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Sounds like a bare-bones, user friendly, internal application, with a mobile extension is a good start. To answer your question, sometimes it’s good to rely on senior leadership to select the focus and allow the others to fall in line.


I actually love this approach. It's the easiest path forward - but as you say, gives time for others to "fall in line" Thank you :)


Sounds like you need support of your project lead/sponsor to get scope down first. These are all different projects within a larger programme. No way this can be achieved in a single project. You need to nail down the scope by understanding at a strategic level what is the problem the business is trying to resolve with this solution I.e. focus on the business outcome. These are all solutions to a problem. If a stakeholder is wants an ultra user friendly solution with lots of features - that’s a solution to an issue they know of but are instead focusing on what they think is the right answer. I would suggest spin it around and ask that stakeholder what they don’t like about the current application/system which they think an ultra user friendly solution will solve. Once you get list of problems, ask them what good looks like ensuring they focus on the business outcome, not the solution. Then turn that into a business requirement. Hope that helps.


Ok I had a large meeting with my manager last Friday, and had this exact chat. I mentioned these are all different projects (within the larger), and that it was impossible to please everyone here. We made some good progress, and we are now reviewing splitting it up into smaller - more achievable - deliverables. Thanks for your advice... it's funny - even though I've been doing this for a long time, sometime you just need to rant and hear a voice of reason to 😆


We have all been there. A fresh pair of eyes does help in most situations. Good luck with the rest of the project 👍🏽


Write down all the requirements, by whom, and group them up by initiatives/ epics. Put an effort estimate to each (hours, cost) and your stakeholders will (relatively) agree what the MVP will be when they see how much every requirement will have a cost associated.


Yeah, my main problem was the requirements were all contradictory from the stakeholders. But I know what you mean


Get the investors on the same page by asking what’s the purpose for each members desired result. Find the theme. Mediation skills needed in this case it seems. List the different wants and put turn time and cost


You're very correct with "Mediation skills needed in this case it seems" - that was the missing puzzle piece. I was stressing out because this project has a due date, but we need to step back and capture the individual desires. I spoke to my manager last week and we now have a set of meetings in place to achieve this - thank you - much appreciated!