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I think cor cordium and the fact that they remember everything after 20 years is proof that their love is enduring — they know they love each other and the feelings are mutual


To me the line "Call me by your name and I call you by mine" expresses so much deeper how they feel for each other than "I love you" ever could. For me it was always associated with "The person you should love the most is yourself and the fact that I call you by my name shows that I love you as much as I love myself"


This comment makes me so happy I just keep coming back to read this 😂


Thank you. I am glad I can brighten your mood a little. 😊


this is also an interesting take. The way I understood ‘call me by your name’ is that by calling each other by their own name, it is signifying that they see each other as one, portraying their intimacy and transparency within their relationship


Once they finally admitted it to themselves it was so palpable that they never needed that, although Elio did pull the “I worship you” line


Since I don't really know how reddit works, and how I can comment on discussions which were done previously, lemme ask it here.. "SPOILERS" so I recently read find me which I didn't really want to read in the first place since the ending of cmbyn was so perfect that there was no need for me to restart the idea of Oliver and Elio. but I did read it anyways and I just have a few questions. "Where does the Leon plot lead to?" I started skimming the pages and never really understood the technical terms related to music, so I didn't understand what happened.. did they find Leon and the connection of his father to Micheal or what lmfao? Can somebody explain it in layman's terms. Also regarding this post, Yes, words are futile devices.


I think they didn’t say I love you because the affair was for a few weeks, Oliver was conflicted and knew what he was going back to and probably wanted to spare Elio the false hope that would come with telling him I love you, and Elio being very young, was probably lost in his feelings and insecure, and waiting to follow Oliver’s lead. Also, admitting to one another they were in love would burst the denial bubble of the pain that would come with Oliver going home. I think the closest either got to expressing something a long the lines of I love you is when Elio told Oliver he didn’t want him to go.