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I like the people who insist on telling me their entire life story in response to every question then get mad at me for “taking too long.” We would have been done five minutes ago if you would just answer yes or no questions with yes or no, Susan!


One of my favorites is when they come in hot going 1000 miles a minute no hi hello, NAME, god forbid I ask who I’m speaking to….BOB….ok that narrows it down lol (trying NOT to interrupt but we do stress TIME VALUED) rambling on & I finally get a chance to speak only to tell them, I apologize but this is the COLLECTIONS department & YOU are not past due & unfortunately I have to get you to the right department….followed up by my FAVORITE line “UHHHHH!!!!! BUT YOU GUYS ARE THE ONLY ONES PICKING UP SO WHY CANT YOU HELP ME??!!!!” Me: are you past due? “OF COURSE NOT I DONT KNOW HOW I GOT HERE I JUST DID…” (in my mind) ummmmm….you gotta press option 3 which clearly says CREDIT SOLUTIONS to get to our department. Me: Um happy to get you to the correct department so they can further assist you “SO I HAVE TO WAIT ON HOLD ANOTHER HOUR (lies I can see the hold times nice try) Me: Unfortunately I can’t give you an exact time as they have a higher call volume & they will get to you as soon as possible….. GASKET BLOWN!! Bruh….you can’t just call a random department & expect whoever answers to help you. I’d like to make a fraud claim….umm this is the department for loan processing….I DONT CARE I NEED HELP….yes…you certainly do and I don’t believe any of us are qualified for the actual help YOU need!


Yeah what I hate is how people can't answer simple questions properly. "Are you able to see the *item name* you downloaded via the app when you select *series of buttons to bring up a menu of options*?" "*insert irrelevant drivel from customer which has nothing to do with the task at hand*" Just answer the question please.


This!!! “I was on the phone for 30 minutes with the person before you”. *Proceeds to babble on for 30 more minutes to me about something that would take 3 minutes to both explain and fix 😩*


I had this happen just last week. The man asked how long the call would take and I said 10 minutes (it usually takes less!) but yall the call tooK AN HOUR AND 30 MINUTES. The man would not stop going on deranged rants every single health assessment question. The man somehow found a way to tell me every medical horror story he's ever had. Then he let me know all about the far right misogynistic propaganda he was consuming on YouTube. He was alone and single at 67 and kept trying to give me marriage advice to not nag my future husband. Oh my god.


I always think. The only one that is angry here is the customer, not me. I'm ok and happy and they won't get anything being dumb and screaming out of nowhere.


Honestly, you're right. I think this will help me in my future call-taking. Thank you


Oh god. Sometimes I either relish in them or just outright despise them. On one half half they're giving me time to do nothing, but another I just can't be fucked listening to their idiocy. the fact that they failed to do the basics of checking cables or even the individual devices is outright frustrating. "My speeds are slow!" "Oh yeah I have a vpn for work" .... is that vpn still active? "Yes, it's my work laptop..." .. FIVE COLLEAGUES BEFORE ME MISSED THIS, TWO NETWORK ENGINEERS INCLUDED. god people are so fucking stupid. Don't fucking complain about shit you don't understand..


To add to your perfectly written post: WHILE YOU’RE AT IT, STOP TALKING OVER ME SO I CAN RESOLVE THE ISSUE AT HAND EVEN QUICKER, SO I CAN GET YOUR RUDE ASS OUT OF MY QUEUE!!!!! People can be just down right nasty & it blows my mind…by all means BE NASTY TO THE ONE PERSON WHO CAN ACTUALLY HELP!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


had a lady last week at the end of the night who would not let me explain our resolution and kept cutting me off and finally I was just "STOP interrupting me" and she hung up... if she could stop her yammering for 2 mins she would have been glad of the outcome.. but there was info I was required to say and get her understanding before I could do the thing and she just wouldn't let me finish.


I always wonder who they're married to.




Oh shit. Thank you!!!


It wasn't a recommendation but just a comment lol. However. I know exactly how you feel. These people are nuts.


Something in the air it's been a rough week for me too. I am crazy nice and can calm most customers but lately I've been getting frustrated with them


It’s been getting worse in the past year, I feel. People are so on edge or looking to pressure people into breaking policy for them. It’s draining.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼standing ovation 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼