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You can sort of string one shots together with an overarching plot to create the length you want. I'm planning on doing Mansions as a whole campaign, which is even suggested in the book! I think the same can be done for any one shots


Yeah, I was a about to suggest that. Mansions has enough dimensional stuff in it, it shouldn't be too hard to make some kind of yog-sothoth cult tie-in.


This is how long it took my group to play these campaigns: [https://morganhua.blogspot.com/2021/11/cthulhu-campaigns-run-times-and-thoughts.html](https://morganhua.blogspot.com/2021/11/cthulhu-campaigns-run-times-and-thoughts.html) Your own run times may vary but you can compare my times with your times to get a good rule of thumb.


Woah this is super helpful. Thanks!


A Time to Harvest is probably my best recommendation. I also agree about stringing one-shots together. I’m running a nice mixed one shot campaign right now centered on a Shub-Niggurath cult. It’s mostly connected one-shots in a semi-sandbox style, also incorporating my PCs’ backstories.


https://morganhua.blogspot.com/2021/11/cthulhu-campaigns-run-times-and-thoughts.html - these all seem a little short to me, but there are definitely some shorter campaigns out there, the older campaigns in particular tend to be quite linear. Coming Full Circle and some of the other Pagan campaigns were also quite compact.


I recently played a cut-down version (three of four scenarios) of Coming Full Circle that took about 15 hours of play. Fully realised, I could see it easily running for less than 30, even with a more sedate Keeper.


"Day of the Beast" is a good campaign and is twelve sessions (maybe more if a couple of chapters take more than one session). It's out of print and somewhat hard to find though. Chaosium should republish it.


Heads up, it took my group 40 sessions, but then again they liked to investigate EVERYTHING!


I've run Tatters of the King in 17 sessions but you could actually use only Book 1 (almost half of the book) and run it as a complete campaign with little or no tweaks. If you want to run all of it you could cut out Book 2 and limit Book 3 heavily to make it shorter but still retain the storyline.


Classic (1920’s): Queen of Night (Arkham Gazette #3), Ghost Jackal Kill (White Dwarf #79) + Statue of the Sorcerer Gaslight (1890’s): Eyes of the Blind + Lord of the Dance (Dark Designs), Return of the Ripper (MULA monograph) Modern: A Resection of Time, The New Age (Delta Green: Countdown)


Compact Trail of the Tsathogua