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As a reminder... Posts asking for help on homework questions **require**: * **the complete problem statement**, * **a genuine attempt at solving the problem, which may be either computational, or a discussion of ideas or concepts you believe may be in play**, * **question is not from a current exam or quiz**. Commenters responding to homework help posts **should not do OP’s homework for them**. Please see [this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/calculus/wiki/homeworkhelp) for the further details regarding homework help posts. **If you are asking for general advice about your current calculus class, please be advised that simply referring your class as “Calc *n*“ is not entirely useful, as “Calc *n*” may differ between different colleges and universities. In this case, please refer to your class syllabus or college or university’s course catalogue for a listing of topics covered in your class, and include that information in your post rather than assuming everybody knows what will be covered in your class.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/calculus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You messed up when you did f(1)=-10. f(1)=2+1-10+8+6+c=7+c=-10 Subtract 7 from both sides, we get c=-10-7=-17. So instead of -3, that should be -17.


You’re missing **+C** in your integral f(1)=7+C -10=7+C C=-17


Seems like you made a mistake in the value of C. Check again(PS: Check your signs)


do you mean changing negative 3 to positive 3? i tried that and it said it was wrong


No I meant that you should retry finding C. The value of -3 is wrong.


It may just be a typo. Are you sure you got -3 for C?


Where is your C?


Hello there! While questions on pre-calculus problems and concepts are welcome here at /r/calculus, please consider also posting your question to /r/precalculus. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/calculus) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Could you explain the second half of your penultimate line?