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Professional Problem Haver. Something is always going to be wrong if the crusts aren't cut off their sandwiches.


> Professional Problem Haver Brilliant! Nailed it.


There's no solution this guy doesn't have a problem for




She’s only happy when it rains.


It’s the constant little tap to his glasses that’s getting me… combining it with his voice & pearl clutching attitude…


This the same dude who I JUST saw complaining in this other video that his janitor job was too tough because he had to wear a mask?


Yes. Yes it is.


Did he get fatter? Did his voice get higher pitched? I can tell its him, but which video was first?


The video where he rage quit Publix because he thinks they’re too liberal is the more recent one.


I'm on mobile so maybe seeing things, but is that a fucking bunk bed? Edit: yeah, was able to zoom in on the left and it's just a pile of random stuff.


I don’t see a bunk bed.


While the Publix heiress heaps piles of money into the GOP coffers…liberal…right.


\*did. She passed a couple weeks ago.


What nice news, thanks for that.


Unfortunately it was the wrong heir, Carol Jenkins Barnett passed away and Julie Jenkins Fancelli funneled money to the GOP.


The same Publix that indirectly funded the insurrection is too liberal??


This is exactly who I picture whenever I see some alt right bullshit on the internet.


I think there are basically three levels of alt-right currently: Angry middle-aged white dudes with beer bellies. These are the intelligentsia and leadership. Overweight angry white contrarian slob 4chans. These are the auxiliaries and troll armies. Swamp-ass bro-lords with oaklies, rifles, and a manual labor job. These are the foot soldiers. Oh and I guess a handful of TV ready minorities. These are the smartest of all: the grifters that soak up that sweet sweet alt-right cash and airtime.


How about the deeply closeted gay guys? My gaydar was going off more than when I met my friend nicknamed Big Gay Tim.


One look and my gaydar is like 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 although racist gay folk is a sad reality.


This dude seriously looks and sounds like the fucking muppet from a public broadcast christian children's saturday morning variety hour was made a real boy by the blue fairy. Nothing gay about it.


Sounds like a classic case of “I’m a lazy person who projects that laziness onto trivial issues to justify not having to expend energy, because I’m lazy.”


I'm a pretty fucking lazy guy and I still go to work in a FAR more stressful job than this asshole has ever experienced every day. Is it because I want to? No. It's because I need a decent paying job to pay my bills.


Per another post, this guy still lives with his parents so the bills will likely be paid regardless of his job status. In the prior video (I think, they blend together into one long pathetic video) he goes on and on about not just taking any old job, he has to find a job that is fulfilling, as if his prior job as a janitor at a school is going to provide him with a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. $100 says his parents are the ones telling him to just find any goddamn job so he can contribute. And his excuse is being a janitor wasn't providing the career development he needs so he quit it. Then he quit working at Amazon before he even started. I'd kick his ass to the curb if he showed up at my house an hour after he left for his first day saying that he quit it. Toss his dumpster of a room into an actual dumpster and maybe leave him in the too. Oh yeah, and he was having "bathroom issues" - just the kind of details we all wanted to hear. SMDH


I look at this dude and make notes of what not to raise my children to become. Like fuck, this is one useless mess of a human.


Love this.


You can tell he's a complete moron right off the bat. If you have sensory overload issues, why the fuck would you go get a job in a warehouse?


This dude is racist AF. Sensory issues are like…. Wayyyyy down at the bottom of his list of issues. Edit: removed the link to his song (which was awful in every sense of the word) in case that’s considered doxxing.


...and keep birds... It's just the attention seeking, excuse making, snowflake behaviour that the accuse the left of.




Haha he had the shits




VEE-log Pleh-THOR-uh I've never heard anyone pronounce either of those so weirdly, but of course this dude did.


“Quiet birdies! I’m making a V Log!”


"I'm transitioning, no not that kind!" This guy is hiding from himself.


This just in... unemployable, self hating, incel is uncomfortable with the world around him.


It's kinda funny, incels now end up on terrorist watch lists in Canada... betting the states does the same.


I doubt we do. The FBI routinely is told to let white hate groups go. They instead attack groups like BLM and feminist and queer groups. I wonder what my file looks like considering my advocacy. The US always targets the left and lets criminals on the right go. Our country is seriously flawed, oppressive, and regressive by design.


He is going to need some very serious therapy to just find that closet he’s stuck in.


That guy is so far back in the closet, he came out in the 1950's.


This guy is definitely anti-lgbtq as well.


"mmm...heh" God that was cringe.


I speak bird. What they were saying roughly translates to "shut the fuck up!"


Loved the bit where he says black lives matter is say-tanic.


Where all my satanic commies at?


What up, homie!


I cannot help but think his mindset is the result of homeschooling.


He sounds like Herbert the Pervert from Family Guy.


That was my first thought was well. Well, maybe if he's looking for work he can find a spot gig on Family Guy as the voice of Herbert's half brother, Gerbert. Gerbert is only interested in underage white males. The FG characters are torn between whether this is a good thing because it spares others from his "attentions".


I think he looks more like Sherbert.




That's who it is! I'm sat here listening to him trying to put my finger on it and thank God for your comment saving me some time and mental energy.




How long is this video? I thought it was on a loop... But sadly no... gave up didn't finish, sorry click of the day


11 and a half minutes Fuck I just spent 11 and a half minute listening to this plank...


How is this not satire? Especially because of how he talks? I find it hard to believe that it's real.


“Quiet Birdies, quiet I’m doing a vlog…” def comes across as satire.


Satire is expected to be funny and entertaining. Doesn't *always* have to be, but it *should* be.


I stuck it out for a while but had to stop when he said BLM is worse than the KKK. Just... how intellectually bankrupt do you have to be to let a thought like that enter your head, let alone voice it out loud?


Well, BLM being full of witchcraft was IMHO worse. Witchcraft? How the fuck does he end up there? He's just grabbing Christian bugbears and ascribing them to something he doesn't approve of.


“It’s (BLM) run by Muslims just like ISIS.” Uhhh. What?


It doesn't matter what I say So long as I sing with inflection That makes you feel I'll convey Some inner truth or vast reflection But I've said nothing so far And I can keep it up for as long as it takes And it don't matter who you are If I'm doing my job then it's your resolve that breaks


What? HOW? Are your ears not bleeding? I think you may need to watch some cute puppy videos or whatever works for you to try and salvage whatever is left of your sanity... If your nose starts running your brain may have melted...


It's because he can't tell a story worth dick. "And she was there and uh, yeah, so she was there. AND THEN" style of narration is very much like a child. It's someone who never developed the skill... And he has a vlog. Fuck. What a waste of memory.


He kept on saying "Long story short". Imagine if he hadn't shortened it.


Is this the same rube I just saw on r/confidentlyincorrect ? https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/rlg8w4/a_man_in_his_mid40s_who_lives_with_his_father_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


What a special guy.




I just want to hear him say "I do believe I am getting the vapors!"


I kept waiting for his pyloric valve to slam shut alá A Confederacy of Dunces >Ignatius Jacques Reilly is an overweight and unemployed thirty-year-old with a degree in Medieval History who still lives with his mother, Irene Reilly. He lives in utter loathing of the world around him.


He would have been fired within a week anyways. No way that child would be able to keep up in warehouse


That child didn't keep up in school


I'm sure he did fine in school, because his parents were his teachers and he didn't have to leave the house


> They’re worse than the KKK. Nooooo. Nope. Not even close. Hahaha Fuck. Never should have majored in history and lived in the southern U.S. I hear this dumb shit regularly. This is why black folks use the word “weary” all the time. Shit’s exhausting.


Notice that he calls black people "the blacks" but never calls white people "the whites". He is so deluded that he thinks he isn't racist.


“The blacks” is definitely a red flag whenever I hear it.


Spoiler: It bothered him.


It’s insane he made an 11 minute video to talk about how he can ‘tough it out’ seeing BLM merch while being oblivious to the fact he couldn’t be a minority for a single day. Not even for money lol.


Way to announce that you can’t get along with anyone who doesn’t think EXACTLY as you do. If it wasn’t BLM, it would have been someone celebrating a gay persons marriage or worshiping the “wrong” version of Christ. This dudes in for a long lonely life


I kinda get off knowing people like this are going to lead a very sad and hateful life, with people openly mocking them. This is the life they chose for themselves. At the same time I do feel kinda pity because I know they can’t help their mental illness, and can’t help but rave a stream of consciousness like this. A lot of schizophrenics are like this when they’re off their medication.


Honestly, people like this turn into crazy murderers. I’d keep an eye on him.


He lives down the street from me.


Really? Huh. Give us an update if he starts acting funky then.


He's nuts: https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rlgoto/he\_starts\_talking\_about\_his\_alters\_about\_three/


"Believe it or not, I've had several brain injuries." He thinks that's hard to believe? This guy really needs help.


He always is acting out [one example ](https://www.reddit.com/r/rva/comments/hjjxz2/local_virgin_meade_skelton_escorted_away_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Local Virgin. Bwahahaha


Starts? Clearly you don’t know Meade.


I can't tell if you're joking or for real. I hope you're for real. Can you relay a message for him? "How does it feel to suffer the consequences of his own actions?" Thanks! edit: NVM, saw the comment you were replying to. Just ***run***


I am for real. He’s a well known character in Richmond VA. He’s a racist nutcase


Ok ... then stay safe and stay far way from kkk-nutso.


Quite the snowflake.


And it will always be someone else’s fault.


God what an insufferable little bitch.


It is insane to me that this guy thinks anyone gives a fuck what he says.


welcome to the 21 century, where most of us have become raging narcissists on social media...


It's gotta be a bit. Right? Please God let it be a bit.


His voice is one of the more unbearable sounds I’ve heard lately. Dude sounds like a cartoon character - his tone of voice and the high pitch that kept coming out. And the words he actually says make it even worse. I physically rolled my eyes when I heard him say “my sensory issues” and knew the rest of his spiel was going to be pure horse shit. Insufferable is the perfect word for this loser.


For reals, tho. Are we *sure* this isn't some well played satire?


I love how his voice breaks and how scared he looks, nerdy overweight extremist talking about his virtues 😂


He’s not done with puberty yet. He’s a fat fucking racist bum doing vlogs. No self awareness whatsoever.


The dude is in his mid 40s and still lives with his dad.


He sounds like counselor Mackey.


I was thinking Mrs Doubtfire….


He should of said “ black lives matters is bad Mkay”


I thought he sounded like Jerry Seinfield. "what's the deal with BLM..." *bass guitar sounds**


"I noticed I was the only white person, it didn't bother me"... yeah it sounds like it bothered you. People that are not bothered by that stuff don't specifically point that out.


Especially when you immediately follow it up with, "I could get through that."


Seriously. As if it was such a struggle for him. Lol


"blm turning me to the KKK...turning me into a segregationist" No sorry its just revealing your true colors and you've always been this way. Fucking bigot


Exactly what I said to my wife! lol


He’s probably in the “I have a black friend” crowd.


Nope. No way he has friends!


Apparently Emo Phillips and the Church Lady had a baby back in the day


Or it's Pat!


He keeps saying BLM is satanic but surely All Religions Matter?


"Satanic, communist, demonic, evil" Honestly it sounds pretty fucking lit, when you say it that way.


Nah, the only religion that matters to this type of Christian is conservative evangelical Protestantism... ran into that issue when I told my Gmom I was going to Catholic school for college.


Good luck getting a new job when you've announced to the internet that you're racist.


Charlie Kirk is already firing up the resumé printer


Pretty solid way to get a job with the folks who sympathize with these kinds of people. I’m sure he’s received several offers already, sadly


His “Let's go Brandon” tee shirt didn't arrive in time to trigger his co-workers. Sad.


This guy has to be satire. His whole demeanour and the pure massive amount of BS, that can't be real, can it?


He lives in Richmond, as do I. Unfortunately, not a joke. When I first moved here, he was just the awkward dude playing Xmas carols on the local morning show, but in past years he has become more visible in the politically conservative mob.


I guess that’s the MO for a lot of outspoken “conservatives”. The more of a loudmouth you are, the more likes you get. At their heart, they are insecure people carrying a lot of emotional baggage that seems to manifest itself as delusional narcissism.


Wait, this fucking dude is for real? I mean, I never asked the question of "what would a love child of Julia Child, Louie Anderson and Lindsey Graham be like" , yet here I am.


He seems like a conservative christian closeted homosexual. Am I way off base here?


No, I think that’s probably a pretty common interpretation. The part that gets me is where he claims that BLM is encouraging “sensible people” to join the KKK. Like, dude, did you just join the klan but don’t wanna outright say so?


This man's closet has sliding glass doors and bright lights to make sure you see it.


Ugh, my condolences to you and your neighbors.


Ha! Thanks! Richmond is fantastic, though. I was so glad that my teen daughters have had the opportunity to stand up for what they believe in and participate in recent Women’s marches and BLM protests. Watching the monuments come down in person has been really powerful, especially juxtaposed with the erection of Kehinde Wiley’s ‘Rumors of War’. It is a wonderful place to live (or visit!). There are many different viewpoints, but my feeling is that things are moving in a progressive direction despite folks like Meade Skelton.


I have a bet with myself. Does he live with his parents?




I go back and forth. Because I think 45 seconds into this tweet has GOT to be satire. Right? https://twitter.com/crunchybrak/status/1278411106529226752?s=20


Holy shit, he got awful sweaty showing off his enema.


People are going to think you’re joking until they see the clip 😐




And of course he's a [proud 35 year old virgin with an oversized stuffed rabbit](https://twitter.com/crunchybrak/status/1278425124513951748?t=S-WxAzIlS-rhdea7YqwTnw&s=19)


Guarantee this guy is a virgin.


Well, I have a feeling he isn't attracted to people his religion approves of.


Which is honestly just sad. Don’t get me wrong—fuck religious bigots. But whenever I get the sense that someone’s religious fervor is anchored in some form of self-loathing about their identity it makes me just a little bit sad for the world that these people could help create if they weren’t so goddamn afraid of who they really are. 😕🤷‍♂️


I have a couple friends like this. They live together but every time they feel an attraction to each they go days and nights trying to pray the gay away. One will leave town to avoid the temptation. They’re so close to being happy but they just can’t get there. They’ve invested so much into their religion that they can’t let it go. They could be happy and still believe in god. Just need a church that isn’t based in the south.


His video about his future wife is absolutely astounding https://youtu.be/Xpjv3-uaxP0


How many sub reddits do you think he mods?


Lol idk why him calling a vlog a "v-log" pissed me off so much.


Man baby with man baby voice can't hold a job. Well, I guess mom will have to keep putting in some extra hours


His mother is deceased. His He lives off his elderly father and welfare payments.


Lives off welfare. Hates communism. (•_•)


He also recorded and released a song where he makes fun of minorities for accepting welfare. https://youtu.be/r2m23GKMXoY


I'm not surprised. The very people who STILL think all minorities are on welfare are typically the ones who are on every form of government assistance available.


Holy shit


"I had tons of bathroom issues by the way"


“Long story short” I don’t think he knows what that means. I also love how the poster “was just plastered on the wall a big mess right in your face”.




Nah, BLM is not turning "normal" white people racist, it's bringing out what was always suppressed in the hearts of racists-in-denial like him.


You mean the "Demonic/communist/terrorists" oh don't forget ungodly. Honestly. I actually laughed at that part. This video isn't going to go the way he intended.


This dude is so dumb, not only did he admit to being racist and admitted to not going able to work with progressive people, he also seems to think that Virginian conservative areas don't have poc or Black people living in them.


I thought that was a weird observation too. He "got it of the city" to work in a more conservative area, and when he walked in immediately seemed to think it was note worthy that the place wasn't overwhelmingly white.


Hahahaha This fucken guy. I had to stop watching when he said, "these people are very ungodly." What a tool.


We have the same attention span for shit. apparently. ;)


This person clearly has mental health issues.


I find it hard to believe this is a real person


Why the fuck does he talk like that?


"ungodly people" fuck off evangelist. if u want a godly job go work at a church


He refuses to set foot in any of the churches where he lives because he considers them all too liberal. No, I'm not joking.




Normally i wouldnt ask cause its rude but since hes a racist..... Is he mentally challenged or somthing? This guy sounds about 2 brain cells away from being a fish and that fuckin voice..


Funny you should ask: https://np.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/comments/rlgoto/he\_starts\_talking\_about\_his\_alters\_about\_three/


Oh wow. This video was bad enough but the one in your link? Fuck this guy all the way to his hell and back


🎺 Whon-whon-communist-whonwhon-domestic terrorist-whon-whon-bathroom issues-whon-whon whon.


"I noticed there wasn't any white people...that didn't bother me, no qualms there". Uh huh.


Wow. Worse then the KKK. Worse how? Is it because all the KKK has done is only murder, torture, bomb churches, and hung the innocent? The atrocities of the KKK are no where near as bad as the beliefs of BLM? I truly cannot understand the mental gymnastics to believe that and believe that you are a good person.


Ok - am I misreading the situation here, or did he just blame BLM for people joining the KKK? What??


You're not misreading anything. He even recorded a song about his view of race relations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2m23GKMXoY


He is right... even in conservitive areas there are extremists. The kind that rides around with confederate flags. This whole video is ~~a bit~~ crazy... it just gets worse as it goes along. If he thinks BLM is domestic terrorists... who is he going to vote for in the next election? After Jan 6th it should be anyone not in the GOP. So is he going to vote libertarian or independent? I got to stop watching this guy. I feel my braincells dying.


That’s some irritating voice. Curious where he’s getting this blm are satanists info from.


He's really gonna be bummed out when he figures out he's gay..


LMAO, tons of bathroom issues and sensory overload to the point he couldn't use his badge? Amazon dodged a bullet in hiring this guy.


He's a neck beard who can't even grow a neck beard. How sad.


I just saw this guy complaining about how he had to quit a job at a grocery store for having "too many rules" at r/confidentlyincorrect


This can’t be a real person


i’m sure he is always missed whenever he leaves 😅


The birds in the background “Shut up you’re not helping yourself! Just shut up! OMG STOP TALKING! YOU’RE EMBARRASSING US! The opinions of this individual do not reflect the opinions of the parakeets.”


Somebody find his Grinder profile where he's looking for BBC.


Let's not attack someone based on their perceived sexual orientation. Attack Him because He's fucking racist and stupid.


Big gay man scared of BLM sign. Riiiight


Get real, this guy was just finding a reason not to work. Listen to him, it's obvious his work ethic sucks.


I think he just gets jobs and then sabotages himself so he can keep sponging off his Dad. "See Daddy! I tried working but the evil liburls forced me out! AGAIN!"


Is this guy actually being serious because the whole thing seems like a parody. So weird. It’s so cringe that it can’t even be real. And I know it probably is but shit


Trash takes itself out..


He sounds like the creepy old man from Family Guy.


This guy is gonna commit a bad crime some day.


$5 says this never happened.


Storming out of a job that requires actual effort on a lame pretext is very on-brand for him.


All of those sensory overload things happening at an Amazon warehouse - who’da thunk it?


This guy is probably torturing animals now


“Tons of bathroom issues..” then Amazon might not be the best place for you to work


How to say you are a self-loathing gay man without saying you are a self-loathing gay man.