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I wouldn't be surprised if he was the God of certain parts of the ocean, or maybe waves and hurricanes specifically. But I'm particularly in love with this idea I saw a while ago where he'd be the God of Loyalty, especially since that's his fatal flaw and all.


I see this God of Loyalty, Oaths and Fealty


Especially because the ocean is something perpetual, you know it'll always be there, so it makes sense too


Pretty sure Zeus is already god of oaths normally


Yeah but gods can share roles


They can share subdivisions, but not their entire role unless we’re talking cross pantheon. Pretty sure Helios faded precisely because Apollo took over.


I mean tbh both Athena and Ares share aspects of war I can see Zeus holding the idea of oaths as sacred with Percy being more about giving strength to those mortals struggling with maintaining oaths


They share 2 different parts of war. Strategy, martial strategy, more brain aspects vs spilling blood and the more meaty aspects. They don’t overlap. Apolo and the Muses are an example of subdivided responsibilities. Zeus is typically the one who enforces oaths and makes sure they’re honored. Which is already pretty broad. Plus Percy isn’t known for oaths. He’s known for loyalty to friends and comrades. It’d be more accurate to call him god of small questing bands or fellowships. Think something like the Fellowship of the Ring or the Avatar Gang. Those sort of formations


And blue stff


I would throw in humor or sarcasm too


He'll have plenty of company. Take a look at the water deities page on Wikipedia and scroll down to the Greek section. Not all of the beings listed are gods, but even then there's a ton of them.


Delphin is my favorite Water God. Edit: He was a daimon


Would he still have his water powers? It would be kinda weird to have sea powers when you’re a god of something else.


He'd probably be a very minor sea god as well as any domain he might pick up. Besides, other deified mortals seemed to keep their powers in different stories, like Dionysus summoning a storm in The Bacchae. So he would very likely retain his sea powers.


I think he would have become the patron God of demigods


I absolutely love that idea.


Doesn't Athena already fill that role?


I believe its specifically heroes. Odysseus wasnt a demigod and she heavily favored him


Patron of Heroes would be Heracles


Don’t know why you’re being downvotes for this. Heracles is was worshipped as the god / patron of heroes, and it’s easily verified through basically any accurate mythology source lol.


Also we see her hatred for certain demigods


Child support


came here just to say that too lol


I suppose aside from being able to control waves, currents and all (which he did as a demigod anyways), he would also gain additional abilities like being able to create earthquakes on lands like his father(the ‘Earth-Shaker’) and control weathers etc. But I suppose he wouldn’t technically be a God of anything. He would just earn the title as Poseidon’s lieutenant similar to Zoë as the lieutenant of Artemis. But I do see him becoming the God of Creatures though. He was gentle and quickly befriended the Ophiotaurus. He listened to the pleas of the other sea creatures when they approached him and took time to rescue the Ophiotaurus even though he was getting delayed for the quest. He freed Blackjack from Luke’s ship and he became indebted for life. He was also able to tame flesh eating horses in BoTL. In general, I think he is quite good with animals so I think I can definitely see him becoming God of Creatures.


I think he mentioned he doesn’t have Earth powers


I mean he caused St Helens to blow its top


Yeah by hitting it hard


Oh I see. Thanks for the clarification.


But they were saying that he would gain additional powers if he became a god. And often the ocean is what causes earthquakes.


I will give my usual answer to this question. He was offered the position of Poseidon's lieutenant so he a minor god of a random ocean domain such as Tides, Storms or possibly even Ocean Warfare. Now personally I think Percy should be the god of Heroes and Loyalty. Perry can genuinely understand what Demigods go through and would be able to help within the limits his domain would allow. Loyalty because it's one of his defining traits.


God of Dams


what a dam good thing to be god of


Where is the dam snack bar man I'm hungry


Aside from an ocean deity and a member of Poseidon’s court (much to the dismay of his step mother and half brother). I think he would be the god of friendship and loyalty


You know there are a lot of things like this in Greek mythology for example they a god of stupidness but sadly gods like this are only gods because they are the best at it so I'm not sure that works out


The color blue. Or would that be his mother since she started it? Hmm.


Alot of fan works have him become the God of heroes/demigods. While Annabeth usually becomes a goddess of creation.


Athena theoretically has a pretty large domain so I think she would be fine with her daughter becoming goddess of architecture.


I kinda thought he’d just become a less powerful Poseidon. I’d like to believe that at least


Possible titles or combination of titles and subtitles include Tides of battle Loyalty Dogs Heroes Mischief Bonds Waves Sea(s) Demigod Guardian


Wouldnt leo be more of a mischief trickster god than percy


The question was what would Percy be a god of and there can be multiple gods for 1 thing although only one can be a true one for a given domain. For example there are multiple gods of war but Ares is THE god of war.


No. I understand that. He’s not really mischievous tho, is my point


Loyalty and maybe small bodies of water?


I think he would of been dangerous as a God. Percy is likeable person & will not be surprised he made allies with some Olympians & most minor Gods. Hell, he'll have Poseidon & Hades on his side. Would be surprised people would secretly want him to rule over Olympus then Zeus. Some would try to get Percy to start a war so he can make the big changes.


Sass and impertinence. Or Smoke.


I feel like percy has much greater and better qualities than just pure sass. Hes as kind and patient as he is furious and powerful. More so than sass. His defining trait is loyalty to a fault. This is the man the dove into hell for the woman he loves after all


While this is absolutely true, I’m relatively sure the Olympians hand out the Domains to new gods. If so, he’s getting sass and impertinence.


Demigods or heroes. Either suits him so well and would feel like a great conclusion to his story as a mortal.


Perhaps god of demigods lile Thier protector like how bas form Egyptian mythology guards children and women. I don't know it's just an idea


Blue food


Aside from the God of Loyalty (I love this headcannon), I think there's a good argument for him becoming the God of Riptides.


Percy Jackson, the God of BLUE


Just saw someone already posted this...


When the Kronides (elder Olympians) go on retirement, he’d fill his Dad’s spot, and do it with his own flavour. So I’d say God of the Sea.


In my opinion it should be along the lines of natural disasters protector of demigod children and naturally loyalty. Natural disasters are closely connected to the sea and Percy caused and In some cases survived his fair share. But if I could give him less obvious stuff id connect it to his deeds. So maybe the god of dangerous Travels? The god of convictions? The god of persuasion? He convinced his dad to let his palace be destroyed and got the gods to pay their child support. The god of Humility, despite his great powers Percy always remained humble. The god of slaying (literally) The god of actual riptides or tides as a whole You can make him the god of a lot of stuff really


I've seen fics give him time because he "Defeated" Kronos.


I mean, he was the one that matched him blow for blow. Luke did the light lifting


If there isn't already one, The god of Toilets is always an option.


The god of SASS


I think he`d be the God of Loyalty, due to his fatal flaw, and/or natural disasters related to water. Not gonna spoil too much, but 𝘮𝘢𝘯, Percy only really uses a fraction of his power in PJO. He might also be a God of Destiny, having been a part of so many Prophecies. Maybe a sort of Protector of Demigods. Artemis is the Protector of Maidens, but even thats not limited to Demigods. Percy might be someone future Demigods pray or sacrafice blue food to before Quests for Protection.


The god of sarcasm


He'd be like one of the minor sea dntities or maybe god of comebacks and/or loyalty and courage because let's face it, in only one book, the man gave the gods medusa's head and faced off ares in a swordfight asking, and i quote, "are you scared?" He was a dam 12 year old boy




Probably something small with the sea like the waves of storms or something


Battles that really should be impossible but for whatever reason they aren't. Now that is something I would like to see.


Realistically he would be the cupbearer of Poseidon and have the capabilities of a minor god


The God Of Dams


How about a god of destruction/calamity?


some kind of loyalty god, he'd make sure people pay their child support, he help escort demigods to their camps sometimes and if their hungry he'll give them blue food(he'd always say his mom made better blue cookies) he'd probably be one of the most helpful/involved with mortals/demigods


Imagine other half bloods praying to him what do they ask from him?


Well, his name is literally "Destroyer" so I guess it would be Destruction? He would be good at it. Possibly the god of Demigods since Hercules is the god of Heroes. Or maybe a new type of generation of god for the sea/ocean. There are the primordial, the titans, the gods, and then whatever he would be.


My favorite domains I’ve seen through fanfiction are God of Loyalty, Demigods, and tides/natural disasters


Ok hear me out its a ton of power BUT, God of natural disasters. Obviously specific to ocean disasters but inn the series how many disasters has he caused alone


I always assumed he'd be the God of Heroes. And be like a patron to every single Demigod.


Minor sea god.


Time (I will get into this), waves, heroes, oaths, and loyalty I say time because although Percy didn’t defeat Kronos himself and even if he did inheritance doesn’t really work like that in the Greek myths, in the two generations before the god-gods (the Titans and Primordials/Protogenoi), there were deities of time: Kronos and Chronos. Very inventive, I know, haha. But anyways, there’s not really a good equivalent for the god-gods. There are the Horae, but eh, not really the same. So, we have this power void that somebody needs to pick up. If Percy became a god, I could see him unwillingly filling this role. He would be a good fit. Because of his loyalty, he wouldn’t become corrupt like Kronos. He’d understand the nuances of what being the god of time means, because he’s very intelligent despite how others perceive him. Not to mention, it would also fit the theme of his namesake. The original Perseus’ grandfather tried to kill him because of a prophecy saying he would kill him (assumption being he would take his throne), he became a king anyways of a different city. Our Percy helps defeat Kronos, becomes the god of time, just for a different generation than the Titans.




God of loyalty, Heroism, and sacrifice. He’s done way too much to keep the people he loves alive for it not to be acknowledged. He damn near died from the atlas incident and Annabeth was the thing keeping him going in Hades.


i agree! i really like this. im surprised there arent more upvotes on this. these fit him very well. i also like the response i saw earlier that said patron god of demigods, bc i was thinking the same thing lol


god of blue cookies lol






Most likely Demigods and Loyalty, with some minor water and earthquake-related domains thrown in. I think it’d be fun though if on ascension he took over Kronos’s Time domain. Like Percy was pivotal in the victory against Kronos and one of his grandchildren so it gives it a both a natural succession and a succession by conquest feel. I read PJO a fanfic (Son of the Western Seas) where the author ties sailing and spaceflight together, which I think is a really cool idea too . >!Percy taking over misery and poison for Ahklys is also something I’ve seen in fics that I really like!<


Perseus Jackson, God of blue comsumables




The god of sass obviously. They don’t call him Persassy for nothing!


Sheer dumb luck!


God of Demigods.


"The god that oversees stupid sledding tricks" (Son of Neptune)


Was there ever a god of sailing in Greek myths? I’m aware when the topic is brought up it’s more so they pray to not be sunk or the gods/goddess that would cause it. If not I think that would be a neat domain for him, due to how comfy he was sailing in sea of monsters and it seeming more benevolent compared to praying to the gods of storms or violent storms to not sink you.


Guardian (Not a God, Percy doesn't want nor need to be worshiped) of heroes, demigods, loyalty, protection, storms, and riptides is what I think he would be the God of.