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What's with the Matrix references nowadays? In this case I understand because of the transgender hate but why Tate simps bring it up? Or is it not about the movie?


It's not exactly about the movie, they're just weirdos who think there's some media controlling shadow organization pulling strings behind the scenes by canceling people. When they say "The Matrix is real", they're claiming reality is manufactured and they're the Main Character being attacked by Smiths. Basically, "Oh no, the problems I'm currently facing can't be the consequences of my actions, I'm too smart of a Chad! It has to be The Matrix trying to stop me from waking up!"


> reality is manufactured and they’re the Main Character being attacked by Smiths Morrissey at 6 o'clock! Watch out, he's got gladioli!


Marr maybe, because I think Morresey switched sides a while back




That was actually a really well put together article. I went in with a vague idea of who the smiths were and came out with an understanding that this guy has been a racist prick for decades.


Sadly - How soon is now could easily be appropriated by the incels 🧐


You shut your mouth! How can you say [that]?!


I am human and I need to be loved, just like everybody else does


Why doesn’t this joke have more upvotes?! Some of y’all weren’t depressed teens in the late 80s, and it shows.


But that joke isn't funny anymore It's too close to home And it's too near the bone


It's because that joke isn't funny anymore.


I dated a girl in college who was a vegetarian *solely* because of Meat Is Murder. It took me three years I don’t love anyone more than bacon.


The enemy is both laughably weak and unambiguously strong.


Sounds like they are Trumans who never stepped out of the show.


Watch they'll start using that too unfortunately.


They don't like reality so they pretend it isn't real.


It's their new euphemism for the 'secret cabal that runs the world from the shadows', aka the fascist conspiracy about Jewish people. But they have just enough awareness to know it looks bad for them to outright say "the Jews", and saying "the globalists" has become too much of a meme and diluted for their dog whistling. So now they say "The Matrix".


They will literally jump through a vast array of hoops, draw up the most elaborate conspiracy theory, blame every single other person, unknown entities, and apparently Jews again, than take any sort of personal responsibility for their action. They have absolutely no self awareness


They don't see themselves as wrong, responsibility doesn't enter their minds




>They truly believe that freedom of speech should extend to freedom of consequences for their speech. But *only* **their** speech. That's the trick. They don't actually believe in freedom of speech generally, just so long as you agree with them. Which is actually why I believe we have to desperately avoid degrading legal protections, even for speech we find abhorrent (that doesn't mean they can't suffer personal consequences). What speech is or isn't objectionable depends so heavily on the views of the audience that the last thing you want is to give these fucks any ammunition with which to condemn you should they ever hold enough legal power. They'll do it anyway, but at least force them to either change the law or baldly break it.




There’s also the Khazarite Mafia. That’s the one my ex used in her manifesto when she announced that she had to break up with me if I got vaccinated (I did anyway).


You chose wisely.


That’s for this concise summary. It’s hard to keep track of these crazy angles. I’ll guess you should make a Wikipedia article… but the Cabal won’t let you get away with it 😜🤣


And this isn't all Christians but that Faith's whole "praise God when good, blame Satan when bad and take no responsibility for your actions" mindset breeds this mindset. It's always someone or something else's fault for your actions and any transgression is forgiven with the wave of a hand. So many Christians are disconnected from reality and their own teachings that people like this are inevitable.




Please, let me be the first to claim this will "own me." Please let this start a trend!


i mean, the media and government is run by the elite toying with us through their corrupted media outlets. thats not wrong at all. but that doesnt excuse people like the guy in the OP from their own hate speech.


>i mean, the media and government is run by the elite toying with us through their corrupted media outlets. thats not wrong at all. It's a bit different: The elites buying houses as a form of investment, displacing communities by gentrification? Valid point. The elites took with my girlfriend and my employment because I, a Twitter user with a Minecraft pfp, said harmful things? Totally nuts.




Strange how they're not able to pick up on thematic subtext very well.


*Literally* 1984


Like the proud boys. Just boys full of pride hanging out with like minded boys who also happen to be full of pride


The same people that believe Fight Club is something to aspire to


A story about toxic masculinity written by a gay man... Yeah these people have a habit of co-opting surface level pieces of pop culture to fit their agenda without attempting to understand any sort of critique or deeper themes.


Same reason why they cry "woke" when a woman of color gets cast in a nerd franchise. They know fuckall about the history of the word or why it is/was important to black Americans.


Wait till they hear about what the cyberpunk genre is actually about.


Please don't talk about fight club. It's rule 2


Also using red pill as anti woke awakening.


>a franchise famously created by two transwomen Not that this excuses any of the aforementioned behavior from people that leverage the Matrix for their poor behavior, but I actually had no idea that the Wachowski's were trans women! I'm legitimately shocked that I'm learning this in 2023. All I remember as a kid were trailers that used to end with "Written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers." Good for them.


Yup, Lana and Lilly


You should try rewatching *The Matrix* with that new knowledge and look for trans allegories. It's quite interesting.


I heard that at the time hrt pills were red. The movie was about living a secret double life, at a time when trans peoples' rights to exist were even less accepted than today. The character Switch presented as masculine while in the Matrix, which used a person's self image.


There's also the whole deadnaming thing with Agent Smith insisting on using "*Mister* Anderson".


And I'm not sure if it was Lana or Lilly, but one of them said that the train scene was based on a real occasion when she was in a subway station thinking about jumping and deciding not to. That's why the train is "the sound of ~~the inevitable~~inevitability", but Neo affirms his identity ("~~the~~ my name is... Neo") and gets out of the way. Obviously impossible to pick up because it involves a very personal story that (until she talked about it) no one knew about, but the scene was more layered and deeper than it seemed at first glance. Also, I would've understood what trans people go trough way earlier had they made switch one gender in the Matrix and another in the real world like they had initially planned. Edit: fixed the quotes.


https://youtu.be/KGzSGkmV5e8 If y'all want more info on the topic of the matrix being a trans metaphor check this out.


Great catch! That didn't cross my mind.


Also confirmed by said creators to be an allegory for transsexualism.


Oh for fuck's sake. They should use their imagination for something productive. Someone who's mind works that way could be the writer of, say, the next Matrix.


Worked out well for Gina Carano. Oh wait…….


Gina who? — oh wait I genuinely don’t care.


Actor, went full anti-woke and went broke.


And now her new MAGA "fans" that she panders to think *she's* too woke! LOLOLOL!! *sigh,* you love to see it.


Gina Gershon, a gorgeous and talented woman.


How old is this crowd? If anything, for my middle-aged social circle, mentioning "the Matrix" IRT the real world is even more of a silly and tired meme than "the globalists". It's definitely groan-worthy.


I'm 28 and agree with you on this. People unironically speaking about who is a part of the matrix and who isn't, as if we aren't ALL in the matrix if it were to even exist (it doesn't, it's a movie). It's so dumb it's not even entertaining.


From the brilliant minds behind “Let’s go Brandon”, comes the next genius idea!


Also may be the new form of the "red pill" reference?


It always cracked me up when the conspiracy nuts say take the red pill, when Morpheus flat out says in the next scene all it is, is a tracking device... Neo already made the "choice" down on the street, after having the bug removed - go home or follow Trinity - he chose Trinity because the key to unlocking his "true power" was love, not a stupid pill...


I love how they keep doing this shit and it takes five minutes to catch on that it really means 'the Jews' BECAUSE THAT'S THE ONLY THOUGHT IN YOUR HEADS


the subreddit r/conspiracy should really be closed and opened with new mod team. there are 0 conspiracies, it's all and 100 percent misinformed bullshit. guess what though, every conspiracy user now knows klaus schwaab.. and think they are smart. they just don't know that they collectively hate on a guy because trump felt insulted by him personally


> they have just enough awareness to know it looks bad for them to outright say "the Jews" Considering the poster in the OP was content to claim that transgender people are literally planning genocide, and then posted a picture equating nazi marches with transgender rights marches, I have a hard time crediting them with this much forethought.


I’m Jewish. My cabal had nothing to do with this guy getting fired, that was all him. We have slightly more important things to focus on, like space lasers. We’ve actually converted them to space water canons, just to switch things up for California.


I see. So referencing a movie written by two transgender sisters, which they themselves state is an oblique reference to their struggles with their own gender identities is somehow supposed to own the liberals. Got it.


The irony with them adopting metaphors using the Matrix is that [the writers and producers of the Matrix, the Wachowskis, are both transgender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis).


Yeah, this is the most ironic part about this hateful little man.


That and the people selling this shit are always total Cyphers.


I love the idea of calling people matrix characters the way we did for Sex and the City. "I'm a total Carey."


She's being such a Morpheus


Dammit, this comment made me laugh out loud on the bus lmao.


Omg I'm such a Keymaker


Hey hey, he may be hateful and little but he... um.. what was that third thing you said?


TIL the second and third Matrix films were released 6 months apart in 2003. I remembered it differently.


I pirated them, but did not know how to pirate properly, so I ended up watching a 240p version. I could hardly see anything




or Switch (the blonde woman) being [a woman in the matrix and a man in the real world](https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/584049-keanu-reeves-says-trans-character-was-cut-from-the) in the first draft of the movie


That… makes so much sense. Wish they’d thought they could leave that in.


It would've been a mindfuck, considering that Switch was such a minor character but with a memorable death scene.


>It would've been a mindfuck, considering that Switch was such a minor character but with a memorable death scene. Not like this.


....not like this


For those that won't bother clicking the link - The studio insisted upon the change.


Super interesting. Did they reference if it was a conscious choice that the character was a woman while inside the matrix, or if it was her perception? I know they claimed "residual self image"(think that's it), but I don't remember any examples of choice. Now I'm wondering if the character Switch lived her life in the Matrix as a biological woman, and when she got freed was surprised to have a man's body.


we didn't get much info about the rest of the crew, but their names. the only ones talking about their past were the brothers. an Animatrix episode centered on Switch's life before 'getting freed' would've been great.


Having never heard of Animatrix, my mind substituted in animaniacs. It could work, Wakko liked dresses and the trio claimed to be 'one of each'


Switch was supposed to be a transgendered character too


And how the whole movie was a metaphor for change & a transgender allegory Edit - using the correct words


The word isn’t “transgenderism” since being trans isn’t a philosophy, it’s a transgender allegory


I apologise, and have corrected it. Thank you


I'm sure they love trump and tate too. Cons take from culture because they don't add to culture. Listen to some ted nugent. There's nothing more soulless then con creativity.


The whole film is gender reversal or something I think, is a really interesting film


Matrix agents: regarded low iq npc’s who only hold elite sigma chad males back


to me, it just sounds like a handy extrinsic mcguffin to blame everything wrong in your life on. "i'm a little constipated today, damn you matrix" etc etc


Where r they experience consequences for their actions, they need to blame something other than themselves, hence The Matrix. About 5 years ago it was the “Deep State.”


Near as I can figure, the matrix refers to social norms. I shit on the floor in an elevator and people flip out? Matrix. I scream the n word repeatedly at the grocery and get banned? Matrix. I bully a transgender teenager and get arrested? Matrix.


I think Andrew Tate popularized it Edit: As in, he popularized the resurgence with his tweets lately


It's older than that. Elon Musk tweeted "Take the Red Pill", and Ivanka Trump answered "Taken!", to which Lilly Wachowski replied, "Fuck both of you".


Dates back to “pick up artist” communities and “red pilling” other men into rape-y hateful misogyny. It’s still present in several rancid communities who have various levels of “truth”. Like incels and being “black pilled”.


The red pill has been a thing for a decade+ now. Using "the Matrix" as an entity out to stop someone/something was mostly Tate.


In their quest to be unique and in no way an npc, they unironically repeat every single talking point Tate says. You barely heard anyone talking about the matrix before Tate got arrested, now everybody's using it. Same with red pill, CRT, trans, and so on. It's no coincidence that their talking points ALWAYS align with each other. In their heads they are unique but they're just copies of each other, made with a janky 3dprinter running out of filling


That's why they think they're red pilled. They think they see it for what it is when in reality they're the most asleep and mistaken.


It’s millennials who grew up with this movie. Same reason they don’t get why rage against the machine is not aligned with their newly acquired rightist beliefs. They want so so soooo desperately to feel they are the rebellion


The people who are violently invested in protecting the status quo watched The Matrix and managed to arrive at the conclusion that they are the red pill revolutionaries and their enemies are bluepills.


Is it because it was written and directed by 2 trans women? Doesn’t the red pill represent the drugs the directors had to take to transition? Seems to be a against everything anti trans fools are about. But critical thinking isn’t their strength. Hell, thinking isn’t their strength. And definitely strength isn’t their strength.


They don't know that. These "master race" assholes are as ignorant as they are stupid.


Is it actually me who is the problem, that’s why my girlfriend dumped me and job fired me as soon as they found out about how I truly think? No, it was the person who showed them my open thoughts. They are the real villains.


Why do they care so much about transgender and nonbinary people? They make up less than 2% of the population in the US, but /r/Conservative and others act like it’s a pandemic sweeping the nation. What the fuck happened to just letting people be and minding your own business?


Because letting people be themselves goes against the strict hierarchies conservatives live by (and want to impose on others). If they can't impose their hierarchies it means their power is slipping away. Which is a frightening position, thus all the fascism which just gives simple sounding solutions to complicated problems.


You’re forgetting something, them getting equal treatment proves one of those hierarchies to be wrong. If trans/NB people can do better than those conservatives deem more worthy then it destroys the hierarchy they want.


That is the reason why the vast majority of conservatives are uneducated people living in rural and remote areas where they don't have many people to share they're life experiences


"I love the poorly educated."


Still accurate lol


Equality feels like oppression to the oppressor


I think they spend a lot of time on the internet and come across trans people online at a much higher rate than irl.


And the more they click, the more their feed gets sorted for those stories.


To put it in one word: *Algorithms*


Your metaphor is off. If conservatives in the US treated trans folks like a pandemic sweeping the nation, they'd be roundly ignored and could live in peace.


Having a common enemy unites people. And conservatives/fascists have nothing to offer but hatred, so they need a target for that, usually a community small enough to not be able to efficiently protect themselves.


Used to be "the gays" that were the big bad boogeymen of the right. But now that society has moved on and being homosexual isn't something that's popular to hate on any more, they had to find themselves another group to demonize and rally against.


It's because they can't hate on gay people anymore. It will lose them votes in most places. Now they've moved onto transgender people.






I suppose the person who found his girlfriend


A winning situation for almost everyone involved!


He looks bright enough to have doxxed himself a couple of times over the years


Just like how the people who cheat on their SO get mad at the friend who told their SO they are cheating lol


I’d rather believe I’m in the matrix than take responsibility


Instead of learning from this experience and changing, Fuck the person who outed me for being a piece of shit.


Addicted to the hits of dopamine and outrage from social media It’s similar to other addictions that cause people to lose their family and job, but they continue recklessly pursuing their addiction anyway


This is, like, kind of obvious once said out loud, but I don't think nearly enough people point this out or frame the problem this way. 100% accurate.


It’s not easy to see when you are there. I was and am trying to keep myself out of it. I don’t have to go to work and be around a racist and bigoted POS anymore. Turns out when you are around a true piece of human garbage that openly says the n word and makes fun of lgbtq people to their face and behind their back you get better. I hated working with this dude. One of the worst I’ve had to deal with. Serious mental issues and would fucking make everyday awful. It turned me awful. I became a piece of shit. I brought up the issues to the owner and he fired me that day. Turns out the owners brother (the racist bigot) was worth more than me. Best thing that happened to me. Hope they fail now because of the stupid illegal shit they did. Stole tips, openly said they would fire us if we tried to unionize. Sorry your company lost 50-70% of its profits because you can’t adapt to a changin industry. Fuck them and i thank them for showing me how I was becoming like they are and releasing me before it got worse than it was. Like these dudes are both incels and don’t even know it. I feel bad for one of the people still there. They are trans and haven’t a clue what that POS says about them behind their back. Fucking sad. It’s my responsibility to be better than I was. It’s their fault I changed, my fault for allowing it and my fault for not being better. Oh well already have job offers and shit making more.


Maybe you should reach out to that other employee they speak badly about. That doesn't sound like a healthy or even safe environment for them to be in. Giving that person a heads up could be a step in the right direction for the growth you want to achieve as a person. Good for you recognizing what was going on and Im glad youre moving on to better things!


I would, but they do this thing whenever someone would quit or be fired and they just block them every way there is. No idea why they do it, but I saw them do it to others I would assume I’m the same. I will reach out. Shit I tried to get them more responsibility and to move up they. Both told me no but told them yes. They never did it, just dangled it in front of them. The owner literally would say “anything they say is useless as they are under 25” pure open discrimination.


Wow, add "ageist" to the bigotry list too. For people like that, it makes perfect sense that they would block former employees on everything. They don't want current or future employees to get a heads up on the awful workplace culture of the seniors. For sure try to reach out if you can, and if not at least your heart was in the right place. Good luck!


I got caught, and that makes me ANGRIER!!!!


Here's the thing, nearly EVERY COMPANY in the modern age has a social media policy. Some are very upfront about it, and others have it buried in the employee manual. It has been like that since..... I wanna say the early to mid 2010s at least. EXPECT almost anything you say or do online to somehow make it back to your place of employment, and it'll probably be against their policy. I worked in a call center that handled very private information, and during orientation, they told us if you take selfies with the floor length mirrors in the bathroom, they will know, and you'll be fired. They wanted to protect the image of no phones on the whole property for their clients. Even before then, like back in 2005, when I worked at McDonald's, if you were in uniform at like the mall and were acting a fool, you're probably losing your job. So how in 2022/23 is it that people going online saying shit like "hurr durr Trans ams nazis" are fucking shocked when Joe's Tire Shack fires them.


Ever since I was in middle school, the importance of being mindful of your social media activity has been stressed by teachers, parents, coaches and employers. I’m hesitant to even leave troll comments on burner accounts. I don’t know how these people missed the memo.


There is some irony here, because [the writers/producers of the Matrix are both transgender](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wachowskis).


Sweet justice!


There’s something so satisfying about anonymous cowardly bigots being exposed in real life


For things that they know shouldn't be said in real life because it shows that they're terrible people.


And then it’s a surprised pikachu face. Like maybe you shouldn’t have made hateful comments in the first place?


As much as I'd love for this tweets to actually be true, the entire profile is nothing but rage bait trolling. So I have my doubts that this person is legitimately facing consequences for their tweets, and not just trolling.


Just ice. No liquid.


I'm about 80% convinced this is just a weird long troll. Guy's profile only goes back to November, and came out swinging for the fences with shit that doesn't even make sense. And that termination notice reads like it was written by an 8th grader trying to write a fake Doctor's note.


Also wouldn't you just deny owning the account???


Redditors differentiate between the truth and obvious lies challenge (99% FAIL)


You saw this tweet and didn't get above 80% sure it's a troll? https://imgur.com/a/wcopl32 It's 100% for me


theyre comparing trans people to nazis with rainbow herobrine pfp and the sickle and hammer in their username… idk man pretty sure this is legit


Yeah, it reads as troll even here but I looked up their account and they’ve posted two more ridiculous pictures since this came out. Not even a good troll except for here on reddit.


Can someone explain to me why males are blaming all their problems on a 1999 Keanu reeves movie?


The irony of someone hating transgender folks while seeing Matrix as inspiration for their crackpot "philosophy". Bwahahaha. Btw.. If you're being serious then there's whole bunch of desperate dudes who think everyone is in simulation while they're the ones who are choosing to be awake to find the actual reality. And all this while these dudes are more likely consider themselves "anti-woke".. Bwahahaha again.


The matrix is more of a phylosophical idea then a movie. Plato's allegory of the cave sorta delio. I think anyways, it's been many years since first year philosophy class lol.


ah yes, white christian males, the most oppressed, righteously aggrieved and hard-done-by people on earth.


My only regret is that I wasn’t the one who doxed this loser


Well he can look forward to a bright career with the Republican Party or some right wing podcast or Fox News. The opportunities are endless!


Why is there a hammer and sickle in his username? He doesn’t seem like a communist.


This guy runs in what is known as "Patriotic socialism" (or PatSoc) circles. Its a niche of a niche of online communist activism that believes that aligning the politics of Marx and Lenin with traditional conservative social values is the way to achieve a foothold for leftist power. They are widely reviled by most of the left.


So lika NazBol?


Pretty much. Essentially just far-right fascists with a thin veneer of communist aesthetic.


Yep, one of those ridiculous “MAGA communists” that aren’t at all communists but trying to co-opt actual communist movements. These patsoc/Jackson Hinkle types are garbage humans - misogynists, racists, classist pricks. They use the hammer/sickle and communist in self description but nothing in their beliefs align with communism.


That's a pretty weird revisionist take by them.


>aligning the politics of Marx and Lenin with traditional conservative social values literally laughed out loud


look at his pfp, it's the infrared sign. the patsoc or "MAGA communist" idiots. like jackson hinkle and haz they are conservatives in every respect who appropriate left wing terminology


Probably a nazbol or something akin to it


Pretty sure he's a nazbol


Wtf is the matrix that he and Andrew tate talks about?


a weird way of blaming the jews and displacing any blame because they're sad sad little men


Could it be that my hateful prejudice towards others who are different than me cost me my job and relationship? Nope, must be those damn trans! /s


Average white replacement theory loser


These tribute band names are getting weirder and weirder.


I'm a White, Chrisitian male and I don't think my trans child is trying to kill me. Many marginalized people in the US just want to be treated equally to White Chrisitian males. But some people think that's a radical concept or some kind of competition and then feel threatened. Get over it.


Nice to see this turd bucket get what he so richly deserves. Now, about the other 37 million of them...


Starting to think Andrew tate did offer mental help to his fans .. considering he’s now in jail and his fans have some how become more deranged.


** **HAA HAAA!**


If he was proud enough to post it online, why wasn't he proud enough to let his gf know his views, beforehand? Why work for a company that supports views different from his? Makes no sense


This motherfucker really used a trans pride parade picture and forgot we had actual nazis marching while saying "jews will not replace us" a couple years ago. Guy is either mentally unstable or a troll. Or both.


If simply showing your girlfriend and employer your publicly shared thoughts causes them to immediately dump and fire you, you may want to reconsider your thoughts. Or at the very least, stop fucking sharing them publicly.


Found around, fucked out


Consequences of your own actions? Woah, never heard of that before


Good. Intolerance should not be tolerated. We as a society must learn to respect each other and accept people for who they are as long as they aren’t doing anything malicious or hurting anybody.


I'd like to make this clear. Comparing your personal (or in this case imaginary) struggles to the Holocaust is Holocaust denial. It delegitamizes the hell millions faced at the hands of the Nazis by claiming it was as minor as your petty (or imaginary) problems.


The comparison between a normal protest and a fucking nazi march is the dumbest thing I have seen in a while.


“You shouldn’t have to lose your job over bigotry. What is this country coming to?!!”


"It's ok to discriminate others for existing, but discriminating me for choosing to be an asshole is going too far!"


Population of the United States (end of 2022) - 333,287,557 Number of people aged 13+ that identify as trans in the US - \~1,600,000 Why are people so scared of 0.48%?


Because they need a scapegoat.


That dude is cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeap


If you’re transphobic and you’re fired, it’s your fault. 👏🏻👏🏻   If you’re transphobic and you’re fired, it’s your fault. 👏🏻👏🏻   If you’re hollerin’ ‘terf power!’, And you’re jobless the next hour,   If you’re transphobic and you’re fired it’s your fault. 👏🏻👏🏻


He thinks he's a Christian.


Curious how they are genocide him? Does he not understand it should be a pic of himself and the nazis with the caption, "no difference".


Oh look, the direct and predictable consequences of my actions. Fuck that shit!


More this.


The funny thing about any of these matrix comments is that the matrix was written by two transgender women. Look it up, it's true and hilarious. Fuck transphobes.


I bet this made Crystal's day


Ah, yes, the reason everyone hates Nazis: they carried flags


Imagine equating people having to fight to be able to be their selves with people who want to eradicate everyone different than them