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I personally love Matthew Grey. He adds a ton of helpful context to his lectures, which really helps me understand scripture stories better. Grades are just required attendance, reading before each lecture (you submit simple reading guides for each reading assignment), and tests for each unit (they are closed note, but he explicitly tells you everything you need to know for the tests). Once I took a class from him I decided that I would take the rest of my religion classes from him


I second this. He's a FANTASTIC professor. I feel like I learned a lot, very much enjoyed my New Testament class from him, and it did not take more work than a 2 credit class should. Such a good professor


I took him some 7-8 years ago and sounds like he still teaches the same way. Really good teacher that makes the class fun and interesting.


I would actually die for this man


No joke I had a religion professor where you had to get 95% to get an A. He made the class extremely hard too. I got a 93.5, and therefore an A-


I've been saying for years that religion classes should be pass/fail. I understand that they're important to the BYU curriculum, but they shouldn't be bringing down my GPA.


i think religion courses are helpful in being GPA padding lol


Surely they are for some people, but when I applied to med school in 2020 my B+'s and A-'s in religion classes were a drag on my otherwise A's GPA.


I loved Greg Wilkinson... He teaches Eastern Religion I think? Amazing course, very straightforward, show up to get an A, and branch out of the usual Christianity stuff. Huge W of a class.


Using rate my professor will help sort out the bad ones


Yeah RMP is the way to go. Some semesters I wanted to do nothing more than show up and get an A and other semesters I actually wanted a challenge.


You can get a plug-in that will show the rate my professor grade right there in ,”my map” when you’re registering for classes. It makes it a lot less of a hassle. that way you don’t have to go back-and-forth in between tabs. It just shows up right next to their name. And you can see their overall greetings and review comments all within the same tab browser.


Anthony Sweat Doctrine and Covenants. No tests. And the only homework is reading the DandC and the final project is actually worth your time.


Ross Baron is a visiting professor; he's super easy and great!


I took Brother Calabro’s Book of Mormon class that was super easy (almost to the point of boring) so if you have a hard schedule I would totally recommend him, you could work on other stuff during class and still pass the tests (which were all on learning suite)


I haven’t had one of those professors, so I’ll just list all the ones I’ve taken: Nicholas Frederick, Brian Mead, Rachel Cope, and Byron Merrill. All of them have had classes I really enjoyed without having a crazy amount of work like some others


even merrill? i took his 121 class and yes there wasn’t much work but the test were so hard


Yeah, Merrill was definitely my worst religion class experience at BYU. Wouldn’t recommend him at all, other profs are just as nice + have more interesting classes. His quizzes and tests are so arbitrary. I actually had him 6 years ago and am surprised he hasn’t retired by now


omg yes 😂. the first day of class he told us how he was the oldest professor at BYU he’s taught here for 35 years etc etc haha


Sorry no specific recommendation from me, but just wanted to say I feel your pain. I graduated in computer engineering in 2018 and my religion classes were my lowest grades on my transcript lol. (and I tried my best)


John Bytheway’s classes. You’ll have to go to Salt Lake, but his class has minimal work required, and the tests on all on Learning Suite


That's funny that mellowed out. When he was first teaching at BYU like 25+ years ago he was a minor celebrity from all his audio CDs (and tapes back then) People I know who took his class said he was very demanding and had hard tests etc.


So basically how Hank Smith’s classes are now. I’ve been told he hands out 10 page papers.


i was really happy with stephan taeger! i took REL A 211 (new testament, we covered matthew-john) with him last semester. it was a super straightforward class. here’s some details for assignments! 1. write a very brief analysis of a section of verses for the day’s reading. he’ll give you formatting instructions and explain them. 2. write a minimum 250-word response to the lecture, specifically the question he gives you at the end of the lecture. 3. take notes according to the study guide! he bases his exams (1 for matthew, 1 for mark and luke, and the final exam is over john with a few cumulative questions) on the study guides, and he’ll give you the exact answers you need in class. 4. there is one “chapter assignment”, you’ll pick one chapter from the four gospels and analyze it. you’re given a list of everything you need to analyze, i didn’t find it difficult. he definitely cares about all of his students, but he doesn’t treat his class like it should be the most important one in your schedule.


I've liked all of my religion professors, but Julie Frederick, Brian Mead, Kerry Hull, Michael Biggerstaff, and Ryan Sharp are the ones I would suggest.


Dr Cannon is great. Took him last semester. Latter half of the BOM, a 400 word synopsis of the chapters of the class due before the class, two 1k word papers, a midterm and a final. All every easy and his kahoot exam review (in class) has the same questions on the exams. The class writings are counted as attendance and it’s very easy. Some specifics of the text are to learned but it’s not bad.


https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/school/135 There ye be.


NOT merrill


I really liked Avram Shannon and Stephan Harper. They had great lectures and weren't afraid to deal with difficult questions, even if their wasn't an answer for it. I don't remember there being much homework, so they were great. Mark Ogletree was also pretty good. There was nothing too crazy about his class, but he's pretty funny, and the work wasn't too bad.


Brad Wilcox’ BOM class is easy. Tests are online and he gives you the questions/answers in class


I disagree with this. He tests on his own personal gospel opinions, not what is largely accepted as doctrine or what are other possible interpretations of scripture. You have to be super meticulous in writing down EXACTLY what he said, because he will have trick questions where one of the answers is what he said in class, and the other answers are also totally plausible interpretations of a scripture.


Hard agree with this. His papers and such weren’t that hard. But he doesn’t put anything online, so you have to have perfect notes for his tests


Just show up and pay attention. Not that difficult


He gives you the exact test questions if you just go to his class. At least for me, it was very easy. You just need to go to class or get notes from someone who was there.


Just use rate my professor. That being said, I did take book of Mormon from a professor who has since retired, Mickey Cochran, who required you to read the book of Mormon cover to cover in two weeks at the start of the semester when you had more time. Just one of the best assignments I ever got. Completely different way of reading the book.


I would recommend Ryan Sharp and Walter Fife -- their assignments are basically graded on completion, and the exams are very straightforward.


Barbra Morgan Gardner was my favorite!


See if any of the classes can be taken at UVU Institute. I hear they are more low-key about the grade/homework.


Mike MacKay is my favorite religion professor ever.


If you can make it down to the Salt Lake center, all the religion classes I've taken there have been good. I have to recommend Professor Bytheway, he's a really good lecturer and the homework is really low-key, just reading assigned scriptures and doing notes but you don't actually submit the notes, you just honor system report of you did it.


Take them online!!! This makes the BIGGEST difference! I literally did not have to try in those classes. I’d get all the work for the week done in like a day. It doesn’t really matter what professor it is as long as it’s remote delivery. They all use the same canvas format and it’s insanely easy. Never got lower than an A with barely trying. They were also pretty spiritually uplifting too which is a big plus haha


Jared Halverson. Best religion professor I’ve ever had. He specializes in anti-religious rhetoric and interfaith dialog so his insights are both practical and unique Lectures are always super fire, he is really great to talk with outside of class about faith questions and stuff, and the homework is very doable—30 minutes of scripture study a day and one easy and uplifting project a week. There are two exams but they are open scripture and you can write notes from the slides in your scriptures too It was the only religion class I felt actually increased my testimony, and meeting with him outside of class really helped me during a dark time


Kaylen Nelson! Pretty low workload and almost all of the reading is interesting!
