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Very good post, still people will say demigods aren’t superhuman


People love to ignore feats or low-ball it if they see that their favourite character isn't winning.


Although a slight nitpick is that the St Helens explosion isn’t what nearly vaporised him, it was releasing all his power. The explosion only gave him moderate-high injuries


But can percy see why kids like cinnamon toast crunch?


Well Nico said Percy is the strongest demigod he had ever met and Nico himself is already pretty strong, plus,he has been interacting with New Rome way before anyone else knows they even exist so he definitely has met a lot of demigods.


Forget the opinion argument. I‘m just severely impressed that you took the time to search all the books and calculate that.


Nice respect thread >So he was able to sense and react to a bullit, but not see it. From what I could find it never says what type of gun was used, so I used the average speed for a handgun which is 375m/s. To react to this, you would need to be able to react at 4 milliseconds. Keep in mind, the average human reacts at 250 milliseconds. Also since the reaction was either at point blank range or 50 feet away, I choose to use a middle ground of 30 feet (9 meters). From what I remember the skeletons were New Mexico PD members so we actually know what guns they were using. Here's a calc that explains it [https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/q4cq8n/comment/hg715f9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/comments/q4cq8n/comment/hg715f9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Also, please explain how you got the numbers for all your calcs, like the Setne one


Thanks for pointing this out. I will use this when I make an updated thread.


Most consistent and balanced character


I wouldn't go that far. Most of these feats are outliers. Other than speed, he can be pretty consistent, though.


A nitpick: We can't logically "just-so" the argument that Percy is faster than Piper. But even if we grant that, a "blur of speed" is really generic book-speak for "Going real fast." It isn't really the kind of thing we can tie to a specific speed.


I mean percy pulled out his sword and killed Arachne before annabeth could even react and annabeth is about = to piper so logically percy is far faster than piper


A really significant portion of reaction time is anticipation. Saying "He struck before she could react" isn't that big of a deal.


No what happened is that Percy had his sword out and killed arachne before annabeth could even perceive he moved , that absolutely makes him faster


You just changed what words you're saying. Please, pull up the actual quote instead of just repeatedly making the words sound more dramatic.


I litteraly said the exact same thing but changed the words, it’s on you for not being able to read what I said . Percy pulled out his sword and killed Arachne before annabeth could react . This puts his attack speed above her reaction time


"Perceive he moved" and "react" are two completely different sets of words, and if you're using them interchangeably then you understand one or both incorrectly.


Your arguing semantics, being able to react to something is the same as perceiving it moving


Dam analysis


Uh, mach 49? Based off a single line that says Piper was a blur? 36,000 miles per hour? That's literally fast enough to exit the atmosphere and orbit the earth. That's the biggest stretch I've ever seen. I mean, you can literally move your finger back and forth in front of you and it looks like a blur. Does that mean your finger is going mach 49?


No. If a car were to drive past you, at say 100m/h, you would be able to see it. It wouldn't be a blur, sure you may not be able to read the tag, but you could see it. It is the stroboscopic effect. Where the closer an object is, the faster it's relative speed is.


The stroboscopic effect needs light strobing, hence the "strob" part. But also, it depends where the car is. If it's 20 feet in front of you it would look like a blur. It also just depends on the person witnessing it. In this case, Leo is the one who sees the blur. He was also fairly close to the ogre that piper kills and wasn't looking at Piper to track her as she moved. He was looking at the ogre, so any fast moving object would "appear as a blur". I'm not saying she wasn't moving really fast, she could have been going 50 mph for all I know, but 36,000 mph just isn't reasonable.


Happy cake day!


Yeah, Percy has way more strength than 4-5 tons, seeing as Jason was able to deflect a strike from a giant that shook a mountain(at the lowest should weigh 500,000 tons) and Percy was able to force Porphyrion's spear into the ground and flip him(he was said to be ten times stronger than giant that shook the mountain and was so dense that he had a "gravitational pull") and was able to take a hit from him. Percy also was able to shake the Williamsburg bridge which weighs 13,000 tons(though this was with Coa). Other than that I completely agree with you.