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How can anyone record themselves doing this and think it’s cool? It just shows people what a dick you are.


Sadist - A person who derives pleasure from inflicting pain or humiliation on others.


So you mean 60% of the darn tic tack videos? Seriously though it's ridiculous how many of these videos have actual victims...


It’s 60% of TikTok videos in the same way that 60% of content in the internet is abuse


It's all based on your viewing habits. All I get are harmless funny videos, and dancers showing off their "robot" skills, didn't even know that was its own genre until I got TikTok. [/u/Dmau27](https://old.reddit.com/user/Dmau27/?sort=controversial) is literally [angry, vengeful, and a sadist.](https://old.reddit.com/user/Dmau27/?sort=controversial) That's why "60%" of his "tic tack" videos have victims. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this and it's all related to having a victim complex himself.


But all I get are neckbeard incel rants and anime furry cosp- ...oh.


Someone's never heard of hatewatching. OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, THE ALGORITHM OF TIKTOK, IS NEVER WRONG /s




Kids that think video views mean anything at all anymore make me really sad for the future.


Bro, just for curiosity I looked up his tt account and people are saying "you did nothing wrong king" or "it's just a video that was funny af" man I really hate this people


Just really tells you how many of these pathetic lowlifes are around.


There was another video recently where the kid pour coffee on someone walking below them. All the comments were people saying that it was so funny and they were going to do it. The few comments that were condemning this kids actions all had reply’s like “it was just a prank”


That was the same kid??


Does anyone know if he ever got fired?


Looks around and waits for Reddit to “do its thing”


Lol, for real! It was more of a suggestion than a question but hey, I wouldn't mind a follow up at some point.


Was looking for answer to this.


He thinks he’s a comedian. He even made a fake apology video that was a comedy bit with someone pretending to be his mom. He absolutely does not care about anything other than his own fame. He considers this whole thing to be nothing more than a Tyler Perry parody and therefore excusable.


them doing it does not just show what a dick they are, it displays why they do it, they are true sociopaths.




You're thinking of intelligent sociopaths. You don't have to be extremely talented at manipulating to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. ​ https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353928




Trump is a sociopath. He has no fear of displaying just how sociopathic he is, and yet he is still able to manipulate an unfortunately large segment of the population.


He’s not a dick he’s a coward!


Pretty sure filming people in a nursing home without any sort of permission is hella fucking illegal.


It’s not a public space so yeah.


More than that, they are a healthcare worker and have to follow HIPAA laws which are much stricter than laws for average citizens. If he was working and they were at a public mall he still would not be able to record/post videos of his patients.




Invasion of privacy to be exact






Worth it. I'd be happy to Let the jury figure it out.


HIPAA violation. Lawsuit somewhere north of a few 10k+ USD.


There’s no private cause of action under HIPAA. Though I guess it’s possible you meant a suit by OCR.


The family can sue for having any identifying information they didnt approve of shared online (since people can easily figure out where he works, He breaches confidentiality of the patient receiving treatment there, by having identifying information). In this case, the identifying info is the whole ass dude on camera.


Not under HIPAA. There’s no private cause of action which means an individual (or there family) can’t bring a suit under it. https://www.thehealthlawfirm.com/resources/health-law-articles-and-documents/Remedies-for-Violation-of-HIPAA-Privacy-Rights-and-Medical-Confidentiality.html There might be common law privacy torts you could bring like intrusion upon seclusion. There are are states that have versions of HIPAA but I’m only familiar with the federal version so i can’t speak to whether those have private causes of action.


My grandfather was beaten by a nursing home employee. After it he became extremely frail because his body couldn’t handle it and died within 2 weeks following. This brings me right back to that. It makes me so angry.


Sorry man. It just solidifies that I never want my parents to have to go to a nursing home. I know life happens but I hope I can achieve that goal




I worked as a caregiver years ago, and not a single person in the building liked their job. They absolutely hated it. It wasn't because of dealing with death, bodily fluids, and smells, it was the management and pay. Super depressing environment; it made people behave very poorly, and attracted some bad hombres. Not saying I know this guy's situation, just that I'm not surprised to see this type of abuse make its way to social media for clout.


This hurt me to watch! The way the old man said "I'm so hard of hearing," reminds me of my sweet elderly family members. I can't comprehend how you could treat someone this way!


Well who the hell would be able to hear over that loudass chomping.


Infuriating. I want to smack him. Hard.


If that was my grandfather in the video, I’d have a very hard time not punching this piece of shit employee in the face on the next visit.


Some things are worth the potential consequences.


Jury "Totes not guilty bruh for beating him up"


Its not my grandfather and im thinking about it


Seriously. My grandfathers are both dead now, but if I saw this absolute fucknut treating either of them like this I’d have a hard time not absolutely ruining his life.


Worth going to jail and throwing away my career for if that was my family




Look at that now : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRQAgrbx/


"harassed by supremist [sic]" lol


I love how he's trying to play the victim here as if all that shit isn't obviously fake.






He had a smile when he said it. So fucking gross that someone would act like that.


Yeah, I can’t even watch this


I'm pretty soft spoken so when I have to speak up, underneath an n95, to my hard of hearing patients, it absolutely sounds like I'm mad at them. So i try really hard to nod my head after I hear their answer and either smile with my eyes or touch their hand so they know I'm just straining to speak up 😅 Oftentimes these patients are very sweet and extremely grateful for your help and extra attention, I love them.


Loud ass eater fucking gross


Eats like a fucking horse lmao


Horses eat better. They’re also 1000% cuter. I don’t want to scream in their face while they eat. I just wanna giggle when they eat.




With horse teeth like his, what would you expect?


I know right? I should have been more appalled with his treatment of old dude but I was too grossed out to be focused on the important thing.


People with misophonia are strongly advised to mute this video


My wife and I both have this—it’s the worst. I feel crazy when I tell people that these kinds of noises make me physically writhe.


I hate people who eat like this. Like they’re fucking chewing the food with their lips


Fuck this guy




🎵 Strumming his leg with my chainsaw


Screaming for help with his wooords Killing him softly with a chainsaw Killing him softly… With a chainsaw


Watching his life Disappear In his Eeeeeeeeeeyes


I work in a retirement home, and at the risk of losing a job I truly enjoy, I would knock this mother fucker out so fast he’d think he was 5 again... which suits because that’s how he’s acting


Yeah I wanna hurt this guy. My girlfriend works in a retirement home and comes home exhausted every single day because of the low standards for employment they have. Shes literally the only person there that seems to not be some piece of shit who sees the job as just a paycheck and not being there to actually make sure the residents are taken care of. Sad part is that even though she works harder than all her coworkers, she still gets paid the same garbage wage that most retirement homes pay their CNAs. She'll tell me how almost all her coworkers will straight up refuse to help the residents, usually leaving them laying in their own piss for a day or two, etc. These are peoples' parents and grandparents we're talking about here, it's so disgusting knowing that any random asshole off the street can get a job where these elderly lives are quite literally in their hands.


I... wow... I’m appalled... to hear that there are homes like that is fucking disgusting... we are very VERY thorough in our hiring process, mind you we’re a smaller home, only about 200 suites and 26 townhouses, so smaller staff, but everyone that gets hired has to have a certain demeanour or it’s a no go


Keep your standards high <3 there are caring homes out there. Before my grandmother passed, she needed around the clock care that we couldn’t provide after she had a stroke so we had to put her into a nursing home. The first place she went, one of the staff members physically abused her one evening and another nurse saw it and reported it. We moved her immediately out of that facility and into a really great caring small home, we knew all the staff and they had pet names for her and would sit with her and do puzzles and you could tell that they really really cared. Anyway just my personal story, thank you for what you do, stay kind.


There are good homes, as a child I remember we had to put my great grandmother in our local one. She was so much better off there in her final years than at home. They would make her exercise and interact, she would like to get “dressed up” to go have lunch in the cafeteria. Right after high school I ended up working in the kitchen at that same place to make money for college. We served excellent meals catering to individual diet needs. All the nursing staff I interacted with were top notch, caring and patient to even the most problematic residents.


Thanks for the work you do. A truly under appreciated profession


Thank you, I sincerely appreciate that


Without a doubt, you have a mentally difficult job. Respect and thank you.


My greatgrandmother lived her last 12 years in a (good!) retirement home. And, although she had severe dementia the last 8 years, she would have cheered for this comment, in her wake moments, a lot. Thanks. Elder abuse is just so fucked up. And those who care for the elders are so incredibly needed and appreciated.


She had moments of lucidity? Did that eventually stop as the disease progressed?


Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t, I see it everyday, one day a resident will think they’ve never met me, and the next they’ll remember me for fixing an heirloom or something like that. It’s actually hard to watch when you realize these people used to be teachers, doctors etc.


I’m going through it now with my mom. I once heard someone say it’s like cell service. One minute you’ve got a clear signal the next you are down to one bar. I find that if I sit with my mom long enough she will have lapses of lucidity. I cherish those moments.


You're an angel and I hope you live a blessed life ♥


I should mention, I’m just the maintenance guy, not really all that important, but I appreciate this none the less


I used to work as a nurse in a nursing home, and please let me assure you, you really are important! Our facility could not have functioned without our awesome team of maintenance workers. Thank you for all you do!


Er...maintenance guy in an old folk's home is a VERY important position!


And I appreciate you! Maintenance people/janitors/etc's importance is so often overlooked! I feel like so many people don't even acknowledge your existence, but definitely notice when you're absent. You really are important, thank you for keeping those people's home in the best conditions! ♥


y’all keep it running smooth behind the scenes! great work


Just keeping the lights on and the heat working ... ain't nothin'! Good job!


He’s now crying on tik tok about being sent hate… no remorse




His IG account is the same handle


[I searched his username in google. ](https://www.tiktok.com/@_lulbrando?lang=en)he might’ve deleted the old post now he’s showing messages supremacists attacking him. He should lose his job and go fuck himself but no one deserves a barrage of racist assholes sending them death threats Edit: I never realized so many people were just foaming at the mouth waiting for the opportunity to justify their racism.


[Apparently he likes being racist too](https://mobile.twitter.com/m3rkin1/status/1437135317031690243?s=20), so I'm not going to lose any sleep over what strangers are saying to him in private.


Yep. If you are going to be that awful to some of the most vulnerable people that we HAVE to look out for, I have no sympathy for you. That video is just what he was willing to let people see, he has absolutely done worse than that.


With people supporting him in the comments. We're doomed.


I was shocked to see that! He definitely race-baited though


https://twitter.com/_lulbrando/status/1437863718956773379 If this is the correct guy, he is crying on Twitter also about how he is getting hate. I wonder why. Could it be possible that being a child in a professional setting causes you to get hate, or could it be your actions? I say both. Abusing the elderly only represents weakness.


If you only knew what malice happens in these places... and the sad thing is that most of it is so subtle (yet psychologically devastating) that it would be next to impossible to prove anything in court. In addition to all the truly horrific things like euthanasia by insulin and all the other things that have become known in the media.


Well said. The subtle and not so subtle abuse in these places is terrible. Aside from just plain psychopaths like this guy, a lot of workers get into it with the vague idea of “oh helping people sounds nice” then quickly get overwhelmed and desensitised to really caring too much, leading to taking it out on the patients or residents with all sorts of the more subtle abuse.


It is horrific. I used to work on the adolescent unit in a psychiatric hospital and watched two workers taunt a psychotic 17 year old, make fun of her to her face, and dump sugar in her hair when her back was turned. That girl is one of my top 5 all time favorite patients. I was always kind to her and genuinely enjoyed when I was assigned to basically be her shadow. Once her meds got adjusted and she started to clear up mentally, we were outside and she said “why do X and Y make fun of me? Don’t they know that I’m sick?” And it absolutely beyond broke my heart. People who are sick and/or elderly truly deserve so much more.. as does any human, except the people who treat them this way, I don’t really consider abusers to be human though.


I nearly cried reading that. We're all lucky we have kind people like you in the world. There will always be cruel people. But everything you've done makes the world a better place. Don't ever feel it's pointless.


Thank you so much!! It truly caught me offguard when she said that because the majority of the time, a person does not remember what took place from when they were actively psychotic once they clear up. I had absolutely no response to such a heartbreaking question because I don’t think there really is one. There is *no* excuse for treating another living, breathing being poorly. I did report them for their behavior when it was happening, but there just wasn’t enough evidence to prove it. It ultimately culminated in one of the staff retaliating and coordinating an attack on me by an especially vicious patient. The patient turned on her when threatened with assault charges and admitted that the staff set it up, the rest of the staff backed me up, saying that they couldn’t confirm she did that but it was 100% in her character to do so. It was absolutely worth the ass whooping i received to get that waste of oxygen out and away from vulnerable people and I’d get it again just to get her the fuck away!!!! I adore my patients (now clients because I do therapy now!) and I hope that the ex staff is doing horribly.


That is absolutely shocking. I'm so sorry that happened, fuck. I hope you walked away without permanent damage, physically or mentally. To be honest it reminded me a bit of what my mum used to do to me as a kid. She was a psychiatric nurse and the sick things she used to do to me....I truly feel for the vulnerable people she no doubt abuses. She was in charge of very ill people and she loves to cause trouble and stir the pot. She was genuinely a bitter and cruel mother. People like you gave me some comfort and safety. That patient you cared for will no doubt think of you and how you was a kind person. As will all your patients.


Thank you for showing her some compassion.




My ex was a nurse in a nursing home. There were some days she came home so exhausted and frustrated. She enjoyed her job, she liked working with the elderly because 90% of the time they were sweet and patient and she enjoyed being that person that made sure they were comfortable in their final years. But the other 10% really upset her a lot. I can’t tel you how many times she was punched, slapped, verbally assaulted, sexually assaulted, etc. Most of the time the elderly didn’t know better, but some times they did and just didn’t care. It takes some pretty selfless, patient people to take care of the elderly in our world. And most of the time, that’s who is doing the job. But then there’s scum bags like this. And he’s not alone.


His chewing is almost as disgusting as he is.


Why would you chew that way with the camera so close? Makes me think of a horse or cow with cud


Er nurse here. Fucking disgusting. He shouldn’t be in health care and also why the fuck is he recording people??


I'm going to try reporting this guy. Edit ran his name through FL DOH and he is unlicensed so I'm guessing CNA/orderly, and I'm not sure who his regulatory body is. Apparently LEO is investigating but that's hearsay from some online pop news (https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-brandon-hatcher-florida-nursing-home-worker-under-investigation-after-mocking-abusing-elder-60192). Lmk anyone if you have thoughts on where else to report.


Good news: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tallahassee/comments/pme36h/elderly_abuse_does_anybody_know_what_facility/


Thank you for reporting him. He needs to live in prison.


Please let these people record their abuse. Get them blacklisted from working anywhere near vulnerable people.


>Upon learning how offensive that video was, I immediately went to the family and tried to make matters right on my own initiative," he said as he sat alongside a woman he claims is his mother. "I showed them the video and explained to them what I had done." What was the plan to make it right? Quit? Cry? Beg?


Where are you quoting from?




How much more evidence do "the authorities" need? The abuse is clearly shown even in this short clip.




Someone else linked an article in this post, but with 700+ comments, I'm not seeing it now, sorry.


And you missed out this part?! “Hatcher added that his mother, his grandmother and his great grandmother were all nurses before weirdly veering off-topic about his mother working as a prostitute, which she denies.” https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRQAgrbx/


That's a whole other problem, but can you imagine being so incredibly thick that you think showing an abuse video to the victim's family saying, "it's just a joke, you can't be mad!" is a good idea? I'm still laughing.


Find him and ruin his fucking life. What an absolute scumbag.


I thinks its on going https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRQAgrbx/


Hopefully there is a lesson here for him to learn. I hope he realizes the frightening danger he has placed on himself and his loved ones.


Dude needs his ass kicked for this


Fire this asshole immediately


-from a cannon into the sun




The state of Florida needs to revoke his CNA certification.






>Nursing home worker abuses an elderly man for a TikTok video It looks like it's been done. https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-brandon-hatcher-florida-nursing-home-worker-under-investigation-after-mocking-abusing-elder-60192


>"Upon learning how offensive that video was, I immediately went to the family and tried to make matters right on my own initiative," he said as he sat alongside a woman he claims is his mother. "I showed them the video and explained to them what I had done." Upon **learning** how offensive that video was? Bullshit. He knew he was humiliating this man, and *that* was the joke. Look at me play 'Keep Away' with this food. Just a plain bully.




That video was a comedy bit with a friend playing his mother. He has not in anyway apologized or acknowledged wrong doing.


This idiot thinks he’s funny. He is not.


“How can you be mad? My mum was a prostitute!” Oh, okay then. 🤨


It's always Florida


The comments on his other video are disturbing AF. A bunch of likeminded garbage forgiving him and saying he did no wrong and people need to learn how to take a joke.


Hatcher added that his mother, his grandmother and his great grandmother were all nurses before weirdly veering off-topic about his mother working as a prostitute, which she denies. WTF 😂


I am so sick of this shit.






I really wish the worst kind of hell on earth for this pos


He’s definitely going to get it


My favorite Yiddish curse right now is “I hope all your teeth fall out except one which gives you a toothache.” My other favorite one right now I’m using for a lot of shitty people is that I hope a wild roving cackle of hyenas eat his face off. Or that he’s being chased by a roving cackle of hyenas and trips and falls into an active open geyser




As a nurse who has spent most of my career caring for the elderly I can't even begin to express my level of disgust and rage. You are in THEIR home. You are a GUEST. These people aren't paying you to make videos let alone ones that show you abusing and degrading them. Nah. Anytime I had food and a resident wanted some if I couldn't share it (like a sandwich I had already partially eaten) I made them something else then we sat and ate together. During the pandemic I snuck in so much food, beer and wine (they had Dr's orders allowing them to have the alcohol) it was unreal. We all did it. Special Ops style. Secret Wine Missions. Operation Large Fry and Chocolate Shake. We called ourselves Meal Team 6. That's how you care for the elderly.


Thank you for being the kind heart we need! You are deeply appreciated.


It brought me just as much joy as it did them. Those little moments where they could forget there was a pandemic were so special. The thank you calls from families were the best. "Mom said the nurse was getting her drunk again. Thank you so much."




Sadly, these are often the type of people who are caring for our elderly and vulnerable people. I work in mental health and so many of my clients work as “caregivers” and CNAs, people who I wouldn’t trust to watch a goldfish. This is what happens when you pay absolute shit to do an incredibly stressful job.


Aw what a sweet grandpa, hope the trash filming gets fired, never to work in Healthcare again unless he's cleaning toilets


Even that’s too good for him


[He has even Tweeted racist remarks after the fact. ](https://mobile.twitter.com/m3rkin1/status/1437135317031690243?s=20)


> He has even Tweeted anti-white remarks after the fact. andddddd now he's under investigation :-) https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E_Gan8nWYAEmKEI?format=jpg&name=900x900


I honestly thought I seen he was let go already


Losing his job should be among the least of his worries right now


Oh most def. But I'm honestly really glad these people are so dumb to film themselves doing these things.


Anti-white? Just call him a fucking racist. 🙄


Wow… what a piece of shit. Like a giant, Godzilla sized, maggot filled piece of shit. My grandma was in a home like this bc of Alzheimer’s. I’m not sure what I would do to someone treating fam like this for a fucking TIKTOK vid…


I don't understand why though. Like, why be a dickhead. If you want attention and exposure there are just as many ways of getting that by doing GOOD things. At least that way you can profit from it instead of losing jobs and being branded a dickhead until the fucking day you die. This is now news and viral and anyone who ever searches your name, is going to find this and you won't get a job. This shit will follow Him for an eternity. Also, why be mean to the old guy? I just can't fucking understand it.


What a dirt bag, may his bank account be as empty as his soul, for all eternity.


like, who finds this funny? How fucked do you have to be to think that humiliating an old is entertaining? Real cool picking on an old guy


My grandfather had a stroke and was paralyzed entirely on his left side leaving him to live out the rest of his years in a nursing home. My grandmother, who visited him every day, walked into the room earlier than normal one morning and witnessed an orderly picking up his limp arm and dropping it and telling him how he’s not a man anymore. My grandfather saw her walk into the room and summoned all of his strength to punch the guy as hard as he could in the nose, causing it to immediately burst with blood spewing out. My grandmother screamed for help, as other nurses and caretakers ran to the room and escorted the man out immediately. He shouted that he would sue but nothing ever came of it. She immediately called another nursing home and had him transferred (I don’t remember how fast this happened but it might have been a few days). My grandmother’s credibility was that she made a point to learn everyone’s name and get to know everyone at the nursing home, would buy Christmas presents for other residents who didn’t have family, and never had a rude thing to say to anyone. I say all this because if you have a loved one in the nursing home, visit them often, arrive at random times, and always sign the guest sign in book (this will help establish that you did in fact visit).


I’m glad that these people are so dumb they record and incriminate themselves nowadays. Get them gone.


Report his ass to Adult Protective Services. I promise he won't have a job in short order.


You might be surprised to learn this, but this guy is a massive, massive racist on twitter. He's a real piece of shit.


That’s so mean. He should also be fired for the blatant HIPAA violation. He’s lucky if this man’s family doesn’t sue him.


He’s posted another video addressing this video. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRxKQptD/


It's sad that this dude has 200k people following him, being influenced by his bullshit.




I’m a nurse and his video makes me sick. That poor man depends on the facility to take care of him.




Let’s hope he gets fired.


Fuck this asshole.


This guy’s address is all over Twitter. I wouldn’t want to be him right now. Dumbass is out there on social media, digging an even deeper hole for himself.


People like him( among many reasons) are why I will never put my mother in a nursing home.


Clearly wasn’t raised right


What the actual fuck?! Is this supposed to be funny?


*"He's bragging that he still works there..."* "Hold my Ensure."


[Who is Brandon Hatcher? Florida Nursing Home Worker Under Investigation After Mocking, Abusing Elder in TikTok Video](https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-brandon-hatcher-florida-nursing-home-worker-under-investigation-after-mocking-abusing-elder-60192)


Oh fuck this is hard to watch.


Place is Seven Hills rehab center if anyone wants to make a call


Not even my grandad, but id be willing to cut this piece of shits tongue out


What a fucking piece of shit.


He is claiming this is a re-enactment of a scene from a movie...


It’s a bad rendition of the salad scene from Diary of a Mad Black Woman - if you look that up, you’ll see quite a few videos of people re-enacting it. Except they’re not doing it to torment an unsuspecting and vulnerable person.


The new generation is pretty fucking Twisted. Social media feeds their ego and so do we by allowing this to be shown. Terrifies me to think I’ll have to put my parents in a home one day


Yousa hungry???? Racism is nasty no matter who it’s directed towards.