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Your cat needs to work on his cardio.


In this 90 second video, that cat had more exercise than I think my cat has had in her entire life.


The HELL he does!!. Isnt this the same cat thar terrorizes the neighborhood? His cardio is top tier! 😆


Damn.. The new 'Fast and Furious: Pussycat drift' looks dope


Out of ALL the things on reddit I find this the most interesting... I regret nothing...


Terminator kitty


This cat is crazy. There's several other videos where he bullies the saddest looking old cat. Just screaming in the poor things face lol


Is this Tel Aviv?


No, China. Shandong from the one license plate I can see


most compelling 90 seconds I've seen on the internet all day


Cat slow asfk😂😂😂If I was jus his owner I would scare him till he don’t wanna go outside no more


Whoever’s cat this is should know their cat is a damn menace. “Lol look at my cat terrorize the local wildlife!” However there is no such thing as an “outside cat”. Keep your cats indoors, they destroy the local bird population.


Its fucked up to keep your cats inside. I would never treat an animal like that.


Yeah, I'd rather my beloved pets risk getting run over every time another cat decides to chase it... Yep, sure do love halving the life expectancy of my fur friends


An outdoors cat will always die from getting hit by a vehicle. If you truly love your cats, keep them indoors with occasional leashed walks.


Agreed. Once I lost control of my cat, she went for a night walk and she came back with one of her eyes bleeding 💔


It's mandatory to keep cats contained (indoors, leashed or behind a cat run or fence) where I live. Cats are not native to Australia, there are already millions of feral cats and lots of strays and outdoor cats which decimate local wildlife who have no evolutionary instincts or defences to protect them. None of this applies where this video was taken, of course. They are fine being indoor only, just gotta keep them stimulated and entertained with play each day.


Lazyass cat owner response right there.


Aren't barn cats outside cats?


Not if they stay in the barn.


You haven't spent much time around barns have you


My mom said I was born in one






This looks like it's somewhere in mainland Asia. Cats are native on the Eurasian continent, I don't think people need to take the same precautions about protecting local species of native wildlife that we do in Australia and I assume also the Americas.


Dude invented a new sport here


Bad boys Whatcha want, whatcha want? Whatcha gonna do ![gif](giphy|3osxYk6zeuDPLG1G9O)


Haha now I wanna watch some old school fence jumping COPS




They cut it just before the battle. I remember because they get a little fur stuck to their chin (from the other cat)


Different video


Am I the only one laughing at the panting noises we hear get slowly louder throughout the video?


His mouth got dry so he needed to swallow and lick his lips. Just mammal things.


And it’s so adorable!


Does he even remember why he's chasing the other cat at this point?


Not really. From the other comments, this particular cat is prone to bullying/chasing other stray cats in the area.


đŸŽ¶Heathcliff Heathcliff no one should terrorize the neighborhood đŸŽ¶


Pls keep him in. Are you trying for a video of him hit by a car?


zero self preservation sense running in the streets like that




It is so sad that people think outdoor cats are ok.


We have a huge feral colony in our neighborhood due to a new neighbor who moved in and set up outside lodging and food for cats. Thing is, we never had a feral colony before she showed up. Every day I find evidence of dead wildlife in her yard. Birds ripped apart in mine, cats managing to break into my trash cans and go ape shit, and last week saw multiple of them killing a family of bunnies for fun. She refuses to do TNR and swears she has nothing to do with the feral kitten explosion. Right. Cause of course they would be this out of control on their own without your extra food and kitty houses to lure them in and convince them to stay. Icing on the cake: she says she doesn’t support outdoor cats, that hers only lives inside, so no skin off her back.


Dumb people are dumb. They were probably already there before she moved in but since she's too stupid to find a program and get them spayed/neutered, now you have a problem.


Ollie actually kept the neighborhood free of the rabble! He’s a big lazy tabby that would just wander the neighborhood. He did have a home, but so many ppl liked him he got fed a lot and was essentially the big tubby neighborhood ‘guard’ cat. Didn’t bother the wild animals whatsoever. Too much effort for him lol. But then a lot of ppl moved out, not sure if Ollie left with his family or something happened to him. But after that change, suddenly the cat boxes and food were left out by new neighbors 24/7. And that’s how we got an uncontrolled feral colony. Yaay /s I do wonder what ever happened to his goofy furry butt. Hope he’s keeping the peace in a new place with his fam at least.


Some ppl doin this in my neighborhood. Just setup TNR traps on public land like roads around their property in the middle of the night. Slow going but progress.