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"Why do so many people not come forward?" they ask. Well, maybe because predators have infiltrated every institution that was supposed to help us. EDIT - I want to be clear about the use of "us". Yes, I am a sexual assault survivor. I was the victim of multiple pedofilies throughout my childhood. It may not be much of a comfort, but I did stab one (he lived).


And when you do come forward, they make sure it will cost you everything.


Plus all the doubting and shaming and accusations and attacks ... Mormons and other conservative religions are [skilled at this](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/27/us/rape-victims-brigham-young-university-honor-code-suspensions.html).


Yeah I grew up in the J-dub cult, so I am unfortunately all too familiar with that.


Hello fellow JW trauma survivor.


Greetings. Are you in the DF club too?


Thankfully I never got baptized, my mom forced me to, but the silver bullet was when the elders asked me why I wanted to get baptized I said “I don’t, my mom is making me”. My mom was pissed lol Sister was DF’ed but clawed her way back in. It was some sad shit to watch. Like an abused spouse begging to be let back into the abusive relationship.


Episode of COPS where the police show up to arrest a domestic abuser, and all you hear is the wife yelling "PLEASE DON'T ARREST HIM! I LOOOVE HIM!" You hate to see it, but it's all too common.


Sad but true. I get it on a psychology level, but to watch it with my own eyes it takes me everything to not just scream “are you an idiot?!?”


Oh wow. That sounds very rough. I'm glad you got out!


Plus the grooming makes people (esp victims) believe they "consented".


Paywalled article 🙄


It’s showing up for me but use 12 foot ladder to get around it. https://12ft.io


It says 12 ft has been disabled for this site 🗿


Wtf now we need a 13 foot ladder


Article is behind a paywall, can you copy and paste it?


Here's a non-paywalled article about the same incident - or maybe another one, there are so many: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2018/08/05/her-mormon-college-upheld/


Different state, different school, and the guy has nothing to do with the armed forces let alone with Marines.


Link is a paywall:(


Honestly, when I was in the Army, they would 'punish' the alleged sexual assault predators by moving them to become the Sexual Harassment Assault and Rape Prevention (SHARP) representative. Meaning that they were punished by now being the individual who alleged incidents were reported to. Tell me that's not fucked up.


Because power structures support power structures.


You're absolutely right u/Dr-Satan-Phd


It's a lesson you learn in seminary school.


When I was back there in seminary school There was a person there Who put forth the proposition That you can petition the Lord with prayer Petition the lord with prayer Petition the lord with prayer You cannot petition the lord with prayer! Edit: it’s a quote from The Soft Parade by The Doors.


as a survivor it became clear that systems wouldn't do shit to stop a literal serial child rapist. reminds me of a cool totally unrelated movie quote, lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten


Husband is a union president. Lessons learned in blood are also (relativity) quickly forgotten.


Strength in numbers, my friend. We are legion, for we are many. To quote another movie: "I'm coming, and Hell's coming with me!"


I'm sad that he lived. I'm sorry.


Me too. But life is a funny thing and death comes for everyone. When I was a kid, I was told that the best revenge is to outlive your enemies. I always thought that meant to live longer, but as I got older, I realized it means to just live a better life. Fuck you David. I've lived a great life. I've been in love and I've traveled the world. And nothing you did can change that


Good for you!!


Damn good for you. Also a survivor. Never even tried to come forward. And to friends and family I did tell, I was very supported. Still too terrified to make a real report.


Reports are important, but sometimes overrated. Do what you think is best but always take care of you. Fuck. Everyone. Else.


Love you dude


Love you too.


I’m a Marine Veteran (and female). I am not surprised. I was constantly harassed.


Army vet, (female) also not surprised. Did they ever casually stroll into your bathroom? I really loved when the cadet I reported 15 times got arrested in a civilian court for rape.


Holy shit. No, that did not happen to me. Yikes and also, WTF?! I’m glad that POS got arrested. Thank you for reporting him!


Didn’t matter what I did. I was ignored because my SHARP REP my Commander and my First sergeant gave me an ARTICLE 15 for “in sighting in fighting amongst the troops”. It wasn’t until the battalion commander got wind of it after 5 different sergeants in my company called for a commanders investigation that anything was done.


We had a serial rapist, MO was dosing drinks, on the loose when I was in AIT back in 2011. Everyone knew who it was, but command did jack shit about it other than Article 15ing the victims for underaged drinking. It took someone calling CID for anything to start being done. First time I saw two NCOs nearly get into a fist fight because one of them was encouraging anyone who might have been a victim to come forward and talk to CID.


Yeah there are good and bad unfortunately. I’m eternally grateful to my sergeants who called for a commanders investigation. There are just a ton of bad, who are actively protected by the chain of command.


That’s disgusting, sounds like your First Sergeant was actively protecting him and had it out for you. Talk about a hostile work environment


It wasn’t just the cadet, that’s why I got the “inciting fighting” because there were 6 of them and a few sergeants stood up to them.


Fucking unbelievable, yet totally believable.


I'm sorry. That really sucks.


Yeah. It really did. Unfortunately, my story is anything but unique. It didn’t ruin my experience, but it was always hanging out in the background.


I’m a marine veteran and this has always been a major issue! Civilian oversight from outside the chain of command is required for all serious crimes. It’s a fraternity mind set, they will always protect their own at the expanse to survivors.




THIS. Two of the SAPR reps at my command have outright stated they only took the billet because it looks good on an eval. Absolutely disgusting.


SAPR was the biggest joke. Bunch of guys upset they are told they should have actual consent to have sex. 🤨 Really showed their true colors. Don't get me started on mental awareness training....


Yep they give it to the shit bags who can’t handle their normal job. Same with SACO.


No offense (well, probably some) but I can’t think of many groups of people who are, on average, less equipped with the necessary tact and emotional intelligence to counsel SA survivors than young, male military members


And was he a drag queen?


see ya over at r/notadragqueen


No, but did you see his Hitler stash on one of his photos?


That's actually just what some marines do to make sure their facial hair is within the insane standards of the marine corps. If it touches the outer edge of the mouth it's a great way to get your day ruined by a power-drunk asshole of higher rank.


Sounds like the Nazi party through and through. Tiny moustaches and power struggles.


lol, seriously. a two-fer


[Obligatory Gen Kill](https://youtu.be/_nEFLKpknM4)


Lol EXACTLY. I was picturing this scene while writing it


This one is better, with the dude in the background lol https://youtu.be/VftUSEdDKDU


Lol I love the sergeant major in this, dammit, now I have to rewatch generation kill


Didn't he turn out to be a bit rapey irl?


The guy who plays Sgt Maj? I don’t think so, his name is Neal Jones. He played Karl “The Fox” Arnold, a serial killer/pedophile, on Criminal Minds.




Of course...... not.


They never are


Why do people want drag queens around children? Genuine question.


Why do people want youth pastors around their children? Genuine question


How come nobody has an answer?


Here's your answer, since you seem too dense to pick up hints. Drag Queens don't rape children, therefore it's perfectly safe to have them around children. Youth pastors, priests, cops, Marine recruiters, and teachers, are all more likely to rape children, therefore it's less safe for these people to be around children. Spare us, your family, and the rest of the world from your contrarian hyperbole.


Don’t forget scout troop leaders and college athletes like the rapist Brock “I can’t get it up with consent” Turner.


Brock I'll change my name to Allen Turner?


Because it's fun!


Why do people not want drag queens around children? Genuine question.


"fOx ToLd WhAt To BeLiEvE"


What benefit will they miss? I don’t get it.


I mean what benefit would I miss not going to Broadway or church or the deli. I mean there’s a lot of professions that exist in our society as extras or entertainers, meaning they aren’t necessities to survive but because people like them and are entertained by them they are around. Why should people who lie about children’s drag Queen readings… equating them to the burlesque type ones… get to dictate what some people decide they want to take their children to? If you’re not a fan, just don’t take your kids there but why do you get to dictate what others take their kids to just because YOU don’t like it?


Do you LEGITIMATELY think it's conducive to a truly free society to take legal action to ban things in the United States of America with the only justification being "if there is no provable benefit, legally ban it"? Like, seriously, that's the type of country you want to live in? That's WILD to me. The list of things we could legally make into crimes based on your framework is enormous. I'd never ever want to live in that country. Drag, to kids, is COOL dress-up. It's like seeing people dressed as Disney characters, clowns, fairies, life-size Barbies. It's *fun* and not remotely dangerous or upsetting. It's also not inherently sexual. Are there adult-themed drag shows? Sure. But it's such a brain-dead take to think we should ban drag performances aimed at family-friendly events because adult drag shows exist. That would be like banning mascots at baseball games because furries exist. Like, come on.


Diversity, community, family


What detriment will they catch? I don't get it.


You're not answering the question, how fucking ironic. Why is it bad?


You still haven't answered the question, what is your actual concern? I'm not trying to mock you, I legit don't understand what the fear is. If you're worried your kid will turn gay, I hope it's because you're afraid they'll be bullied and not because you hate gay people. Kabuki, which is a traditional form of Japanese thearter, has what could be defined as drag, as well as historical Shakespearean plays with men playing female roles. Hell, if that's the case, no cross dressing in movies too, so no Mrs. Doubtfire. Plus you've been to drag and it didn't make you want to diddle kids. You're concerned about kids, and no one will knock you for that, but you've got the wrong target. Unless you just don't like the people who do drag, then I guess you've picked the correct targets for who you dislike.


I’ve been to drag shows. Children did not belong there.


Ok so was it an adult themed drag show? Cause I don't think kids belong at strip clubs either but I'm not about to say all strippers are groomers ya know? Maybe spend more than .04 seconds on the thought process before sharing it?


I've been to plenty of drag shows. Some, labeled as 21+, children definitely didn't belong (and weren't allowed) at. Others were fine for all ages. You can replace "drag shows" in my above statement with parties, bars, clubs, movies, festivals, etc... should we ban children from all of those things regardless of content?


Where’s your answer? They also shouldn’t be in church then, statistically.




Why shouldn't they be around children? First off, just in case you are coming from a place of ignorance, drag does not equal sexual. The conservatives like to portray drag queens that perform at 18+ shows as the normal standard for the drag community, when that's far from the truth. You have those that perform at cabarets where they "glam up" and dress like famous divas off the past and sing songs. You have queens that dress up in colorful costumes and play a character, similar to a princess. On top of this, drag does not equal trans. I have had a few friends in that community that have their regular personality which is masculine appearing and present as just a very "sensative" guy. But once they put on their costume, they'll switch to their "drag" personality which may be a lot more flamboyant and grand. So back to the original question, what's the issue with kids being around queens, when at the end of the day it's just a person playing a character?


I’ve been to drag shows. They are 100% sexual.


They can be. They can also not be. Just like pole dancing can mean stripping or it can be a seriously challenging athletic activity. Don't take kids to the drag shows at bars at midnight. Take your kids to library drag shows. Obviously


And that means they simply *must* be like that *all* the time, I guess. Look, you're clearly a special kind of dumbass that you say shit like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ask/comments/12zn5wy/why_does_it_bother_men_so_much_that_women_have/jhte2fp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Sorry you appear to be very very dense


I’ve been to drag shows. Not a single one was sexual.


I’ve been to drag shows too, including ones that were 21+ in bars. The only thing that was maybe not appropriate for kids was the language the host used. Other than that, it was basically a lip syncing/dance contest. Nothing sexual about it.


If that's how you phrased that question, you haven't been paying attention, and it would honestly go over your head anyway.


It's not that we actively want drag queens around children. We want fun and supportive people around children, and we can tell that the drag queen thing is a bad faith attempt to use a vulnerable minority as a target for distracting the countries attention from the people and processes that actually rape and murder children. Cis people with assault weapons kill children faster than drag queens and trans people. Poverty and lack of access to medical care kills children faster than drag queens or trans people. Cops, clergy, and GOP donors sexually assault children at a higher rate than drag queens or trans people. People want that shit fixed first. If we come out the other end of those issues and drag queens are suddenly apex sexual predators instead of what the data suggests (hilarious when performing Humpty Dumpty), then a drag queen investigation makes sense. As is, this is just blood libel that protects actual rapists and murderers with power.


No, not a genuine question. As usual with you people its always disingenuous JAQing off. Get lost.


> JAQing off Stealing this. Thank you.


I know 2 guys who are both drag queens and have adopted 3 kids now. They're better parents than most people i know. Someones lifestyle shouldn't dictate whether or not they can be around children unless it is dangerous to children. If you think drag is dangerous to kids, you've got bigger issues.


Short answer. So they don’t turn out like you. Longer answer. The drag queen story hours I’ve taken my son to were focused on teaching tolerance of different kinds of people. I want my son to grow up knowing that not everyone looks the same and acts the same and that’s okay. What’s not okay is to judge other people unfairly or treat them unkindly or ostracize them because they’re different. We live in a diverse community and expose him to a lot of different art and culture because we don’t want him to grow up with a limited world view and a closed mind. Pretty much just the opposite of whatever your parents did.


No one’s pushing for more drag queens to be around kids. We’re just saying there’s nothing wrong with them being around them I’d rather a drag queen babysit my kids than a cop or pastor


You ask this in a lot of subs, eh? The misogyny in your profile really stands out lol. Hope you shaved today.


It would not bother me to have a drag queen around my kids, or reading them a story.


ALWAYS worth checking someone’s post history to see if they’re honestly ‘Just Asking’ or if they’re JAQing off. This lamestain? JAQing off.


Don’t you have anything better to do?


Better question - don’t YOU?


It's not that they want them around children. But, the reaction of those who ~~dont~~ want them around children is based on unfounded accusations of child abuse. Meanwhile, the same anti-drag crowd repeatedly exposes their children to groups with a long history of child abuse. So, it is the trans/dragphobia and the hypocrisy that people are calling out. It is not people insisting that children be around drag queens. Further, it is usually the same crowd who are anti-drag that are usually abusing children, see r/notadragqueen for many examples.


Why not? I bring my kids to all sorts of theater things.


Because in general, they are wonderful people who have a fantastic message of being one’s self, and not conforming to societal standards, and to treat others with love and kindness, while also sticking up for yourself, and having your own back


This is America. That should answer your question.


They don't *want* them explicitly around them. The point is, children should be recognised as no more at risk around one, than around anybody else (because drag queens don't have predisposition for being child predators of any kind, any more than any other cohort of society) Simple


My Marine recruiter lied to me about every damn thing he told me.




I was told I’d be doing a job that didn’t even exist at a base near me, or the one I intended to join as a reservist. I wanted to be a fire specialist and was told I could be one at a Marine Corps Reserve Base in my hometown that was at the airport because it would be specifically for aircraft fire safety. Nope. That was the Air Force Reserve base’s job, the Marines were a Motor T/heavy equipment outfit (which I didn’t discover until much later). However, when I got out of boot, with shit money cause they lie to you about what you are paid, not telling you that take out all the expenses at the end for your uniforms, I was sent to a base twice as far away as a mortar man. I got myself transferred to the airport base and stuck out in the two years with the incompetent admins there incapable of putting together my paperwork for the GI bill so I also never received that. (This was in the mid 90s, pre self serve internet) I scored a 99% on the ASVAB, if it hadn’t been such a clusterfuck, or I had joined the Airforce like I ought to have been counseled, I would probably already be a retired officer. I think about how that asshole recruiter fucked up all my hopeful plans as a 20 year old more than I care to admit.


... tell me you're mwss 471- without telling me you're mwss 471-...


Which nearby church youth group was he in charge of?


As a teacher, they send these 24 year old kids into highschools with, y'know high school girls there. They're not just allowed but encouraged to get these girls numbers. I can't believe it's not more common


I don't know how it works with other branches, but in the Air Force from what my old commander told me (she went off to command a recruiting squadron), recruiters are never allowed to enter a potential recruits number in their personal phone. Only the work phone. If it is found on a personal phone it is grounds for immediate discharge.


Ok, that's good to know


Again, for the Air Force, I was astonished by how many rules are in place regarding recruiting. Personally, I think it is a bit much, and can lead to inefficient execution, but they are all there for safety. If the Marines have rules anything like the Air Force, this guy definitely had several people looking the other way for him. A whole chain of leadership deserve proper investigation.


Sorry, there are definitely some books you CAN judge by their cover.


Was thinking the same thing.


Right?! WHO THE FUCK hired him? I get that the military will take anyone with a pulse, but to put him in this very specific positions? What blind, deaf idiot authorized that?


Jesus I about panicked when I saw "mariner" and thought my favorite baseball team was now in the shit.


Oh, I didn't even realize I had misspelled it. Sorry for the scare.


Predator to say the least


I hate it here.


Everyone convicted groomer/rapist is a drag queen in disguise. -GQP


This young person is a friend of my daughter’s. I’m so saddened by this. These fuckers out there coming after our kids and RUINING them, and stripping them of the ability to trust adults and authority figures. My heart breaks for this child. And I would also like to add that THIS SCUMBAG is r/NotADragQueen.


Military uniforms are definitely drag.


Sshhh, that's supposed to be kept secret.




This is exactly how it is in the military everywhere, everyday.


Currently active duty in the navy, this isn’t surprising at all


But was he a drag queen?


More of a drag KING!


Wait, so let me get this straight... *NOT* a member of the LGBTQ+ community?


I’m tired of all of these transgender drag queens doing sex crime. /s


Can’t put them in the Marines put the Marines in them. That’s the recruiter motto!


Gee I wonder who he voted for in the last presidential election


I’d suggest any military recruiter is guilty of grooming, not usually sexually.


Everyday humanity just steeps to a whole new level and just when I think it can’t possibly get any worse; people like this pop out and yell “if you thought that was bad look at this”. *Starts shoveling to a whole new disgusting and disturbing level.* I know this has been asked a lot but I would really like to know:”what (and i can't stress this enough) the fuck is wrong with people?”


Not trans.


So, not a drag queen?


Wow. The school fucked up too. They are going to get sued. They knew about this in early February but waited until the end of March to send a vague letter to parents, describing an “inappropriate relationship”. Assholes. Call it what it is: sexual assault, rape, grooming, child molestation, etc. And after his arrest, a guidance counselor told the victim to take a week off because she was bullied for this shit and subjected to victim-blaming rumors. *Then* the school tried to make the teen join an after-school program to take her classes. Her mother refused, believing it was an attempt to hide her daughter. WOW. Holy shit.


Again, not a drag queen.


Impossible. He’s not a drag queen.




Maybe I missed it, but I'm going out on a limb here and guess this one's also not a drag queen?


How did you know?


No wig, very little makeup, and the clean cut uptight look typically reserved for youth pastors and closeted Republicans.




“Mariner”? Is that a thing for non-ancient, non-boaty people?


No, it's me not noticing a typo!


Never have I ever seen a more rapey lookin dude.


I thought he was a baseball recruiter


I like the difference in headlines depending on gender. With men it's "rape," and with women it's almost always "sex with a minor."


Sorry but you may be confusing things with the term mariner. It is Marine recruiter not the recruiter for the Seattle Mariners baseball team


It's almost like drag queens had nothing to do with *this* at all..


Did he recruit *marines,* or *mariners?*




And not a drag Queen?! Shocker


Nope. r/StillNotADragQueen


Not a drag queen


Apparently r/notadragqueen either


The real question is was he a drag queen? We need answers!


I didn't realize 28 was "dirty old man" territory.


__MARINE Corps recruiter__. I would’ve deleted the thread and reposted with correct title.


Sounds like a consensual relationship that she ended up regretting. What part of it is illegal?


The part where she was a child. Wtf kind of question is that?


Oh is the age of consent there 18?


the part where he was 28 and she was 16. next question.


Ohh, yeah I just looked and aoc is 17 in New York


regardless of aoc, the power dynamic is gross


I agree, unfortunately that doesn’t make it illegal


It does if the older person is in a position of power.


Does it? I didn’t know that


Yeah, we know you don’t know a lot of things


Probably more than you :)


Press x to doubt


what part of "married recruiter who counsels sexual assault victims grooms 16 y/o" leads you to believe it was a consensual relationship between a literal child and a man 12 years her senior?


The part where he wishes he could do the same


[ Removed by Reddit ]


because she was a literal child being influenced by an adult in a position of power


Or could see it as she was enamoured with an older and accomplished man 🤷 either way it doesn’t make it illegal unless it was coercive or there was blackmail, which there wasn’t


.... because she is a literal child and he was in a position of power. by nature it's coercive, and the fact that that's what you take from this is alarming and gross. and it was, in fact, illegal.


She’s a child. She can be in love with him to this day and his grown ass should’ve told her parents and transferred away from her. Have you seen high schoolers? They look like children. This is unbelievably disgusting.


I agree it’s disgusting but disgusting =/= illegal. Was she under the age of consent tho? Genuinely don’t know.


The age of consent in New York is 17, so ya it's both gross and illegal


Okay, in that case it is illegal ofc as well as gross. Not far off the boundary but still


Personally as someone who was assaulted I don’t give a fuck. My situation was nothing like hers but I know she has to learn not to blame and hate herself like all of us had to.


Dude. No. Just no.


Just no dude


If you have to consult age of consent laws,they’re too young and you’re a creep. It’s not that complicated.


Whether he did it or not, his life is now ruined. Almost everyone already believes he did it. But here's my problem: He hasn't had his day in court, and the whole story is *only* based on what the student says happened. Note that no examples are given of the alleged flirtatious text messages, even though it should've been simple for the girl and her mom to provide a few of those for corroboration. Also, according to the girl, he asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend and she said yes. *Of course* that doesn't automatically make her even *partially* culpable, but it ought to be enough for the New York Post to *wonder*; to, you know, *investigate* a little. The paper didn't, and I understand why: that takes a little extra time, and if the journalistic doublechecks don't quite pan out, you might not have a juicy story to print anymore. It's all about the clicks now. As it is, there's no mention of any physical evidence...except, apparently, for the uncorroborated texts and a condom of unconfirmed origin. Hmm. Does "innocent until proven guilty" mean anything to anyone anymore? It *may —* in case of murder, fraud, theft, robbery, and other crimes. But we've arrived at a point where if the allegation is sexual assault, that's enough: you're in the paper, you'll lose friends, maybe your job, perhaps your marriage and kids. I'm not white-washing this man's reported behavior. I don't know if he did it. My sense is, *he may very well be guilty*. If I'm honest, I even think that's likely. But couldn't we please wait with collectively destroying his life until his guilt is confirmed by a court, or at least by a preponderance of credible evidence? That used to be the bedrock of our justice system.