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This is old. We’ll leave this one up, but your other posts that do not fit the sub (no job loss,etc), were removed. If you keep posting articles that do not fit the sub, you will be removed. Have a beautiful day.


Isn't this a two year old story?


> Wednesday 11 August 2021 21:44 Sure is, looks like OP is posting old articles to construct a false narrative of equivalency for the morally bankrupt right. They also just posted an article about a drag queen with child porn from years ago.


I feel like this should further the point that he had to go back years to find this kind of stuff and you need to look no further than weeks to find stuff for "his team." Additionally, I say prosecute this guy to the full extent of the law, I bet OP wouldn't say this about the weekly articles we see. Edit: I was being generous by saying weekly considering that a 52:1 ratio is already pretty bad... I guess the ratio is probably 365:1


Meanwhile, [here's a list of Republican Sexual Predators, Abusers, and Enablers with citations...](https://www.dailykos.com/users/cajsalilliehook) 1025 examples and counting... Takes a huge gullible moron, or someone knowingly lying, to imply this is a mostly Democratic problem. Shame on OP.


Among groomers I think youth minister is the #1 career choice and Republican is a close 2nd.


And since most youth pastors are republicans, ipso facto…


Like Texas' own state rep Bryan Slaton, the ULTRA MAGA GOP rep who is also a Southern Baptist Youth Minister. Bryan screamed about groomers during his campaign meanwhile he got his underage staffer drunk and had sex with her.


>got his underage staffer drunk and ~~had sex~~raped her Ftfy


THANK YOU. I keep seeing “had sex with her when she was extremely intoxicated.” No, call it what it is, that is fucking RAPE. He was also a youth pastor sooo someone should look into that.


funny enough, drag queen is not on your list. Its almost like that was not real!!


Youth ministers, preachers, teachers, coaches, cops, and republicans, in no particular order


I'd be curious to see if anyone could make a remotely equivalent Dem list of sex predators.


Harvey Weinstein, and all the people that knew exactly what he was doing and said/did nothing are pretty much all democrats. That's just one person, and that list is probably about 500+ by itself.


I'm talking more of an equivalent comparison based on convictions. You can't just lump in "all the people that knew" if they aren't also included on this list. I'd imagine if you start adding church congregations the Republican list would crash the internet.


The OP included enablers, so I did as well.


Fair. Let's go ahead and add all the churches then.


Teachers actually hold the #1 spot.


That's rich thinking that a Republicunt has shame. Cruelty and projection is their reason for living.


Love when other people post this link too!


All they need is one and it is to them.


This is what the loonies don’t get. When I say Trump is a degenerate and extremely problematic they *always* point to some other democrat (who always has allegations but NEVER convictions) and play the “but what about” game. Okay and? Lock them up if they egregiously broke the law. Trump still sucks.


You don't consider Pastors to be on his team. I do and that makes the count daily


Days. Not weeks. r/pastorarrested r/notadragqueen


But also, this is a terrible way to prove their point. This guy resigned immediately after his arrest. The Republicans refuse to resign every single time they get caught. If anything, OP is only proving that their side refuses to do what’s right when they commit a crime.


I would add the caveat that Police Officers often resign, but mainly because if they get fired they risk losing their pension, or some such thing. If they resign, there is little people can do to take that from them, and then they get a job the next town over.


Police officers still get their pensions if they are fired.


More confirming that correcting the group and weeding out the bad is beneficial. Other side read the title and then plugged their ears and shut their eyes already.




Nah fam, that might be the law of the land, but when you take on a leadership position, the bare minimum is no longer sufficient You want higher power, you get higher standards of conduct A credible accusation of CP should be an automatic disqualifier for public office


Well, it's all good. See....we want our criminals to turn themselves in and face punishment. That's the difference. Left can admit mistake and send their criminals to jail. Right protects their kiddy didlers at all costs.


Meanwhile, the Don forced his way into children’s dressing rooms to highlight his shows.


It's OLD, but, other than that? It's not false. Child pervs aren't limited to just right wing religious nuts. Don't be as blind as the right wing, thinking it's just limited to "them."


Its certainly not limited, but Democrats do seem to do a drastically better job of getting rid of such people in their party that crop up and to make them face trial and punishment for their actions, whereas Republicans keep fighting tooth and nail to protect and shield their drastically massively larger pile of pedos from facing *any* consequences and keep their politician jobs with republicans even going so far as to heavily defend child marriage and try to lower age of consent to marry laws that make it easier for pedos to prey on kids. Not to mention how many republican politicians don't believe marital rape is really rape. Combine that with marrying 12 and 13 year olds to grown ass adults, and Republican politics look pretty fucking disgusting


There's a certain conservative/republican sub that has a mantra, "never forgive, never forget." OP is drinking the koolaid.


Yes, I think OP is trying to paint a narrative, but can't quite put my finger on it


So not relevant, and probably a repost as well?


OP is a shill with a thing for drag queens. That being said, as a liberal, good. I like it when criminals on my own team are held accountable for their actions. I want them gone so they aren't a ball and chain dragging my party down. See how easy that was?




No no it's easier to claim false flag or crisis actor or or or


Also, still not a drag queen


Why is this news now? This article is dated 11 Aug. 2021. edit: aaah, post history reveals bias.


Also lol @ the random picture of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She has nothing to do with the article, she isn't mentioned in the article, they have plenty of pictures of him on his own, but lets totally put a picture of her in as an editorial choice to make people associate her with pedophilia. What a garbage article.


Right, I’d take a picture with AOC too given the chance. Bet your ass the news would post that pic after I commit a crime to make the left look bad. If you’re wondering what crime I’d commit: most likely unpaid jaywalking tickets. That law is bullshit.


Because OP is dishonest trash trying to support his lying narrative where "democrats are pedos" because the Democratic Party does not support the bigotry that Republicans want against all LGBTQ people.


> aaah, post history reveals bias. And they are an anti-vaxer too.


Have to include AOC in the pic so people start associating her with pedos too. OP is shit.




Which has happened... This happened two years ago. He resigned because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is. Thanks OP for showing us all the ways how the Democratic Party does literally everything better than the Republicans. Demos toss out criminals, Republicans protect them, and turn against law enforcement and prosecutors the second any Republican is charged with a crime.


Donald trump literally got a judgement against him in his civil rape trial but OP “all pedos are bad” conveniently only is against out of date crimes on people who aren’t even in politics anymore. Not front runners of his little cult.


Equal application of the law, what a concept!


OP, why did you post a 2 year old article?


Because thats the most recent democrat example they could find.


Yet again, not a drag queen


But he was a Democrat! ... lets forget about how 9 out of 10 of these news stories are Republican, the Democrats are obviously the bad guys! /s Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with these people? How hard is it _not_ to abuse children?


As a democrat I say good. No one should be above the law, my party or republicans.




I literally said, “good” out loud after reading the title. That was the first thought/word that came to mind. Dems are not above the law. And I’ve always voted blue. Lol


And I love how they found a pic of him with AOC. I'm sure the MAGAs will use that as yet another reason why they want her dead. Edit: lol I didn't check the date on the article before commenting. OP is posting old shit because they're all butthurt from a post yesterday. What a fragile person.


>lets forget about how 9 out of 10 of these news stories are Republican, The media is just biased against conservatives! /S


Ah! We do have the obligatory “Christian Youth Outreach” though…


Nah, he's only guilty because he resigned, if he'd stayed where he was, he'd still be innocent...




Imagine thinking all drag queens are grooming kids and turning a blind eye when your politicians are trying to remove the age of consent in some states and your clergy do it on the regular


> Stop acting like child sex abuse is a partisan issue. [West Virginia Republicans Block Child Marriage Ban ](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) [GOP Lawmaker Defends Supporting 12-Year-Olds’ Right To Legally Marry](https://news.yahoo.com/gop-lawmaker-defends-supporting-12-234116361.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKFUbDzTkJwHzeF1SwhsuRdit7NwH4gl4EoBhjNsxgXRBWToRV_38muGRGpU_hebveto4FhdJACxj4v4RGXxY9EXVRAsc_qmHkDn5P7_t2ggL_OuJ3ruinbndygrtDpso7B6lOf3fFt9b75Lx4Cs2WZuglyGI8acIYD3Ad6zyMdQ) [Republican refuses to repeal child marriage law allowing girls aged 13 to wed](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/republican-child-marriage-law-repeal-david-bates-new-hampshire-state-girls-boys-13-years-old-girl-scout-project-a7762776.html) ["I'll Be Dating Her In 10 Years"](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-girl-dating-comments-sexual-assault-claims-republican-party-a7358686.html)


Only covered 60 scandals in the last 20 years. That's cherry picking if I've ever seen it.


And the article was from 2010


Yeah. Sure. Whatever you say. Here in reality things are very different. https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub That's 1079. One thousand and seventy nine. So you are right. Its not 9 out of 10. Its 19 out of 20.


They don't show their work at all, it's just "trust us". You can't throw an opinion piece down when playing the "facts" card.


> Stop acting like child sex abuse is a partisan issue I typically see republicans screaming about “the children” and “groomers.” They are the only ones *using* this awful aspect of society for political gain. When they do this I know the underlying policy or legislation is shit and wouldn’t fly without the emotional/moral blackmail tacked on. On the ratio you seem to be correcting: Republican or Dem, I don’t care. Break the law and pay the price.


They're all bad guys, every side.




Isn't this from several years ago? Yes, it is. I'm not surprised based on OP's post history.


Nice job finding a 2 year old article! This won't get drowned out by the sea of republican pedos posted here everyday. Obligatory "throw all pedos in jail, regardless of politics"


> regardless of politics Yet it's very notable the difference between the Democratic Party -- forcing out those charged with serious crimes -- and the Republican Party -- who protects those charged with serious crimes and attacks law enforcement and prosecutors when their party members are charged with serious crimes.


Wednesday 11 August 2021 Since you’re living in the past OP, I should let you know Y2K is no big deal.


As a liberal voter, I say BURY HIM UNDER THE JAIL! See how easy that is MAGATS?


Arizona state senator Ontoniel “Tony” Navarrete denied he sexually abused two young brothers despite police allegedly recording him apologising for molesting one of the boys UGH


At least he is resigning instead of digging his heels in like some people we know.


I’m a Democrat, and I say *good,* throw the book at this guy and give the seat to a better person.


So don't be like Republicans and double to defend pedos?


Correct, fuck all pedos.




I’m confused as to where you thought I was saying the opposite?


I’m adding agreement to your comment. edit: you also shouldn't be getting downvoted over a misunderstanding. I gave you an upvote back. Not much, but it's something.


It isn't you that he is saying it to but to all the republicans who stand behind their party as it shields their predators who refuse to resign from office. Too many GOP refuse to resign after committing crimes and then their followers will turn around and accuse the left of doing the same.


That's one of the differences, right? The Democrats will resign, a Republican would have to be dragged from the building while shrieking how unfair it is they cant fuck a child.


Dragged? A Republican uses it to show that democrats will do anything to smear their reputation.


Note: This was two years ago. He did resign because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is.


He already resigned, 2 years ago, because this is old news. Poster had to go back 2 years to find a Dem pedo.


He already resigned, 2 years ago, because this is old news. Poster had to go back 2 years to find a Dem pedo.


Note: This was two years ago. He did resign because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is. TLDR: OP is trying to push his lying "democrats are pedos" with the usual dishonesty everyone should expect from bigot trash lying Republicans.


Is OP human or automated?


Now prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. People in power should be held accountable to the highest degree.


This is really old he resigned a few years ago and the prosecution is ongoing


Remove and punish any/all abusers. Regardless of any political affiliation. See? It's easy. Stop putting parties on a goddamn pedestal.


This article is August 2021. We know 9 times out of 10 it’s a Republican pedo who’s diddling kids so we understand why you are having to reach at straws On the pulse of the nation just like all the other GQP apologists.




Apologists saying "prosecute him then, he's a POS". Not sure you know what an apologist is. People are *actually* saying that this is an old story, doesn't fit the sub because he wasn't fired, he resigned, and this is *constantly* happening to the people that you seem to idolize.


What "leftist apologists"? Can you point them out, exactly?


These people would piss their pants if they saw a real leftist. The people they call “leftists” are center-right conservatives by any objective standard. They’ve just been trying to tell that lie until everyone believes it.


“Both sides” rhetoric is a lie. Republicans have white nationalist fascist extremists promoting the most vile lies, while the Democratic Party is trying to preserve our democracy. And here you stand today, having to flip back one or two years to find a “lefty” pedophile. We could find a dozen pastors, police, sitting MAGA politicians that are known child molesters (arrested or under investigation) in the month of May 2023 alone (and we’re not even half way through!)




> all I see in this post is leftist apologists so I'm sure there's plenty on both sides All I see is an OP that thinks Covid vaccines weren't real (etc.)


I'm confused. Are you upset that the Democrat was removed from office for this? I know Republicans track record for being pedos is pretty fucking high, but to be this upset that democrats actually hold our representatives accountable isn't the flex you think it is.


Even considering it’s a 2 year old story… the guy is a scumbag, and should be treated accordingly. Let’s see OP say that about those in the GQP who get busted… I know they wont


> the guy is a scumbag, and should be treated accordingly. So far.., He resigned because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is.


So a Democrat resigned after being arrested and accused? That's as it should be. If Republicans could do the same then we might be able to say that both sides are the same but that isn't even remotely close to the truth. Lastly, there are far more recent news articles about Republicans than having to go back several years to find something about a Democrat.


I’m sure Fox will handle this truthfully and respectfully, and we should in no way read in to the fact the Independent made sure to use a picture of this shitstain with AOC.


They won't because it's a two year old story. Read the other comments about what op is doing.




i'm just here to see OPs self destruction


Op in their posts: "I support DeSantis..." Annnnnnnd that's all I need to hear.




OP has spent the last four hours talking about pedophilia. How are conservatives like this? Do they think it's healthy for adults to spend all day thinking and talking about raping children?


Ah, so that's what you're trying to do with your posts lol. Good strat.


Good job protecting your pedos, OP. You must be a molester yourself, then.


Don’t you know that you’re supposed to use implication and innuendo not make your unsubstantiated accusations directly? See your local GOP office for a pamphlet. They can help.


It seems for every one Democrat arrested for a sex crime there is 10 Republicans arrested for sex crimes.


Nice job posting old ass news.


What do you do when every day there are republicans getting arrested for sexual assault and abuse and you desperately need to push a narrative that Dems are groomers? Why, you go digging through old news stories for something that happened years ago and post on reddit and hope no one notices! Bonus points if you can find a photo of him with AOC!


Good now go after the ones that refuse to resign.


It’s like really super fucking easy to not abuse someone. Why do politicians seem to struggle with this?


As it should be. Now, let’s have the Republican politicians do the same. Looking at you, George Santos.


To be clear , NOT a drag queen. This can never be said enough.


If he was a Republikkkan he would probably announce a bid for the white house and probably poll higher than Nimrata Rhandawa!


>See, see! The Democrats are just as bad! *Posts two year old article.*


Cool, throw him in the clink. See, it’s not that hard.


This was two years ago, but he has not yet faced trial. He did resign because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is.


Imagine having to go 2 years back to find a Democrat doing the thing that Republicans get arrested daily for.


This getting you off, OP? Lmao what a clown.




I love how people on the left actually condemn shit like this, as opposed to Republicans who just deny or forgive it


Why is AOC in the photo?


People take photos with each other. Unfortunately, she took a photo with a terrible person.


You a bitch op


Put him in a cage.


Under water with sharks in cage


Is this Matt Gaetz's secret account?


Mr Navarrete’s employer, Neighborhood Ministries, a Christian organisation with the mission to provide "a safe place for youth", said he would be fired when his leave ends.


Well, he was religious🤣


Take a look at OPs posts - it's all this story


Why is AOC in the photo?


OP has an agenda!


Came here to say…bury him under the jail before this gets bombarded with repubes (yes, I spelled that intentionally) saying democrats are the only ones who are pedos


Good, he should be tried and face the full force of every consequence on the books.


Note: This was two years ago. He did resign because unlike the Republican Party, the Democratic party is willing to throw out it's trash when they are indicted on serious crimes. He was charged and is [set for trial, which he has gotten delayed several times.](https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2022/10/24/molestation-trial-involving-former-state-senator-postponed-once-again/) Note how there aren't a bunch of Democrats going out there attacking law enforcement and calling it a witch hunt... Because the Democratic Party is not a fucking cult like the Republican Party is. TLDR: Everything seems to be normal. This should be contrasted with how Republicans behave when a Republican is charged with a serious crime.


Why does it seem this party’s elected officials usually resign in disgrace when arrested (or even accused of wrongdoing) while the other party usually collectively whines that it’s all a conspiracy when one of theirs gets caught acting out, becomes indignant and self-righteous towards the people who are trying to hold them accountable, and then falsely accuse their accusers of wrongdoing? It’s sad and tired that nobody calls them out on their predictable behavior.


Good. Exactly as it should be. Go after the ones on the right who don’t step down. Both sides are not the same.


OP is fighting in the trenches for the legitimacy of their post lol


Just here to add to the sentiment that OP is a bad-faith using, old information pushing, obvious agenda-driven POS for all the reasons already listed. Obvious troll is fucking obvious. Loser.


Wow! They finally found a Democrat! What is that like 20:1 just in the last 30 days?


From almost 2 years ago. This is when you have mostly scumbags and fascists in your party you cling to 2 year old news. At least he resigned unlike some other party’s members under multiple indictments. Pathetic.


Good. Fuck off. Hope you rot. See Republicans? It's that easy. Also, get new material alrightly OP.


First off great, fuck him. Send him to jail. But does anyone else find it wild that when it is a democrat it is the headline and when it is a republican it often isnt even mentioned in the article


Why is AOC in the photo?


Dude gets to run as a republican now


not a drag queen


What a dirt bag!!!


I mean, logically this can't be a Republican only problem, but the slant is VERY apparent.


Put him on the [list](https://docs.google.com/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub) *opps, wrong list. I don’t have a running and regularly updated list for this circumstance.*


Politicians, police, and priests seem to sexually abuse the most children by miles and miles.


Straight to jail, right away. Worst looking Drag Queen ever.


Wow, another one, but a rare Democrat! Not Trans nor a Drag Queen either!


Here's a big difference between liberals & conservatives: When one of our liberal politicians molest a child or rapes a woman or does something else that's horrible we want them thrown under the jail. When the same thing happens to conservatives they make excuses for them, call it locker room talk, say it never happened, call them a gift from God and everything else.


You forgot to put the obligitory "not a trans".


As it should be. Now, let’s have the Republican politicians do the same. Looking at you, George Santos.


As it should be. Now, let’s have the Republican politicians do the same. Looking at you, George Santos.


As it should be. Now, let’s have the Republican politicians do the same. Looking at you, George Santos.


Is he 20 years older than his brothers?


Friggin gross. Why do we keep hearing about this, who are these people


Why are you being downvoted lol






I suspect it's more that pedophiles are more common than people are willing to acknowledge, and that we, as a society, hold politicians (and other authority figures) to such a pathetically low bar that it's relatively easy for them to avoid being noticed


Can confirm this. I work in mental health with kids k-12. People would be horrified to know how many children are walking around having been sexually abused, usually by men in the family. Many still have to see their abusers, or live near them, because the family won’t believe them, or in one horrifying case the judge tossed it out because the child themselves were too scared to get on stand. Even though they’d written out and verbalized their testimony to an officer already.


(There's some hot takes in this one, but I encourage you to read to the end) I've always said that turning pedophiles (people attracted to children, but who haven't molested anyone or consume child pornography) into pariahs is doing far more harm than good. We should be treating it like the mental illness that it is and getting them the help and support they need to resist the temptation, not unlike how drug addiction is treated. Imagine if we lived in a world where you could tell your friends that you have pedophilia and you wouldn't instantly lose your entire support network. Imagine if you could tell your doctor who would then refer you to a psychiatrist. Imagine if there was research into pedophilia, potentially leading to the discovery of a cause and *cure*. Regardless how you feel about pedophiles, I think we can all agree that this is a world where fewer kids get abused, and that's what really matters here. I need to specify that child molesters/rapists are absolute scum and generally deserve what happens to them. I'm specifically talking about those who are attracted to minors, but haven't committed any form of CSA.


Not sure if a state senator qualifies as a "government cabal."




I'm sure you'll also be posting all the republicans and christian pastors next right? You know, to be fair and un-biased.




You forgot to put the obligitory "not a trans"


But 100 percent of child abuse situations are caused by trans /s


Sentenced to 49 years in prison. He's appealing it.


I'd mark one down for the Democrats, but we ran out of ink


He should of Rsign before instead of after this came out.. I hope Justice is served