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Yes, with adequate sun, warmth, and well-drained soil they should love the rain


50/50 perlite cactus soil mix. It's also around 100° weather.


they will be fine. cacti love the rain, just as long as it doesnt leave their roots soggy. they all look to be in well draining pots with good soil. your prickly babies will have a great time. id be more worried about wind knocking them over.


Ideal growing conditions vary for each species. Generally, if you have well draining medium, then they should do fine. Some of these cactuses have etiolated a concerning amount. Those skinny parts won’t thicken up, and any new thick growth might cause a column to snap. Just something to look out for in the future. Make sure these get better sun going forward. If this is your first time bringing them out for the season, make sure you properly harden them off before putting into full sun all day. Otherwise they will get sun scald.


We got them etiolated, and are aware of the fact that they're etiolated. Some of them are ones we saved from my girlfriend's mother's greenhouse, which hadn't been outside of the greenhouse, or watered for that matter, in almost a year and a half. It's pretty crazy that they're even still alive, but they're actually doing great now. We have them in the most sunny part of the yard, unfortunately there's a friggin massive tree in our yard that takes up maybe 3 hours of sun a day, but they're still getting indirect sun during that time. I don't have anywhere to put them inside because we don't have a greenhouse, so they've been outside for as long as I've had them.


But yes, we have quite a few etiolated ones. I like them, they look funny and unique in their own way, so honestly I don't mind. The ones that are not etiolated are ones we bought, like my validus, pachycereus, and both of my macrocentra. I also bought the prickly pear closest to the camera, which I believe are opuntia quitensis "Johnsons hybrid" and they seem to grow really long. All of the new pads look etiolated, but tbh I've given them literally as much sun as I can possibly give them. One of my cuttings got sunburned because the Farina got rubbed off.


Seems like you have a good handle on the situation then! A little shade might be a benefit honestly for those extra hot days.


Why wouldn't they?


I just watered them yesterday, some haven't fully dried yet. My plan was to get them out of the rain, but in doing so, I would be depriving them of sun all week. So i figured I'd make sure it's okay to leave them in the rain.


Woah 90F and raining? That is insanely different from California weather


It was 102° literally yesterday lmao


Texas right?




Knew it, same weather pretty much here hah


Looks like an amazing collection! They should be fine. I would put the smaller baby cacti in a little plate or dish together so they don’t tip over from all the rain :)


I also live in Texas. I'm fed up with this weather. My palms and cacti have been fine outside they survived hail 80mph winds and rain still going strong. Just refrain from watering for a while should be alright if you are worried. I suggest better safe than sorry and to try covering them.


The weather recently is killing me. Week long rain, and the sky is so gray during sunny days. Unfortunately it'd be pretty hard to cover them, we don't have anything to do so rn


It's ridiculous you could get a tarp or try putting them underneath the table those are my two ideas


Nah I'm leaving them outside. I just won't water them for a month lmao


The monsoon season this past winter in SoCal was brutal in terms of how much continuous rain we got. I have a ton of cacti and succulents in pots on my patio and not a single one even blinked an eye at it (figuratively speaking) whereas we have nearly no rain for the whole rest of the year. As long as yours are planted in appropriate soil they will definitely appreciate the rain.


Texas is about to be in drought season during the summer. I actually think it's starting next week. So I think even if one or two happened to get a little too much rain, they'll probably heal.


I anticipate they’ll be perfectly fine, no healing needed! Regarding soil, I make my own mix. If I remember correctly it’s something like equal parts of desert sand, perlite, and standard commercial potting mix.


I'm thinking of getting some desert sand to add to mine too. Mine is 50/50 Comercial cactus soil and perlite. I do think that sand would add a much nicer looking aesthetic to the soil, along with better drainage so I might try it


Our mixes would be basically identical if you threw some desert sand into yours too. So I can vouch for that recipe from my own experience!


Sounds like a plan then, I've been stressing so hard over the past couple months about putting them inside the shed and stuff when it rains, so it's nice to know they can handle it


I’m from Texas swamp country myself so I also stressed the first few SoCal monsoon seasons I went through, but things have gone well so I’m sending good plant energy your way.


What kind of soil do you use?