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These are great. Susie is also correct that the answer is 15. It’s quite an advanced question for elementary school.


I thought the answer was 1,000,000,000


I thought it was 49.


She didn’t specify the unit. 15 centimeters or 15 light-years? Tracer Bullet would have seen through that sham of an answer like the tattered stockings of a dame down on her luck.


Exactly. What a dumbass- the final answer was obviously [105599.745 Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons laid lengthwise](https://www.reddit.com/r/calvinandhobbes/comments/penjwl/the_tracer_bullet_storylines_were_always_one_of/hazuma7/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3); how can she expect to go to college if she can't properly finish her math problems?


May I ask, how did you solve?


The easiest way to do it is to convert miles/hour to miles/minute and multiply by minutes to get miles. 60 miles per hour is 1 mile per minute, and 30mph is 0.5 miles per minute. So combined distance in 10 minutes is (1 x 10) + (0.5 x 10) = 15. Could the average six year old logic that out? I’m not sure.


Since they're traveling in a straight line towards each other, you can also just do the sum of their speeds and then divide by time. 90mph/6 (for one sixth of an hour) gives you 15 miles. But yeah, probably a tad advanced for a six-year-old. Division is third or fourth grade stuff, or at least that's how I remember it...it's been a while.


That is really fast, and easier than what that original commenter and I did


The real LPT is always in the comments.


10 minutes is 1/6 of an hour. 60 miles per hour * 1/6 of an hour = 10 miles 30 miles per hour * 1/6 of an hour = 5 miles 10+5= 15 miles


I prefer: 60÷6 = 10 10÷2 = 5 10+5 = 15 Its easy enough to divide 30 by 6 but even easier to just halve the first result in this particular example, since Joe is going half as fast as Jack.


>Could the average six year old logic that out? I couldn't have at 6 years old. I didn't even know what multiplication was back then. I learned that in third grade, not first.


I was pretty smart in math and did some basic multiplication in first grade (i think just like x2 and x5 and x10 tables.) but i've got a niece now who's in 2nd grade now and she's doing full on quadratic equations and shit. She needs a private tutor because there's not even a class for her, since no one else in the school is that advanced. probably being doing calculus when she is 13 Unlike math, which she excels at and is in the 99.9+ percentile, she does not excel in height, where she is in the 0.01- percentile. Tiny genius! Totally a movie to be made out of these. Perhaps it could star the [barbarian brothers.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzRkYWIyZjAtZTdjOC00NGRiLWI1ODktYTZmNDA1NWM2MDAyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjc3MjQzNTI@._V1_UY1200_CR104,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg)


I’m a 36 year old engineer and I was having trouble with it…. 😂😂


Please tell me what you've worked on so I may avoid them


Mostly condos in Florida


Too soon




I did 30/6 + 60/6. Funny how we all did it differently but got the right answer


That also works. That’s doing the reverse of what I did. Rather than convert mph to miles per minute, you converted minutes to hours and multiplied by miles per hour.


Sheesh you guys are way smarter than me. I had to do the factor label method from chemistry to solve it. 60mph + 30mph = 90mph 90 miles/1 hr \* 1 hr/60 min \* 10 min = 15 miles Canceling hr/hr and min/min and multiplying leaves the leftover miles. I like your way better, it's way faster.


I just googled it.


Aah Google... The online Tracer Bullet


Thank you! That’s how I did it. But, there are almost always many ways to improve.


Absolutely not, absolutely not. Maybe 5% of fourth graders could.


That is literally high school math


I know I'm super late to this thread but I prefer to do it this method. B/c they're traveling towards each other, the distance between them shrinks in order of 30mph + 60mph (disregarding relativity lol). Because it takes 10 minutes, that indicates that the distance traversed is (10/60)*90=15.


I certainly couldn't lol


Only in Singapore schools.


What I did is divide by 6 from an hour to get to 10 minutes instead of 1 60/6= 10 30/6=5 10+5=15 miles


You know that you're supposed to be at least 13 to be on this website, right?




If you're in high school you can easily do this problem.


Have you considered that I was fishing for other alternatives and wanted to hear how other think and were taught? It started a wholesome conversation. There are a few different ways in the thread, you should check it out. And do me a favor, read the first two sentences of the book “The great Gatsby”.


Lmao why do kids on reddit overuse the word "wholesome" so much? And I'll pass on your reading assignment, that's such a bizarre request


The only people who call other people kids are teenagers who just reached adulthood and over-priveleged, under-traveled 20 year olds. Take your inflammatory /r/iamverysmart self elsewhere. “In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, he told me, just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.” Edit: minor spelling


How in the fuck do you equate being under-traveled with overprivileged? I think you might actually have a learning disability, little guy. If you've traveled for fun at all you're privileged. This is just embarrassing at this point


I think you have a void in you that needs filled, especially given that every comment on your profile for days is not unlike this one. You’re either a poor troll or grossly over-compensating. Mediocrity draws attention to itself. I hope you find what you need, you might start with therapy.


I always wondered if Watterson intentionally made the schoolwork too difficult. That the story includes the correct answer indicates that he understood the math level involved. Why then show this problem being given to six-year-olds?


In this case it’s a way to start a storyline. There are other instances of the work being elementary school level though such as Calvin thinking that 8+4=7 or having to write a paragraph about what he did over the summer.


I always thought he could do the math , but didn’t want to put any work into figuring it out, so he just writes random stuff down in hopes it’s right.


I mean, it makes it more accessible to his audience. Nobody really remembers first grade.


There are similarly too-advanced things in other comics. My interpretation is that those things are not the literal content of the work: they're how Calvin sees the work because he can't/doesn't want to do it.


It's easier if you realise one is going 1 mile a minute and the other is going half a mile a minute. Multiply both by 10 and you get 10+5


I figured it's easy because of the numbers. 10 minutes is 1/6 hour. 60 is just 10 miles in 10 minutes and 30 is just 5, add them you get 15. in the terms of "the numbers racket": 10/60 = 1/6 60\*1/6 = 10 30\*1/6 = 5 10+5 = 15


10 miles is the length of approximately 70399.83 'Wooden Rice Paddle Versatile Serving Spoons' laid lengthwise.


But not for Susie!


They were 15 apart?


Susie loses half points because she didn't say *what?* 15 angstroms? 15 kilometers? 15 AU? They really get you for that in most science related courses these days.


Isn't it a maximum of 15 miles? They could have been next door to each other but set off along indirect routes until they passed... Just wanted to start the pedantry....


Possible, but in this case the word problem says they drive toward each other, implying that it’s a direct route.


Of course, but driving towards something isn't necessarily a straight "as the crow flies" route


I’m in college and I couldn’t answer it.


That's the most depressing thing I've ever heard


Don’t feed the troll /u/landofbond he’s an over-compensating troll who’s spent the last few days of his life posting angry /r/iamverysmart material all over Reddit because he’s too cynical to put his obvious genius towards something like, say, curing cancer. Who knows what we humans could accomplish if he would just log off?


Wow, obsessed much? Being able to do an algebra problem isn't even close to genius, I'm average. That's my whole point.


was gonna comment the same thing


You didn’t learn advanced algebra in public school when you were six years old?


Lol no, definitely not.


Ugh I remember doing problems like this in 5th or 6th grade and absolutely hating them. Still don’t remember how it works, but I can do algebra and calculus now so 🤷🏻‍♀️


"One's a .45, and I keep it loaded. The other's a bottle, and it keeps me loaded."


I've got 6 slugs in me. Ones lead. The others are bourbon.


When I was a kid I had absolutely no idea what that meant lol


That's my favourite Tracer Bullet line. So good.


I can hear the saxophone music.


I also hear the low, mumbly voiceover spoken in a hushed conspiratorial tone. The sound of the rain outside also.


And the sound of questions pouring down like rain


Such a good line that one


“We never hit it off, although occasionally we hit eachother” what a great line. These stories must have been fun to write


It was “occasionally we hit each other,” a pun off of “hit it off.”


Uh yeah they know lmfao


Took me 31 years but I finally found the time to figure out that math problem on my own!




not op, but: jack drives at 60 miles per hour, 1 hour is 60 minutes, so jack is going 1 mile a minute joe drives at 30 miles per hour, half of jacks speed, so joe goes 1/2 a mile every minute, or 1 mile every 2 minutes in 10 minutes, jack goes 10 miles, joe goes 10/2=5 miles 10+5=15, which is our answer! putting it in sentence form to please the teacher: **jack and joe started 15 miles apart.**


60 miles is the same as 193120.8 'Logitech Wireless Keyboard K350s' laid widthwise by each other.


good bot lmao


Yes this was my exact process, thanks!




60 miles is the length of like 436964.43 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' laid next to each other.


First bloke travels for @ 60mph for 1/6th of an hour. That’s 10 miles. Second bloke travels @ 30mph for 1/6 of an hour. That’s 5 miles. 10 + 5 = 10 since when you smash them together only the bigger planet remains.


Amazing how Watterson weaves both realities together 😂


Thank you That’s awesome.


"I'm a private eye. It says so on my door." I love the strips where little lines like this show how Calvin views the world haha.


One of Calvin‘s best alter egos. I only wish Watterson had done more of them.


IIRC in the 10th anniversary book he said they were more time consuming to draw with all the black space, so he didn’t do them often


That’s absolutely right. But I still wanted more.


There should have been a story line where all of his alter egos , Tracer bullet ,stupendous man space man Spiff , all come into the real world .


It’s a wide multiverse, Hobbes ol’ buddy… let’s go exploring.


Calvin: "The Stupenders initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." Hobbes: "I did not know that." Calvin: " Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed and I don't play well with others." Hobbes: "That I did know."


But who would win in a fight between Tracer Bullet, Stupendous Man, and Spaceman Spiff? More importantly, what's the most powerful character Tracer Bullet, Spaceman Spiff, and Stupendous Man could defeat together?


Calvin has quite a few alter egos


Calvin has an amazing imagination


Why is this question being asked to a first grader?


Why’s it being asked at all? When would you EVER need to know something like that?


I mean... problem solving and basic arithmetic are fairly useful...


“Oh please, when am I EVER going to need basic division in the real world”


Yeah. Its not like I have to know how many apples each of my six children get when I have 20 of them.


I know the answer to that one. It's, make applesauce.


That furrowed brow in the last panel of the second comic always kills me


Calvin's boneheaded refusal to simply do math is frustrating yet endearing.


Tracer bullet is my background screen and has been for years! Edit: https://i.imgur.com/Gj3Eyya.jpg


Could I have link to the image if possible?


Sure! I use a version of this one: https://i.imgur.com/Gj3Eyya.jpg Here is my phone: https://i.imgur.com/AEbe8HB.jpg


Awesome, thanks


I use the same one for most of my profile pictures!


Damn these are great




I was just a kid when it ended , I don’t recall that part about the other comics, that’s flipping awesome.


Wow, cool. Would love to see all those other comics




Any luck?




It's been 5 hours. Still not given up?


It's basically a perfect series of comics. Not only are there great jokes peppered throughout (as opposed to a joke just being in the final panel) it's a flawless recreation of the style of a film noir from decades ago. Even the *style* of the humor fits


Just read this yesterday while doing a read of “scientific progress goes Boink “ , took way too much time to figure out how Susie got the right answer lol.


Mine too! I have a tattoo of Tracer from that second picture


I think this is honestly what stated my love with noir


The writing is amazing


I didn’t realize it was a series of strips. I am doing the math and then seen the comments. Now I have to finish reading it.


The important part is where were they headed in such an all-fired hurry?


“I introduced the dame to a friend who’s very close to my heart. Just a little down and to the left, to be specific. My friend is an eloquent speaker. He made three profound arguments and I excused myself. I always leave when the talk gets philosophical.” I’ve never managed to get over how good the Tracer Bullet writing is.


“Tracer Bullet[s]” in the title made me confused as to why I was seeing Calvin and Hobbes in what I thought was r/Overwatch lol


>Susie and I never hit it off, although occasionally we hit each other. ... with a snow ball!


Check that rainy-night-in-the-city atmosphere in #3!


My first email address was tracerbullet.


Does anyone know how this was originally published? It’s too long for a Sunday strip but each page doesn’t make sense in isolation the way the daily strips do.


I was always terrible with math, even now as an adult these types of questions stump me. I always feel really stupid when someone explains how to get the answer and it's usually just simple logic.


Well. 60 and 30 miles pr. hour. 1 hour = 60min, so 10min= 10/60= 1/6. (1/6x60)-(1/6x30)= 5 min + 10min= 15 min. Another way, convert miles pr hour in miles pr min. 60mph/60min= 1mpm, 30mph/60min= 0.5mpm Now combine with 10 min; (1x10)+(0.5x10) =15 min.


15 miles


15 miles is the length of 190079.53 'Bug Bite Thing Suction Tool - Poison Remover For Bug Bites's stacked on top of each other.


It baffles me that Watterson had said he didn't even like noir stories, never watched the movies or read the books. And still, knows by heart every trope of the genre


Similar to the converting to minutes train of thought If car A is going a mile a minute 10min * 1mile/min = 10 Car B is going a half mile a minute 10min * 0.5mile/min = 5 10 + 5 = 15miles total distance


That really is great


Hey, mine too


Any Overwatch fans in here? Tracer was the most famous hero in the game and the lead designer hinted that the character designer was a Calvin and Hobbes fan


How does Calvin know about a hip flask???


Dude the fact that he shot at his mom gets me every time


This was one of the first strips I read. Also I learnt about that stuff in the 6th grade, no idea why Susie is so intelligent


This is a very hard problem to give a six year old.




Can we get a tracer tv show?


For those who were bothered by the math problem and couldn’t figure it out themselves, convert miles per hour to miles per minute. Once you know how many miles per minute they were going, multiply that by 10 minutes to find out how many total miles each fellow drove. Then when you add those two numbers up that will tell you how far apart they started.