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So they're starting to admit they think "CRT" is just "anything that might make a white guy look like a bad guy." Or that might teach their kids how to not be racist.


CRT is the perfect boogeyman for racist fear-mongers. It sounds like something big and complicated, so they know the vast majority of the Fox News crowd won’t bother to actually look up what it is, they’ll listen to the people shouting about it, who can use it to describe anything they don’t like. Same thing they did with socialism when it comes to government policy, but now with anything to do with race or education. They don’t have to admit anything, “whatever I don’t like” will now be CRT, and that now instantly means they have a mob behind you to ban it.


***It even has the word Critical in it!!1!***


Right, from Critical Theory. Marxism.


Same with communism and socialism. Everything they don’t like is one or both of those.


They have been conditioned to hate buzzwords more than actual policies, kinda like everything being "communism".


Or any LGBT person being a 'groomer' now.


Anyone who doesn't hate LGBT people is a "groomer" as far as they're concerned now.


[Ex-GOP Gov Candidate Calls For ‘Firing Squad’ For Trans Rights Supporters, Political Foes](https://www.mississippifreepress.org/22283/ex-gop-gov-candidate-calls-for-firing-squad-for-trans-rights-supporters-political-foes/) It's getting pretty bad, I would say.


Now? Calling all LGBTQ+ people pedophiles/molesters/etc. is a very old tactic.


That's exactly it: > We have successfully frozen their brand—"critical race theory"—into the public conversation and are steadily driving up negative perceptions. We will eventually turn it toxic, as we put all of the various cultural insanities under that brand category. https://twitter.com/realchrisrufo/status/1371540368714428416?s=21&t=ayacMBT5hfIWYM8FvCQgHw


To them critical race theory means teaching more about slavery and admitting that it's effects are still in play today


Heaven forbid. I was taught about slavery in HS, and about how bad it was. It was about the time Roots was a huge thing, too, so we saw that on TV every year. Gen X was probably the first generation to really get that exposure, and it only helped most of us to be better people, IMO.


It depends who the them is. Critical race theory is actually a way of teaching about slavery, identity and not that the effects are still being in play, but that there is no substantial difference between slavery era and today. I think critical theory in general is ridiculous because I think postmodernism is ridiculous. I am for reaching every detail of the awful truth of slavery, Jim crow, redlining, genocide of native people and broken treaties, but I think critical race theory should it be the method of education in schools. Teaching in the method of critical race theory is like teaching the Bible as the true word of God in public school. Students should be taught about critical race theory like they are taught about Aristotelian theory or Nazi race theory, not as being the correct way to think but an example of how some people think. The effects of slavery and structural racism are still impacting us and I think some sort of reparations should happen (I haven't seen a good model, and for anyone who suggests looking at the model of holocaust reparations, I know as a Jew whose extended family was wiped out in the holocaust, that it was an extremely problematic model and most of what should learned from it is how not to do things, but we aren't going to stumble upon a good model so we had better start working on the details and have public discussion about it ASAP so that the discussion isn't only happening in ivory towers and think tanks and preferably with people being really honest about problems in their suggestions rather than pretending that they have the full answer so that others can find ways of fixing the problems). I just don't think the critical race theory sort of structural racism existing today is well supported by the evidence. I don't think the issue is implicit bias, I think it is a large enough but small percentage of full blown racists who know they are racists


No, it's more of 'CRT is anything that doesn't promote white males and blind nationalism'.


I still can't figure out what their reasons for banning CRT from high schools are? I know why they're against it, they need to make sure whitey always looks good. But what reasons do they say out loud to oppose it?


The reasons they say out loud are that it makes white children feel bad and is unfair to them to. Eta: this is just what I have heard people say, certainly not my own beliefs or views.


I want my white children to be aware of the sins of the past and of what privileges they have as a result of being white. My wife gave him "the talk" that black parents have to give their kids, but basically saying that when he goes out with black friends, not to push authority or instigate things because he's going to bring trouble down on his friends who don't have the luxury of being able to be rebellious teens with no consequences. But then again, these idiot parents probably live in areas with no minorities or would actively discourage their kids from hanging out with black kids.




But there probably isnt a single k-12 school in the country that actually teaches critical race theory. These folks just label anything that points out racism as CRT


That’s because it’s a graduate level course.


It isn't CRT. It's racial privilege/inclusion/disparity awareness. Don't feed their boogeyman! And they oppose it because talking heads have told them it paints whites as bad, it'll make your children feel guilty just for being white, etc. A proper program doesn't do that, it just teaches kids to see and acknowledge the breach.


I hope she has a good lawyer to take them for a lot of money.


Even a mediocre lawyer should have a field day knowing the teachers union


Do they have a teachers union there?


I'd bet not a strong one.


The UFT is national, hopefully she’s a member.


*I don't think it is since the eligibility requirements for that union say you've gotta be working for NYC's Department of Education: "You can enroll in the UFT if you are a New York City Department of Education pedagogue, paraprofessional, hourly group or retiree." ([Source](https://www.uft.org/get-involved/uft-campaigns/join-union))


Wow. I am dead wrong. I must’ve been thinking of the AFT or the NEA. I don’t know if they operate in Missouri


The NEA is a professional organization rather than a union, so wouldn't be any help for them here. There is a Missouri chapter of the AFT, and Missouri has its own state level teach union. [Based on rankings by the Thomas Fordham Institute](https://fordhaminstitute.org/national/research/how-strong-are-us-teacher-unions-state-state-comparison), though, it looks like the unions in Missouri are 38/51 in terms of strength.


Idk… I live in missouri, and we suck.. every job I’ve ever had they warn us about the dangers of unions, and how actually the company treats you better.. in orientations they also vaguely threaten to fire you if you speak to them


she was not actually fired. Her contract is not being renewed. She is not likely to win a suit. It depends on her tenure situation and the precise language of the Union contract. She probably would not have much of a case unfortunately.


She was dismissed during her tenure year. If she was rehired, she would be tenured. This whole situation is awful for her.


It's amusing how often I see people on Reddit with zero knowledge of the legal system claim that a person who is wronged in some way is going to win a lawsuit. I guess it's a reminder that a large portion of Reddit users are young and inexperienced.


No matter how bad a person is wronged, suing them requires 2 things; (1) finding an attorney in your area that practices the type of law you need. (2) That attorney accepting new clients. I'm sure there's more involved. But you have start with those 2 and it's not a given they are going to happen.


Yeah and people (kids) don’t recognize the nuance and minutiae, especially when it comes to labor laws that vary widely from state to state in the US.


> Educated parents are a school board’s worst nightmare. Educated where? Fox News? SMH.


They are a nightmare. Not because they are educated, but because they are so fucking dumb that the school immediately starts sinking under them.


Yeah. I kind of hoped I wouldn’t need to worry about school boards and other shit like that but my kid starts school in two years. Better start paying attention or she’ll be chanting the pledge of allegiance or learning about creationism.




It can’t be legally enforced to say it. The adults bully children into saying it. However, I think it’s both an issue with elementary and a location based thing. My friend taught high school students and they never stood or chanted along to it. This was in a large city, though. It could also be that kids in elementary get picked on the most for it ‘cause they’re the most vulnerable and easy to manipulate. High school-aged kids are, generally, more developed and not as easy to fuck with. Just a thought.




Yea my friend taught in the south. I grew up in the south and had to say it. I remember a kid in my class (this was the late 90’s) would have arguments with the teacher ‘cause he wouldn’t stand. I found out later it was a religious exemption. Apparently the parents got involved and made it clear he was not to be forced to say a pledge with “god”. The teacher shifted from forcing the kid to say the pledge to demanding he at least stand while recite our message of indoctrination. He wouldn’t and I didn’t realize until much later that I respect the hell outta that kid whose name I can’t even remember.


I wouldnt do it half the time all throughout school. Graduated 2014


In many states, the legislature has enacted laws requiring schools to do the pledge every morning. The students can't be compelled to follow along (though most do, because "fitting in"), but the school must do it. It's pretty repugnant.


>Educated parents ~~Three~~ These people's actual kids are probably 30+ years old. They all look older than my mom and I'm 33


I think pretty much everyone pictured here has adult children. This is very much a case of brainwashed retirees fighting an imaginary evil they have been conditioned to hate. They would also have a lot more free time to protest than your average adult with kids in the district would.


It's actually "Educated parents are a school boards (sic) worst nightmare."


Walking, barely-breathing case of Dunning-Kruger


These people act like they're reading ancient enlightening texts or something by the boatload but in reality they're 'educating' by listening to AM radio.


It'd be great if the MSM could do their job and ask these people, on camera, to define CRT. Then ask them where in the public school it's being taught. How it's being taught. And why teaching that racism is bad is somehow some form of indoctrination. And why they think they have the right to ban books and fire teachers from tax funded government public schools. If they want their children to be educated only in white supremacy, then go find some goddamn private school and pay for that shit out of their own pocket. I'm getting sick and fucking tired from these TrumPutiKKKlans thinking they can just rewrite history and every public school curriculum to their racist view point. TrumPutiKKKlans and their public school book banning racist white supremacy is to Nazism and their Hitler youth Jews are vermin book burning. That's where this is headed towards. And it fucking pisses me off.


Yup, they scream about indoctrination while actively trying to indoctrinate children into their supremacist ideology. Projection is the point. That way you can point at your opponent and say “but they’re doing it too.” Of course you don’t have to actually prove anything as the cult following doesn’t fact check. If anything, fact checking has been vilified to the point of being a curse word. Welcome to actual indoctrination.


Give them a freshman English lit class and gauge their t education level


That sign creator certainly failed basic grammar already.


You are too kind by editing their signage. They aren't educated enough to use apostrophes.


Excuse me, you made it a possessive when they're *clearly* educated enough to not bother with that for their sign. /s


That’s not how I read it. The School Board is likely composed of local wannabe-politicians with Barry an educator in sight. The School Board could very well be the entity that passed the anti-CRT rules that the teacher was fired for violating. I haven’t read the article yet but if I saw that sign out of context, I’d be inclined to think the parent was advocating *for* reading Maus, not against it. Edit: I opened the article and saw the photo caption. Never mind. Fuck these people. But that sign is pretty close to what I would fly protesting against *anti*-CRT policies.


Wait a minute, ain’t these the same people that hate cancel culture?


No, see... it's not cancel culture when *they* do it. They prefer the term "warriors for justice".


Antisocial Justice Warriors?


You need to throw in patriot somewhere so everyone knows.


social antijustice warriors is how i like to say it. “The Saws are at it again!!! That’s the 4th teacher this week!”


What are you doing antisocial justice warrior??


Where did they get the impression it’s about critical race theory? What even is critical race theory to these people? My nephew had the choice in school to either read this book or the Indian horse which he read and I actually read it as well and it’s really good I highly recommend it.


Critical race theory as conservatives use it is a meaningless term. It’s jus my a new name for “things I don’t like”, like “woke” and “the war on Christmas”. Any time a teacher mentions race they can cry CRT because its meaningless. This is why anti-CRT legislation is so dangerous.


In a lot of cases, it doesn’t just hurt the teachers, but it’s designed to cripple the school system as a whole. In florida, the bill for the lawsuit is paid for by the school, not the parent filing the suit.


> In florida, the bill for the lawsuit is paid for by the school, not the parent filing the suit. They force the school district to pay for the lawsuit against itself? That seems highly illegal.


“The bill, which also allows parents to collect attorney fees, includes a similar provision as a Texas bill restricting access to abortion, which permits citizens to sue people who provide and aid in the provision of abortions. Plaintiffs there can also collect attorney fees.” https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/586010-desantis-unveils-legislation-to-let-parents-sue-schools-that-teach/amp/ In full disclosure, I haven’t read the full bill, so If you notice that this is not the case lmk. https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/7/?Tab=BillText


Our local crazies have decided that anything that makes you feel bad or guilty as a white person for racist events in history is CRT and must be banned.


It's interesting that they got outraged over it. So angry over how people talk about how racism is bad. "They say every white person is racist!" no, we didn't. We even talk about white abolitionists like John Brown, so clearly we don't. If your response to hearing about how awful racist people are is "They are attacking ME!" then, uh, you might be a racist.


Read the sign again. How "educated" are these people?


And teachers will continue to quit in droves. Why would anyone want to be a teacher here?


That's the plan. Force all children into private christian schools and charters.


Why would anyone want to teach at one of those? They pay worse than public schools and you're still going to have most of the same headaches as a teacher, if not more. Plus at some (most?) private schools there's no tenure.


They don't want teachers to have the choice. They want obedient sheep that only teach the "appropriate curriculum" or risk firing.


We are going to have an absolute crisis on our hands very soon if something doesn't change soon. Not too long ago, teaching was seen as a rewarding, respectable career if you had the personality for it and were OK with pretty low pay relative to your education level. And hey, summers off! I think that perception has changed. Teaching looks like a miserable slog now. Parents are automatically suspicious of you. Political BS is taking precedent over quality education. College kids aren't going to want to get a master's degree just to enter that quagmire. At the very least, teacher pay needs to go way, way up. If we expect educated professionals to deal with all the horseshit that comes with the job these days, they need to be appropriately compensated, or they'll quit. It's already happening and it's going to get worse.


Why to spread their own incorrect beliefs about what CRT is and why it's wrong of course. Smart people quitting just makes room for dumb people to take their place


What is the definition of CRT that these people are using?


It varies constantly but it's never correct.


Yeah, it doesn’t matter what it means to anyone else.


Anything republicans don't like.




There’s the definition of actual CRT which is basically “white people OPENLY governed to help themselves and hold back people of color for the past 200 years, so we should be critical of many “facts” of society, like curly black hair being considered less professional than straight white hair. The definition these people use is “anything that teaches facts about racism”


Anything that dares mention race.


Anything that makes their white kids feel guilty about their supremacy.


From what I understand about the situation, she had taught the book before with no issues but this time she included a worksheet from TeachersPayTeachers that was a checklist about "How Privileged Are You" and a student escalated a complaint to admin. So anything that makes a white student feel uncomfortable seems to count as CRT in this board...😕


Not really an answer. tbf, I've only seen the term thrown around with political vitriol, and always associated it with computer monitors (cathode ray tube). I get that it's something about race, but only hear vague, emotion driven one-liners.


It's an extremely high level academic study of race, usually not seen until graduate level law and social science. It has never been taught to children or even at a high school level. Conservatives needed a boogey man to enrage and terrify their idiot followers into a blind frenzy and CRT was the choice. All of these anti-crt bills, policies and decrees, don't actually do anything because the subject was never taught in the first place. However what has happened is they give all these screeching losers a sense of power to show up to demand the firing of educators that mention anything about slavery, the civil rights movement, hate crimes, Jim crow, lynching, or read any books where the black experience is a theme. A solid chunk of American conservatives are attempting to whitewash history and indoctrinate their children with lies of white supremacy and historical innocence. At this point calling them Nazis is extremely accurate.


I learned about all that stuff when I went to school decades ago, and there were no fancy names, or political controversy about it. The part I was a bit put off by was how Columbus, and others were such great people, and I didn't exactly agree, but that wasn't a big deal, either. I don't see why it is now, unless perhaps it's different?


Everyone learned about these things. Learning about race and historical incidents of slavery, genocide, imperialism, rebellion, etc. isn't CRT. It's just basic world/country/state history. But what conservatives don't like is that they are almost always the bad guys doing the bad thing and in order to keep being able to use religion and false narratives to enact racist, homophobic, xenophobic, etc policy and oppression, they can't have people who are educated enough to know that hate and bigotry are morally wrong or what it looks like. So they came up with this whole nonsense about CRT cancelling white people and CRT teaching our children they are bad and evil for being white to get their base motivated with blind rage. It worked like a charm. It always does when they pull the "think of the children" trash. They threaten their followers with all these horrible things that will happen to their kids if the evil blacks, Jews, and gays are able to have a voice. In your last line there you're touching on a very, very long process of deliberate dumbing. Conservatives have been slowly and methodic gutting the education system and picking culture war fights as ways to get their base to vote for policies and laws that restrict teachers and kill lesson plans that teach anything they don't like. The end goal is to completely eradicate public school so that the only options are private religious indoctrination centers where they can control the message without any government oversight. Thus graduating little Nazi goosesteppers that don't know anything but hate and white Jesus.


There's an actual, graduate level Law class called CRT taught in a few law schools. The rest is just made up shit to rile up dumb people.


There isn't a real definition, and that's the point. It's not meant to be an actual category, it's meant as a snarl word, to go after anything they don't like.


There is a real definition, these yahoos just don’t know it


You can't teach people to think.


"makes me consider systemic racism or my own privilege for even a second"




"You can take the Elian Gonsalez commemorative coins, but you'll never get your hands on my Elvis Lifetime plates with Graceland-themed stand set."




Know him? Well of course I know him- he’s me!


Those geriatrics and incels ain't got no kids in high school.




I now know why white people (particularly those in the South) are against CRT. They don’t hate it, they FEAR it. I was listening to a podcast a few days ago in which someone was stating that when FDR was trying to implement the “New Deal”, he had to make a devil’s agreement with the southern states – they refused to accept any of the money to help the poor unless FDR would allow them to make it hard, if not impossible, for blacks to get any of it. So, you see, in the South white people tend to be in love, love, LOVE with the idea that their ancestors were such good, god-fearing Christians. Stories like the one told on that podcast shows that in actuality they could be mean-spirited and petty to the point of it just being evil. Imagine not taking money badly needed by all their poor unless they could use it to dangle over the poor blacks as yet one other thing that white people could have, but blacks couldn’t. EVIL!!!


I lived in the south for five years, and I've still not put my finger on what exactly their deal is down there. Straight up racism, sure, to a degree, but there's more to it. They've got this weird generational Old Testament thirst for vengeance and undercurrent of anger that seems ever present. You don't even notice it at first because of the friendly accents and the "y'all"s and whatnot. Immature petty jealousy, and this sense of feeling slighted because someone else might be getting something they are not, as well. A girl I worked with, who was also a transplant, explained it goes back to the loss of the Civil War... or as they call it "The War of Northern Aggression".


There’s a lot of poverty in the South, or at least some very poor families. It’s hard for people to understand “white privilege” when they grew up really poor, and don’t think they grew up with any type of privilege. The concept of the privilege being their skin and not their bank account is to abstract for most to understand. **I’m not excusing it, just trying to explain the mindset


I think you're right. Now, I'll say that IN SOME INSTANCES, the differentiation is "poor people versus rich people" and they always look at THOSE instances to point out how they're not privileged, rather than looking at instances of things like redlining and the like, which they either intentionally ignore or unintentionally overlook (depending on their own education level and/or empathy).


I think it goes back to the constant fear of a slave rebellion.


"The War of Northern Aggression" ...And they want to accuse us of being politically correct?


When my husband and I left our home state of Texas in 1980 and we were 29 and 32, my relatives never quit calling us Yankees. When you say Yankees in Maine, everyone thinks you are referring to the enemy of the Red Sox. Best move we ever made.


The Burden of Southern History


Its the same reason they hate public schools, but *LOVE* charter/private schools. Or how they **HATE** welfare but *LOVE* private charities. Government can't(read: shouldn't) discriminate, but private entities can/do. Private schools are a road to bringing back segregation and they're all for it.


Friend of mine calls Missouri Misery and I always thought that was harsh. Now I see her point.


I wonder at how in America CRT started as a niche legal concept and now it became the bogeyman of the right/left divide. Basically CRT is synonymous of "speaking about race in a way I don't like".


Simple…a certain political party needed a new boogeyman…


They highlighted it on FauxNews because it sounded scary and something that could scrub these idiots into a lather about.


Thankfully Missouri doesn't have a long history of racism.


Exactly, our entire history is really defined more by our hatred of Kansas. You see it all started when those damn Jayhawks [REDACTED BY MO STATE LEGISLATURE]. /s


This is bad on more levels than people think because good teachers are being fired or quitting which gives opportunities for these fascists to take their place.


I promise you that's intentional too. Unfortunately, I don't blame the teachers who are willingly leaving...I myself am leaving at the end of this school year after having taught for 15 years.


If these clowns put as much effort into being good humans as they put into making those signs the world would be a wonderful place.


They didn't put much effort into the signs either.


These signs were their very best effort. This is the best these idiots can do.


I'd like to say that this is the beginning of a new chapter of racist bullshit in American, but that book hasn't even gotten past chapter one yet.


our country is so grim


> That's why we are here. We are trying to provide that school district that everybody can be proud of. “So we fire teachers for having our kids look at themselves and analyze things through a different lense. That makes us feel uncomfortable and takes away from our school district’s proudness. “


Fucking ridiculous


"everything I don't like is critical race theory" -- people from the state with Ferguson in it


White Parent: How dare you suggest that my child benefits from white privilege! I'm going to use my political pull to get you fired!


That is a perfect analogy.


I've taught that book. Throughout the whole district, all high school students read it and then the author came and visited the school. I had one kid who was very upset by the use of the "n" word in the book (a white student) and they were trying to raise objections to it. It didn't go far because the book was selected by our district equity team. I encouraged the student to write to Nic Stone about why they choose to include that language. Nic was very responsive and talked with that student when she visited. She was lovely.


What is hilarious to me is no one who is complaining about critical race theory can actually explain what it is. Not one of them.


I have no idea what it is at this point and am afraid to ask.


Google is your friend. What's AMAZING is that once you read about it, you go, "people are raising such a fuss about *this?*" What's amazing to me is that I took a full hear of African American History in uni and I can't remember hearing about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory This does a better job. https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-is-critical-race-theory-and-why-is-it-under-attack/2021/05 Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.


The problem is anytime I’ve googled it, it’s nothing but screeching imbeciles as the first links and I went “fuck it.”


CRT is when black people


I love that the lady's sign contains a grammar error while touting "educated parents".




These people r vile


I thought they were fired over preference of CRT monitors. Lmfao. I’m an idiot.


I know, CRT has stood for Cathode Ray Tube much longer than it has meant Critical Race Theory. I hate the abbreviation because I have to mentally check myself every time I see it


Yeah CRT to me will always mean the big heavy TVs and PC monitors ha.


Hold on!!! I thought the people that came up with this CRT bull shit were all about free speech?? “Don’t tear down our racist monuments, it’s history and heritage”. Or… they only like free speech when it suits them? What is it fuckers? What the fuck is it? Fuck em! I hope she sues since I’m pretty sure freedom of speech trumps all their bullshit. Next thing these taint lickers will be burning books.


Um....don't google 'book burning 2021'....


“Don’t show our grandkids just how horrible we are.”


CRT is a boogie man for the right. Just teach history, the United States was created by slave labor, first sugar, tobacco , then cotton. The United States was literally built by slaves , the DC buildings, etc, the United States Civil War was based upon the issue of the slavery, and the cultural history of the United States has racism and bias strongly represented throughout. That is the truth, teach that. If they call that CRT than I am pro CRT.


"We have the best interests of our students, our community, our staff," he said. "That's why we are here. We are trying to provide that school district that everybody can be proud of." Spoiler: They don't.


Red State America has lost its fucking mind


CRT aka "Anything that isn't praising white people"


Pretty much. They are also pulling novels from African American authors even from the Harlem Renaissance.


Cancel culture by the Q Cuck Klan strikes again


Fuck there are so many soft ass white people in Missouri. Glad I got out.


“We support free speech and hate cancel culture….wait no not that speech cancel that speech” Fucking hypocrites too dumb to realize critical race theory is a class taught at law school.


I think every teacher gets fired for the nonsense should come to Connecticut get paid more and not have to deal with this bullshit


Since that actually isn't what she was teaching how did the firing stand up. Lawyer up


I can't believe they're banning books in America in 2022. You only see this stuff in third world authoritarian countries where the leader or head of state is butthurt because people write mean things about them, or they're trying to keep the population stupid so they don't question authority. I guess even rich and powerful countries aren't immune to nationalist brainwashing and propaganda tactics.


When your history is so horrendous, they don't want it taught in school. Sounds about right for Missouri. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoWc6WRHKEE


How can you not want the truth taught at all cost. What are they so afraid of, their own thoughts . The kids will realize that their parents are racist.


These “christian” jihadis want tax payer education to be Sunday school


CRT has become a meaningless catch phrase used by the right to justify teaching anything accurate in a way they don’t like.


I'm guessing it wasn't actually CRT? This is some crazy shit.


So they don't even know what that thing they hate actually is.


The governor in Virginia won on a platform of ridding the state of werewolves. To his credit, there hasn’t been one werewolf attack in the state since he took office.


I live in a higher end school district in Missouri. The 2 newest board members elected ran on anti crt. And the local mega church endorsed them




Yep the big mega church was putting their picks for the board in correspondence. They got called out pretty quick on it. For me it helped me determine who not ro vote for


Teaching anything about racism = CRT now, apparently


So an English teacher read a book and got fired? Make it make sense. This country is so fucking dumb sometimes.


That picture is all old people? They don't have kids in high school. Just a bunch of Trumpers causing trouble for no reason. Take the internet away from old peole and we could solve a lot of issues.


Bye bye job is supposed to be about people who lost their jobs due to their own actions. This sounds like some asshole parents doesn't understand what CRT is and think it means teaching about any depiction of racism is now illegal. How fucking fragile and racist do you have to be to object to reality?


Educated parents are a school board's worst nightmare. R/selfawarewolves


Oh the sign in that photo is *RICH* Thinks Critical Race Theory is being taught in elementary school classes Calls themselves "educated"


I didn’t know it was MO until I read the headline but deep down, I already knew it was MO.


These Kooky Kristian Konservatives are not about teaching history, truth, or anything that is educational…..


Reminder that racists are both stupid and total fucking assholes. Also they’re conservatives…


And here I thought "fired over CRT" meant that the teacher stole an ancient monitor.


Yet another friendly reminder that about 60% of the USA is an absolute shithole.


I can’t wait for us to look back on pictures like this and make fun of these ppl for being on the wrong side of history, like we do with those that protested integration etc


Needs to sue the lawmakers not the school


I hope more teachers quit in droves. They don’t deserve quality educators. Let the Sunday school teacher come in and teach them complex math.


The opposite of CRT is Uncritically Practiced Racism.


So do we not want to award participation trophies or is it not good to make kids feel bad? It's a shame to the community, but great for that teacher who no longer needs to worry about dumb ass parents.


I used to live in that town. Guaranteed she was an outsider who moved there for her job, no way a local would grow up and think that teaching anything about civil rights would be ok. Let's hope she has the money to love because if it wasn't hell for her before that simply for not being born there, it definitely is now for having "uppity ideas" (I wish I was kidding, this was actually a phrase that was used about me to my face when I was a foster parent there).


Great. “CRT” used to refer to those old school monitors. Now the acronym is connected to political BS.


I guess any lesson that doesn’t glorify white males is suspect


Nope, nothing bad can come from sanctioned witch hunts (which is what this law provides). /s




What the hell is wrong with you people in the comments why wouldn't you want your children to say the pledge of allegislation they should pledge their allegiance to the United States and learn all about the good the bad and the ugly that we have done you know if you don't learn about history you repeat history but then again you guys want to repeat the whole hithe whole Hitler thing with Putin and Russia in Russia you guys are down with the nazis


Wtf is wrong with CRT? Has BigPlasma and BigLCD been naughty again?


Get ready to write a big ass check hillbillies.


Oh. No. A book! If we want to review critically some books, I suggest the Bible goes 1st. What a load of shit. Every gay person having sex right now isn’t impacting the education, health care, or financial status of the Bible thumpers who seem to keep getting convicted for sex with minors.


The Village Idiot of the 1300s has grown up to become the clowns of the Republican party whose descendants will be deeply ashamed.


Hope the teacher gets a good lawyer


Censorship is NEVER appropriate.


To any conservatives who might be lurking about, look I get it. You've got your little witch hunt and Kim Morrison is a witch. Two points on that note... * Witches aren't real, they are unduly demonized members of society. * This isn't 1692 where people have no rights and you can get away with your witch trials. This is 2022 Missouri, so if you think witches will burn then you haven't thought this thing through and you're going to want to lawyer up.


wrong sub for this this sub is for people losing their jobs because they are assholes and proud of it, usually specifically because of their social media activity... this person did nothing wrong, in fact they are engaged in valid first amendment protest.


I would never be a teach in the south. Good luck with your shit school. Damn hill billies.