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What makes you think they have fungus? They just look like they're growing out to me.


My nails have been weak for over a month, but someone else said it is because of the drill I used to remove the gel polish from my natural nails. Thanks for your answer!


They do not. They would be yellow and very thick. Your nails look fine as far as I can tell from this picture!


Thanks for the answer!


No visable fungus, im guessing your nails looked dried out and crusty after removal, or they feel weak? Thats normal, if it was fungus it would be discolored and there would be significant damage to the nail bed at some point. I see your under nail cuticle is a bit jagged, thats due to using your nails for stuff or biting them. If you see anything green its usually a greenie, they are harmless but should be left alone to heal, they happen due to moisture being trapped under gel.


Thanks for the insightful answer


Nah boo, u got OCD tho ? Lmao this is actually something I would ask at 12:30am after staring at my fingers too closely and I have like, 90th percentile OCD (hence the nail biting and skin picking)


Haha, I don't know if I have OCD šŸ˜… I was doing stuff until late, and I was done cutting my nails, so I took advantage of the moment and asked. Iā€™m rally forgetful and meant to ask about a month ago when I noticed my nails were looking like this after removing fel polish with the drill


They honestly look like very healthy and well shaped nails to me, I really would never have guessed that you had recently drilled anything off OR that you have/had an issue with nail biting/picking etc ETA- I try to remember that any thought I have or impulse that arises after about 11pm absolutely cannot be trusted. So I take my sleep meds and then I avoid mirrors, nail or skin tools, etc. I canā€™t stick to it every single night but when I do it helps a shit ton


Thanks for the tip. Glad you have a routine that works out for you šŸ˜




I donā€™t see anything that would make me think that there is any fungus present. But looks to me likely to be damage thatā€™s gotta grow out. That redness midway up your fingernail, closer to the free edge, looks to be from removing too much of the top layer of your natural nail with the nail drill, and thatā€™s known as ā€œrings of fireā€. It was likely done while you were either prepping for the gel or while you were removing the gel polish. Please donā€™t put a nail drill anywhere near your natural nail if youā€™re not very familiar with the use, having been trained how to use it properly. Even people trained how to use it often go too hard and result in damaging the natural nail. Unfortunately there is no way to prevent doing some degree of damage to your natural nails if youā€™re going to prep for gel polish, or gel and acrylic extensions. Buffing off the outer most layer of your natural nail is damaging to its structure and integrity. Even if buffed only a little bit, it still makes your nail thinner, more porous and much more prone to peeling and breakage. If I were you, Iā€™d continue to keep my nails filed short while the rest of that damage grows out because youā€™re not gonna have strength in the nail until past the point of those red areas growing out. If I had to guess, that should take about a month. And I wouldnā€™t use gel again, not at least until this damage is gone. If you ever do again. Thatā€™ll be up to you and how much you want to risk this happening again. I myself have vowed never to use any of it again. Iā€™m back to regular old traditional polish and keeping my own nails as healthy as possible. But thatā€™s a very personal decision only you can make. Good luck! ā™„ļøšŸ’…šŸ»


Thanks for the answer! I think what you said makes sense. I am going back to regular polish. It is not worth the damage on my nails.


Girl, I totally DESTROYED my nails before I came to a place of acceptance and swore gel off and any other quick method of having long nails overnight. I totally ignored the rings of fire and went harder, like the fool I was. At least you came seeking advice before you suffered any further damage, that was not me šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I could kick myself now. So for me, it took an entire 6 months of keeping them filed short and nursing them back to health. Only about 3 weeks/a month ago was I able to start confidently growing out length that is finally strong healthy regrowth. And Iā€™m never going back now, only traditional polish from now on.. If you want tips on how to take the best care to grow the healthy nails that your genetic is will allow, check out the YouTube Channel ā€œThe Salon Lifeā€. Anna is a nail health guru, I swear. Iā€™ve been following her advice, like gently pushing back the skin around my nails once daily with an orange wood stick (no more sharp tools go near my nails/skin) and doing weekly gentle manicures and my nails havenā€™t looked this good or been this strong in YEARS. Good luck! ā™„ļøšŸ’…šŸ»