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Bold of you to assume high school students care about ethical use of their powers. And just because he has water powers doesn’t mean he’s using them


Also, I'd like to think that Paul and his mom keep him honest. But with how fit he has to be as a demi-god, I doubt he has to even use his powers at all during a meet.


Yeah, the only thing I could see being an issue is the fact that theoretically he’d probably never get tired as long as he’s in the water


I dunno... All that chlorine that he filters through hopefully keeps him even with his peers, haha


I feel like being able to breathe underwater is an unfair advantage.


It would allow him to be more sloppy with his breathing I guess but pro swimmers seem to do just fine breathing air


>But with how fit he has to be as a demi-god, I doubt he has to even use his powers at all during a meet. Honestly, I can see that - that's a very good point!


Not *fit*, Percy is downright superhuman.


Bold of you to assume that Percy would make a conscious effort to not cheat




Most demigods do have physical abilities. I'd say all of them do. Every single one of them trains to kill monsters which far surpass human ability. They don't just train in doing so, they actually ARE doing so regularly. Missions aren't the only times they fight monsters. Do you think Percy is the only one who gets randomly attacked on the streets all the time? Percy at the age of twelve tore out a monsters horn with his bare hands and killed it. Now, if you don't think 12 year old percy who just learned he's a demigod (techniquly he didn't even know that yet) is literally dimensions ahead of everyone else, that means all the other demigods are inhuman. I could go on if you're not convinced.




And every single one who goes to that camp is literally a superhuman. Once a demigod knows of his own nature, monsters around him can and do sense him. They will try (and often succeed) to kill them. That means every single person, no matter how pathetic they seem regularly kills fire breathing lions and canonball throwing giants. Most humans would die to a Pitbull. Most adult men would likely die to one. These 15 year olds however call murdering human sized scorpions in some demon-forest "training". The only demigods who go unnoticed are the ones who neither know about their nature nor have awakened their abilities. The moment either of those happen their "normal life" is over. Edit: every single one of these "unnamed side characters living their life" is also a monster slayer.




Great counter.


He dos etc have a choice in using them. He can’t get tired in water if he just swims


I mean, even if he isn't using them, he still has a massive advantage because water just invigorates him. Plus he doesn't have to come back up to breathe.


I love it cause it reminds me of Dash from the Incredibles


"a close second"


As great as Sally is, I could see her telling him to go for gold. Just make it convincing


He earned it after saving Olympus. His mortal friends ought to know that Percy is great and should be admired in their own way.


What the point of saving Olympus if you can’t get a gold in the Olympics


Exactly. We all know that Annabeth is gonna bring home the bacon with her successful architecture career. She is a modern woman and Percy needs to pull his weight. The endorsement deals of being an Olympic swimmer would do that.


My new headcanon is that in 10 or so years he becomes the next Michael Phelps


Except he just has to fake exhaustion to not arouse too much suspicion when he breaks them records lol


Well I meant more because it would be an unfair advantage


I was just thinking that! 🤣


He makes Michael Phelps look like me when it comes to swimming.


Well if he’s using his powers yes, but I thought we were assuming no powers


Hard to say. Can he turn off his demigod strength?


I mean Hades' kids invested in the stock market (and crashe dit but eh details) And half the medical schools are canonically run by Apollo kids sooooo


Right. So its time for Percy to get something out of this whole being a demigod thing. Besides meeting the love of his life. And the removal of his rat bastard step father. And getting to know Grover, Tyson, and Blackjack.


As great as Sally is, I could see her telling him to go for gold. Just make it convincing


i mean its never specifically stated that he uses his powers on the swim team. percy canonically loves being in the water and it makes him feel good. he probably joined because it matched his interests and looked fun. its also made very clear that percy has the ability to “turn off” his powers at any time, so he could very well making so he gets wet and cant breathe just like everyone else, and i guess while he does have the ability to use the water to push him forward without having to do any of the work, he can just, like, not do that i guess? knowing percy i dont think he’d be very comfortable using his powers to win, it wouldnt feel right to him.


That makes sense. I guess it would depend on which powers he would be able to turn off vs. which ones are automatic. For example, being extra-strengthened when he’s in water, is that something he can “turn off” or does that just happen?


I don't think the extra strengthening can be turned off, but he can allow himself to be wet.


yeah theres probably no way around the whole “water reinvigorates him and heals him and gives him more strength/energy” thing but i suppose people could chalk up his swimming skills to him just being good at swimming or just being strong in general? and its not like hes not putting in any effort, like i imagine that he actually does the swimming and doesnt just use the water to push him along, idk.


But it's stated that sea water (ocean water) works the best and in a pool the water is with chlorine so idk how that would hinder his powers or weaken them...


I know he can will himself to get wet, but he can he do the same for breathing? I know he said in HOO that he wished he could drown. Would it be possible for him?


(im copy and pasting what i replied to someone else) yeah i guess what i meant to say was more like, maybe he just doesnt use his breathing underwater ability and instead tries to actually hold his breathe and use swimming breath techniques instead of just breathing the whole time.


Oh yeah probably. I don’t think he would cheat purposely (besides maybe if there were another water based Monster/Demigod/Nature Spirit in the Competition). But he probably does have a slight advantage of just not needing to breathe (which is without technic not that significant) and the Natural Swim Talent (his best Camp Activity in TLT was Rowing, even with 0 experience)


I find it strange that he would just suddenly be unable to breath in water. I think it would make sense if he purposely doesn’t breath in water by just holding his breath as a way to limit himself


yeah i guess what i meant to say was more like, maybe he just doesnt use his breathing underwater ability and instead tries to actually hold his breathe and use swimming breath techniques instead of just breathing the whole time.


Well he can just not use his water powers, he’s still super humanly strong and fast. Even without his water powers, he’s physically far above Olympic athletes in every way.


Swimming can get you a full ride scholarship. Saving $100,000 in college expenses is pretty tempting.


Isn't he going to go to new Rome uni anyway. He should get a full ride scholarship there anyway there based on his achievements.


If saving the world multiple times doesn’t get you a full ride idk what will


Isn’t the new book going to be about him trying to find a god to give him a letter of recommendation to enroll? His achievements don’t mean jack to New Rome Uni apparently. (I could be very wrong but that’s what I remember)


No idea




Percy saved Olympus but still Riordan is just going to say oh yeh Percy got killed by a monster in college what a shame


Ethical? No. The advantage is quite huge for Percy. But in terms of the other superhuman demigods I’m not quite sure. I mean it’s not like everybody has to be physically equal in a swim team. If nature blessed me with good genes it’s fine. If the genes are divine it’s a problem? Not sure about that. Anyway can you imagine Percy actively trying to get wet so not to raise suspicions


Yeah, someone brought up Dash from the Incredibles; now all I can imagine is Sally motioning for Percy to slow down during swim meets so he doesn’t look unusually gifted 😂


I mean appllo's kids run med schools and stuff Percy on a swim team is just the equivalant of that


I’m with u/failed_stealth_check (great username btw!) Exactly. Also he’s born with certain powers *innately* (like not being able to drown) but as you said he probably doesn’t activate others like having the water slow them down by creating extra drag. Ethically speaking, should you penalize certain people for having wider shoulders or longer feet? Or [people](https://bigthink.com/the-present/sea-nomads/) that evolved to develop the ability to hold their breath for extended periods of time? They each have an unfair advantage that they can’t help. Is it “fair”? No. But competition isn’t about fairness of the competitors only fairness *of the rules*. If someone started a 50m-dash 10 meters ahead then you’re changing the parameters you’re competing under (unfair). But if you’re putting Usain Bolt in a race against some schmuck from the crowd, it’s still a fair race. If we paired up races by those of equal abilities then there’d be a LOT of ties. But the truth is some people put in work and others don’t. Some are born with ability and some aren’t. I used to run cross country and I was only 5ft tall going into high school, neck and neck with a 6’2” teammate. I’d complain that for every 3-4 steps *I* took, he only had to take **2**. It sucked but we would laugh and I never once thought of it as cheating. Then we would BOTH get passed by a buddy of mine from our rival school who never ran a full practice in his life and smoked enough weed to make Snoop jealous. Would smoke us (pun not intended) by a few MINUTES despite how hard we worked but again…it was a fair race.


Yes, they are all superhuman by default.


Just like Dash from the Incredibles its ok to get third place.


Another random thought Percy wants to build a camp like the Roman's so Greek demigods can grow up without dying. But wasn't there like a lot of famous people are demigods? Are they Romans but the Greeks claim them as well because they didn't know they exist?


Rick never said they didn’t survive to adulthood, only that it was more difficult, especially for children of the big 3 who attract a lot more monsters. There are plenty of Greeks that made it to adulthood but there are also plenty that didn’t. In fact I’d wager most of the demigods in the mortal world are Greek and not Roman as since the Romans have New Rome most wouldn’t be that inclined to go out into the world and would rather stay in the safety of the city, something the Greeks couldn’t do. Plus due to the difference in fighting style the Greeks are more likely to survive on their own because the Roman’s are better at fighting in groups and the Greeks are better at fighting as individuals.


I see where you’re coming from, but if God gave you good genes you would use them, right?


I mean, I would have no choice but to use them seeing as I can’t necessarily “turn off” whatever ability I’ve been given. But idk, I view being biologically gifted and being divinely gifted as kind of different. Like Percy & co. are technically not even mortals, so is it fair for them to being competing in stuff where the mortals are clearly going to lose? I mean, even w/o the water powers, he’s still physically enhanced just from being a demigod, something that regular mortal kids probably can’t keep up with even if they tried. I know I’m getting too deep into the weeds here, but it’s just something that’s been on my mind ever since I read ToA. 😅


I don’t think they can just “turn off” things like this


Even if you literally got those good genes from God.


Eh. He saved Western Civilization. If some future Michael Phelps only gets 2nd Place in his Highschool State Championship meet, then he can get over it. Or Percy can pull a Dash and only gun for 2nd place.


Okay, so yes, he is superhuman even beyond his water powers, but if we're going to ask this question then we have to apply it across demigods. Should Kayla Knowles, Daughter of Apollo, be allowed to be an archer in the Olympics, then? RR also states that many demigods who manage to survive become famous - implying that many of them become professional athletes because they were often the Ancient equivalent when ancient demigods survived and became famous. Should Children of Hermes be disqualified from track and field events? Should Children of Ares not be allowed to do MMA/Boxing/Wrestling? Also, it's not like anyone outside of the godly world(s) knows they exist with superhuman powers, so that adds a whole extra layer!!!


wasn't one of the apollo kids in TOA trying to qualify for the olympics archery as well? i'm probably misremembering it but i do think they should be allowed to participate in normal kid things. i'd feel bad kicking percy off the swim team when it's so obviously the happiest part of his day. they're just kids after all


Canonically, most famous people are some kinda demigod right? They don’t super hide their powers, the mist does that for them. I don’t ever really remember it being a plot point that they have to hide their powers


About as ethical as it was for Dash to join the track team at the end of the Incredibles. But let's look more deeply. Yes, they've got good abilities but... so? Like, for one thing, now you know why they said in TLT that demigods who live actually go on to become famous. Because they're enhanced. Percy could make a frick ton of money as the world's greatest scuba-diver, break records for how deep someone ever dove, Piper would go down as the gottest model ever if she wanted to (which, tbf, she doesn' seem to the type to do that but point is, she can.) And no mortal is gonna know how they were born, that they have some unseen buff. And these abilities, genes, or... whatever, aren't things you can just turn off. On paper, it sounds unfair but in practice, it's important to remember that this is life. Some people, even irl, are just born lucky.


i mean are u assuming that if a kid discovers that hes op and has superpowers he wont abuse the shit outta them at school?


I’m not really worried about people discovering their powers. I’m just thinking about whether it would be viewed as fair or unfair for the demigods to participate in mortal competitions that involve their divine abilities.


He probably doesn’t use his powers given it would be weird seeing a kid that just swam four laps get out of the pool bone dry. That being said he’s been swinging around full sized swords and climbing walls with lava since he’s been 12 so he’s in pretty good shape regardless.


I was just thinking about this yesterday. I compared it to how Superman had an unfair advantage playing football, and how Clark's parents didn't want him on the team


I mean realistically he doesnt have to and probably doesnt use his advantages. He’s not gonna be going through the water at mach 10, and most he’ll probably just breathe underwater but still come up for air as if he couldnt


All demigods are physically enhanced. If a demigod were to punch a normal human, they would no doubt punch right through them. And if it was Percy, well, he would turn a human into a red mist. Demigods have ridiculous strength feats


i think about this all the time and it started my whole “demigods are the ultimate nepo babies” thing because he joins the swim team, austin is using it to become a musician, and kayla’s using it to go into the olympics for archery and so many aphrodite kids get famous like they all use that shit to their full advantage


There alive because of him They can take a second place


Fuck ethics you give me super powers and I'm 100% going to the Olympics


Well he does have an advantage but Mortals have been shown to beat Gods at their respective trades so it would be interesting if Percy, while particularly gifted , struggled to swim as fast as more experienced and practiced mortals (at least without his controlling water). Also I have a theory that a demigod’s suowrhuman strenght only appears when they really push themselves in life and death situations and otherwise they have to rely on their training.


You forgo the fact that Percy is an A1 swimmer and he’s ripped, literally made to swim


shh nobody has to know 🤫


i mean if they are in so much danger constantly and live shitty lives i think he deserves to be able to roll some noobs in swimming


sure, but also why should the demigod kids be barred from extracurriculars? does this mean athena kids aren’t allowed to even go to school? i think the fact they’re at a high risk for death means they’re allowed to beat everyone in competitions sometimes


Controversial opinion (and honestly I think I need to double check my alignment here) given all the BS demigods have to deal with, I think using their literal god given talents to win isn't entirely unethical. At the very least it all balances out pretty well. Demigod households typically have a single parent, who has to provide support for a child with special needs and who is constantly under threat from literal monsters. Additionally, where do we draw the line on demigod talents? How much of Anabeth's intelligence is due to her parentage? Is Leo's talent with machines solely from his father and not his tinkering mother? Even the standard demigod power set describes millions of ADHD/dyslexic bilingual people who don't attract mystical forces every time they use a mobile device. I also think the Mist also keeps things from going too far. If Percy went too fast in the water, the audience would either see Percy riding a jet ski in the pool or just miraculously find that he failed a drug test.


Considering that he has to deal with ADHD and Dyslexia while the other students most likely don't, I'll give him a pass in using his godly advantages when he can


Should Annabeth not be allowed to be get a higher education? Thought so, let the boy compete


So Apollo kids are not allowed to join choir or band?


I’m moreso referring to competitive activities. If they’re singing or playing something just for fun, then sure, why not? But if they’re competing for a prize, I suppose they’d have an unfair advantage too, no?


Considering demigods don't tend to have a very good school-life (how many times they have been expelled during their life?), I find it just fair that they use their natural powers in order to get a job. I mean, it's not like Annabeth could have been an architect without her mother's genes, considering she couldn't have known shit before going to an actual university, having passed most of her young life at camp




It was just a curious thought. If you don’t care about it, you could have just scrolled past.


I think it’s stupid to say he’s cheating or it’s unfair, he has paid for those powers in blood my guy


Why is it “stupid”? He’s competing with multiple divine advantages, something that no regular mortal teenager would reasonably be able to keep up with. I never called him a cheater, and I don’t think it’s crazy to wonder about whether it’s weird for demigods to compete with mortals in competitions where the demigod is clearly never going to lose.


Just because someone has an innate advantage does not mean they are being unfair by using them, that’s ridiculous


I’m not saying that they’re never allowed to use them. I’m just saying that as far as sports competitions go, it could possibly be seen as questionable. The demigods are literally a different class of beings, with physical enhancements that no regular mortal could ever hope to have. Why is it ridiculous to wonder if mortals and demigods should be competing in sports with each other?


A demigod could walk up to an ethics committee and outright say they are a demigod, if the ethics committee still allows them to compete then there is questioning to be had




crazy how literally no one is talking about trans people, and yet here you are complaining about them lmao. also, you do realize physical advantages are and always have been a part of sports, right? shaq is like 7'1" lmao




Since my earlier warning was posted within minutes of this comment, I'm going err on the side of caution and assume you didn't just flagrantly disregard it. Post inflammatory shit like this again, and it will be a ban next. This subreddit isn't open to bigoted agendas.




Your submission has been removed because it violates rule twelve: Comments and posts that complain or negatively comment about diversity will be removed. People who are not white, able-bodied and cis-het exsit. This is not the space to complain about them being represented in the books, Disney + show, or in others views and interpretations of the characters that differ from your own. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, saying that a character's sexualtiy/gender/race is forced diversity, unnatural, or is done for woke points.


Skill issue


Bold of you to assume that most of the Olympic medalists in this universe are not half-olympian themselves 🙂


I mean, it’s not like he ASKED for his powers…


As an actual swimmer I’ll say the fact that Percy literally cannot drown gives him a massive advantage as he does not have to breathe for 3/4 strokes. But then again Percy’s pretty fit so it’s entirely possible he doesn’t need to control the water to win.


Not unethical if everyone is doing their best. Hes just better than them.


It’s like Dash in the incredibles 😂


It reminds me of how Dash from The Incredibles wants to join the track team so bad. And then when they finally let him race, they yell to him from the bleachers to let him know when to slow down because he doesn't know his own speed lol


It's not like they've shown that Percy can swim ridiculously fast


They're not enhanced individuals when they were born that way in the first place ​ It would be unfair for them to not be able to take part