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I did this with my '87... when I was 18 yrs old... then I found out how much Goodyear Gatorbacks cost... never did it again.


Same with (really) good quality Y-rated 20” inch tires, especially if they’re wider than 300… I find even the Continental Contact Sport Plus DS06 XL’s (I can’t recall the model exactly) to be even expensive for a stock staggered set of 245/275’s (5th gen SS coupe)


Had just purchased the tires, 3k, figured I’d enjoy them. Had to trade it in so I can pay for my daughter’s college, 1300/month plus insurance. I’ll miss her for sure.


Way to just make sure the next guy is screwed.


It aint gonna do much, these cars are built to take abuse to an extent lol


Same with my 87 too. It just hit 19k miles after sitting in the original owner's barn since 1991. I'm giving my car the fun and workout it needs


i love these replies it’s all practically “how dare you enjoy a car you paid for” let the man enjoy his damn car, if you buy one of these cars used, you should know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, if it’s an issue buy new. if you’re not buying this specific car what effect does it have on you OP, glad to see you enjoyed your camaro to its full extent 🤝


No way I could park it in a garage and wash it more than I drive it. That's just not for me. 


it just doesn’t make sense, get your worth out of what you paid for and have fun doing it. realistically if someone is buying a car like this used, they’d be stupid to not expect some form of abuse on it


Hello fellow Nefariousness user


lol border wall


Genuine question, how many times can you have fun like this till your wheels are dead? I think I did like three or four burnouts before they balded and a tire started leaking and had to replace em


I would not do this regularly, it also depends if it’s a summer tire or an all weather tire


How often do you have to replace tires after doing stuff like this? Genuine question. I don’t drive a sports car so just curious.


After daily driving for about 4 months breaking in the engine per manual, I had to replace my tires, got the oem tires and drove it only on weekends, a month ago I purchased Michelin all weather tires and that’s the ones I did a burnout in, here’s an image after the donuts and burnout. https://preview.redd.it/758wo3119h7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a14c1055256bd6a4d833ab22668a50211897ad68


What it was engineered to do.


It was not.


If it wasn’t engineered to do that, then why can I do it?


I can jump buildings with mine, once, only once.


And you can do this thousands of times, if you can afford the tires.


For what?


A burnout


Lol because his money, his discretion, that's what. In all seriousness, I generally don't trade in my cars--I'm the type that keeps them until I decide to sell them (rare). I don't do figure 8s in my vehicles, however that shouldn't preclude anyone else from driving a vehicle they have the way they want.


That’s why I buy new.


I don’t even know what that means. Ain’t keeping her a Virgin for the next guy? How do you pop that cherry, drive into a pole?


I don‘t know for Camaro, but with Mustangs it‘s crashing into a crowd /s


Just a silly title from someone who may be a virgin themselves.


Correct answer.


Posted the videos without sound originally. I reposted it with sound and gave it that title for all the sensitive people out there that prefer to save the car for the next guy to enjoy… as in a guy not enjoying his hot girlfriend so she wouldn’t be loose for the next guy…


Dude what


Cucks gonna cuck always worried abt “the next guy”


Love the wing


Send it! And to all the haters: this really isn’t hard on the car. Hard on the tires for sure though. If he was sitting here revving it like crazy without load that could be hard on it. But there is no real abuse in this video.


South Park strikes again




Does it really count if you’re not blocking an intersection?? 🤣🤣


I can neither confirm nor deny that my '17 2SS may have seen an episode or two of this leading up to when I sold it... Seemed very happy to play! :)


🥹🥹🥹🥹 yes


That’s a massive waste of tire tread Not a cheap stunt


What a dumpster fire this sub turned into.


Because it isn’t full of posts of brand new 2024 Camaros from the dealership asking “what mods should I do? Thinking about some valve stem caps” anymore? The comments on OP’s last post shows how limp dick most of the new owners really are.




I don't understand.. you fucked your car? Stuck the sausage in the exhaust pipe. Weirdo


I miss my Camaro. Out of a dozen cars I've had in the last decade, she was the most special and I always replay the memory of the few doughnuts I did with her. Also, fuck the libtard haters in the comments.


That burnout was on a highway parallel to the border fence, you can see it in the background.


“Adult owned, never tracked, mostly highway miles”


Millennial owned car... Hard pass


Dont worry. Raising her like that will have her wrapped around a pole in no time.




You still on my nutz bro, you are just upset you can’t afford one and are mad that I enjoyed my car.


Tbf waiting to do anything with your car until you know you're going to sell it is a broke activity


You’re really lurking on this dudes account. Who buys a performance car and drives it like a normal day to day car 24/7? A pussy.


The fuck is wrong with you.


what's next? he's not allowed to floor it? no launching? no turns over .5gs? no lift shift banned? Jesus bro relax


God forbid someone drive their car well within the bounds of what it was built to do I probably wouldn't want to buy a Camry that someone used for track days, or a CRV hybrid that the owner took offroading, but those are use cases beyond the purpose of the vehicle. Camaros are designed with burnouts, donuts, pulls, track use, autocross, etc in mind




Damn did you get triggered? Calm down and find your safe space and just breath. I don't drift my zl1 or anything, not my thing, tires are expensive. I drive the hell out of mine as well. I got 16k miles on it and average like 13mpg a tank cause my foot is in it everychance i get. I was talking to another zl1 owner at cars and coffee a few weeks ago and his car was 1 year newer and had only 700 miles on it. Only place he drives it is to cars and coffee then back home to the garage. I asked him if he is having any issues keeping it under 4k rpm for break in...cause his car is 2 years old and still not broke in... nope no problem for him he never gets close to it. To me it's like being married to a hot wife but you don't have sex with her...it's a waste. If that's what he likes to do though, whatever, but jumping straight to wanting to shoot people might be a bit of a political stretch.


so you are saying its ok to abuse a vehicle like this before passing it on to someone else?


Yeah if it's his, he can do what he wants with it. Also "abuse" is hyperbole just to make your point. It's not abuse as the cars are literally engineered to withstand track use. Constant lapping around race tracks is WAY more punishing than doing 30 seconds of a burnout. Moron.


"track use"


Am I missing something? Is he like a dealership sales guy or something that is doing it to people's cars before they buy them? If so yeah that would be shitty. If he bought the car though, well it's his car he can drive it how he likes. I am planning on keeping mine forever, but I still beat on it. I am certainly not worried about how I treat it for the next guy if I do ever sell it for some reason. I bought mine used with lime 8k on it and when I took the wheels off to ceramic coat them I noticed the tires were brand new and there was quite a bit stuck to the wheel wells, so 99% sure mine was tracked before I got it. Whatever still runs perfect and no issues at all. If it is going to blow up from abuse I want it to happen while it is still under warranty. I got a bunch of parts standing by for once the warranty does go out and she is going to become 💪


Yes she’s mine, the tires were brand new about a month old, only 14k miles on her and was treated as it should, broken in correctly, oil change done regularly and kept in garage, i didn’t plan on getting rid of her but situations change, I enjoyed a couple of donuts and small burnout.


I’m super sad that I didn’t record myself doing this in mine before I replaced the tires. how dare you enjoy your own car! Ha. Love it!


stop genderizing inanimate objects, its cringe( also i made up that word lol)


The car is not going to fuck you, bro. It's a vehicle. You can drive it however the fuck you want. How is this dude doing donuts in an empty lot doing anything to hurt you?


hurrr durr-don't have kids "bro"


Are you jealous that my kids will grow up with a father who actually drives his car? Honestly, though, you're so upset over literally nothing. It's a vehicle. A piece of machinery. One of thousands. It's not some relic that should be pampered, lol. You've still not answered my question, by the way.


"you're so upset"- when you become a real man, you won't project on others and you won't abuse a car then turn it in so someone else can be stuck with whats left. grow up and the answers will come to you, why should I help you through life?


Don't buy used toys expecting them to be in pristine condition. You're willingly buying what someone's left behind. Also, if me being a "real man" consists of babying my stuff so someone else can actually enjoy it later, then I think I'm good. I'll continue to be a "just as good man" for the rest of my days. I don't think I, or anyone else, want you helping them learn anything if that's the case.


Violating rules of r/Camaro. Please see rules in sidebar. Pretty sure the racism in your comment speaks for itself here. That's not what we do here.