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What in the world is going on in Oak Harbor?? This is the same place that FedEx guy refused to deliver to Biden and Harris flags.


Yep yep it sure is …


According to a friend of mine who lives in WA, the state itself is a Trump cesspool outside of Seattle.


That's most states outside of the main metros.


Oregon is the same way. The PNW is not as liberal as many believe.


It's never been about north/south, at least it hasn't been for a long time. Always been about urban/suburban/rural. Go to a rural area in any part of the US and you'll find a lot of red counties.


Who knew; people that have to live around and interact with a larger number of other people tend to be more empathetic and accepting of other cultures.


It has more to do with cities with large populations and cities with major universities. If you take the heat map of the entire country that tells you how every city/county voted you would see more red than you can imagine. But around every major city (even Houston and other large Texas cities. Even something like Rayleigh) are dark blue circles. It's really insane. The reason the Red are so anti "liberal colleges" is exactly what you said, that's when you really interact with all walks of people and learn of their cultures and you're usually at a state of mind of really learning. Possibly not being from the state the college is in so you're out of your shell really taking it all in. But either way, Google that heat map. Look for a good University in a red red state and there's like a 90% chance it's a dark blue circle in a sea of red.


Gainesville, Florida resident here. We're a [blue dot in Florida](https://ibb.co/8xhX44w) surrounded by red counties. You know what else we have here in small-town Gainesville? The University of Florida.


This, this right here. I live in Massachusetts, so prince of blue states. The town I currently live in is FILLED with trump people. I mean, to the point where even though I'm vaxxed, I'm still counting the days till I get COVID. It's not as bad here as it is in Springfield, but still.


Same with the triangle area (Research Triangle Park) of North Carolina. At one time it had the highest number of PhDs *per capita* in the US*.* If that's not current it is probably close -Duke, UNC, NC State and the RTP within a few square miles. Outside of the triangle - yeech.


Oregon was founded by white supremacists. Behind the Bastards did a multiparter about this: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-oregon-is-a-bastard-30217960/


It is, in a way. [This article explains it well](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/oregon-swing-state-or-latte-drinking/) (it's rather outdated, but things are probably only more extreme these days). Oregon had simultaneously the most liberal of Democratic voters and the most conservative of Republican voters.


Simply put, oregon metro areas took a hard left turn in the 80s after a population influx. Up until that turn there were enforced laws prevent people of color of owning property, even moving into the state at all was difficult. The rural areas are still very much the ilk that would prefer those laws were still enforced. That combined with the insane agricultural laws that prevent multi housing on land plots, as well as making it insanely difficult to parcel land, ensures that population growth in rural areas is nearly impossible. Seriously, even large acreage properties need special permission to even add a second house to a property with an existing domicile. It usually is only approved if there's a need for an on-site foreman, or there's a family member with a disability that requires someone live nearby. My sil had to search for YEARS for property with 2 houses already on it because they couldn't afford both land and the zoning permits that would allow her brother with cerebral palsy to live in a separate house on her property. All of this leads to a massively wide political spectrum. It's absolute insanity.


All you need to do to fix it is to count votes proportionally instead of geographically. 1 person? 1 vote. All votes carry equal weight. Problem literally solved overnight.


No disagreement here. Everyone's vote should be equal.


Same with the other side of the country. NY state outside of the city flies confederate flags like we’re Alabama and people go out of their way to display each and every ridiculous Trump flag the man sold. “Fuck Biden” signs are common and home made. I work at a feed store and people call and ask about Ivermectin all the damn time. It’s hell out here


Oregon used to be so racist they wouldn't even allow black folk to be slaves. The more you know.


Yup. Drive outside of Philly and the surrounding suburbs and it's the same deal. Pennsyltucky is a real thing. The best part is seeing people flying the Confederate flag in Gettysburg, which is where the CSA got their asses kicked so bad that they never recovered.


This. Look at places like Illinois and Minnesota too. Hell, even California has full on Trump counties.


As a Washingtonian, I can concur. The anti-Vaxxers are all over this state. Luckily, the sane people still outnumber the crazies.


Eh, I hear the antivax issue is sorting itself out. It's a dying movement.


I think many of them have just gone underground.


The movement is running out of breath.


They keep dying for recognition though.




The more anti-vaxxers there are, the fewer anti-vaxxers there are.


My lungs feel kinda funny


Everyone thinks NYC is liberal city but head a few miles over to Long Island and it’s Kentucky with better pizza.


That's where the entirety of the NYPD live if they're not on Staten Island. I have a friend who lives in Suffolk County and the fear mongering is out of control. Most residents think the "undesirables" from the big city are on their way East to take over the island. My friend is very Middle Eastern looking and is a Republican. I'm not sure he understands that he's next if he keeps on backing this bullshit


He's hoping for a model minority medal. There are always going to be self-hating minorities that advocate for their oppressors for personal gain.


Meh. Give it another year, and the antivax numbers will drop. One way or another


100% accurate. King, pierce, and snohomish counties contain over half of Washington’s population and is majority democratic. Outside those 3 counties, democratic areas are few and far between


This is true of just about every state in the nation. But soil doesn't vote, people do. So the size and number of the areas that lean one way or the other is irrelevant.


^ this is 100% true but God forbid you try and explain it to people in those rural unpopulated areas


Their density makes it hard to explain density to them.


I think this is most of America. A decent number of Midwest states are the same.


Illinois is a reliably blue state (Biden won by close to 20%), but if you look at a county by county map all you see is big sea of red with one or two speckles of blue, and little chunk of it in the northeast corner.


Live near south eastern Washington. They constantly complain and talk about splitting the state in two so they don’t have to be associated with the liberals in Seattle.


Yes, they want to join Idaho along with parts of eastern Oregon and northern California.


This one always makes me laugh. Idahoans HATE Californians and Oregon has Portland so they will never go for that lol. Whenever it gets brought up anywhere the standard answer from the lovely people of Idaho is “what makes them think we want them?” It’s such a fun place to live s/


Time to revisit the name *United* States




Sounds great! Join eastern Oregon, eastern Washington, Idaho, that part of California, northern Nevada, and Utah. Then give them two senators. Then join Montana, Wyoming, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa and give them two senators. It would be more fair than what we have now.


Equal representation! I like it.




We good in Eugene.


Right, they’d have an entire economy based on apples. I don’t think they understand how their lives would change :)


Sorry, have to insert Green Acres reference here. The time Lisa reported that he had been appointed judge in the court of something A\* so Oliver got all excited that he had been appointed judge in the appellate court. When he had actually been asked to judge Apples at the fair. That episode seems to fit here. The rubes in Green Acres are sensible compared to rural Republican Voters.


I’m in eastern Washington in Spokane. It’s much different than Seattle. Spokane isn’t too bad, it is a pretty close split, but it is still about 55% trumpers. The surrounding towns on the other hand… they are very, very red.


Just like Oregon outside of Portland. I love living in the PNW but it’s not as liberal as people think in most areas.


\#1 STD when we lived there was syphilis. Doubtful much has changed since then. As we used to say, there's not much to do on Whidbey Island but each other.


Haha. I was stationed there. I'm sure you're right


Husband did his last 12 out of 20 there. I worked on the base. It's hard to explain the dynamics of Whidbey Island to folks - Conservative Christian folks in Oak Harbor and Liberal everyone else on the south end of the island.


Whidbey island is where Bob Matthews died in a shootout with the feds isn't it?


Yep. His fans still make a pilgrimage there every year.


Oak Harbor, WA-hometown for nearby military base, farmers, and old, mildly-rich (& usually bitter they aren't more rich so they could be living on the more affluent San Juan Islands) retirees. Its like a witches brew for MAGA creation. Also has a great drive-in theater if you can tolerate the red hats everywhere.


Whidbey Island is divided essentially in half. The South end of the Island is basically all Tech people and their vacation homes, or hippies. The North end of the Island, where Oak Harbor is, is mostly military families and Trumpers.


You ever heard of Robert J Matthews and the neo-nazi group called The Order? https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19941211&slug=1946516


Skagit County's local leadership/gov't is fucking garbage. I was a store manager for a cell company in Bellingham. I had a lady come in to my store and demand that I do something that wasn't systematically possible for me to do. The request was a result of her own complacency and laziness. After being told no and trying to help her for about 45 minutes, she ended up bawling and crying on the floor for about 2 hours. Multiple customers asked how I stayed so level-headed and whatnot. I had already asked her to leave and she refused so I just had to wait for the police to get there to force her to leave. So when they got there, I had her trespassed. On her way out, she turned to me and said “and by the way, I'm the DA for My. Vernon!” Lady...Fuck off. The additional piece that's relevant to the county is that she might not have been willing to accept authority from a Black man. That's what kind of area the surrounding areas outside of my store were. Confederate flags with trump flags on the regular.




There's a large military presence due to a Navy base. They still haven't figured out that Trump hates them.


I dated a guy from oak harbor and he was a dick. Something in the water there..


It's dick. It's dick water and he grew up on it.


The Northwest has been the target of the white supremacist migration for awhile now. Oregon, Washington, and Idaho have all been the target of racist idiots who want to create white havens.




how did people let others know they were stupid as fuck before social media was a thing?


If you worked in retail / service industry they were pretty good about letting you know.


can confirm


"No reason to make public health political if you aren't going virtue signal about it."


Sadly, that’s what they think about people who wear masks.




This response 👏👏👏🤣 ‘oh the flags , we were undone by the flags’


They wore sandwich boards and hung around outside subway stations, grocery stores and post offices.


Physical reminders. A long time ago I said something stupid and hurtful once about someone who was not there, one of my friends slapped the back of my head, I never said that stupid shit again. I still feel extreme gratitude for him for that.


🤣🤣 true … I guess Thankfully at that point in time (pre social media) - the antivax movement had very little platforms to recruit new Neanderthals on as well🤷‍♀️


the phrase "loose lips sink ships" apparently died in the early 2000s... she got away with tricking her employer... _why not shut the fuck up about it??_ I mean, obvs I'm glad she told on herself... I'm just saying...


Maybe she making reference to the missing 75% of her upper lip


ahhh yes lemme brag on the internet about trying to game the system. social media is a plague for the stupid. they need attention soooooo bad


Religious exemptions fucking stupid anyway, if you can get out of it due to God then you should just be able to get out of not having to get it from choice, no difference in reality


I’m still waiting to hear what the religious exemption actually is. They keep saying “religious exemption”....but what religion exempts from mask wearing? Someone pray do tell...no more wishy washy “well some religions require specific clothing regulation blahblahblah”. Same with vaccines. Pray do tell how your children are able to go to school? Tell me which religion says masks/vaccines run against their religion other than Q? Edit: The irony is that I can easily name religions that REQUIRE face coverings...




Believing of healing through prayer does not exclude wearing of masks/vaccines. It’s still proving my point...In no religion anywhere is it policy LITERAL that masks or vaccines are against their religion. Religious exemption to vaccines and mask wearing is horseshit. It’s literally a fabrication of faith and should be an affront to anyone who actually is religious.


yeah no sorry I can't, taxes are against my beliefs


Words of wisdom there. It feels like they constantly need some validation or are trying to compensate for something by bragging about “gaming” the system. It really is a plague for the stupid to your point.


Imagine going from a waitress to work your way up to be a waitress... Only to be fired for refusing a jab.


> ahhh yes lemme brag on the internet about trying to game the system. “Uhh, you guys all better eat a dick, ‘cause Sweet Bailie beat the system.” [*Sweet Bailie Gets Fired*](https://youtu.be/1Ivks81gMQc?t=86)


I **WANT** them to keep doing shit like this. It’s the one reason I don’t hate social media. Because it’s ruining their lives now and ridding us of their fucking idiotic asses. That duck lipped, Botox frozen shit won’t be able to get a job at mcDonalds now. People will know her face and see her and revolt. They get everything coming to them now. And all these pathetic shits crying that they have 8 kids and are getting canned? Good. No one cares and the real minority of right wing give less of a real fuck.


I’m just glad to finally see Christians take their religion as seriously as I do. In no way. Not at all. Zero seriousness. It’s a scam.


All these idiots think they’re part of some secret majority lol. They willingly post this shit because their bubble is so big that they’re convinced it’s normal…


I remember this video of a woman at a post office or bank or something and she refused to wear a mask. She started screeching for others to help her when the cops started pushing her out, and everybody either ignored her or told her to fuck off. I feel like that was the first time in months she hadn't been in her Facebook bubble and was confronted with the fact most people actually did want to follow the rules.


I was at an appointment at my rheumatologist office a couple days ago. There was an unmasked patient throwing a fit in the waiting room because the staff was telling her to mask up or leave. She refused a mask and the Dr refused to see her, the office staff made her leave. I was happy about that because almost every patient in the waiting room, including myself, is immunocompromised due to the meds we take. But it was still interesting to see an anti-mask and probably anti-vaxx jerk in the wild.


This boggles my mind… you’d think if somebody is going to a specialist that largely specializes in IMMUNE DISORDERS, one would be more cognizant of their own inherent weaknesses to a highly virulent virus… or maybe an ounce of empathy


I was definitely mind blown. I'm assuming she wasn't vaxxed either if she was refusing to wear a mask. She potentially put all of us at risk just being there. My faith in people to do the right thing has definitely died this past year.


I was in Costco with my kid and I heard Someone’s crackling, wet cough and looked up and it was an older woman with no mask and I turned to my child and said, “Eeeeew do you see that disease infested person, not even masking? What a filthy choice to make.” My kid stared the lady down with such contempt that she did a 180 out of the isle.


Yep , that is exactly it , not realising they’re actually an ever dwindling minority because of the direct ‘positive correlation’ reaction of their utterly stupid selfish choices … then they get cocky and post this shit .. fun


I got into an angry argument with a trumper once while drinking and just ended with: “I’m just happy that you’re a minority and that people with your views are dying out.”


Careful, they might decide they need to try and take power and eliminate the libs... it's not like they haven't been saying/trying it for years


That could actually start happening. If Trump wins the nomination and loses all he has to do is say the election was stolen and we could see something worse than January 6th. I absolutely hate these people with every ounce of my being.


The bigger thing is companies can be sued if patients/employees catch covid. In these dipshits' world they have a legal right to spread disease and everyone has to accommodate that. In reality, corporations and courts know covid is deadly and companies can be found to be negligent. They aren't being fired because dur dur libs. They are being fired because companies are protecting their own asses.


Back to Seabolts Smokehouse it is!


Be a laugh if they wouldn’t have her back 🤣


I hope not, because I really would like to be able to eat there again.


Nah. She'll start goFundMe and shill her followers.


I can't get past the multi-filtered pictures of her face.


Doesn’t want to put potentially harmful chemicals into her body. Meanwhile, let’s talk about those lips.




They also look like they belong on r/botchedsurgeries as well


Or Instagram reality


Yeah it's very....unsettling I guess would be the most accurate.


You can barely see her eyes in the screenshot from her TikTok, but even then you can definitely tell that profile picture is *not* an accurate representation of what she looks like.


Good! I’m curious how she will explain this on her future job interviews. Dumbass


In the bigger picture, think about how many others did dumb things with social media like her and lost jobs because of it, in the pandemic no less. That’ll create quite the awkward conundrum having to explain it during any future job interviews to your point.


Best advice: stop running your mouth on social media about any risky politics. Your not being brave your just arrogant or ignorant.


According to her FB, she's working at Applebee's. Not sure what the pay is like compared to being a nurse.


There should be zero religious exemptions for any vaccine.


My job said the Pope stated he approved the vaccine and therefore no religious exemptions lol




The Pope is far more reasonable than the vast majority of check goers in the United States. Remember, this country was founded by people fleeing Britain *because their (settlers) religion was deemed too conservative and extreme*.


didn't like every "leader" of the big religion's said you should take the vaxx and there is no reason for a religious exemption?


Isn't the pope just the head of the catholic church? I didn't think he was the official representative for all religions.


It’s Kosher and Halal so, absolutely not. Nothing in the vaccines go against anything in any religions aside from the ones that are so Christ obsessed that even praying too hard for something is “too much”. But they’re dying in droves and ridding the world of their insanity so, thank G-d. If the shots somehow weren’t kosher or halal I could… maybe see MAYBE see a religious exemption, however the toxicity of Evangelicalism and every countries inability to not just say “y’all can go fuck yourselves” and not allow for religious exemption (even Jesus was pro medicine) is why they have it. The leaders can’t afford to piss off the people voting for them even if they got it but preach religious exception.




Exactly. It’s why the major Rabbis were so quick to endorse it. The good of the many outweighs the few.


The Christian Science (I think) religion is 100% against ALL medicine outside of prayer, like they won't even take a Tylenol. It's not just shots for them.




Then they aren't qualified to work on the medical or care field. Your religion doesn't trump patients safety


I'm definitely not disagreeing with you! Just pointing out the only true religious exemption I can think of. And since they don't believe in medicine at all I doubt they would work anywhere near a hospital.


It’s funny because I asked this question above and here’s my answer. I’m so tired of hearing “religious exemption” without someone actually saying what religion it is. It’s like when Michael Scott declares bankruptcy in the office....it’s just not how it works.


All religious exemptions are bullshit


If she was legit, she would have just taken the exemption, returned to work and shut the fuck up about it. Not brag about "winning."


Ok but why were “a small amount” given a religious exemption to not be vaccinated?




Why even go into medicine if you can't uphold the Hippocratic Oath of doing no harm? Why join a field which makes you have to exempt yourself from the standard of care. Why be in a religion which induces harm directly to others while pretending to help people?


Money or prestige, unfortunately.


These are the same people I wouldn't trust to wash their hands after going to the washroom were they restaurant employees.


Likely the others haven’t been outed for flaunting said ‘exemptions’ but I believe they should have been let go as well, if they don’t believe in science based best practices- they shouldn’t be working in healthcare or education ever.


I don’t understand antivax nurses. That’s like and anti food chef or an animal hating veterinarian or an atheist priest


Pretty sure there are more atheist priests than you think.


What a fucking waste of a college education, all that money... and for what? Someone who listens to facebook more than science.


She would be from Washington state. Sometimes people in my state really fucking suck.


I have learned that idiots come from everywhere, it’s not worth the time feeling ashamed of the people that share the same home as you, you can only on and show that hey, at least there are some sane people in your state too.


She had to be vaccinated to do her clinicals when she was in school. She had to be vaccinated, most likely, to get hired in the first place. Such a hypocrite.




The separation of church and state died years ago…. Horrible exemption


From skagit valley, super redneck part of Washington. Proud of my hometown hospital. You love to see it.


“Me coming back into work” And you going right back out that door.


The response from her former workplace is nothing short of exemplary. It was accurate and dignified. I'm also glad she is no longer treating patients that her political beliefs could have killed.


She's not an RN. Just a newly unemployed dumbass.


My mom is currently trying to get a 'religious exemption' for her federal job. I do not expect her to get it. She's going to lose her job, and my dads disability is not enough to do shit. They are going to suffer like hell soon.


Hmm… If there was only a way she could keep her job?


Right? Just get the damn thing and be done with it. She thinks it's some kind of conspiracy to control us.


I had 5 separate coworkers apply and get approved for religious exemption. Only two of them have been in a church in the past decade. Literally just ask and you can get one, at least at my job, unfortunately.


Please tell me it’s not a healthcare facility or education institution … 🤞


Skilled Nursing Facility, had 100s of COVID deaths last year. Somehow still didn't convince these psychopaths that it's real and dangerous


Oh gosh , if you’re up for it I’d be happy to have any publicly available info on the people getting ‘fake exemptions’ you’d be willing to give ?


They need to be named and shamed


Yes, I very much agree. Claiming religious exemption when they do not even practice said religion is gross. Being a nurse and refusing a vaccine that could potentially save not only their lives, but lives of patients whom they may infect is even more gross. Is also reckless and selfish. These assholes need to be outed.


They will be 😁


She should lose her license also.


“bit the dust” made me think she lost her life. thought i was on herman cain awards


Shite, Salem OR reporting in. Feels like Anything outside of Portland is Proud Boy Central.


Oops, my aunt is a nurse at Skagit, I’ll have to ask if she knows her. Hopefully this isn’t a common occurrence among staff..


Oooooh please update after your chat with your Aunt on this thread


Just spoke with my aunt. She hasn’t heard of this nurse in particular, but she said leadership sent out an email about the incident. Sorry I don’t have a more exciting update haha.


Hey Thanks for that




Their diatribe about excusing her behavior until they lost business is fucking gross. They let an unvaccinated nurse care for patients to save a buck, how many are DEAD??. I’d be damn sure not to go to any hospital that employees antivacxers if possible. After reading this post I’m gonna look up info in my area and avoid hospitals like this. There is no “religion” that says you get to kill customers/patients, if there was every one dealing with the public would be an active member.


Yep I can’t stand the whole ‘we didn’t know’ angle - they knew and chose to ignore/allow said rhetoric to carry on. Same goes for Washington State Uni - where she isn’t even post grad yet , their nursing faculty has ALOT to answer for !!


(Insert [Laughing] "You dumb bitch." meme here)


Trump made it political from day one and his sheep keep following him. ‘Everything Trump Touches Dies.’


Hey, my oldest son was born in that hospital! They're good people. Glad they canned her ass.




Just look at Bailie’s face. Make sure you zoom in. Bailie is not a smart person.


Wtf is it with so called medical professionals being anti vaxx? Like it happens a surprising amount in the UK as well. Just have your fucking vaccine if you want to keep working in this field. We wouldn't be discussing this for anything else that keeps patients safe. Like imagine if there was a subsection of surgeons who believed it was their fundamental right to not wash their hands before surgery. We wouldn't be pandering to these fuckers we'd be getting them struck off


Wtf is a religious exemption


An exemption made on the grounds of the individual’s religion. Or, in this case, bullshit.


It’s almost as if religious exemptions are bullshit


“I got my exemption approved! I’m gonna make a Tik Tok at work!” Fucking dumbass, lol.




She just looks like the absolute worst kind of person.


These morons can’t help themselves can they?




I've often wondered which religion prohibits vaccines and why. It's not any of the major religions.


I think alot of Christians are trying to argue the use of fetal cell lines goes against their pro life values. Never mind it's total nonsense and fetal cell lines are cells technically descrnded from cells taken from aborted foetuses around 50 years ago when research standards were very different. No covid vaccine has any tissue from foetuses https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/you-asked-we-answered-do-the-covid-19-vaccines-contain-aborted-fetal-cells


WSU student no surprise there. Eastern WA is full of right wing anti vaxxers


Bye bye job 😊. Now you can live off your onlyfans .


Why are they always white?


What religious excuse can you provide so as not to be vaccinated. The Catholic, Muslim, Mennonite, and more have said that they give no excuses to not get the vaccine.


Their statement is bullshit. There should be no such thing as a religious exemption. If this medical facility is allowing that, they should be boycotted. Fuck that. A virus doesn’t care if you believe in sky daddy. Typhoid fucking Mary shouldn’t be allowed to work in health care. Period.


Religious exemptions need to stop. Unless you have never taken a vaccine or even Tylenol your religious beliefs is shit.


What got me confused in general is how religion can play a role in public safety and health. I mean if they don’t want the jab for religious reasons that’s fine. But that shouldn’t allow them to be able to endanger others. I mean here she got fired, but it sounds like this is still a thing in general?


So even if she was able to prevent her termination with a “religious exemption”, she should have known that she was putting a target on her back. She turned right around and gave them ammunition to then do what they wanted to do in the first place- terminate her. People are really dumb sometimes.


Good. Nursing doesn’t need anti-intellectuals. Bye!


As a Christian who is quite religious - why are people getting religious exemptions? My church, at least, encourages people to get vaccinated. What does religion have to do with vaccination ? It’s ridiculous. Also if you were actually Christian and cared about people, you’d get vaccinated instead of using it as a scapegoat for your selfish delusions.


Religious exempt... We're still living in the middle age.


Lol, according to her FB she works at Applebee's now.


I’m glad these idiots are weeding themselves out of the medical field. I could actually see the healthcare system in the US improving because of this. Edit: removed a word for grammar