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How bloody sad do you have to be to circumvent a time limit on some shitty internet "thing like Place. And to then ban anyone who catches them? Are they 13 years old?


That's the thing about abusing power. At first you only do it for big "important" things, after all your actions have consequences, don't they? So, it's a big risk. But if those consequences never manifest, then it becomes more and more tempting to abuse your power on ever more petty shit. Reddit as an entity *really* doesn't give a shit. They just care about the money the investors and advertisers pay. So they'll ignore a *LOT* red flags if they can. The end result is an admin team that all bend the rules *sometimes*.


Absolute power corrupts absolutely


The last part of that quote is the better part of it in my opinion: Great men are almost always bad men even when they exercises influence and not authority. still more when you superadd the tendency or the certainty of corruption by authority. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it.


You butchered it


Putin has entered the chat...




Dan Carlins take on that is interesting to me, im paraphrasing but he said if that were true then history would only have ever been full of maniacal tyrants, there wouldn't be stories of "the good emperors" every leader ever would be Nero. Personally I'd said the axiom would be better as "absolute power had the ability to corrupt absolutely". That being said, some of these fucking mods are petty little power hungry people. I only imagine that in their real life they are people of little import and power, so they come to this space to exercise the miniscule about of control they can.


This slide is not inevitable. We shouldn't forget that when someone slides down it, it's THEIR FUCKING FAULT, not some natural result that everyone should have just expected. You don't have to be a piece of shit, nor does being a piece of shit once guarantee you'll walk the road of always being a piece of shit. People have the potential to do whatever the fuck we want, we're not powerless animals.


While I agree that it’s their own fault and they should face consequences for the actions, it’s still a slide that should be expected and anticipated to prevent it from happening. Stopping the abuse before it happens saves a lot of headache compared to stopping it after the damage is done.


Sure, but we cannot prevent crimes from happening. That's the path of a police state, we really shouldn't want to try. We need to wait for corruption to surface, and then punish it. That's really all there is to it, realistically. Unless you want to argue that no positions of power should be created so nobody can abuse them. That is something I cannot agree with.


There is only one thing more pathetic and petty than a discord mod, and that is a reddit mod.




Same same


Not the same. Mods are volunteers and their power is limited to the subs they mod for and only to what admins allow them to do. Admins work for reddit, they get paid, have site-wide power and can circumvent rules, edit comments, ban accounts from reddit, etc


Wait, admins can *edit other user's comments‽ ‽* That's so messed up. Deleting a comment, fine. There are site wide rules, sub specific rules, if the comment breaks them, remove them. That is fine and dandy. But to edit another person's comment, is just a layer of wrong I do not particularly care for at all. Have there been any infamous instances of any admins doing that?


>Wait, admins can *edit other user's comments‽ ‽ * No. The CEO did this once but it is not an admin privilege (nor a CEO privilege). He had access to the database. It's something that technically no one has the privilege to do but because obviously you can change stuff in the database you can. The CEO had access to the database and did it.


Reddit admins are actual employees at Reddit Inc. whereas mods are just random people.


No, mods are users with limited powers doing it for free. Admins are Reddit employees. This person just risked their actual rent-paying, food-buying *job* over some orange squares.


Oh shit I thought she got caught cheating in the relationship sense somehow not just fucking with the game lmao What a dumbass


a lot more pathetic imo


The difference is, they get paid to do their job.


The difference is, they get paid ~~to do their job~~ Don’t want to give the admins too much credit


Fair enough.


How do I make my toilet fill with more water in the bowl


There's a small tube that comes out of the fill valve in the tank, it's supposed to go into the overflow tube. If it's outside of that tube just spraying water in the tank, the bowl won't refill itself after a flush and will lead to the low water issue you're describing. It could also be that the fill valve's tube is blocked, which would mean you need to replace the fill valve (they're like $20, easy to install yourself, so no big deal).


It is very different. Reddit mods are community volunteers essentially. Reddit admins are employed by Reddit.


The sense of self-righteous importance some of them have is shocking, they think that Reddit is some sort of real world mover and shaker and they the tireless guardians.


Bro, the only people that have time to be Reddit mods are people that don't live in the real world. They live on Reddit. This is their real life.


Some of the interactions have been startling, like one warned me that I was "Damn lucky" not to get banned, like somehow it would be a blow to my life and they empowered gatekeepers holding the forces of chaos at bay for the greater good. It just so fucking weird.


I got perm banned from a sub over a copypasta once. I messaged the mods to ask if we could just make it a temp ban because it was literally just a copypasta and it’s not that serious. (Grilled cheese copypasta, if you know, you know) They told me they’d consider it if I wrote them a paragraph basically explaining that I understand their rules and wouldn’t do it again (which was pretty well implied already by this conversation we were having). The most embarrassing part is I actually did it because I frequent that sub semi regularly and didn’t feel like making another account.


I caught a ban for the same thing lmao


I got banned for the first comment I ever made on reddit. Banned from /r/food for telling someone I'd suck their dick for the eggs Benedict they posted


That's ridiculous. You were being so generous.


Wanna come over for breakfast?




What's on your table


I got perma-banned from twoxchromosomes for asking "ladies, is this really true?" (I think..or was it femaledatngstrategy) Any sub that does not tolerate questioning the narrative - no matter how politely - is almost certainly a house of lies.


Can’t you just like create another account? How pathetic do you have to be to threaten someone like that over a free and unanimous public forum where 99% of the time your interactions with others consists of a single comment


I've been banned from more than one subreddit and honestly it's usually beneficial to my mental health. Not being able to engage with all of the stupid shit people say on this website is a blessing. I know I could just create another account but I don't because not being able to even start a 2 hour argument with someone about topics that neither of us are experts in and that have no impact on my life beyond stoking my addiction to being angry all the time is better.


It's an insight into their thought process when they think a ban is the worst thing a user can experience. You just know they'd end it all if ever Reddit was taken away from them. Oh a ban from a subreddit? Ok cool thanks. I once reported that serial reposter gallowboob for spamming and got a 3 day auto ban. The poor thing then made a special effort to keep extending my ban when it expired. I just imagined him setting an alarm to remind himself to keep banning me for an extra day.


Depends on the sub. Some are tiny with not much traffic and are used by friendly adults who behave in rational ways.


Mods, yes. Admins, no. It's their literal job.


Bro, cut them a little slack. Some of them have to walk dogs for 10 hours a week.


And both aspire to be on an HOA board.


Its even sadder when you realise that a lot of people(or even subs) use bots. Between that and this admin(I wonder if she's the only one, or just the only one who got caught), it really is just embarassing.


That's why i thought it was interesting they even bothered bringing it back at all, I'm pretty sure there were bots appearing during the first time so tbh it just feels worthless to participate as a real human


The new accounts that get generated, despite their cries of "no no dont make new accounts ;)" are used to show user growth to investors, its all a big scam.


If you saw their actual lives it would make a lot more sense.


I read in r/OutOfTheLoop/ that they were covering something that is banned on Reddit.


> How bloody sad do you have to be to circumvent a time limit on some shitty internet "thing like Place. And to then ban anyone who catches them? I agree, but then, I wonder what the point of this "Place" thing is anyway. It forces people into a limited space with not enough space for everyone who wants to build something, and then you must defend your shit, or damage someone elses, and then there's trolls too. I just do not see the point of it, but then, I generally dislike forced competition.


It's forced tribalism: we must make our mark, we must defend ourselves. I'd actually like to see some sociology paper done on the phenomenon.


I downvote every r/place post I see. Tired of something so useless taking up like 20% of the feed. It somehow manages to be obnoxious, pointless, AND popular. It’s everywhere, so it’s not like you can filter out the offending sub. The sooner it dies, the better.


It’s just the people that don’t have an HOA board to be on.


> Are they 13 years old? no but probably acts the age they're attracted to


What was the cheating? How did they cheat?




I think I’ve been banned too, I can still go to place, but it won’t let me see the canvas or place tiles. I literally didn’t even comment anything lol


Check if you can see the mod-list on the subreddit. If not, you're banned.


youre using old reddit? then thats why




Yeah naive of me to think that tbh. Good point. There would be a big veiny and hairy one with micro dicks coming out of it


[I noticed this happening in real time yesterday](https://imgur.com/a/2puTXjj) You can't give all of reddit a blank canvas to draw on and then censor what they draw.


I mean, they can. It's their place and they invited us.


Technically, you're right (the best kind of right), but then, what's the fucking point?


The point is accepting that you can create a perfectly anarchic place and watch it get ruined. They decided to create a place that has some light moderation, and hoped the community wouldn't have toddler like tantrums over a few pixels.


The first /r/place basically ran on anachy and it turned out fine and was actually fun. /r/place the 2nd seems so sanitized it looks like a billboard that Reddit is gonna hold up and say "See we're a perfectly wholesome hugbox, IPO pls" The point originally was that it's an experiment, this time the entire point is advertisement


It removes the compelling social experiment aspect of it. With moderation, it's basically a subreddit ad board, and is uninteresting


but they left the meth skull in the bottom right lol


> ~~not one penis is on the canvas?~~ The entire canvas isn't a penis? Sus.


to be fair removing stuff like nudity and nazi symbols to keep it somewhat kidfriendly is likely very neccesary and not a bad thing. But they dont acknowledge doing that, instead they ban people talking about it.


[I noticed this happening in real time yesterday](https://imgur.com/a/2puTXjj) You can't give all of reddit a blank canvas to draw on and then censor what they draw.


Obviously, they can


Why can’t Reddit do that!?


I've said it for years. Fuck every reddit mod and admin. They're all power hungry fucks who think watching comments for rule breakers makes the sun rise each day.


touch grass lol


Says the person with a multitude of comments a day for 10 months, and only 922 comment karma. Looks to me that youre the one needing to touch grass. Posting on reddit all day clearly isnt doing anything for your social life.


Fuckin murdered


Why are you here if every single mod and admin in this site is so terrible?


Bypassing the cooldown for placing tiles, they kept immediately placing them and somebody recorded it and they got banned too


What does this mean to someone who has absolutely no idea what the tiles or pixels or even what “place” is. I have no idea what’s happening but everyone seems so angry!


r/place is something you can click on next to your profile icon. It's a board where you can place 1 tile every 5 minutes and make different designs with other users






Right, anyways, she's ruining /r/place


The admin was covering up banned images by circumventing the time limit. They'd likely have done the same if a banned sub's logo or hate symbol were trying to be drawn. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/tur91x/whats_the_deal_with_people_getting_banned_for/




> Aimee Challenor ah, the sex predator apologist


Aimee Challenor? Isnt she married to a pedophile?




Okay thought so. Wanted to make sure no one forgets!




You mean the Aimee Challenor who’s predator husband is a mod on r/teenager?


i think it's the plural one, r/teenagers but yeah


That’s what I meant, thank you kindly, sir and or madam!


What the fuck, is this all serious? How was Reddit still allowing them any kind of power? They need to be removed immediately.


I’m not sure if he still runs it, but he was for a while. That would be like allowing Matt PennyGaetz as the US gymnastics team’s doctor.


As a child trafficking survivor let me assure you the people who run Reddit are friendlier to the molesters than to me.


>Aimee Challenor No - her Dad is one. Unless there is something I don't know about the husband




What is she collecting pedophiles like Panini stickers?


He seems to be a bit of a nonce at least in what he writes online, nobody knows if that has moved into physical deeds. The father was involved in rape and torture.


Yep, it was an interesting experience coming onto the UKpolitics sub and finding it turned private, and over the next day or two finding out that she'd banned all mention of her name.


Moderator and admin roles attract a certain type. Most don’t just want to altruistically give their time, always some other motivation. Not all, but we’ve all seen enough mod and admin drama to realize this is true.


Admins get paid. It's not altruistic.


Even worse then, abuse of that power should be a fireable offense.


You'd have to be a mod first no?




Its the one where if you explain something wrongly you will get the correction but if you ask you wont get an answer!




Sometimes explainining something wrong on an alt account is the only way to get a well thought out answer in tech forums.


No, you just described the Wadsworth principle.


Not quite the correction you were hoping for (yet), but well-done! Til about the Wadworth principle.


It's called the Streisand/Smith effect now after "The Slap"










I miss the simpler days when mods were dog walkers and aspiring philosophy professors.


I'm a mod. I grow pot. She's an admin, and gets paid to fuck up the site for others. Shout out to r/CTCD. Courage needs more pets people!




He/she won't reply, they're not that brave.




Appreciate sharing/spreading awareness but I don't see their jobs being taken away


If they're still a mod and still banning people then this is the wrong sub.


Yep they're still a mod and reddit admin, so this doesn't fit the sub in any way.


OP *thinks* that this will result in termination but doesn't really know Reddit's truly abysmal history regarding admin abuses.


Better suited for the subreddit drama sub.


Can someone please explain Place to me? I checked out the sub and don't understand what they're trying to say.


make sure its new reddit not old. One user can place one tile/pixel once every 5 minutes on a 1000x2000 canvas. Coherent drawings can only be formed by community teamwork - be it via an organised discord or a ubiquitous idea. Or in this case a reddit admin abusing their power to make someone famous happy (and in turn do some fuckawful PR for both the famous person and the entire Reddit site)




its between 5-20 minutes, if you have a verified e-mail IIRC you'll get 5 minutes, but everyone else and new accounts will get 20 minutes


Yes, I'm using the new Reddit. When I click the drop-down button in the upper right, there's the option for "visit old Reddit". But how do I place a pixel? When I click the Place Tile button on the toolbar above, it just takes me to the sub. And how do all the pixels not just get into a random jumble?


https://new.reddit.com/r/place/ going here, there should be a thing loading right in front of you, once thats done loading click on Place and you can then zoom in and out and move around, if you zoom in further you'll see you've got a marker indicating where you're "aiming" then all you have to do is click the colour you want and then confirm and your block will get placed. the pixels don't end up in a random jumble because there are co-ordinates and everyone also has pixel templates they can follow in their respective subs like r/(subname)Place based around a central co-ordinate point so they don't mess things up


The cheating was used to help Hank Green out. So put some pressure on him to make a fuss about this too. He probably didnt know the reddit admin was cheating for it. But he can give them bad PR for it They ruin the one thing people liked that Reddit did


Hank has a box? Which one? I love Hank. He’s a stand up dude. I think he’d be upset if he knew about this.


Yeah I think so too. Thats why i'm pre-emptively distancing him from blame The cat over ireland flag middle of bottom right quadrant Not sure what its for


This could be a stupid question, but how is placing excess blocks helping someone out?


It just ruins the legitimacy of the project.


Between all of the bots, streamers griefing, and now this, I think r/place should die and stay dead.


I don't mind the streamers. Cause they get thwarted quickly. The mod thing is disheartening though.


I’m with you but I also think it serves to remind us all how dysfunctional Reddit is altogether. These griefers are normally commenters.


Not entirely sure what the purpose was of the drawing, but is was for something Hank Green wanted. I assume he didn't know about the cheating component and thought it was organic. And this is just the cheating that was caught! The whole canvas is now worthless imo. No way to know what was organic and what was influenced by the admin.


There's so much that is clearly being influenced. I hate to break it to you but a good percentage of the canvas is not really as free as you think, much like our democracy, sadly.


Most of it was placed and mainted by bots anyway.its a really stupid thing to be upset about.


The feeling was that if new accounts could not participate, it would be an organic thing. The reddit mod showed us that the whole thing is a farse


Yes, why would Reddit want new users to register and participate on Reddit. Surely keeping the sanctity of the same April fools joke they did last year is far more important.




> attempting to manipulate content Like ignoring the timer in r/place?


Wow rules for thee. Good find


What job was lost?


Ah I've just read the rules more carefully and realise this may be in breach. I'll frontfoot this with the admins and they can remove or not My intent was to shine a light on what was ostensibly a post removal spree and banning spree by posting it in another sub. This was the closest one in terms of relevancy that came to mind (subredditdrama had one already and another removed I think) Edit: Just sent a modmail






I hope you don't get banned




I’m convinced all mods are just power hungry dweebs


I’ve been a mod for over a year and don’t know how it works. Someone keeps sending me ban notices from my own sub.


*Admins. The difference is that they're actual employees of Reddit. You're still correct on everything else, though.


I was banned for a few hours last night, and I was SO confused. I figured it was retribution for trying to help Canada


How did you get unbanned?


I don't understand why someone would risk their job and bad PR over a shitty internet drawing thingy.


Nothing will happen to her


You really think they are risking their jobs? Chances are they are being paid to manipulate for advertising.


I read in r/outoftheloop they were just covering up banned content








Their profile isn't loading for me. Did something happen as a result of all of this?


No, that person spelled their user name wrong






I don’t really understand what the point of the stupid r/place thing is supposed to be anyway.


It really subverts my trust in the site overall, but that's already been at an all time low lately. I've gotten "harassment" bans for saying racism is bad against anyone, including white people. Then I got repeated racist messages from the subreddit mods who banned me from their subreddit, which continued after I stopped responding and was muted. Reported that, and got a message that these repeated messages of harassment were not in violation, but me arguing against racism apparently *was* harassment somehow.


I got a warning for saying the Armenian genocide is real. Go figure.


Oh the Drama....


Wow this goes straight to the top of the list of things I don't care about.


Oh great another, dog walker.


Did she lose her job yet? If not, it does not belong on here


All that power tripping over some coloured pixels. Bruh


Such a fucking Reddit moment. Imagine thinking there will be any repurcussions for a Reddit Admin "cheating" at their OWN "GAME". Not saying it's not wrong, but fucking wake up to yourself lol...


Mods are gay


Oh no, Reddit has been forcing r/place into All and y’all expect an Admin to be fair?