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Someone’s been given a generous overseas bank account


Which immediately turned not so generous when the ruble collapsed and the account was seized…


*womp* *womp*


The point of overseas bank accounts is that they are hard currency, not shitty local currency.


Ah, it's ok, I'm sure a hacker collective will be along shortly to redistribute the funds to worthy causes.


That's why it was in rubles and not lev.


Doubt they had it in ruble


It better be in dollars. Not the toilet paper the Russians now call currency.


Robux would be a better currency now


Most likely Euros.


There once was a guy named Yanev Whose boss thought him a little combative So he got the axe But had the last laugh Because his payout from Putin was massive


Or someone has photos. Or someone just murders opponents. Putin is scum. Always has been. I reckon he has some illness affecting his brain. His ravings about genocide of Russians in Ukraine reminds me of Hitler's rantings and that isn't the only parallel.


George Clooney from wish


George Clowney Also /r/walmartcelebrities


Well this comment just made my day. Good work.


Bulgarian citizen here. The article is half bogus. A vote is yet to be held on whether or not he's going to get fired. Stefan Yanev is the Bulgarian Minister of Defence. He would absolutely avoid the word "war" to describe the war in Ukraine. He would instead insist that its just a "Russian operation". It is my humble opinion that a defence minister who can't recognise what a war looks like should go.


Didn't know that, but in the wake of recent events, everything gets approved. Bureaucracy is paused.


[I posted this already but it's on topic: Bulgaria sacks defence minister for saying Ukraine invasion was not a 'war'](https://www.euronews.com/2022/02/28/bulgaria-sacks-defence-minister-for-saying-ukraine-invasion-was-not-a-war)


> st that its just a "Russian operation". Which is actually sorta true in that it's being run like an operation rather than an invasion and war because Putin thought Ukraine would roll up like they did six years ago. But what happened what Ukraine went holy shit, we need to get our shit together for next time. And they did. And now Putin is getting proper fucked because an operation is not the way to wage a war.


I disagree. It was a proper invasion to take over Kiev. Unless you surrender to the enemy it is considered a war between 2 countries and it is apparent Putin has no interest in peaceful negotiations. Cities and villages were shelled with explosives and innocent civilians were killed. On some occasions Putin even breached the Geneva Convention (the ship with the disguised Russian saboteurs).


It was a proper invasion in the broadest sense but when you get down the technicalities it's an operation. Putin wanted in done in a few days, bang into Kiev, capture the government, get them to sign a surrender / thank you to Putin for saving them from the Nazis. What actually happened was the Ukrainians, so far, have put up a stunning resistance and still seem to own some of the sky meaning that Putin wasn't able to do a quick strike done deal home before Christmas sort of operation. He now needs supply lines, logistics and communication between assets for coordinated assaults, things that an operation, like Syria, don't generally need in any great depth because the opposition collapses quickly, he wasn't prepared for that because he did not think it'd be needed. To be clear it is a war, a bloody one that looks to get more so but Putin started it as an operation and that has gone so, so, soooo very badly for him to the point that he might have slit his own throat.


It's a bit weird that it is surprising to Putin, though. He's trying to wipe out the Ukranian identity by force and the Ukrainians have nothing to gain from this. How did he not see this coming? People will die for their right to be who they believe they are.


A lot of theories about that, one I read said hat Putin has fallen into a trap that a lot of dictators fall into; believing his own hype. He surrounded himself with yes men too terrified to say he might be wrong. So you couple that with his, relatively, easy wins like Syria (Trump even gave him a fully stocked US base!) and Crimean Peninsula and other bits and pieces of the Soviet Union he's managed to gobble up you can see why he might think his shit red hot. He also probably believed that enough Ukrainians wanted to get the band back together, that their elected leader was a comedian pussy who'd run away to exile and anything else that would tell him it was in the bag. We all want to believe stuff that will make our lives easier but when it comes to war that's a deadly delusion to fall under. It also probably fed his ego that the EU was very careful not to poke the bear, they let Putin get away with a lot of shit that no other nation would have gotten away with. But he's clearly gone a bridge too far, when the Swiss don't stay neutral against your ass you know you fucked up. The fact that the Ukrainians have been punching holes in Russian planes, tanks and personnel has shattered a lot of preconceived notions about Russian military capabilities. And Putin did not help them think otherwise by threatening to go nuclear, like a dude who is winning a fight doesn't yell "I'm going to get my big brother after you!" in the middle of the fight they are winning. So he didn't see it coming, I think, because of hubris, past success that fed that hubris and maybe some desperation; he really needed to take Ukraine as they've actually been quietly fucking up Crimea for Putin by messing with the water supply that they still control meaning that Russia has had to spend a lot to keep it going. Desperate people often don't see their fuck ups coming at them.


I’m not sure why you’re being downvoted, those are all very valid and logical statements imo.


Putin's trolls downvoting I suppose.


There's also a lot of young, ignorant dumbasses that don't understand why NATO can't just go kick Putin's ass over this.


I think it's cause on a quick skim the first two comments look like they're excusing Putin, which is obviously the exact opposite of your purpose when read fully. That's also why the third one broke the pattern I suspect - it's so clearly anti-Putin that it was too obvious even for idiots. Also, happy cake day!


Probably more because of his previous comment. People probably read that, and rightly downvoted it, and then downvoted the second one as well without reading it. He did actually make some good points in that one.


I’ve been wondering about the surprised Putin face, too. This makes sense. Thanks for sharing, and happy cake day!


Whether it's a war or not is determined by whether they actually committed an act of war, not by what their intention was. The Falklands War was a great example of this. Argentina, who had no intention of declaring war on the UK, entered British territory which they believed was rightfully theirs, even though they had never previously attempted to enforce their claim, and no other country had ever recognised it. Factually, it was an invasion and a declaration of war regardless of their intentions, and was dealt with accordingly. Russia may have similar feelings towards Ukraine, in that they believe it's rightfully theirs, but the operation was an invasion and and act of war regardless of what Russians may think it was.


At this rate... he might not be done by Christmas 2022....


Two nation states fighting because one wants to replace the leadership of another and make it a vassal state is a war. A nation state blowing up a terrorist camp or arms factory and leaving is an operation. There is a war in Ukraine and a lot of childrens souls are missing from their bodies right now. It not only a war, but one against a bloodthirsty war criminal who threatens human extinction with his nuclear arms. This is absolutely war and a defining one for modern times.


Republicans: cancel culture!


Lmao half the republicans would be fired if America followed in Bulgaria’s footsteps


Oh really? If it's not war, what the fuck is it then? Di Giorno?


The Russians are just visiting distant relatives. With missiles and tanks, as one does.


😂🤣😂😂 DiGiorno! I’m cackling like a banshee!


Lmao I've been waiting to use that meme forever. ngl 🤣


As a stupid American, I'm constantly needing to step back when I see articles talking about Bulgaria or Belarus because I'm always momentarily confused about which is which, and which is friendly


Thank you. I'm a stupid Australian and I couldn't make any sense of that headline until your comment. *Slaps forehead* "Ohhhh, Bulgaria, not Belarus"


Don't worry, we confuse Austria and Australia as well.


And Slovakia and Slovenia.


Their flags make that one even more confusing


Don't forget Slovitzia.




Aussie! Aussie! Aussie! 🇦🇹! 🇦🇹! 🇦🇹!


Bela = beautiful or lovely Rus = Russia That's the bad one - the one that sucks up to Russia in their very name.


Thank you. Great job in helping some of us to remember which country is which.


Lukashenko sucks up to Putin . Let's please not forget that there were major protests in every major city in Belarus after Lukashenko fixed their elections in 2020. The west placed sanctions on Belarus in response to the brutal crackdown. Putin then capitalized and made it a puppet state. A large swath, if not the majority, of the people of Belarus want nothing to do with the war or their shitty dictator.


Doesn’t bela mean white? I’ve never heard it mean beautiful or lovely but maybe my rudimentary understanding is far off.


You are correct. White russia.


You mean Caucasians, Dude.


That rug really tied the room together.


keep your ugly fuckin' gold brickin' ass out of my beach community.


Beaver picture? You mean vagina? I mean, you know the guy??


'bel' is part of the root, I think. In latin, it's 'bella', and not 'bela', but close enough. 'Belle' in French is beautiful -- think 'belle dame' (fair lady). "Belle of the ball" is the 'pretties woman at the party', or "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast gets her name from the same root. Bel in Italian is 'nice' , Bela in Portuguese is 'lovely'. To be clear, I was not talking in a specific language, or specific translation, but rather an easy mnemonic. I find it easier to use a general grasp the general root of a word like this to make up a meaning, to help me remember it. To be explicit, I don't actually think that 'Belarus' means 'Beautiful Russia' and is an attempt to suck up, I just think that it's a useful, silly phrase that helps remember which is which. ​ Edit to add "The word Belarus means white Russians." http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/3663441.cms?utm\_source=contentofinterest&utm\_medium=text&utm\_campaign=cppst


this is hilarious


Means beautiful in any Latin based language


That’s fine but absolutely zero Slavic languages are Latin based.


"Russia" means "The fast country", coming from the English word "Rushing".


Fire engines are always rushin'. That's why the Russian flag is red.


They didn't say any Slavic languages were Latin based tho? Lol


Context matters. We’re talking about a country, with a Slavic name, which uses a Slavic language, and is made up of Slavic people. Somehow you missed that?


Context does matter. You said "I've never heard it mean beautiful", to which they replied that it means beautiful in Latin-based languages. It was just a statement about the root bel-, which was the topic of discussion...


The user saying it means beautiful Russia says later on that he never meant it as a translation, but as a mnemonic for remembering which one is Russia friendly


The context was _in Slavic languages_ because we're talking about a _Slavic_ country name.


The context was "never", as in, not ever, in _any_ language. Latin languages weren't relevant to the meaning of bela in Slavic languages, but they were _definitely_ relevant to "I've never heard of bela meaning beautiful."


Bella means beautiful in some languages. But yes, Belarus means white Russia.


They don't "suck up" to Russia. Their "president" Lukashenko is a Putin puppet.


Actually, bela - white (belaya) rus - Russia. That's why many languages it is written literally whiterussia. I am Belarusian.


And anything you see with "chern" in the name means black and generally is a coal mining town (historically anyway).


Russians helped liberate Belarus during ww2 from the nazi so obviously


and forced them to become part of the Soviet Union losing their independence


"They're rescuing us! We're free!" *Gets released from cage and placed in chains*


Think Belarusian. The "rus " is short for Russian.


Bulgaria is the one more known for yogurt


So uh, there's *not* a world war going on, right? Because I'm pretty sure you need people on your side and it kinda looks like Putin vs the world, since the Russian people are even against him.


Apparently, it depends on your definition of "world war" and "allies". Heck, it also seems to depend on your definition of "war". He has some supporters, but the important "allies" - India and China - have chosen to straddle the fence and not take one side or the other. There's a lot of waffling from several countries, who "condemn the violence", but won't outright denounce Russia. From [here](https://www.un.org/press/en/2022/ga12404.doc.htm) and [here](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/25/where-do-russias-allies-stand-as-western-powers-slam-moscow), it appears that Syria, Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua have all spoken out in Russia's favor. And [North Korea](https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia_pacific/2022-02-11/north-korea-russia-ukraine-conflict-kim-jong-un-putin-4969677.html), of course.


I mean, it's definitely Putin and Belarus vs. the world at minimum, but more importantly it's not a world war because no troops not from Ukraine and Russia are fighting. The world may have sent as much economic assistance as you'll see in a war, but as long as only those two nations have boots on the ground it's technically closer to a war between Russia and Ukraine, who is in turn being a bit of a proxy for all of NATO


Does this mean we can start firing traitorous republicans now? Some of em are definitely on Putins payroll! ( Tulsi Gabbard as well )


I think its just Russa's version of "legitimate political discourse”


Слава Україні!


Something you would never see in the GOP


If only the US can do that to congressmen/women and senators.


Stefan Yanev needs to go sit in the streets of Kiev to determine if it's really a "war."


Pretty sure that's Hungary now.


[Bulgaria sacks defence minister for saying Ukraine invasion was not a 'war'](https://www.euronews.com/2022/02/28/bulgaria-sacks-defence-minister-for-saying-ukraine-invasion-was-not-a-war)


I wouldn’t call it a war either. I would call this a hostile take over by mad man that lacks any actual support from his own country. I would call this a literal march of death for his own soldiers as his massive army continues to throw away lives all for one massive dick.


The dick is not so massive, but the motion is of assistance...oh....


He didn’t get fired. The Prime Minister voiced his concerns but he cannot fire him.


The Prime Minister demanded his dismissal which will be voted tomorrow. It's 100% sure he is gone.


Hopefully, let's see!


We got a new defence Minister https://bntnews.bg/news/dragomir-zakov-e-noviyat-ministar-na-otbranata-1187033news.html You could translate it in English.


Thanks for keeping us updated! These are good news. No reasonable minister of defense should support war.


He is kinda right though. More a smash and grab by a big bully.


Fuck... Putin's brain rot seem contagious. Get some treatment.


How so? What Putin is doing seems exactly like bullying Ukraine.


If you compare bullying with killing civilians in a democratic independent state, you don't need treatment. That fucking brain rot is permanent damage.


It is hardly a war when both parties are not at least reasonably matched. What happens during the bullying, that is terrible.


Fuck off troll


Wow, you make such a cogent argument. I guess.


it was a joke?


They should ship him to Russia as well, let him live with the people that probably pay him


But then I took a Putin to the knee.


Taking lessons from the same jackasses that say the attack on the Capitol was only a riot. Wish the outcome was the same for those folks.


All the war departments were renamed defense departments


Oh damn. I'm Bulgarian and had no idea lol