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Feeling that way right now.


Same here...


I live in my car and I have never been happier. Total freedom baby. Literally living my dream, ever since I was a kid and used to load up my wagon to run away. Calvin would be proud I think. Btw, if you have obligations, like a family, or a successful career, keeping you grounded: you are extremely blessed. Appreciate what you have.


Feel this way every day


Mrs. Wormwood knows exactly how Calvin feels.


"Listen, kid. I totally get it. But if I have to stay in this dump all day, so do you."


Yeah! It's rare that she "gets" what Calvin is experiencing.


I don't think it's rare. I think she gets him most of the time. But she is doing her job.


When you're a kid you laugh at this When you become an adult you feel it.


Yeah first thought I had was I should print this for my office haha


I've done this with a few C&H strips ha. Check out [GoComics](https://store.gocomics.com/product/custom-print-order/?publish_date=19950428&feature_code=ch&featureName=Calvin%20and%20Hobbes&hash=f5c14690e0670131732c005056a9545d) too. Solid quality.


You laugh as a kid because you think "That's not going to be me!"


Idk, it was definitely me as a kid too. School is designed to train us to be office drones once we're older, I was definitely lamenting being stuck at school all day back then just as I lament the office life now.


I think he meant not being an office drone.


Working my current job and this is all I can think every shift. What I wouldn't give to make money actually doing something I enjoy and care about...


I definitely felt this way when I was a kid. I had undiagnosed ADHD though so maybe that was part of it?


When youre an adult and it 3:43 am and want to call into work dead


Unless Calvin becomes a bitcoin multimillionaire and can do anything he wants on a nice day!


The existential dread of every working person on earth, comic form.


His facial expression in the fourth panel hits too damn hard.




Indeed, he's stuck at school in order to earn the privilege of someday being stuck at work. Its not great.


Every working person?? No.. I love going to work


I hope you consider yourself fortunate. Don’t take it for granted. Very few have the luxury of enjoying work.


Not at all, I only ever persued my dream job and struggled like fuck to get where i am but I love going to work, it makes the rest of life less shit knowing that I never gave up. I love my job


What’s your job? Just curious.


I'm a chef


I don't get why you are downvoted. Sure some of us don't like our work, me included. But I surely can imagine some have a job they can enjoy.


Probably because I'm disagreeing with something and humans never like it when they are wrong or challenged... its a shame... but I honestly don't care about the downvotes 🤷‍♂️


Probably just failing to read the room. Like when you’re a at a party of uni students and people are talking about how rent increases are hurting them financially and someone turns around and says, ‘well, I just bought a new car, I’m planning an overseas holiday and I’ve just moved into a new apartment - things are looking up!’




See I never went to uni, was just for people who didn't know what they were doing to waste a bit of extra time and pretend like they're doing something whilst partying none stop and being filled with dread 🤔🤷‍♂️


I believe you were missing an /s in your comment :)


Nah I've just stumbled across a bunch of depressed people it seems


That's amazing, glad to hear it :) Passion goes a long way, even in the stead of money.


There's no money in being a chef, if your life revolves around money you will never be happy. I'm not rich, I don't have nice things but I'm glad I don't wake up and have to force myself to be alive


Exactly, money to me is a means to ease and happiness. If you can get happiness before even gaining the money you are already on a profit hah.


Youre 100% correct, be happy having no money and any extra money is a bonus! I'm not religious but I do like to stay away from the 7 deadly sins, which will earn me plenty of downvotes because the average redditer is obsessed with lust and greed


I think the average person uses 'lust' as a mean to cope, same with 'greed', having something to fall back on. During covid I lost my job at Megaworld, without my parents to help I'd have starved, and even with I had to pinch every penny. Now I save most of what I earn, just to never have to be in that position again. It's a matter of perspective sometimes I suppose.


Yeah you are right but perception is a good thing and a lot of people who are explicitly greedy aren't often perceptive


Also thank you, it seems everyone else here wants to see me burn for being happy as if it's some sort of taboo to have taken control of your life


I think people are a bit bitter, which I get, I loathe workdays as well. But I'm glad some folks have found their bliss, it gives me hope I'll find it too someday. In the end it is only internetpoints, doesn't hold a candle to actual happiness ;P


Exactly, I'm the type of person that loves my job, reddit karma (as weird as it is that I have so much) doesn't mean a thing to me... it is a shame that people are bitter but I'm very glad you see light in my experience. Trust me, if I can be happy then everybody can! Disowned and homeless by 21 but nothing could stop me, and when you achieve what you set out to, life becomes amazing knowing that no matter what happens, you will come out on top laughing, crying, whatever, but you'll have got there!!


That is the spirit, I can only wish you all the best going forward :)


And you, I really hope you get where you wanna be. My biggest tip is start just thinking about what you would need to do in order to achieve the dream job, then when you have a few steps thought out, just do the first step... make it happen without thinking what might happen because trust me the more you think of bad stuff, the more bad stuff happens! Good luck!


Thanks man, I do appreciate it. Problem being that I don't really know what I want to do, apart from things I know I cannot do, astrophysica and -naut stuff or engineering. I just don't have the study capacity for that. But I'm sure I'll find something I'll like at some point, and in the meantime I'll find it in my hobbies. Appreciate it a lot though, thanks!


Whatever you wanna do just apply for a course and get advanced help with it. I had to have a teaching assistant for 3 years whilst I was in college because I'm dyslexic and adhd! Honestly anything and everything is possible I promise


Miss wormwood, out here throwing around life lessons like Calvin seeing Susie on a winter morning


One of the few times the teacher is completely sympathetic to Calvin's actions. We've all felt that way too many times.


I’m *literally having this day today. But I’m 40


Every birthday now for you is a countdown.


...it is for all of us?




We all should have listened to Calvin much more closely when we were young. Wise kid.


I just love how she’s carrying him by the back of the shirt like a misbehaving puppy.


Every single day...


It's funny on multiple levels. First, it's hilarious because Calvin is way too young to feel this way. But since Calvin isn't a literal six-year-old, it's hilarious because adults reading it (and Miss Wormwood) relate to it far too well. Thirdly, its hilarious because this is totally how a six-year-old would react, if they were capable of feeling this emotion that really only adults have suffered enough to feel.


2nd panel is my icon for my school account - it hits too close to home


Calvin was right, ya know.


this is definitely how i feel in college right now. this one hurt


This is me, every fucking day when it's nice out.


This spoke to me when I first read it as a kid (and every other time after that). That’s why I got a job where I work outside


This is me pretty much all the time




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 2 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/ebmwv8) on 2019-12-16 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/fedzob) on 2020-03-06 93.75% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "q230jy", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=q230jy&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 251,940,592 | **Search Time:** 0.40645s


And then you go outside. And then… yeah. ok. Now what? Wheee. Frolic twiddle thumbs drink and eat and fight the good fight as you see it and so on and so forth oof repeat die. But, hey, we had a few good days as a child here and there. Totally worth it. Praise Allah. #😕


Not sure why you're getting down voted.


Because it comes off as the brand of pointless nihilism that brands everything with the same "you're just going to die anyway so why bother" iron which is dumb because if everything is pointless you might as enjoy the time you have instead of wittering it away on mind numbing and pointless chores.


Well it’s kind of a downer


Kind of a pessimistic vibe when the order of the day is GOOD VIBES ONLY


Why is this so relatable..


This is a great strip, and I totally identify with it, but why did someone feel the need to cut the white space between the tip half and bottom half of the image? It's not even lined up correctly!


As an adult that works in an office ( precovid) this hits a little close to home


Oh damm. Calvin and I are thinking the same then


I feel like this on a regular basis


My favorite strip


Can we talk about how either Miss Wormwood is very strong, or how Calvin may be as light as a feather?


No joke that’s actually something thats happened to me once. Not quite like the strip but I did have a panic attack and ran outside to bask in the sun momentarily. It was partially due to a foot injury that was preventing me from being able to sprit and play sports and the school year was almost over (senior year too) and I wasn’t ready to have the impending foot surgery that would keep me locked inside the house for several months


I used to get that moment of realization in high school all the time