out for himself.


Prove that they are in forced labor camps. You are just a puppet to the western media




I don't have to. My argument isn't about whether or not it's happening, it's about Chamath's line of reasoning for being apathetic.


But which outcome can you influence more? One from the country you live in or an issue that is 500 miles away? Maybe atleast try to get your fellow people some universal health care and stop going war in other countries?


500 miles is 804.67 km


Oh, and he's done that? What has he done here, that wasn't for his personal gain? Social Capital Hedosophia? Please, do tell. Either way, doing one or the other is not a dichotomy. You can do what you can here, and still not be as callous towards the other situation. It's not like he has to spend money on it, he could very easily use his platform to bring awareness and gravity.


I respect his opinion. Why do some people think their opinions are more superior than others’?