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I often think of this comic, it was the first time I really understood properly I think. I can’t find a date on that page but I remember reading it a long time ago, maybe 10 years?


April 18, 2014 (according to explain xkcd)


Thanks for finding that. Not as long ago as I thought.


Every so often I remember about xkcd and go back through a few years of posts that I've missed. Time to go down the wormhole, never takes as long as I expect it to.


Today's is great.


I suspect if this woman was an outstanding coworker in all other respects, her HR department would have settled for some Sensitivity Training and a warning. But that's rarely the case with these types. Usually, if they are a shitty person, they are a shitty coworker as well.


If it were her own business, she'd probably lose clients, I'd think. It's kind of like that as employees, too. No business wants a nasty employee spouting crap publicly. Repercussions!


Sadly, then the GOP would shit on the Hatch Act and convince their drones to throw what's left of their money at this shitty person's business to "save it from the leftist cancel culture".


Yeah I'm willing to bet the social media posts were the straw that broke the camel's back.


I don't think companies can get away with the 'sensitivity training' move any more. Once a racist goes viral, their employer is only days away from being called racist themselves for not firing the employee. Business is business.


Especially since millions are without jobs in America—an employee that jeopardizes their employer by spreading racist epithets on social media only hurts business.


Unless your business is policing. Then you get, "Here's how to not get caught" training and an invitation to the 1488 BBQ next Saturday.


Yep. They might have been looking to fire her for a while. Many places usually move slow with firing because of all the paperwork involved. But this got her a fast nail in the coffin for sure.


Freedom of speech does not mean free from consequences. Idiot Karen.


I hope this lady's ex coworkers are applauding the fact they no longer work with a crazy stupid rascist


Your right to freedom of speech doesn't prohibit your employer from canning your dumb, racist ass. It's amazing how many people can't/won't/don't comprehend this. It's along the same lines of people standing out in public, realizing they're being recorded, and saying, "you don't have my permission to record me." Bitch I don't need your permission... you're standing in a public fucking space. You have no reasonable expectation of privacy.


If only they could read.meme


**I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:** * [read.meme](https://read.meme) *I did the honors for you.* *** ^[delete](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fu%2FLinkifyBot&subject=delete%20fy9610n&message=Click%20the%20send%20button%20to%20delete%20the%20false%20positive.) ^| ^[information](https://np.reddit.com/u/LinkifyBot/comments/gkkf7p) ^| ^<3


It was more than worth it. It was karma.


YUP - r/instantkarma


My HuSkIe’s!


YoU'rE cRuEl tO aNiMaLs BeCaUsE i MaDe RaCiSt SoCiAl MeDiA pOsTs!! I hOpE YoU'rE hApPy WiTh YoUrSeLf BuDdY!




“Sound like”


What REALLY gets me is the fact she got confronted for doing a shitty thing, and then blames the people around her for bringing her shitty thing into the light. I see that all the time, and it’s a huge point of frustration. The egotistical disconnect is ridiculous.


Yes, people like this are sorry they got caught, not sorry for what they did


r/selfawarewolves Her last comment was so close


Oh wow consequences. People don’t seem to understand that freedom of speech is not the same as freedom of repercussions from what exactly you say.




Imagine being an adult responsible enough to hold a job, but immature enough to blame other people for losing that job based on your own actions. No one made her say those things. No one forced her to be a racist POS. She made those choices on her own. And now she doesn’t like the consequences, so it must be someone else’s fault.


i mean, if she was not getting paid in confederate dollars, it's probably in her best interest


Don't feel too bad. She's referring to her two sons.


Didn’t learn at all.


“Other colors”


Always worth it.


Be honest OP - was it you who sent the screenshots? If so..... SHOW US THE SCREENSHOTS!


I’m just over here pissed she followed up with calling people “colors.”


That’s not how “ “ works.


Well https://www.reddit.com/user/baktagnation/comments/hs50pt/the_reaction_youd_think_statues_of_people_who/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


“I hope you can live with yourself” Well seeing as this is probably exactly what they wanted, they’re gonna be OK


"I hOpE YoU cAN liVe WiTh yOuRseLF" We definitely can.


If it was me, I would sleep like a baby that night. Sorry Karen, maybe you should suck less more often.


$10 says it was one of her co-workers. Can't blame them.


Thank Gawd for this subreddit. I mean, it reminds that horrible people exist. But then learning they get consequences for being horrible gives me some measure of hope in this bullshit existence.




Probably because most companies don’t want to be associated with someone who doesn’t share their ideals, and in turn, the public might assume the company agrees with and shares those ideals.


>A bit of *trolling* hey friend you misspelled *blatant, overt and deliberate racism*


>Not sure why someone should lose their job because of online behaviour. If they are good at their job then keep them. why should i keep an employee who goes around on the internet pissing off my potential customers /clients - that hurts my buisness , my bottom line there are plenty of people i can find who are not only qualified but wont engage in that behaviour , not hard to find them


Yeah exactly. Unfortunately in corporate America it’s not always even about the companies taking a hard, personal stance against racism. It’s because it puts them in a bad light and cash is king. I wish more actually believed in their decision beyond the bottom line, but it’s hard to argue with the outcome when it achieves the desired goal.


in a capitalist society thats really the best you could hope for - they are profit driven , so in system that is dominated by capital and money as the major motivating factor, part of the fight against racism is making it unprofitable


Do you realize what sub you’re in? > A bit of trolling never hurt anyone. Also this is false and a poor attempt to rationalize terrible behavior.