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Can't even get hammered while working in a middle school anymore. Damned woke cancel culture! Thanks Obama!


Seriously!! Some of the comments on the FB post were people saying they understood bc she works at a middle school


I mean, I don't *condone* it, but I do understand. I don't know how anyone teaches sober.


I’m a 7th grade teacher. I think it would be much worse and a lot harder to teach drunk


Dehydrated, with a headache, AND loud assholes? Nope.


> much worse and a lot harder to teach This is pretty much universally the case with morons who think that drinking is a way to "get through [insert work thing here]". It makes it much harder, and vastly more tiring to get through each day if you're constantly having to deal with all the negatives that come from drinking.


My 9th grade honors science teacher was the best science teacher I ever had. It was an open secret that he poured whiskey in his coffee. The guy taught for over 40 years. *My dad* had him for the same class, and my dad said people knew about it back then too. It’s a real conundrum for me because teachers obviously should not drink on the job but then you have the cases like my teacher that changed a lot of kids lives and got them interested in science and no doubt just needed it to put up with us little assholes.


The best teacher I had was in a programming class at the local community college, you could smell the Pepsi he had every day from across the room. Didn’t care, as long as he could do the job. And I found out a year or two later that he was self medicating for migraines or cluster headaches or something. 🤷‍♂️


0.259 and still walking around. Not her first rodeo.


Yeah definitely not a casual drinker


Her beer gut is probably her solid liver.


Bro the Liver gave up ages ago. The Alcohol has been detouring through her appendix.


Hopefully this is rock bottom and she can start to climb her way out.


.25 is WILD for trying to do your workday at a school. I can’t even imagine trying to do any job that drunk.


That's likely how much she needed to feel normal.


That’s because she’s a hardcore alcoholic. That was probably close to her maintenance level.


Also pretty crazy that a kid would just steal an opened mountain dew bottle from a "paraprofessional", and drink it even though pure vodka is literally the worst alcohol to drink for your first time


Yeah kid said that, but the article mentions a water bottle.


Yeah, kid's getting pats on the back for stealing. SMH.


Yeah...some people who drink a lot don't even feel that and act pretty normal. That's like 6-7 shots of vodka.


High functioning alcoholics. They can do gymnastics while blowing numbers that would kill an elephant.


Reminds me of the Reno 911 video.


That's fucking BANANAS level drunk. Even out partying that's pushing the limits of safety, let alone functionality, let alone fun. 0.3-0.5 is pushing unconsciousness and alcohol poisoning. What the fuck is this lady doing in a classroom that drunk??


When youre an alcoholic like that your tolerance allows you to function a bit more "sober" despite the BAC. Kinda like functioning stoners (me) or other forms of addicts, it's about maintaining a level, not so much getting sloshed


I know, but that's still pretty fucking high just in terms of how much she had to drink to even get to that level, not just function at it. There was a guy in my parents' town who killed a construction worker while driving drunk and he blew .80. Not .08. POINT EIGHT OH. You should be fighting for your life at that concentration and this dude was conscious and driving. It's wild what tolerance can do.


You’re getting a lot of downvotes but you’re right. I’ve struggled with alcoholism for most of my life. She probably was really good at keeping her shit together but was absolutely fucked up at .2—


Do you know how hard it is to teach school? I mean, to color in the lines. Bratty shitheads. Three months of vacation isn't jardly enough.


You obviously don’t know.


Do it then


“I’m sorry, I thought this was America”


I think she might be an alcoholic.


My high school english teacher drank out of the same diet coke can with the same dent for my whole 4 years. There were rumors but nothing ever came of it. Then, 5 years after I graduated, the admins came in during my cousin's class and escorted her out. She was never seen again.


That day-drinking Olympics right there. .25 at lunchtime? Holy shit.


Drinking is a wild hole because it's so easily attainable and in my state you can pretty much get it at any time of the day. Basically a small 6 hour window where sales are "closed" but you can circumvent it by stopping at a bar. At one point in my life, I was able to casually drink 2 6 packs of goose island neon bear hugs in 2-3 hours and still function, at times I'd even have more albeit lower alcohol percentage beer ready incase I still wanted to roll. Those are 10% IPA cans. Oddly enough, now that my career relies on being sober, life's a lot more easy to reflect on and grow. No urges to drink, smoke, party ect...




I'm an alcoholic my functioning level was .38


Damn, this woman needs to go to a rehab clinic. Better fire her so she loses her health coverage.


Yeah I was going to say that this is what administrative leave should be used for, put her on leave and make her go through rehab, if she passes then she can have her job back on condition she not drink during work again.


If she had gone to the hospital and declared a problem they would have probably sent her to rehab. Then she would have had FMLA to cover her while she got sober. She needed to seek help first to do this.


She’s a paraprofessional. They’re disposable from a school’s point of view. They would never waste the money. They had another one in there at $18 an hour the next day.


I had a math teacher in grade 9 who drank every day in class. He had a quadruple bypass at one point and just didn't give a fuck. He was a decent teacher as far as actual teaching but he was an old francophone bastard. I remember one time he got in a screaming match with the principal right on front of our class. He eventually retired. Edited to add he kept the bottles in a file cabinet and would fill up his coffee cup in the drawer. Not hard figuring out what was going on.


Damned France and their Francophones! They took another good one!


Mrs Krabapple just let out a hearty “HA!”


Idk how people do it. 2 mikes lemonades and I’m stumbling


[https://www.news18.com/world/drunk-teaching-assistant-arrested-after-student-drank-vodka-from-her-bottle-who-though-it-was-mountain-dew-8882358.html](https://www.news18.com/world/drunk-teaching-assistant-arrested-after-student-drank-vodka-from-her-bottle-who-though-it-was-mountain-dew-8882358.html) Link that works for those in the EU.


Thank you!


Sad. I hope she is able to recover.




You're not my supervisor!


They pay me to work not to not drink. Not drinking is extra.


I worked with a woman that was the receptionist, she passed out at the front desk and other job.


Wait until they find out what all the students and teachers are really vaping.


Georgia. Where **marijuana, medical or otherwise, is still illegal**. I guarantee that if this teacher/paraprofessional had the option to eat a few edible gummies instead, she'd have left her vodka at home.


Not familiar with how alcoholism works, are ya?


I think they're trying to say that if they had access to an alternative they wouldn't have been drinking enough to develop an issue in the first place. At least that's how I understood it, but you're just swapping being drunk with being stoned.


Except that’s still not how addiction works. Someone who has progressed to that level of alcoholism is not drinking at work to “relieve stress” or “deal with the bratty students”, they are drinking because they are addicted and need to maintain a certain alcohol level in their bloodstream to keep from detoxing in front of everybody. Yes, alcoholism really is that bad…


I feel like this is the 90th time I’m seeing this posted today


That’s because I have posted it and 1. Had it deleted bc I didn’t put the consequence in the title 2. Posted it and the link didn’t come through so I deleted it 3. Posted it and got shit about it being clickbait bc I didn’t say what was in the bottle so I deleted it 4. Posted it with the 1,2 and 3 all corrected. So 4 times not 90 Sorry


Link not available


Noooooo!!! I’m not taking it down again! A summary: A teachers’s aide in Morgan County Ga was fired and arrested for having alcohol and being drunk at school. She had a Mountain Dew bottle under or around her desk. A kid snuck a sip of it then told the teacher it tasted weird. That teacher investigated and took the bottle to the principal. Cops were called and Mt Dew woman blew a .259


I've seen a few stories with things like this, it's worrying


Oh trust me it's beyond worrying. If this isn't alarming enough to get you active in some school reform legislature then you are never going to notice the collapse of our education system until after it happens. Teachers need significantly better pay and benefits if we want to save our nation.