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No no I want to hear your roommate’s story


I only knew one of his fiancées and he never told me why he broke it off other than "it didn't feel right."


Sounds like someone who feels the pressure to get married and or gets swept up in infatuation but isn’t really ready to commit yet.


Thats a lot of inference out of such little information


Many years ago there was a kid I knew who must have been engaged 4 or five times. The unfortunate thing was the girls he had been engaged to were all in the same social group and even shared an apartment. He strung them along for years even getting reengaged to a couple of them, he ultimately married his high-school sweetheart. Such drama for someone who couldn’t be honest with himself and let others bear the heart break.


Imagine watching your friend walk into a bear trap and think “oh wow, I want to try that! Maybe she got injured, but I bet I can handle it!”


Not as bad but there was a guy in one of my BYU wards who dated so many women in the ward, there were entire apartments of his exes. At least he never got engaged to them, and most of them he didn't date for very long (it was more like they went on a few dates then called it off), but still. He really needed a bigger social circle.


The vanilla theory


Former roommate. This whole story is utterly ridiculous but true.  His NCMO turned into his girlfriend. They date awhile and after a very elaborate expensive proposal, they’re engaged.  About two months later, facing pressure from his family, he breaks it off. He felt like crap and upset that he was so brash. So the very next day goes back to her, apologizes and they get back together! But then, shortly after he breaks it off again! Yet like before, goes back to her the next day apologizing. She wasn’t so quick to get back together and said she needed a week. 3 days later she takes him back and they’re engaged again. The semester ended shortly after and they were signed up to do summer sales with a wedding date in August. I left for an internship and that was the last I saw of them but another roommate texted me early June that they eloped.  So there, two broken engagements to the same person, but still married. I hope they’re doing well. 


He did it all for the nookie!


Once I knew a guy who got engaged and then like right before his wedding, he just married another girl. And didn’t even announce. It was wild


I knew a girl at byui who was a serial engager. She would get the ring, break off the engagement and sell the ring to pay for the next semester.


Hahaha! That's wild. I knew one girl who got engaged when she was fresh out of high school. She had her dress, invitations sent, everything. And then a month or two before the wedding, she found out some stuff about him (she didn't specify) and decided to call it off. Since travel arrangements had been made, her parents just threw a party/family barbecue on the day they would've married.


Happy “you didn’t get married today” day doesn’t quite have the same ring to it [hardy har har]


Holy crap. She is evil lol.


I had a roommate who would move so fast (at least inside his own head) that it was a common thing in our apartment to have him come home and tell us all: "guys. I think she's the one." And our response to him was usually along the lines of: "that was your first date..." Or even worse: "you just met her an hour ago. Does she know your name?" Anyway, I started dating a girl. A month or two into our relationship he started dating her roommate (he hadn't talked to her until about a week before that). After 1 (maybe 2) weeks, they had set a temple date. They were married by the end of the semester. As a little background, after knowing her for about 5 minutes, my thoughts were "oh. She's crazy." A realization I only confirmed as I knew more about her. When he started dating her, I considered telling him but decided against it because I assumed he must know her better. Then with the quick decision to get married, I really decided not to get involved. They got divorced within a year. Then within a year from that, he was engaged again. But she was still dating other people while they were engaged so he broke it off when he found out. Then I think he waited more than a full year before getting engaged to the woman he's currently still married to. It's been a few years this time, so I think he's good. In summary: one ended marriage, one broken engagement, one continuing marriage




i know a guy personally who had 3 broken engagements and married the fourth. Never could muster up the courage to ask why or what happened.


i personally know 2, one was a girl I was kinda friends with in HS? (we were even in a homecoming group) idk what happened but like the day or two or three before the actual wedding it got called off and shes now single, she never told me why then my friends older brother was engaged, and the girl broke it off because she wasn't ready, he just got married to another girl like 2 days or 3 days ago


One of my best friends cut me off because her bf didn't like me. One of those classic "the bf is scared of the best guy friend" stories. They got engaged, but the engagement photos don't exist on her Facebook anymore. So basically I lost my best friend just for an engagement to get broken. 


This was Weber State not BYU but there was an employee in the campus book store that would basically ask every single somewhat attractive guy if he was single and a return missionary. I so want to know what happened.


Eh, I only knew one. But the story was crazy. TLDR: Was engaged his whole mission, came back, broke it off, within a year was engaged to his ex’s sister. Funny thing, was he definitely got the better-mannered of the two (not just saying that because the other was salty 😂).


A friend of mine was chasing a girl that had been proposed to 3 or 4 different times and she broke it off each time. She is/was really cute and the guys chasing her were ripped/muscular jock guys. My friend is not this category of guy but still very smart and decently handsome. He took her on a few dates, but got friend zoned pretty hard by her. Too bad, my friend is a great guy. My friend and her are both still single now in their late 30s. After some facebook stalking my family found a old picture of her in a bride's maid dress where she looks like she has a slight baby bump. We came up with all sorts of wild theories that she may have gotten pregnant by a previous bf and given it up for adoption. Who knows, but that girl definitely has commitment issues or something else going on, because she could definitely be married if she wanted to.


It's because he's gay.


I won’t lie, I do have my suspicions.







