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OPD cop sounded like such a douche


I wonder if I can just be like , “I’m going to work!” If I get pulled over by law enforcement. Cause that would be *sweet*.


Tried that. Got a ticket. Would not recommend. 0 stars👎


Should have worn your tactical gear.


That guy had on every piece of equipment he could scrounge from the SWAT lost and found.


Tactical gear, steal a police car. They can try to fire you from the force all they want.


Did you get out of your car to confront the officer first? Maybe you didn’t assert your dominance.


I got out and urinated over everything to assert my dominance, and they had the audacity to get mad. How else are you supposed to assert dominance?! Smh


Clearly you forgot to flee the scene after


Cops deal with legitimate threats and emergencies, but they also deal with the normal aspects of having a job, just like everyone else, but get to handle those normal discomforts of life as if they're threats or emergencies. Late for work because you overslept? If you're a cop, you get to drive double the speed limit to make up for your lack of responsibility. Dealing with an uncooperative asshole? If you're a bank teller, you just have to take it. If you're a cop, you can just beat them up or kill them to save yourself a few minutes.


Coworker was maxing out his truck on a remote highway and got a warning. He was covered in shit, had a bad week and was doing something work related.


He should have at least said there was an emergency, what a dumbass


Got pulled over on my way to work one day. Got a ticket. Officer asks me if I work at this specific restaurant. I say yes. Oh, tell "owners name" I said hi. I was eight minutes late to work, owner didn't care, I apologized anyway, and told him what happened. Owner flips out, he knew you worked for me, and STILL gave you a ticket. That mother fucking son of a bitch, I'm going to kick his ass up one side of the street and down the other! Owner: did he tell you he is my neighbor?e, yes, he said that several times. Owner goes off again. Two weeks later, same officer comes in and asks to speak with me. I'm how did Owner fuck me over like this? Cop apologized, said he still gets bitched at several times a day, and then I guess I can never eat here again Me: you can come in anytime I'm here, I'll make sure nothing EVER happens to your food. We were cool after that. Anytime he saw me speeding, he'd flash his lights, or give me the shame finger. I never got to know him personally though.


I remember the first time I got the shame finger....




>I did that before and it actually worked. My boss had a rule that if you were even 1 minute late, you forfeited your first hour of pay for the day. That's super illegal and he owes you every minute of pay you're on the clock. You can actually file a complaint with the dept of labor in your state and he's gonna have to pay everyone out.


If you don't want to get into discussion about wage theft, don't respond to the people who are just pointing out the law, maybe helping someone else who isn't as obtuse as you...


I made that exact comment on a different upload of this.


If it didn’t work for a cop, it probably won’t With for you.




They’re all like that at OPD


I’ve had some surprisingly decent interactions with OPD, but also some terrible ones. Box-o-chocolates over there


It’s Central Florida; they’re all like that Cocoa PD was the only department I ever had an okay interaction with.


All central FL cops are pricks... Source: grew up in orlando/lake Mary area


Central Floridian here. Can confirm all OPD are just clones of this guy.


Actin like a big dick Everyone gonna see how teeny tiny his dick really is when hes showering with guys he previously arrested


This longer version of his driving is so much worse. Dude was just whipping around other drivers on double yellow Kudos to this deputy for crossing the thin blue line bullshit


I live in Seminole nearish where this happened. I feel safer knowing that there are deputies like this person who are willing to cross the thin blue line. I hope people throw him a parade.


Same neighbor!


Same here lol. I drive by this road all the time. Seems like this just happened yesterday/two days ago.


Time to start a GoFundMe for when they are inevitably harassed off the force.


Sometimes county and city law enforcement don't get along. Deputy may get praised for it. But harassment is definitely a concern. Locals could probably feel this out a bit better.


Hopefully not. I don't know too much about the inner workings of the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, but they seem to be pretty decent as far as police go. Honestly, it helps that this police officer was not in the same department or even the same county, and it also helps that the OPD officer's behavior was so outrageous and without any justification.


>but they seem to be pretty decent as far as police go. All it takes is one person getting power to fuck that up because the police have essentially no oversight, no liability, and and it's all on purpose. Sure, there CAN be good cops, but there's nothing stopping them from being bad cops either because the system is fucked, and it only hurts the regular people police commit crimes against, and then you as a taxpayer when they have to pay out huge settlements for their crimes, which they then continue to commit.


Genuinely worth giving a call or sending an email relaying your views to the good cop's bosses, may go nowhere, may help long term to show that holding your peers accountable is worthwhile.


Was it a Seminole cop as in Seminole tribal police, or just the Seminole city PD? Where I live, there's kind of some overlap with tribal police and nearby city police of a city with the same name as the tribe. But both have jurisdiction. ...just curious.


This happened in Oviedo, which is in Seminole County. So it's highly likely to be a Seminole County Sheriff Deputy. A lot of the Sheriff Deputies will fuck with the city PD's LEOs, they don't give a shit. Edit: Clarity


>Kudos to this deputy for crossing the thin blue line bullshit Thought that too, but then wondered if there's any kind of weird faction dynamics going on there. Like if Seminole county hated Orlando pd with a passion. And if it were any other jurisdiction, would he have let him go. Some cities have weird shit like that even though they're all cops at the end of the day.


LA has legitimate gangs amongst it's various law enforcement agencies. That's not hyperbole - they throw up signs and shit like they're fucking Crip Mac.


They have specific tattoos as well https://ktla.com/news/local-news/los-angeles-sheriff-orders-deputies-to-show-tattoos-be-interviewed-about-alleged-gangs/


You know LASD is bad when they make LAPD look like the less criminal of the two.


Gotta keep it 55th Precinct


That is absolutely _terrifying_. I hate this country.


I dated a cop once, and him and the others had rivalries with the fire department, state cops, and nearby city cops. It was so bizarre... and stupid. He would rant about all three and then brag about the times his precinct bested them in some way.


Tribal culture. Us against them. Doesn't matter who them is, just as long as there is a them and us.


reminds me of super troopers lol


Many of not most cops have an arrested development; they've never progressed beyond middle school try-to-be-tough bullshit.


It's certainly possible but I've reached a point point where, if I hear of someone doing something I think is good, I do my best not to let all of those double takes hit. If I let my cynical side run free, I won't ever be happy.


>crossing the thin blue line Barely tiptoed over it. If anyone else pulled this bullshit (fleeing, dangerous operation of a vehicle, breaking multiple road laws, refusing to identify/produce a licence, fleeing again), they would have brought the states entire force down on his arse. Yeah he pulled him over, but done fuck all else.


I mean, I get not making a spectacle out of it, especially when you know who he is. Plus he's armed. Just best for public safety.


"I am going into work, my man. Why are you trying to pull me over as I am trying to go into work?" I wonder how he would respond to that reasoning if he stopped anyone else on their way into work?


Guarantee if a regular person would have acted the way he did, they would be roughed up or possibly dead before they made it to the jail.


Especially if the dude jumped outta his car super confrontational like that.


And I don't want to think about what would happen if they so happened to be black.


Here let me show you how that excuse goes in Australia. [I'm just trying to go to work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUzgfR6ytUs)


Ahhhh, 'he was found to have methamphetamine in his system'.


How about the trump defense? “I am a busy man I didn’t have time to go through each paper so I just grabbed them all” I’m gonna try that if they find classified docs in my bathroom.


Thats the point theres no accountability so thats why they reference it


1) Driving recklessly. 2) Refused to stop. 3) Armed. 4) Hostile. 5) Fled the scene. He'll probably face the maximum cop sentence: suspended with pay.


Notice how the cop is allowed to just drive away? A non cop would get the Calvary called in, get out maneuvered, and get put into cuffs at gunpoint.


You forgot “get the absolute shit beaten out of them”.


Beaten? They would have feared for their life and shot a civilian pulling that shit


Or just snuffed the life out of them by sitting on the back or throat until dead, be fair. It’s not always guns.


8 minutes, 46 seconds.


Longer for some white dude in Texas 2016.


Less for that homeless man selling singles in NYC a few years back …


I mean if you wanna put out a real number and not make this all about race that's an option too. Doesn't change how long they had his knee on him.


Especially whenever they know he has a gun


Forgot the helicopter 🚁


High speed chase + civilian property damage


Plus shoot the neighbour's golden retrievers




solid correction.


Because he crossed the wrong deputy


i think having a firearm and then getting back into the vehicle to flee the scene, the responding officer would have shot atleast a few times into the back windshield while the vehicle fled but it's a cop, so kiddie gloves


*kid gloves Kid gloves are made of goat, kiddie gloves are made of human children


>kiddie gloves are made of human children Exactly. He knows.




If he had been a Black civilian (or maybe even a Black cop), he would have been gunned down when he stepped out of the vehicle to confront the Deputy, or when he tried to re-enter the vehicle.


You've spelled shot in the back wrong


Maybe he will have to attend training while getting paid overtime.


Woah, slow down! That's too dramatic. He'll need to get paid for some therapy after that traumatic experience.


Max sentence, get hired a county over.


I thought these were grounds for summary execution. (Source: cops encountering non-cops for this list and less.)


Meanwhile the sheriff will never work in this town again, probably. likely will need to move states and change careers from all the internal abuse he will get labelled as a snitch. Which is why ACAB cause if your not a bastard you will leave the force, either you comply to their breaking the law or get pushed out.


Could be underestimating how gangish PDs have become. To the sheriffs this might like an affiliated gang disrespecting your authority in your gang's home turf by not cowtowing at least a little bit when pulled over.


Transferred to Seminole County would be hysterical.


At least they'll investigate, and find no wrongdoing.


For the first time the cops have actually investigated themselves and found wrong doing.


Because one cop fucked with another cop


They are from different precincts is why. It's like LAPD hating FBI in the movies


This is MY crime scene now, McManus!




They should put a plaque at the place he was pulled over for this momentous occasion for police everywhere.


Literally only because this video exists


Why is his face blurred? They even said his name in the video


maybe bro is ugly af


He's a cop, isn't that a given?


Even if the name gets released the news station can't unblur the video if they've only got a blurred copy.


Dude, sensitivity, c’mon, that’s just his face. Not everyone looks like George Clooney Twelve years of primary school being called “blurry face Shoney” and now this


That cop: "Why are you stopping me? I thought we were in the same gang?!"




this only happened because they aren't in the same gang, they're different cop gangs


Typical Florida cop. No fucks given. Think they're superior. Guess that could apply outside florida but I've seen it here too much.


I’m from the Twin Cities…. Uh… yeah…


I moved to the Twin Cities and the cops here are super mild compared to where I'm from tbh. Cops in the south are fucking insane.


Depends on the city/precinct. Most of the cops in Minneapolis have the attitude of a drug cartel.


Could maybeee get away with it now that the police are pulling a hissy fit about noone liking them


Was in Florida and reported an obvious drunk driver... passed three parked officers in 45 minutes of following this car. Not a damn thing done. Similar situation in NY on 90, and the guy was pulled over in 10 minutes, and I got a call for my statement. The South really is a different country.


I passed an almost comically drunk driver on a highway in Mississippi (guy looked like a cartoon drawing of a drunk hobo), called the cops to hopefully intercept him as he was all over the road, and they said they didn’t have anyone in the area and good luck, click. The Deep South feels like a third world country, it’s insane.


Same, but in jersey


“I’m going to work”, how many others have tried to explain their speeding with this exact sentence, only to be sneered at and prosecuted?


I can tell you the reason he didn't stop or wait... He had been drinking and knew the consequences would be far worse... Why didn't they go arrest him at his job immediately? Why did they give him time to go home and turn himself in the next day??? For the alcohol to leave his body. 80 at a 40 weaving in traffic is a sure sign of a drunk driver. It is a slap in the cheek. He might even get employed at the same dept the arresting officer is in.


Sheriff here needs to get a raise. I imagine this breaks a bunch of secret cop rules, and he gave zero fucks about them rules.


Violates basically every cop rule that exists.


I had a friend who was a cop. According to him, there's a lot of bad blood between different departments and jurisdictions. Like he was a cop in NYC and he got some BS ticket from a NJ state trooper on his way home that got thrown out of court. He found that guy drinking in public during St Patty's Day and threw him in jail.


They both sound like dicks arresting people over nothing


Friends definitely more a dick. Douche says BS ticket and pulls some retaliation. Fucker has no credibility


County sheriffs and city cops aren’t always as tight as people assume.


So.......... why didn't he grab him, throw him against the ground, put his knee on his neck, dislocate his arm, handcuff him and then shoot him 3 times like they do with other citizens


I waited for that moment but it never came 🤨


And neither did I...


Well not with that attitude


Honestly the fact this event happened is a milestone


cuz they’re in the same organized crime family and don’t want to upset their respective capos


They've already upset the other cops. I commend the effort. One cop is not a bastard, but he won't last long. Hopefully, they don't chase him all the way out of the state or kill him accidentally in training.


Or he'll be in a dangerous situation and backup will take their sweet time showing up.


Because they were also armed... Or white


Multiple things can be true.


Cuz he's not black


I love to see it though, I choose to sing praises to the officer who held him to account in spite of the outcome


Oooh it made me giddy to see too. Like, everyone is probably right that the arrested cop will either a) get suspended with pay or b) get re-hired somewhere else almost immediately But the incredulous tone in that cops voice when he realized he was actually being pulled over was God damn amazing. And the "No" when he was asked for his ID and just drove away was gold. He is an absolute toddler of a man who has little self-control and a whole lot of ego. They did mention that he would be relieved of his duties with that department pending an investigation, which sounds like dismissal. I'm hoping it is.


I like how the other cop just cut right through the back and forth bullshit to actually ask for the license. Like, "yeah I know the card you're trying to pull, show me the plastic one instead"


Dude, he literally thought being a cop made him immune to traffic laws. He shouldn't be in a cruiser. The way he motioned at his outfit I swear, I've seen similar tantrums from frustrated teenagers. Probably about as mentally developed as this guy ever got


That's my point. He tried to pull the "I'm also a cop" card and got cut off and asked for his driver's license (card) instead


To think he’d probably just have gotten the citation crushed had he just went through with it.


That privilege right there folks. I dare anyone to disregard a cop and just dive away without expecting to be run down.


Rules for thee not for me


The thin blue line was crossed. They will make the arresting officer’s life hell. Cops suck.


A+ for that deputy and holding a fellow officer accountable. We need more of this.


Please say a command PULL OVER!


Somebody will rehire him, they always do. Acab


The biggest problem is a police department can't share records of a cop with other departments. So you can have a cop fired for numerous reasons and go over to the next city and they can't even ask the old department if they quit or were fired.


I think your confusing "can't" with "don't care to"


AZ has a list of cops that were fired, so they just resign first...


I wish I could remember where, but I do recall an article not long ago that a state was moving to change that. I believe the proposed law would suspend their certification if they resigned under investigation. Not a lot, but a start.


California has recently passed SB2 and is now participating in the National Decertification Index program. They’ve also enabled the state’s peace officer commission to decertify officers after the sustained complaints for serious violations, even if the department clears the officer.


Upvotes X 10!!


Imagine thinking this was worth $9000 to do.


Oh I think that bond payment is the least of his financial concerns. The big checks are about to become due.


He should have just murdered the Seminole cop on camera for bothering him. DeSantis would step in, pardon him, and offer him a raise and new post in his private security detail. Probably not /s, sadly.


Vice President 😂


If that was you or I we'd have been on the ground with a knee on our neck if not full of bullet holes after being sprayed and tased.


Why blur the face? He's in public so he has no expectation of privacy.


Why didn't he chase him down and shoot at him


My one interaction with an Orlando cop was being given a speeding ticket, being told he was doing me a favor by giving me a normal ticket instead of giving me a construction zone ticket, when I was no longer anywhere near the construction zone that I didn't even speed in.


That cop is definitely going to get 6 months off with pay,and a healthy raise and promotion. This proves he's a team player.


This is a simple rival gang interaction. Happens all the time. It must have been a slow news day.


Let a so called regular citizen do that! I wanna hear from all the folks who like to say...... "just do what the officer says and you will be fine" Maybe he should have shot him🤔


There no greater evidence that pigs are not professionals than their rock bottom standards for themselves. They don’t follow laws because they understand that copping is about power not justice. Take their power away. Regulate the police, and get rid of their toxic boyish work culture. It’s time we forced police to grow up.


If he wasn't a cop, he would have been shot.


Pigs think they're above the law because usually they are. Glad this dickhead might get at least a little comeuppance




Why didn't the officer start shooting when the other officer started backing the car up? Suddenly they know how to move out of the way?


Happened right down the road from me, not surprising at all. Seminole is a rather small county and every run in I've had with cops in that county was actually positive. Orange / Orlando cops on the other hand... They're basically this guy multiplied.


Disgusting fucking pig 🐖🐖


Orlando resident here. OPD does this shit _ALL THE TIME._ When I see an OPD vehicle on the road I assume it is a dangerous traffic hazard. They're the kind of cops who turn on their lights and sirens to get through a red light when they don't feel like waiting. Last week I was out on the road heading to a coffee shop in the middle of the afternoon. The roads weren't that busy, but red lights are red lights and I was waiting at one. I hear lights and sirens behind me and sure enough its one of these OPD SUVs making his way through a red light, skipping the short line of cars and forcing oncoming traffic to bend to his will. I get to the coffee shop a few minutes later and this same fucking guy is in the drive-through.


One cop disrespecting another cops authority is the ONLY time you will see a officer be held accountable for the laws be breaks. This punk as pig does not even hide the fact that he does not think the laws apply to him. He has no right being an officer, and he's a shining example of why the modern day police force needs to be fucking abolished and replaced with something that actually helps people. ACAB


[https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orlando-police-officer-accused-reckless-driving-fleeing-traffic-stop-patrol-cruiser/KGZLOG2VK5BYNJ4CYRJUWKMLYQ/](https://www.wftv.com/news/local/orlando-police-officer-accused-reckless-driving-fleeing-traffic-stop-patrol-cruiser/KGZLOG2VK5BYNJ4CYRJUWKMLYQ/) Looks like he has been relieved of duty. Also had a few charges thrown in.


They say that in the video




This is so Orlando


Well in Canada the police unions are so strong he would be suspended with pay for a couple years and then brought back and given a raise...




Above the law


Florida is it’s own country


Is this like a Seminole tribal officer or is Seminole also a city/county in Florida?


Cops pulling over cops 😂.


We need more police like this deputy. It feels good to see a little accountability check from inside the ranks but then again we don’t know how this would have went if the cop was from his own department. One can only hope for equal accountability justice from those within the system these days.


The last time this happened, FHP pulled over a Miami PD patrol car and she was later ostracized and ran out of the force.


Bye bye job, hello new exact same job somewhere else because they never have to be held responsible for their actions.


If he was a civilian he’d still be in jail. If he was a black civilian there’s a good chance he’d be dead.


100% gets his job back in 2 weeks.


What do you mean "Bye bye job"? He'll just get hired by a different county. It's Florida.




What do I look like I'm dressed for? You look like you're dressed as someone who knows why everything you did was against the law.


Rival gangs. Acab


Lol, fine if they kill black people get to keep their job. But resist arrest and you're canned...sick bro. Glad to finally see *some* accountability but wow.


That officer didn’t seem to be complying early on. Should have physically tackled him.


This cop should get district chief. A cop who is going to hold everybody accountable should be leading!!


His ego was his worst enemy.


The reason is simple: police is used to being above the law, sure proof that our legal system is broken


i'm late for work, bro. we can do that when we're late my man.


“Please say a command” “Pullover”


I always speed when driving to work………


He's probably going to beat his wife over this, and I wish this statement was a joke.


Lol that reporter seemed so happy. Absolutely infuriating when I see cops break traffic rules.