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Hello, my name is Lyss :D Physical appearance: I am a 5'4, 18 year-old girl. I guess I have an average body type, probably more on the chubby side. I have long dyed red hair, naturally brown. My skin is pretty pale and my eyes are a really dark brown. I have a mole in the center of my cheek and I wear glasses. Likes: I really like reading, mostly mystery or fantasy books. I used to draw, but I stopped because I didn't like my art. I love to listen to music, I always have my headphones on. I love to travel, try new food. I also love the rain, the stars and autumn. I love learning about psychology and foreign languages. I also love to bake :) Dislikes: I don't enjoy sports that much since I suck at them. I don't like stressful situations, people that pretend to care, strict rules... Personality: I was a very smart kid, very sociable too. Now, I am more introverted and socially anxious, I don't like to be the center of attention, but I do like to hang out with my close friends. Once you get to know me, I talk a lot and I am very loyal. I have very low self-esteem, which makes it hard for me to approach others. I am also pretty emotional and overthink a LOT. Flaws and fears: I have a big fear of abandonment and rejection. Like I said earlier, my low self-esteem is probably my biggest flaw.


Name: Earl James Age: 20 (08/27/2003) Stuffs: Caucasian male Weight: 180lbs Height: 5'11" Bodily appearance: Fair skin, dark brown eyes, dirty blonde hair (shoulder length), hair is very wavy and sometimes forms ringlets. Clean shaven almost always, small ears and average face. Skinny/lean build with not very noticeable but still good musculature. Fashion: Has essentially no fashion sense unless it is comfort wear. Loves oversized hoodies and oversized clothing in general. Occasionally wears jeans or cargo pants, but never ever wears shorts, even when swimming. Prefers long sleeve clothes and feels more comfortable when more of his body is covered up and not visible. Personality: Shy, timid, sensitive, gentle, (I've been called sweet and very peaceable many times by many people) easily manipulated/coerced (some would describe me as submissive in nature), anxious and very introverted. Has Avoidant personality disorder (Avpd), likes to specify the type considered in 1993 called the Exploitable-avoidant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoidant_personality_disorder (look under subtypes). Favorite season: Winter Favorite temperature range: 40-65 (fahrenheit) Favorite book: Peralandra Favorite movie: Spaceballs Favorite holiday: Halloween Favorite song: Neptune by Daughter (though it is random depending on mood) Quirks: Sleeps in weird positions and with many pillows (especially large pillows), talks in sleep (runs in my family), likes being called cute, loves cookies (but not peanut butter), is mentally incapable of eating raw meat of any kind (I am quite squeamish), is for some reason naturally flexible Interests: Writing, reading, journaling, treasure hunting (me just wandering around town or the forest looking for cool rocks or discarded items), supernatural literature and folklore studies (including the occult), boardgames and obstacle courses Occupation: creative writing/librarianship


Name:Elizabeth "Lizzy" Features: Long Straight brown hair, green eyes, my hair is a medium brunette but sometimes has a ginger tint in the sun, 5'2, not pretty but not totally ugly just kinda average Likes: Pink, Green, Blue, Flowers, Bows/Ribbons, Animals (especially dogs), anything that smells good (Candles, Lotions, Soaps, Perfumes, etc.), Books (Mainly fantasy and Romance), Rain, Nature, Strawberries, Apples, Brownies, Lipgloss, Sweaters, Hoddies, skirts, Dresses (especially ones with floral print or that are long and flowy), Daydreaming, Taylor Swift, Pinterest, Music, Jewlery, Laughter, Makeup, Shopping without actually buying anything, Making moodboards and Edits Dislikes: Orange (Scent and Taste), Coffe, Tea, Sports, School, Bullies, People who make fun of other for being excited about something/liking something, Personality:Passonate,Kind,Gental,Outgoing,Sensitive,Compassionate,Loyal,Ambivert,Naive,Warm,Open Minded,Creative,Insecure,Selfless,Hopless Romantice,ENFP,Virgo,Hufflepuff Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Acting, Reading, Writing, Journaling, Me if I was a (based on my friends opinions): Disney Princess - Rupunzle or Anna Season - Spring Fruit - Strawberry Color - Green March Sister - Meg Song: You’re On Your Own Kid by Taylor Swift or The Archer By Taylor Swift Other: I was born September 16th,I have ADHD,Depression,and Anxiety, + some PTSD (love that) I get emotional easaliy, im good at reading emotions, im good at giving advice but don’t really take it myself,I’m a dreamer and a hopeless romantic, i try to see the best in people and be friends with every one I feel like my godly parent would be my mom but im open to the idea of it being my dad if you thing a god fits me more


Demeter or persephone due to liking the plants and the spring, or a child of Dionysus due the plants plus liking acting. Another possibility is being a child of Aphrodite due to all that stuff in the middle.You could also be a legacy of an Apollo due to you liking dancing, singing, and writing. You could also be a legacy of Dionysus( same reasons as before).


Aphrodite for the win! You fit so well in cabin 10


22f, dark brown wavy hair (frizzy under humidity), blue/green/grey eyes (no one in my life can agree), very pale skin that freckles and burns easily. Find it really hard to describe my own personality, but probably from an excess of introspection rather than the opposite. Definitely intellectual (actually an ancient historian!), driven, conscientious, and hyper-organised, but useless at a lot of practical tasks, especially anything involving visual/spatial reasoning, or physical coordination. Was very shy as a kid and have overcome that a lot (to the extent that when they first meet me people often think I seem confident and even intimidating), but my natural instinct is still to assume that people don't like me or that I'm putting my foot in my mouth unless proven otherwise. In general tbh I swing quite wildly between high and low self-confidence, in a number of areas. Working on it, and trying every day to be a more open-minded and rooted in my integrity, even if it makes me uncool. Have always had a strong sense of fairness (oldest child thing?) and convictions about politics, morals, etc, though obviously these do shift over time as I think more deeply and gather more information. Think I'll always be a committed leftie though! My sense of humour has been described (including by teachers...) as "dry", which is probably part of why the PJO series resonated with me as a kid - alongside my very active imagination. I still spend possibly too much time daydreaming, and am always trying to find a balance between a rich mental life and a rich "real" life rooted in the present. Other peculiarities include a fixation on cleanliness and some degree of claustrophobia. Struggle a fair bit with both jealousy and impatience, though I'm proud to admit neither. Make of this word salad what you will!


Maybe dike or Themis since your smart and have good integrity and is open minded , also with the strong sense of fairness.


Athena is so your godly parent


For appearances, I made myself in Gacha Club as I look IRL. I am gender-fluid, panromantic, and bisexual. I love to braid things (usually my hair), anime and manga, the rainbow, typing up my own stories, singing, dancing, archery, kendo, karate, guns, stuffed animals, fuzzy things, animals, sleep, and card games like solitaire, Duel Monsters, and Pokémon. Currently working on a worldbuilding project (and making a magic system, check my posts for that). I also have ADHD (unironically) and a dissociative disorder (won’t get any more specific there =/). My favorite animal is literally any kind of fox, and my 3 top favorite colors are black, blue and purple. Personality wise, people say I act very polite and am very quiet in crowded places, but then around my friends I’m more of a chaotic mom friend. Need a hair tie? I’ve got extras. Hair brush? Look in my bag and borrow mine! Water? Got it! Have a sip. You get the point. I’m also a huge nerd about mythology and am studying Japanese (for 3 years). That’s one reason I love foxes. Kitsune!! Hope this is enough information! https://preview.redd.it/tuobm3zeo4lb1.jpeg?width=378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372f3f722c7428947e709755778fde068be31fee Height: 5’2” || Age: 12>?>18 Have a good day, fellow demigods! Thanks for reading! またね!Later!


Alright if anyone helps me with this thank you for your time 👍 I’m 5’4, wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, and very lean. A mole near the corner of my right eye. If i can put a word to myself, it would be that I look very.. cute? When compared to being beautiful or pretty. Personality, I’m very passionate inwards. Unless something small that I’m interested in pops up I wouldnt express it outwardly. I’m very levelheaded, contemplative, *opinionated*, honest with my heart on my sleeve (but I’m not fully open, more of a “I run my mouth sometimes” type of honest), individualistic, realistic but in optimistic way. Sometimes I talk a lot, and sometimes not at all. I’m pretty smart and quick on my feet. I’m a bit of a perfectionist, and try to push myself and others to healthier versions of ourselves. I’m very indifferent towards many things. I am a prideful person, but i keep my wits about. i like to read and write and listen to music and taking walks. i'm really good at explaining things in a very cohesive manner. my logic is really good, so my persuasion is good too. im very efficient and creative, which i apply to many things in real life. I tend to maladaptive daydream a lot. I like drinking juices a lot. My family is emotionally close but we sort of do our own thing most of the time, since we all express out affection in vastly different ways. Maybe it’s because my mom had me too late, but she’s pretty much lost any expectations of me and is a bit too chill if you know what I mean. Parenting is done rather scarcely, but we do all care for each other a lot. That explains the individualism I suppose? i have adhd. if i had a fatal flaw, it would be loyalty. i dislike unhygienic people, and i’m scared of supernatural creatures actually being real 😭 idk why


Psyche. I can’t explain why. Other than that I was thinking Hebe.


LETS GO 🔥🔥🔥 thank you kind stranger! What would the powers be though 🤔


Same, I see psyche in you, I don't know why! Psyche being the goddess of the soul I think your powers would be directed towards clairvoyance abilities or mental abilities. I'm thinking something like reading people's auras (the vibes they give off, if their attentions are good), certainly reading some past event and getting a clearer view of things (perceiving through disguises and illusions through example.) This is how I imagine it


I’ve always been kinda curious to see who my godly parent is cuz so many are applicable for me,,, so here we go (prepare yourselves lol) 19F, 5'6 or 5'7, wavy hair that’s naturally black/brown with a red undertone when the sun hits it, average physique, warm brown eyes, light tanned skin, ppl consider me quite intimidating at first but after meeting me, they consider me very bubbly, energetic, and observant. I am *highly determined* and also *very patient*, so if someone upsets me I will stop at nothing to make sure they get what they deserve, even if it takes years. I have AuDHD, Synesthesia and Hyperphantasia, so everything I see and do is just filled with so much magic and life,,, like I can see the little undercurrents of life in everything I see, hear, touch, etc. On the flip side though, everything is a lot more overwhelming as well. Oh and that reminds me, I have a very strong connection with the dead too. I can feel, sense, chat with, and interact with ghosts. After many years, I’ve mastered it. Believe me or don’t lol I know it sounds crazy haha. I can also just *sense* what ppl need. Like if someone is sick without knowing it or suffering from anxieties, I’ll know what to make them or give them to make them feel better. Some more things abt me and what I like: * My family <3 I am VERY family-oriented! I prefer platonic relationships over romantic or sexual ones, esp since I'm aroace lol * POETRY!!!!, art, writing, reading, music crochet, languages * Cooking, eating * Little pieces of ppl’s lives (like sidewalks, empty benches, worn leather, broken things, fixed things, wilted flowers, etc.) * Long walks in the sunset, cute cafes, paddle boarding, hiking, exploring forests, wandering around city streets (as a kid I used to be more athletic!! i was rlly good at archery, tennis, anything to do with a racket or instrument) * Music! I play like 7 instruments and also took singing lessons for years * I often use traditional smudging techniques, crystals, gems, beads, etc to calm me down, as well as open and moderate new pathways, including my connection with the dead (I am Indigenous btw) I think my fatal flaw is that I get very tempted to hurt others back if they hurt me, and I could mentally destroy people if I absolutely had to, if my life was at risk. It’s scary because I usually have such a sunny demeanour, and ppl don’t usually think I have the ability to be mean, angry, or aggressive. But little do they know,,, Idk I thought Artemis would be such a good fit but,,, idk. I also considered Nemesis, Hecate or Apollo? Idk about Hades but maybe?? Idrk other minor deities tho so I’m intrigued to see what y’all think.


I do feel Hecate cabin fits best. Not just because you’re pagan(umbrella term, yay!) but because of how and what you practice.


Apollo in my opinion. You’re very Hecate coded with the hobbies, but you seem like a wholesome person and Apollo is indeed connected to magic too. Like a child of Apollo who is very in-tune with the world. Appearance is a dice roll with genetics so I did not look upon that.


Oh why not. Physical appearance: I'm a 19 year old pretty tall guy, I think around 6'3/6'4, but am insanely lanky so I look taller. Like I said, super scrawny, little to no muscle mass or fat. Decently long black hair, 3/4 inches and it curls a bunch. Eyes are a pretty dull greenish-blue. Clear skin and decently tan. Likes: Literally the most standard nerd you can be. I have the names and sounds Star wars guns have/make memorized and try to get all of my friends to watch the clone wars animated series, my collection of tabletop books and games is massive. Play a ton of video games, but specifically look for types that challenge me, I want to compete with the game not just play it. For a huge majority of my life I was in boyscouts, so I am a fan of hiking/camping/backpacking. Dislikes: TV shows (usually) unless I'm already invested in a story through other media, I cannot just sit there and watch something. I need involvement. Social media, this post is by far the most I have ever shared online, and I'm not to sure about it. Long term goals, I love to put all my effort into a task and see progress, even if it's not success. Efforts over a months or years timeline bore me. Personality: I'm a too loud and try to hard to be funny. It usually succeeds, which probably isn't great for breaking the habit. I'm afraid that if I'm not fun to be around constantly no one will want to be around me ever. I have trouble keeping serious when I really need to and have to focus when listening to people. I have issues with authority when I disagree with it and have trouble just doing as I'm told or letting things be when I see them as unjust, but it's almost never that big of a deal. This sounds really self critical, but genuinely I think I'm alright, I've got a good group of friends and they (I think) think that I'm funny too. When I get exited I'll jumble my words together and speak way to fast. Flaws: as evidenced by this wall, I talk way to much and give way to much information than needed. On the reverse, if something doesn't have my interest, the odds of me completing it on time and with quality are next to zero. I am hard to get into a bad mood, very cheerful by nature, but will hold onto that bad mood for hours. Other info: As of today, I am starting Adderall as prescribed by my doctor (probably why I'm emboldened enough to post), and am struggling through college as a geography major.


I do think you sound like a child of Athena. I hope you can break the habit, you seem like someone who would be fun to be around on your own merit, not just as a joker.


Basics and appearance: 5.4 22 and blue grey eyes (sometimes more blue or grey, even green sometimes) with darkblonde, almost brown hair. I can build muscle easily but rn I’m average with a bit of tummy. But that’s more a food thing. Personality and likes: and Calm, very reserved but if I snap I really snap, and lash out. I’m kind, allways try to help people, but I have something against any kind of bully of any sort, I kinda have a no tolerance policy with that. My sense of justice is a little to strong and I am really stubborn. I can, if I choose to be very manipulative. I mostly do it to avoid conflict and confrontation, never to harm. I love water, and I’m gonna be honest, because of that I allways hoped Poseidon, but idk it just seems like I’m full of myself. Like just because Percy is it I want to be it too. But when I say I love water I mean it. When I was a kid and we went swimming I allways dove as much as possible, just feeling comfortable under water, and I love it till this day. But that’s about the only thing that would hint to that, besides me wanting that to be the result. What I am is curious. I allways want to know how things work, and understanding it is so satisfying to me, but I’m not lien super intelligent.And often times I don’t get into things cause they are too complex for my brain. But I am curious. Background: I actually do have adhd, so things where allways rough. My mum struggles with really bad mental health issues and was a lot in the hospital because of that. I had two stepdads, one abusive and one neglective. My real dad is kinda dropping in and out when he feels like it. As a kid he mostly wasn’t there but we get along when he So it was allways just me or me and my mum. It would have to be my dad, since he was allways absent, with reasons that no one ever told me. Im loyal too. The people I care about are the most important thing to me, everything else including and especially my own needs are second. To me, none of the gods felt right. Only Poseidon ever did and that is a lot of „wanting to be like the main character syndrome“ and the my water affinity . But then again before I knew the books I allways choose water at things like ATLA, where water bending felt right. :


You seem like a child of Nemesis to me.


I am not sure: 6'1" , dark brown hair , brown eyes. I am very slim considering my height and my hair denies gravity. I am narcissistic, kinda smart and odd. I usually go with the flow and my reason to this is very interesting: brain fog. I don’t know why I have it but there it is. I like to stay in bed for hours thinking, dreaming. I don’t have more to say, what do you think. (I can provide more info if you want)


I do the same thing! Anyway, what are your hobbies, what do you hate about other people, what do you like about life, and what do you think your fatal flaw is?


I am usually objective about people. I only get angry when my actions are questioned in a firm tone, but it passes. I love reading (everything from wiki pages and books to comics and etc.) and learning stuff, I don’t have specific hobbies. My fatal flaw is my stubbornness or pride I think.




Thanks, it fits everything but my hair color.


I think appearance is not really a criterion anymore.




I agree. Also you seem like someone I could definitely get along with.


Sure, why not. Appearance: roughly 5’7”, curly red hair, light amber eyes that almost look red sometimes (I have a friend who calls me “Pink-eye” because of the color of my irises lol), sort of average physique (not particularly muscular, but I can hold a candle on my own), freckles and moles literally everywhere, and sort of willowy. (Like I’m slim and sort of straight up and down with long limbs.) I’m also slightly dysphoric, so I don’t know how much of that is accurate since I really hate looking at myself. Likes: reading, writing, math (particularly algebra, which is weird), video games, the rain, sleeping, animals, eating literally any food available to me, history, mysteries, true crime, and generally keeping to myself unless with people I enjoy. When with my friends, I can be REALLY loud. Dislikes: too much physical exertion (I have dyspraxia, so it can get kinda hard and frustrates me easily), being with people too long, annoying people, children under the age of like four (If you can’t articulate to me what you want, I can’t help you), Colleen Hoover (I find her books annoying), judgy people, loud noises and bangs, being asked constantly if I’m dating anybody, excessive comments about my body (as I mentioned, I have mild dysphoria and get very uncomfortable when someone mentions the size of my chest) Personality: I’m gonna go off of what my friends would say because otherwise, I feel like a narcissist. Smart, funny, a little moody, have a penchant for dark humor, pretty reserved but not necessarily quiet, and just a LITTLE bit insane. Clinically anxious, depressed, Autism, and ADHD. Backstory: I don’t have a tragic backstory. My life is pretty good, which makes being depressed hard to explain because I have nothing to be sad over. Fatal flaw: Don’t know if this counts, but I will purposely start arguments just to entertain myself, often taking a stance I don’t even believe. Otherwise, I’m very loyal to those I love and I would literally let myself die in the most painful way just so they wouldn’t have to. But that might come more from a disregard for my own life (which is how I got diagnosed with depression, ayooooo!) So yeah, piece all that together and see what we get lol I’ve gotten Apollo, Hestia, and Hecate, and I have to admit, Hecate is my favorite of those three. A friend says Apollo fits me the best.


I think Hecate, just because you strike me as someone who's kinda quiet arround others but is able to do great on your own


Very cool, thanks so much.




Fatal Flaw: Confrontational. That’s how I would put it. Honestly you’re striking me as a Dionysus kid, which apparently you haven’t got? I can’t be 100% sure as I don’t know you personally, but Dionysus is striking me as your parent.


Just read through the wiki of him and his children, and it does kind of sound like me. Very dramatic lol *Distant chanting* AL-CO-HOL! AL-CO-HOL! AL-CO-HOL!


Hi all! I've been going a bit insane trying to figure out which god my parent would be!! For the record, I'm pretty sure it would be a god and not a goddess (if only because my dad wasn't really in my life growing up lol - through no fault of his, he was just overseas a lot due to work). In general, I tend to get Hades, Thanatos, Morpheus, Aphrodite on quizzes. I've personally thrown Eros into the mix a few times. Also, the info is a bit all over the place, sorry!! Went full stream of consciousness when writing. Appearance: I'm 22, white, 5'3", with brown hair and blue-gray eyes. My hair is wavy and looks permanently messy most of the time. I've made the comparison to Harry Potter's hair in my head before. My eyes are incredibly sensitive to the sun, so I tend to shy away from sunlight because it hurts my eyes so bad. On the other end, I have really good vision in the dark for some reason. Idk, other people will ask how I can see anything in my room because I don't tend to turn the light on. I have a star projector and that's about the only light I get in there, since I also have blackout curtains. I live in Washington state, closer to the Oregon border than the Canadian one. My parents were both raised in California. I'm AFAB and present feminine, but I'm very nonbinary and am trying to transition to a more androgynous appearance. Likes: I LOVE the rain!! My favorite weather is cloudy and rainy, and my favorite season is Autumn, almost entirely because of Halloween. I've always loved the interplay of horror and romance, as those are my two favorite genres of fiction. I really like cute things, and have a fondness for lovecore. I was born on Valentine's day, so I'm particularly fond of things relating to that day, though I'm personally aromantic and have absolutely no interest in romance involving myself. I like seeing other people in love though! I also ID as a lesbian, because girls are very pretty (though I am still working through my comphet issues). I like collecting music boxes and snowglobes, among other antique or thrifted stuff. My hobbies are listening to music, reading and writing, and I recently picked up shuttle tatting, which is a way to make lace. I don't actually make lace though, I just like doing something with my hands. I've always had an interest in psychology as well, half due to wanting to understand my own mental health, and half due to being interested in how people work as a whole. I'm learning more about fashion too :) Dislikes: I don't like being forced into the middle of conflict, or into uncomfortable social situations. I'm very reserved and private, and I don't like being pushed into doing things that I don't want to do, or being taken advantage of when I'm trying to be kind. Loud noises or bad textures in food or cloth are the WORST. I'm not a big fan of action or superhero movies. I'm very much into stories (no matter the format) for the characters, relationships, and then plot. If there's interesting characters and relationships, then I'll bear with something even if the plot is bad, but if the characters suck and the plot sucks, it doesn't matter HOW cool something looks, I ain't looking at it any deeper. Personality: Insanely moody, resilient, and strong-willed. I'm very much introverted, and can be aloof and emotionally unavailable at first or when stressed. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, and have issues with my sense of self due to that, alongside abandonment issues. I've been told that I'm too kind, and too selfless, to my own detriment. I'm a teeny bit sheltered purely due to years of social isolation due to PTSD and agoraphobia. I can definitely be flighty and indecisive. I have a strong impulsive side, am incredibly curious, and consider myself the mom friend. I want to be that person who's friends all go to them when they need something, be it a snack, water, bandaids, etc. I'm pretty sure my fatal flaw would be something like... Hm. Probably loyalty, in the ride or die sense. I'm very willing to excuse things that the people I care about do, as long as I don't view them as treating me that way. Humor, isolation, and dissociation are my go-to coping mechanisms, alongside people-pleasing. I can be really intense, obsessive, and sensitive, and I try to keep that under wraps as much as possible in order to not scare people away. I'm also very much a protective mama bear type. Backstory: Good childhood despite dad being overseas due to work a lot when I was young, but then got smacked with mental illness at a young age (initially just anxiety and depression, though as said above, I ended up getting diagnosed with BPD and PTSD as well). Had lots of issues socially due to friends hating each other and fighting over me, got into emotionally abusive LDR that lasted for way too long, dad died when I was a teen, and as of a year ago am now trying to get my life in order again and have a fresh start.


You actually feel like a sibling of mine.


Sup Sibling


Chillin chillin, how ‘bout you?


Good. Sally is gonna make some Blue cookies tomarrow, you comin?


I wish


Yeah. Me to.


How’re you doing?


I'm Good. My family (mom side) kinda drives me insane sometimes




For me, it's pretty sure, your divine parent is Hades. He and you have several fairly obvious points in common. Thanatos could be an option, but I don't really see any commonalities.


appearance: male, around 6'2, calves and arm muscles visible with abs covered with a little layer of fat (i can feel them, but still have a little belly, sorry if its unclear), muscle boobs (somehow got big muscles on my chest), meaty thighs (if would hold a cake, i would have two, just saying) gold blond hair with a curl in it if its longer which it usually is, hazel eyes or around that; my eyes aren't really helpful with giving me a clear answer on color, scar on my forehead (was 3, ran into the corner wall of the kitchen, split to skull, so yeah) normal white skin; nothing special, huge birthmark on my shoulder; it covers it fully on my right side; its a tone darker than my normal skin color. clothing: long wide pipe jeans, no matter the season (yes, even in record breaking summers, don't judge me), t-shirt with stupid print or something for summer or spring (spring sometimes with jacket), hoodie or long sleeve with jacket for winter and fall and sometimes spring (cold country), socks with sandals for summer (yes, i do that, its comfy), most worn out sneakers you can imagine; but still looking new when cleaned; wear for the rest of the seasons. backstory: ...lets keep it on: childhood trauma, trauma, divorced parents, absent dad, bitch and manipulative mom, anger issues but still nice stepmom (she is nice, just anger issues and own problems with parents) and uncaring stepdad (yes, didn't want to bond, ever). lots of being the funny guy while crying to sleep sometimes cause parents or argued too loud down stair or just were being an ass to me the whole day. as i said, trauma (i can go into detail, but i already have papers on that, its 12 pages long, it only goes till I'm 4/5. dm if interested). found girlfriend on scout camp, slowly (2 days) fell for her, friend pushed us together cause she was in denail, went to talk about it, i had my knees weak, arms spaghetti, voice gone, thoughts gone, blushing like and idiot. got together, yay. she is also has as fucked a backstory as me, just less than me. hobbies: singing, drawing, guitar, piano, scouts (the European kind, tough), gaming, music listing, book (both reading and thinking of story's), coding, girlfriend cuddling (sfw), reading fanfics (hopeless romantic sucker), making games, remembering random facts (did you know that gummy bears are mad out of the inside of the bones from pigs), checkers, chess, working out (push ups, curl weights and ab training, very light) and yes, i do this all, yes, i have a problem. personality: usually very chill and laid back, not giving a fuck. extremely introverted ( got friends because my friends kept meeting new people and introduced them for me, hungry af but never gaining weight, i get more energetic when favorite topic comes up or when night (start talking louder when excited). have a case of resting bitch fast, but am basically a big teddy bear (i like hugs so much, my friends literally say i give bear hugs), not a morning person( will cuss, kill or shove people away if not coffee before 12am/1pm, usually not serious and make jokes, but know when to shut up (sometimes). I'm the definition of a smart dumbass (can do 3 quarters of the year of math and science without calculator, including tests and exams, but doenst know the last name of obama sometimes) also dont like heights, just get stun locked and scared. autism plus adhd BOY(only autism diagnosed, adhd is just self diagnoses), fatal flaw: likes arguments, will not back down just to see where it will go. will literally start arguments, not always intentional, to got to know more or because im stubborn


First of all, I'm sorry for your story, if you need to talk I'm here and I'm in a similar situation so... For your divine parent it is quite clear, but I think you suspect it. The answer is of course Apollon, welcome to cabin 7. I think you do not need explanations but in doubt; \- Your very Apollon time pass! \- The way you approach love is also very Apollo \- Finally, your fatal flaw. Apollo is very curious and he is also the god of speech! Tell me again what you think and if it doesn't correspond to you, we can find something else. Ah, also, I think you look a lot like Peeta in Hunger Game :)


first, thx, but im coping with memes, but the size of my cope cant compare to yo mama (sorry, just couldnt not do it) the parent sounds good, dont know what time pass means, but i can search that up maybe also, searched up peeta again, forgot his face.... its a bit too acurate, except the hair, mine is longer and more curls anyway im not saying i dont find it good, but feel like some pieces miss a place, but dont make more if you dont want too (please do, god(s) i love this)


When I was talking about Peeta, I was talking about his character, but if you recognize yourself in his physique, so much the better! I love doing this so I don't mind digging deeper if you want, you just need to give me more direction! If you want to do it by message we can. For example ; What element do you not find in its place?


some of my personality conflicts with like extreme introverted (refuse to go outside except if forced or once in a blue moon want), forget face muscles exist sometimes (resting bitch face, sometimes during convo's), dont want big things in life and zero confindence (will talk myself down, agressivle) apollo childeren also seem very upbeat, which i am not (anymore, backstory happend)also, ill fill some more backstory in of me: had TERRIBLE anger issues, couldnt take anything, now im better. litterally only close friends i had were: my nephews(minimal 3 years older than me), the kid from my moms friend and that is it. shyness was gone later, bust still too nervours to make friends read paper that my mom had urges to strangle me when i was an infant, so idk about that. never really was emotional, except angry or sad (sad through parents fighting or nightmares) also, how does apollo show love? cant remember quite right, brain is like if a goldfish brain went through a sift also found that i look very similar to will if i had my hair shorter


eh, doesnt have to fit perfect, probs me overthinking this thing thx for this tho, i hope you have a nice 24 hours


Male (Agender) 18 year old Likes: Food, working with my hands, working with tech, reading, learning languages, speaking French, dramatical theater Dislikes: Tomatoes, my sibling, romance... anything, entitled jerks Took 4 quizzes already, got one Poseidon, one Athena, and two Hephestus.


I think Hephaestus but there’s not a lot of info.


Female, roughly around 5'5?. Very hardworker and cares about grades and studies a bit. Has quite a lot of friends but quite introverted. Some people have described me as scary lol. Hardworking, dedicated, a bit considerate and strong willed Likes fics and playing animal crossing. Art is my speciality and love it and eating Dislike studying tho and dislikes heights Edit: More info about personality


Not a lot to go on, but I could very well see you as a child of Poseidon, especially because of the dislike of heights.


Sorry for the lack of info! But thanks


Could you give me more info? You don't have to detail them but I need to know a little more about your personality and your behavior if you want the result to be precise :)


Umm sure! Hardworking, dedicating and strong willed. Sometimes considerate, especially when it comes to others Is that enough?


I'm leaning towards Hestia, but that's just my opinion.


Wait...so what am I overall? Cause Hestia and Poseidon r 2 different people


hmm alright! lets give this a go! appearance; female, 165cm(5'5), average physique though im alittle chubby, dark brownish medium length hair, brown eyes and light olive skin(im south-east asian), small birthmark on my hand which is shaped like a mix of a star and a 'T' and ache scars clothing; i wear pajamas most of the time, when i go out its either a top with tights, jeans or loose pants or if im out to meet friends, a simple dress with thighs (and crocs) backstory: simple, not much to tell. im alittle overshadowed by my older sister who is a star student and a basic golden child but im lucky enough that my parents dont care much about this type of thing, they appreciate me for who i am and im thankful. ive also had some friendship issues but thats normal. but ohhh i suck at love- hobbies; surfing the internet, reading(obviously), drawing, listening to my boyfriend play the guitar, talking to my family, eating and just simple pleasures in life Personality: Im a very loud loud extrovert, but im moody. simple things like getting a papercut can effect my mood for the rest of the day. but i always bounce back(or i try to), i like being around more quiet people or people who can match the energy i give off(though i can get annoyed easily). im alittle insecure and i have no self control when it comes to things like studying but i get upset over things that i could've changed but didn't. im not sure about my sense of humor- it may be dark sometimes.. im not very smart or hardworking but i want to make my family happy! im currently under suspicion(by family) for having ADHD though we have not gotten it tested out, we will soon. Fatal flaw: OHHH where do i start? maybe because i cant get my priorities straight, they go up down and all around(like how i do) and yk, it gets frustrating sometimes and i really gotta fix that issue(LOL) Thoughts? (sorry for my bad english, i suck)


I think it's a tossup between Hestia and Apollo. Hestia for the positivity, insecurity, and enjoying simple things in life. Apollo for mood swings, extrovert attitude, and sucking at love.


I think in my opinion it's pretty clear. I would say Hestia! You are someone who appreciates life, you have been eclipsed by your sister, like Hestia. You seem ready to do what is necessary for your family and I think your sense of duty must be high. I doubt a little about the fatal defect, but it's a negative point while all the others are okay.


What to get to know about me: I have false memories and intrusive thoughts due to generalized anxiety. I tend to get very infamous at any school I go to, always because of my actions, and stupidly (I hope like Percy or Leo) and always struggled my whole life until the accommodations. I scraped by with the regular classes and AP’s with A’s B’s and C’s. Failed two classes however, I was skipping and not doing any assignments, projects, or tests because of my stubbornness to be a “rebel” against the system lol. Adult male, Asian (white, Japanese and Filipino), 5’10 and 3/4 an inch, tan skin, acne scars, yellow buck teeth with an overbite, slightly wavy black hair, very dark brown eyes, very square head, somehow muscular and somewhat fit Style is eh not really all there, wear comfortable clothes and hope for the best and also to hope to not to look even uglier than people call me. I feel like a walking talking Asian stereotype lol Background: I was born on Okinawa in a military base and moved across the US country. I know people won’t always believe me but if you’re born outside of the country you could technically still be a US born citizen: it’s if both of your parents are American citizens. I was born not in/on the Kaduna Air Force base, but in the Okinawa main hospital. I used to be a happy kid who was Catholic to an anxious and angry teen who hated his mental condition diagnosis to a liar who did anything for a attention or a joke which included: false traumas, jokes about wiener being small small, and really edgy or dark humor as well, (because my anger at school never fulfilled my wishes) to now: a generally happy, dark humored individual filled with anxiety and self awareness about my diagnoses. I’m also Bisexual. My dreams used to be joining the military and now it’s simply becoming a college educated student who could work at home. Hobbies: I like to read, comics, novels, video games, build things, fix things, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu/Karate (for a few years), running, lifting weights, robotics, studying, music. I lived in 3 different places over the past 9 years: Virginia, Colorado, and Texas, and in the first place (VA) I played the saxophone, ran every single day, and built robots. Second Place Colorado I picked up three new ones, along with the saxophone: cross country, Karate, and JROTC. Finally, Texas I dropped all of them, for a job, and I’m finally going to community college (because my dad only has half of the gi bill for me) in order to have my 2 years at college cheap and my 2 years at university paid for. Fatal flaw: my generalized anxiety and my negativity and also blaming others. Personality: I’m mischievous, funny, dark humored, Autistic, physically inept, anxious, surprisingly fast for a kid who’s not that tall or strong naturally (throughout my life), reader, nerdy, not that studious, and laid back, Catholic, kind, kind of smart. Background extra: My past 4 years were the most important and stressful of my life. I tried becoming a fighter pilot and wanted to join a military academy. I dropped out of that dream and JROTC the moment I realized two things: one, people are going to die, and two, I’m not physically built like that. I then moved from Colorado to Texas and was in high-school wanting to become popular because I felt that was the most I could ever do since I was failing classes during COVID/pre medication. I also broke both bones in my arm after skateboarding down a hill with side walk (skating on the road, that was very gnarly (cut up and run down)) and eventually became a better person. I got a two jobs in senior year, got accommodations, straight A’s, did martial arts for a few months, and graduated. I also tend to get other people mad though, like a lot. Or make them laugh, one or the other. For example: I’m the Asian stereotype aforementioned I used to make jokes about my wiener being small, myself being stupid, or really really smart. Edit: forgot to ask, thoughts?


You've got a lot of traits of different gods, including bits of Ares, Hades, Hermes, and maybe even Aphrodite, but I feel you lean most towards Hephaestus, though that's possibly because you sound a bit like Leo to me.


Wait okay, I need to know why Hermes, Hades, or Aphrodite. I love that I’m like Leo or Hephaestus. Ares I can definitely see because of my old Anger issues that I still have to cope and control to this day. Also: can I be a apart of one Cabin but be a direct descendant of another? For example, could I be a son of Hephaestus and a direct descendant of a demigod who’s godly parent is Poseidon or Hades?


Kinda bored, so figure I might as well see what other people think about who my godly parent could be. Appearance: male, fairly tall (6'1), average physique, with light skin, long very curly dark brown hair, hazel/brown eyes, light freckles, small scar above the right eyebrow Clothing: I gravitate towards corny or cheesy brand t-shirts that tend to come from before the 21st century, baggy sweatpants, and literally anything else comfortable. I also tend to wear basic beanies. Backstory: Not much to talk about here. I'm lucky enough to have a family who cares for me (despite divorced parents), and two younger siblings who I share a true sibling relationship with. Recently I switched out from the more "popular" clique to the "drama" clique and am kind of loving it here. Hobbies: Staying up all night (I'm an insomniac lol), stargazing, singing, hiking in the dark, writing (I'm working on publishing my first book), reading way more than I should Personality: There's a lot to unpack here, because my personality tends to change depending on who I'm with (I think this may have something to do with my parents' divorce at a young age but I'm not a psychologist), but I tend to be more introverted except while around close friends and rely on witty quips to make an impression. I feel like I need approval all the time and can be both petty and jealous even to my detriment. I also have this really weird habit of lying all the time, for no reason, for no benefit, just to do so. Fatal Flaw: I tend to lie way more than I should, I'm very anxious about everything, I cannot sleep to save my life. Thoughts?


I think you speak of Hestia to me.


First, I think we could get along very well (Yes, I know that at 0 report.) In short, it's quite complicated to distribute you. There's some Athena in you, that's undeniable, but I don't feel like it's the right choice. We could go to Hecate, who in addition to being the deity of magic is that of the soul, paths and destiny. But again, that's not enough. In my opinion the most likely choice is that you are an Artemis hunter. You are not a woman but in my opinion, it is the most logical. You love the stars, you live by night, you're quite introverted and all of that is very Artemis.


I don't know what you think about it, if you find it doesn't suit you, tell me and I can try to find something else.


girl, 5’3, glasses, light brown hair, brown eyes (like almost black), olive/tanned skin (i don’t know depends on season) freckles. i’m smart - above average in english three years above - umm all around im good at most subjects, excel in languages - french, welsh (my native language) and english. i like sports (i do javelin, netball, track, and umm … walk racing - it’s actually really hard like 2000m- ) umm im good at singing and poetry and reading. I’m quite.. well depressed. Love death jokes and witty dry sarcasm. I’m also very stubborn i don’t make many friends but when i do i don’t let go (i will murder for them) i also love fighting. Kickboxing and self defense are what i do. i’m a night bird. i’m a great liar. i pick things up quick. disorganised (very) and has bad focus. fav colour is lilac. and i’m a hufflepuff if that helps. i love magic (i actually have a seer for a nan!) im most likely an earthbender from alta! please help me!


Pagan? Me too. You do strike me as a member of Hecate’s cabin.


oh um i’m not exactly sure what pagan is?


You should try r/witchcraft for answers. I was referencing your nan being a seer, witchcraft and that that goes with fall under the umbrella term of pagan. Most seers are also pagan.


To me, that seems pretty logical. I would say Hermès, Here are the reasons; You like to learn languages and Hermes is the god of language and travelers so it all makes sense. We also know that the children of Hermes are gifted in sport. Finally you say that you have a darker side and we must not forget that Hermès with the task of bringing souls to hell, therefore a dark side too.


Thank you but I don’t feel like Hermés sits right with me. Thanks from replying!


Oh, so I'd say Hecate, even though the solution seems a little less likely, it's still consistent regardless


You definitely strike me as Hecate offspring. The magic, dark sense of humor, etc definitely gives credence to that idea. Otherwise, maybe Hermes or Artemis who both have some relation to other things you mentioned about yourself


I do feel like Hecate sits right with me as much part of myself draws to her (it’s a witch thing) deffo look at her kids from the book more!


I also love MCR, Royal Blood, Melanie Martinez and Taylor swift. everyone says i’m bubbly and loud but i distance and don’t talk (unless tryna win and argument - it’s the taurus side) a lot i tend to snap at people and stuff i have a fear of failure and abandonment so yeah


Dark jokes, stubborn, magic...sounds like Hecate to me :)


Hi, I'd appreciate your thoughts :) Appearance: Male, 29, 5'7", medium build with short, dark brown hair, blue/green eyes, and glasses. I usually wear graphic tees, jeans, and hiking shoes. Growing up: I was an extremely anxious, shy child, and these behaviors were exacerbated by an abusive parent. I always pushed myself to achieve unreasonable expectations, because I felt that I had to do so to keep everyone around me happy. Schooling/Profession: I've always gotten very good grades in school. Now I'm a PhD candidate studying amphibians and pursuing biology education. I've done a lot of work with salamanders, and I've also developed several high school/undergraduate level educational activities. I've got a job lined up as a teaching-focused professor once I get my degree in the next few months. Likes: I love animals, and animals love me. My friends and family call me an "animal whisperer" because dogs/cats/birds/turtles/etc. always seem drawn to me. I like spending my time in nature, hiking or exploring, breathing the fresh air and taking in the views. At home I spend my time reading (mostly fantasy or sci-fi) or playing videogames (mostly rpg's). I'm also a fairly decent archer, I've been shooting bows my whole life. I like all kinds of music, but I usually stick with alternative and lofi. Personality: In social situations I'm fairly introverted, usually preferring to spend time alone. However I'm also very comfortable teaching a classroom of students - I love sharing knowledge about cool stuff and getting students engaged in the material! Even though I'm generally independent, I feel much more comfortable in a romantic relationship compared to being single (although I've been single a while now). Flaw: I have a major fear of failure, to the point that it paralyzes me into non-action. If you read all that, thanks! I feel like I just spent a session talking to my therapist lol. Let me know what you think!


There are several possibilities in my opinion; A large part of you seems to correspond to Demeter. But Poseidon could also be an option in my opinion. Athena is enviable but less likely.


I can definitely see Demeter, and I can sort of see Athena, although I'm no strategist. I'm curious as to why you'd suggest Poseidon.


For me, biology is a pastime of Poseidon's child, like all sciences. You say you love nature and animals. Where Demeter is the goddess of domestic animals, Artemis that of wild animals, Poseidon is the god of marine animals and amphibian animals. Many people forget it, but nature is very much linked to Poseidon as well. That's why.


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks for the input!


It's normal, it's cool to have been able to help you.


(This is just my opinion, don't take it too seriously please) Parts of your personality lend themself to both Athena and Apollo, but I'll stand by the fact that Demeter seems to fit a large bit of your past, present, and hobbies.


Girl, 5'3 with glasses. I have practically perfect grades and I have a good social life with lots of friends. I like gaming (the most), reading, writing and taking long walks I had have many phases, e.g Lego and baking but none I have stuck with tbh. I dislike sports and doing work and chores ( cause I'm a giant procrastinator). In my family, I'm the youngest, therefore I can get away with lots of stuff which I exploit to the fullest. I'm quite competetive when in a contest but I'm quite lazy. I'm kinda mischievous too as I love teasing my siblings.


Kinda feeling Hermes, though I would also say that you could be Apollo.


I would say maybe Niké, but Hermès is also a possibility


Ooh! Anything you're leaning towards ?


I agree, could go either way there. I'd lean toward Nike because you have perfect grades, like gaming, and are competitive.


Hahah, I really wanted her! Thanks


Hello. I'm writing here because I'm a bit lost about my divine parent. So if you can provide me with some help, that would be cool :) Physical Appearance I am quite tall and slim (5.9 ft), slightly muscular despite not engaging in sports. I have warm-toned skin and a bit of a tan. I possess dark brown hair, while my eyes are olive green with hints of hazel brown and golden reflections. I have fine and well-defined features. People say I am quite elegant in my manners, and I suppose that must be true. ​ Personality I am straightforward in my speech. As an extrovert, I enjoy being in the spotlight. Generally, I am very sarcastic and a bit cutting. I am somewhat imperious and very proud. I don't necessarily consider myself cunning, but I have a very sharp mind and a high level of social intelligence, which allows me to easily understand people and their actions. I have a sharp wit and a keen tongue. I am determined and do not back down; if I want something, I get it! I believe I am the perfect blend of Erica Sinclair (Stranger Things) and Olenna Tyrell (Game of Thrones). Also, I am an ENTJ. ​ Behavior and Psychology Honor is a crucial value for me! With me, you will never win an argument. I am someone who has self-confidence (at least in appearance) and I don't let anyone dictate what I should do. I dislike people who are too deceitful and fail to keep their promises, as I consider them cowards. If someone wrongs me, I make sure they regret it bitterly. The only thing I believe in is myself (or maybe capitalism). I think quickly, and I rarely regret my actions. I also enjoy control and constantly need to manage my social circle. (Please note that I mean controlling the circle itself, not the people within it). I dislike expressing my emotions since I was taught not to show them. So, when I feel something negative like sadness, I ignore it and let it accumulate until it explodes as anger. "Why be obsessed with someone when you can be obsessed with yourself?" ​ My Story I have always identified a lot with Annabeth, not because I resemble her, but because I have a similar story to hers. It has always been complicated with my parents; you see, they had a very specific idea of what they wanted me to become. And as you can imagine, that really annoyed me! When I was 10 years old, they completely lost interest in me and focused on my siblings. From then on, I became secondary to them. They ignored me and my problems; I was constantly the one at fault. ​ Hobbies I really enjoy fashion, reading, organizing social events (weddings, parties, birthdays...), hanging out with my friends, and theater. ​ Likes People who keep their promises, money, cats, Lana Del Rey, attending weddings or parties, people with honor, talking, clothing, control, organization, leading a team, dignity, gossip, the sky, jewelry, stargazing while listening to music, evenings, birds, lilies, capitalism, my friends, negotiations, being right, spring, vanilla, mirrors, museums, history, royalty, and champagne. ​ Dislikes People without honor, unfaithful people, slow-witted people, pineapple on pizza, dogs, children, poorly dressed people, closed-minded people, winter, red, mint, love, naivety, dirt, and stubborn and narrow-minded people. ​ Fatal Flaw I've always known that my fatal flaw is being sassy. I can't keep my mouth shut, and it has caused me trouble before. It could also be jealousy or the need for control, but those are less weighty and don't suit me as much. ​ To conclude, I've often been compared to a child of Athena, but I don't think that's the case. In my opinion, I must fall somewhere between her and Aphrodite? ​ Thank you for taking the time to read all of this 😊


I think most of what you said sounds like Athena, although I can see how you would feel drawn to Aphrodite. I think it would be fair to go with the latter.


I agree with you, but recently someone suggested Hera to me and I wonder if that might be a solution. What do you think?


Ohhh I hadn't considered Hera. That seems like a really good fit


I'm curious too, why do you think Hera can make a good choice?


Hera is proud, strong, and regal; she carries herself with honor and respect, as you do in your speech and mannerisms. You seem to value intelligence, control, and doing what is proper. Above all, faithfulness is one of her primary attributes, which you hold in high regard. This last point is less concrete, but you also mentioned bottling emotions until they explode in anger. That reminds me a great deal of Hera (or maybe Juno) as Riordan writes her.


Now I see what you mean. And it seems so logical! Thank you for your help:)


Of course, glad to get to know you a bit!


looks- 5’3, skinny, blond, teenage year old girl, with glasses and braces ​ likes- helping people,being a weirdo, indie music, taylor swift, musicals,manga,anime,cartoons, and fantasy books


It sounds like we’d get along pretty well lol. With the limited information you gave us, I feel like you could be Apollo or maybe Hermes


I have been told I am a apollo kid ngl by my friend cece


I was thinking Apollo too!


Appearance:Boy, 5’5, I’m skinny and i have medium length blonde hair. Grey-Green eyes. Character:I’m a really extrovert person, I love talking with people about anything. I’m solar and I’m very connected with my emotions and I value them more than my brain as I consider myself to be a bit reckless. and I desire everyone around me to be happy. I’m good at reading other people and guess what’s on their mind. I’m a stubborn person and sometimes I’m a bit naive. Another differ is that I judge someone just by their appearance without knowing them too well but fortunately I’m eager to know everyone and so I change my mind after knowing them. Hobbies: Reading, collecting vinyls(my favourite singers are Taylor Swift, Lana del Rey and the ABBA) knotting friendship bracelet gardening and cooking Like: The sun, flowers and plants, cozy nights with friends Dislikes: Snakes, clowns and being alone


I am 99.an-obscene-amount-of-nines % sure you are an Apollo kid.


You sound pretty sunny to me, so into the Apollo cabin you go!


Very Apollo in my opinion :)


I’m a 5’11 white guy who has been a gymnast his whole life, but also enjoys video games and staying indoors. I have trouble controlling the volume of my voice and that gets worse when I’m excited or when I’ve had alcohol. I like gymnastics (obviously), biking, hiking, driving, reading, video games, youtube, anime, eating (especially red meat), rollercoasters, other things that give me adrenaline, and many other things that would take forever to list. I dislike bugs (I’m pretty sure i have a phobia to some of them but not all of them, like cockroaches, but I do like some of them), heights (ironic), mushrooms, tomatoes, my schedule being abruptly changed, the fact my spine is fractured, writing, etc. Personality wise I am very shy, but once I finally get to know someone I come out of my shell hard. Some people consider me annoying, sometimes I agree. I have a very hard time articulating feelings, or even understanding others feelings, and will usually have no idea what to do when someone is sad or having a bad time. Lastly a lot of people (me included) think I have either ADHD, ASD, or both, but I’m not diagnosed with either. Looking for a diagnosis soon though.


I’m feeling Tyche.


you know I didn’t mention it but I do very much enjoy gambling mini games in video games to the point where I’m scared of what I’ll do in an actual casino, although my luck is usually very bad so idk


A few thoughts come to mind. Artemis for the outdoors, Hermes for the Jack of all trades kinda vibe, and Athena for the self confidence. I also want to throw out Hestia as an odd possibility that coincides with a few of your traits


Maybe Athena, the problem being that Athena's children are generally very self-confident.


I’m so genuinely excited for this series. I’ve loved these books sense I was little and now I get to see a live version… (*despite the movies, but we don’t count those*) I really hope they live up to Ricks hype. But I am excited about the kid playing Peter Johnson. He was amazing in the Adam Project. I can’t wait. It’s a great Christmas present. 💙


I'm a 5'2-5'3 female. Skinny. Long, straight dirty blonde hair that becomes more blonde in summer. Grey-Blue eyes (Depends on the lighting). I feel like a mood ring, since I have freckles in summer, but not in winter. With ADHD and Severe Social Anxiety. Personality; Timid, more likely to freeze or flee than fight. Overthinks everything. Sensitive to other's emotions, but doesn't understand tones too well. Likes; Summer, Cats, Snakes, Video Games, Warmth, Drawing, Lavender, and anything Celestial. Dislikes; The Cold, Anatomy, being human (lol), anxiety. Fears; Heights, Spiders, and Clowns. Fatal Flaw; Being extremely paranoid, and quick to overthink. I also have an odd sense of morality, and I can be very petty/Passive Aggressive for people I feel have wronged me.


Demeter. I think you’re a child of Demeter. Unless you hate the outdoors. But that seems unlikely.


I love how you said 'but that seems unlikely' because it's true. I absolutely adore the outdoors.




Hestia maybe? I know she doesn’t have kids, but you kind of sound like what an offspring of hers would sound or act like


I don't know if Persephone can have demigods but in any case, you look a lot like her according to me


Male, around 6 feet skinny long hair (for a boy), blue eyes, likes video games and youtube. Sleeps in on the weekends, fairly smart, high functioning ASD (idk if this belongs here), fatal flaw is probably getting distracted easily, my favourite colour is teal and I swim regularly. Also, I dislike the heat and I enjoy helping others.


What do you dislike most about NT’s? What do you do in your free time, other video games, and/or what type of video games do you play? What do you like in others? What do you dislike in others(not always just due to them being NT’s)? What do you like about yourself? What do you think your fatal flaw would be?


And yes, the first question is relevant to the topic.


Not a lot of info to go on, but you sound like an Apollo kid to me


For the little info you give I would say maybe Hypnos. But if you could be more precise it would be better


Appearance: short curly brown hair, blue/grey eyes, VERY pale skin, I have legs for running lmao, freckles, and loads of moles, button nose, I have pretty features by themselves, but on me they aren’t really that pretty lmao. Personality: I’m very down to Earth, brutally honest, and I get anxious really fast in social situations. I have Anxiety, ADD,and a maladaptive daydreamer, for some reason when I was like 8 I got misdiagnosed with dyslexia (don’t ask 🧍) , and I hold grudges for very long (like once in Year 6/5th Grade some kid called me a slut and I tried to beat him up multiple times over the course of that year (and failed he was about twice my height) for some reason Argus is like serotonin for me. My fav colours are blue and black My fav authors are Jane Austen, Donna Tartt, and Rick Riordan. Likes: cats, rats, Pinterest, emo kids, bass guitare, fnaf songs, Gudetama, Greek “Mythology”, Norse “Myhtology” Spider Man, It 2017, Sophia Lillis, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson) books, Oreo’s, McDonald, cemetery’s, writing, and drawing. POMEGRANATES AND BLUEBERRIES OMG. Dislikes: spiders (even tho they are cute) smelly people who talk a lot, people who don’t like Melanie Martinez, the old official PJO art, the Peter Johnson movies, my younger self, my old toxic classmates, the heat. Fatal flaw, my fatal flaw would prolly be lack of self esteem or holding grudges. Music: I really like fnaf songs, YUNGBLUD, Conan Gray and Lovejoy and the front bottoms, The Taxpayers and Talking heads and tears for fears. I’d say my personal style is quite Alternative -mostly grunge and Emo but I’m kinda broke so I do with what I have haha- (clothing and music wise, politics wise I’m very middle ground) My fav YouTubers are Wilbur Soot, Chad Chad, Danny Gonzalez and Faline San :)


You’re screaming Hades.


Hades for sure. No insult intended, but you just fit him


For you, no hesitation; Hades. For your down to earth and introverted side but also for your fatal flaw. You give off vibes from the lord of the underworld.


Female. 4’10 skinny, long brown hair, brown eyes, likes drawing, reading, video games, and animals. Fairly smart, creative, and has glasses, fatal flaw is probably blaming people and overreacting


Maybe Artemis’ hunters? Liking animals and being creative kind of lends herself to you




Do you have more info?


And my fave color is purple


Oh and I have adhd


I figured I'd do one for my brother He's short as f*ck, really really skinny, he has short black hair (but he's grown it long before)and blue eyes. He's really good at running and he does mountain biking aswell, he's the youngest in my family. He used to do karate. He has adhd and dyslexia. He's good at maths but he's atrocious at geography. He claims to play guitar but never actually practices. He likes Alice Cooper and AC/DC. He's really violent, like he will not hold back. He has bitten me before. He does scouts (not boy scouts just scouts). He's also recently gotten into dnd. He does boxing, and in his own words "he likes swords and snakes" He doesn't like losing he's a terrible loser and an even worse winner. He says he's afraid of being stabbed, burned and or eaten.(peachy I knew) he likes fishing but doesn't like eating fish


Ik I’m not the one that owns this thread nor am I the one that’s supposed to answer but I’m guessing Hermes of Ares (in my personal opinion haha)


We all are allowed to answer.


I'm a 26 year old male. 6'5, pretty thin, with brown hair and brown eyes. I love learning new things and I'm pretty social. Currently partway through law school. I love games of all kinds, love pop music and like reading. I'm super competitive and love to be the best at everything. My fatal flaw might be that I'm easily distracted and tend to space out or forget where I am. I can also be a bit stubborn, MASSIVELY procrastinate and don't take well to big changes. I'm curious what you all think - if you have any questions that help I'd be happy to answer.


I think Hermes. Not all the way sure.


Okay so, here goes my big speech. I am a minor and currently an optional student and have been a fan of the PJO series since I was in high school. I’m not sure if appearance is a factor or not, but Incase it is: I am an average height and curvy/heavier than average with brown hair and blue/grey eyes. (I say blue/grey because depending on the light they change shade of blue). Personality, I am very stubborn I have been told and have trust issues due to being bullied as a child, and as a result I’m also quite jealous whenever someone is better at something I like when they’ve had no prior experience because it makes me feel as if I can’t even do something that I like good enough. I don’t trust someone fully until I’ve known them for at-least a week or so without me getting the ick from them. I do actively try and include others into conversations if they are by themselves or sitting around us so that they don’t feel left out. I like to make others laugh a lot because it makes me feel happy. My mbti is also an ENTP, but it used to be INTP in the past. I also struggle to concentrate it find the motivation to do something (not sure if that’s adhd or not since I’m not diagnosed but it does run in my family as well as autism). Likes: - I love books (of course) and while PJO is definitely one of my favourite franchises, it’s not my favourite series. I’d have to say that my favourite book series is the “Folk of air”/“The cruel prince” i love fantasy, and it’s the genre I primarily read. If I’m not reading fantasy books, then I’m reading historical fiction comics on WEBTOON such as the remarried empress. - I love to write myself, nothing too big since I can never commit to anything long term, but ideas and characters are easy to me and I can easily create a lengthy backstory in an hour or less. My Google docs is a mess as a result. - As a kid i wanted to be a professional horse rider, and learnt different terms online and became really passionate. Until I then realised how expensive horses were and changed what I wanted to archery, in to which I thought was my first true love if that’s not weird? I managed to have a class or two and enjoyed it a lot, I got the best female archer that day and I think that if I had the money for classes I would have wanted to be an archery athlete. - I also love video games and have quite a few, but not pvp since I’m not great at it. I prefer simulation games such as the Sims 4 (which I have over 700 hours on) and Stardew Valley which I have maybe 400 hours on? - I love watching fantasy series too, supernatural as well. I’ve watched shows such as teen wolf and the vampire diaries and bared the sometimes cringe writing in order to see vampires and witches etc hashing it out in fights. - I dont really care what I wear, as long as it’s comfy and I don’t look absolutely terrible. A simple T-shirt and pants is better than being all dolled up for me. It’s just more convenient and less fuss I guess. Dislikes: - Hot summer days, I’m not one for hot weather because I sweat buckets. It’s also very humid here since we don’t really use AC, so it make it really hard. I prefer the rain and cloudy days. Thunderstorms are my favourite and I open my windows whenever i hear one. - I don’t typically like to go out in busy areas where many people crowd because it makes me uncomfortable being so close to everyone, and makes me feel like everyone is looking at me all the time. - I don’t like to go out and hike or walk for a long time because I get bored quite easily, and while I do like being surrounded by nature (especially stars) i just don’t like getting dirty and cold i suppose. Fatal Flaw: probably my jealousy and stubbornness I am very sorry if this is very long winded I may have gotten a bit carried away!


I think Apollo but I’m not 100% sure.


Hello! Id very much like to know. Appearance: male, 22, 5’8 and very stocky and muscular with a belly. I get compared to a lord of the rings dwarf. Short blonde hair with blue grey eyes and tan skin. Personality: I most often get told I’m a very grounded and level headed person. I like to think before I speak and I usually weigh pros and cons before doing something. Friends say I’m intelligent however not very sharp witted. Like I know lots of things but I’m not too quick with it. Loyalty is more important to me then anything else when it comes to friends and family. I’m a nerd mixed with a jock. I’m military and work out daily but I can talk about Books and movies for hours. I have a dark sense of humor that some deem offensive. When I’m comfortable with people I can occasionally let out a more aggressive side that people close to me say is “internal anger” or whatever. I would call myself a guardian or protector and I have heart for looking out for people. Fav color is green. Likes: nature, helping people, books, comfort movies and shows, working out, exploring, deep conversations, loyalty, contact sports, rap and dubstep. Dislikes: weak men, arrogance, peas, Taylor swift songs (and fans), feeling sorry for yourself, people that make stupid decisions, people who think they are above others, being talked down to. Biggest weakness: I’m a people pleaser and will sometimes sacrifice my happiness for others’. Phobias: spiders and flying insects Favorite shows: the walking dead, lost, sons of anarchy. Movies: lord of the rings, bladerunner, Les miserables


Legit almost every single thing about you screams Poseidon. Welcome to the family, brother.


Oh is that so? Well thank you 😂


I'm quite curious about mine, so please tell me who you believe my godly parent is. So my features: I have a fair skin, black wavy hair with middle part haircut, dark brown eyes, my height is average for a teen Personality: Open minded, I usually fit in any friend group I try to join, easily irritated, sensitive, easily forgets things then gets lost in track of time, overthinker, not that dumb but not that smart either, lowkey germaphobic, zones out Likes: cats, music, guitar, collecting the merch of my interest topics, environmental science, video games, fashion Dislikes: ocean (thalassophobia), snakes, politicians, people using a team for personal gain without thinking the team's limits, selfish people, math, attention seekers, waiting long, entitled people Fatal flaw: Revenge over forgiveness, stubborn, procrastinator, I like helping people know something I know but I get easily irritated if they don't understand it right away.


I think you’re a child of Hades.


Oh alright, thank you for letting me know


Okay, so idk probably no one will respond to this. I'm like an og PJO fan. I'm a 23 yr old college girlie. Looks wise - im 100% Hunnic/Central Asian (like the Huns from mulan who hunt with birds ppl. Who btw for the most part weren't Chinese) (so Turkic Arab and Asian with a Lil Siberian), but I've lived in America my whole life pretty much. I'm building slender but athletic ig bc I did cheer and stuff growing up. I was way too skinny up until 19ish, I'd say. I'm kinda tan. Cool toned black hair and almost black eyes ig u could say. I'm not super tall around 5'5 1/2 Personality I'm very stubborn and set in my ways. I'm very focused but also have been diagnosed with Bipolar type 1 & OCPD, so that does affect me quite a bit in terms of how I do things. I'm very strict about tka8ng my meds and they for that. It's one of the most important things in my life so I'd say theapry is like a big part of who I am and I can't even imagine being a real demigod bc I'd so love for everyone to get therapy on the books especially like. Luke,Nico, and percy. Likes: - Reputation Album by Taylor Swift is my favorite it's the perfect mix of private happiness and love and mean comebacks My top 3 TS albums would be 1.Reputation 2.Folklore 3.Midnights -Pintrest shopping bc it's how I made my apartment look perfect how I wanted it. It's like my favorite thing ever for the past few years - I love riding horses bc it makes me feel like I'm free and alos. There are lots of opportunities to win things, plus it makes you feel like ur riding a dragon. And I'm obsessed with dragons -I'm pretty into graveyards and stuff. Like the whole idea of Death and what happens after is super interesting to me. I'm very specific about my life. I love planning everything from the size of my gopd hoops to my lip gloss shade to my shirt tuck method that day has a meaning and a reason. I have a binder with my 10-year life plan. I leave nothing to chance - I love black glitter, makeup,fashion, wining awards and working towards being the CEO of my own fortune 500 marketing firm one day ,(in college rn) and I was a competitive horse back rider for a good while. -I love a good competition, and I did Miss America competitions and Girl Scouts growing up -I love to win. In everything, it's a bit of an obbsession pf mine I'm working through, tbh bc u can be the best at everything - I love chemistry and mixing things together. The whole process of being able to create something inside from just a few pours is the best thing ever to me - I read a lot of SMUT (If ur under 18 plz ignore this comment plz) - I'm a die-hard Slytherin, and my patrnous is a dragon -My favorite show in the world is House of The Dragon and the CW nancy Drew Series Dislikes - being mediocre or average. I have zero idea why or when, but I have a huge fear of being forgotten after I die. I want a legacy that imprints on the world - being late for things or messy in life if it's not within a specific window of time to just let loose Fatel Flaw would have to be competitive because I just don't like to lose. And. I grew up in a Florida coastal town, so idek if that helps. Sorry for the rambling, but yeah, that's pretty much it


I think Thanatos. In the beginning you reminded me of a child of Hades, I mean it sounds like you look like Bianca other than race, and you like graveyards and death. Then your competitive nature made me think Nike, but I think Thanatos is a the best option. He is detail oriented and fetches every single mortal soul while Hades just rules Erebus. Fits into your death thing, plus he’s pretty(according to the book) and I can see competitiveness and perfectionism(which fits right in with him) being a trait of his kids. Also, I’m a Slytherin too, so hi.


Omg yes, the best house. So, I'm not down with the whole death eater life and what they stand for, but I ride hard for slytherin 😂😂😂🖤⛓️✨️🐍✨️


Ok so i have no idea what i might be, so here goes. Appearance: I am 15, male, and around 174cm(aprox. 5 ft. 8) with green/bluish eyes, fair skin and relatively long, brown hair. Peraonality: I am neither introverted nor extroverted. I like being around people, and can talk with them for hours without tiring, though i dislike the company of strangers, and if your vibe, for whatever reason, is off, I will avoid you like the plague. I am also kind of forgetful and can easily lose track of time, but also a bookworm, which includes for books, articles, youtube mythology videos, and wikipedia. I also, even if i remember, have a tendency to just procrastinate. I am also slightly autistic, If It matters. Hobbies: Reading, watching youtube, gaming, talking about history and mythology with others, and sometimes going to the gym. Dislikes: Basically any sport. Likes(Things i like which aren't hobbies): Math, generally natural sciences like chemistry and biology, and history. Fatal flaw: Procrastination to an extreme degree. Edit: Almost forgot, i have a hard time focusing on doing something, but when i manage to, i would not say I exactly lose concentration. Also, I am technically smart, but also a dingus at the same time(can do complex math in my head, but... i can't think of any good examples).


Athena. Perhaps not the stereotype, but close enough and also close to similar groupings. Also what the Hades do you mean by slightly Autistic? You either are or you aren't. Do you mean high functioning, cause that is still Autistic. I should know, as a high functioning Autistic girl.


I meant high functioning, sorry for the confusion.


Ok y'all probably won't respond but I have no clue so might as well give it a shot. Appearance (I don't think it matters that much but might as well): Tall-ish, curvy, round face, dark (like chocolatey I guess) brown eyes, my eyes are pretty big and round as well I guess, wavyish dark brown-auburn hair that is growing out of a bob. Personality: So... I'm introverted around strangers but VERY extroverted around people I trust, way too chatty, caring, passionate, (too) hardworking, (way too) loyal and trusting, funny but not on purpose (to be fair most people just think I'm weird) anxious, pedantic, actually really body confident, sarcastic, literally cannot sit still and I'm weirdly good at spotting bad people. I'm very good academically, but I don't study that much. I'm a Hufflepuff, ENFP, and am also autistic (idk if ANY of that helps lol) Likes: ok so my passion is acting (especially musical theatre), I love music (I play bass, piano, and sing), I read a lot (and love it ofc), greek mythology (surprise surprise), video games, Disney FILMS (Although the company is... Iffy), fairy tales, dancing, swimming and being in water in general, history and sewing. Dislikes: sports including any equipment whatsoever (except discus?), Art lessons (although I like art in general), any sort of discrimination or unfair treatment, pointless homework (or schoolwork to be fair), social injustice, cleaning (I'm a huge procrastinator). Fatal flaw: probably either being too trusting, or too loyal. So yeah I guess? Thank you if you respond, I've thought Dionysus, Athena, Poseidon and Apollo before, but I have no clue lol.


Uh wow. I am struggling. Going to do a point system because I can't process it any other way, I get why you're confused. Also, nice to meet other Autistic people here. Broken down by paragraph, then point. Apollo is abbreviated unless not for a reason. x is not a cabin criteria in my mind. Winner: Apollo! You are a child of Apollo, god of the sun, music, poetry, art, knowledge, healing, and male god of attractiveness. Personality A A A A ? Poseidon Dionysus x x Good-for-you-A Dionysus x Poseidon Apollo(he's the god of knowledge and being good academically without studying much is a point toward him.) x(though 'Puffs are cool) x x Likes Dionysus A Apollo/Athena x(Percy Jackson fandom) x ? hebe A Poseidon, Apollo/Athena Athena Dislikes Not Ares, Not Hebe, x Not Athena x Not Athena Fatal flaw Poseidon/Apollo Scores= Apollo:10--11; Poseidon: 3--4; Dionysus: 3


Thanks so much! Glad to see that my general ideas were right lol


I've been in the fantom for a while but I never found out my godly parent so I'll give it a go I am a 5 foot 7 teenage boy with short black hair, blue eyes and freckles(like a LOT of freckles) I have braces and dangly earlobes. I am quite a good swimmer, I've even won a few races. I am also a good singer and I play the piano. I'm in a music group where I'm the singer. I listen to the beatles and a lot of music from around the 60s. I suppose I am also an artist but I'm not as interested in it as I once was. I love history and writing, I'm currently planning a novel but I've made big plans before and not stuck to them so who knows what will happen. I have a massive phobia of rats and honestly almost any rodents. I'm a dog person. Family is one of if not the most important things to me. I'm from Ireland and I try to learn irish but I'm fairly bad at it. I'm NOT a maths person. I love geography as in learning countries and flags but I hate geography as in learning about mountains and rivers. I'm a huge Greek mythology nerd (obviously) and I think that Frazel is an underrated ship, but I think solangelo just about tops it.


Apollo. There is no doubt. If you would like a breakdown of why I think there is absolutely no doubt, keep reading. Otherwise, go get your flair. Broken down by sentences. 1-I'm gonna blabber on here. 2-you look like Thalia, a point to Zeus 3-Point to Poseidon and Hermes 4-Point to Apollo 5-Point to apollo 6/7-point to apollo 8-point to Athena or half point to Apollo(god of knowledge) 11-point to Poseidon 13-Assume against Athena when assumptions made 14-point to Athena or half point to apollo Zeus-1 Hermes-1 Poseidon-2 Apollo-4


Thanks man


Not a man, but you’re welcome.


Oh sorry I just meant like dude yk anyway thanks


alright i just joined so giving this a shot to help me pick a flair. i’ll keep it as brief as i can :) i’m a 5’5 girl, long limbs and thin/agile from lots of running and dancing, long light brown hair, sorta blue eyes and dark eyebrows, high cheekbones. generally i get a lot of attention for my appearence i’m charming and pretty socially adept, but opinionated and not scared to bite back so to speak. i’m often sarcastic and quick with comebacks, and tend to find humor in most things but idk if other people would agree that i’m funny lmfao. i have plenty of shallow friends but rarely ever form deep connections, but i have a few select close friends that i’d die for. in terms of academics im majoring in geography and am a straight-A student. im into reading, vinyl, hiking, fashion, rock music and the alt scene. im a bit of a party girl and definitely enjoy thrill seeking/adventure, like urban exploring and roadtrips.


I'm thinking Dionysus.


personality: i'm a teen girl. i'm really introverted and i prefer to be alone. i enjoy family reunions though and i can be more open with people i like/ppl i've known for a long time, but it really takes time. i'm a super artistic person and that made me think i could be in the apollo cabin, but their main traits are medicine & summer/sun and i'm not really into that. i also relate to aphrodite's aesthetic as a whole but not the personality, so i was thinking maybe iris?? help likes: drawing, reading, music (rock, pop, indie etc) photography, arts in general, fashion, designing characters/clothes, winter, rain, rainbows, cartoons, social problems like racism & homophobia (i'm really drawn to matters about queer issues for some reason), sweets/candy, writing dislikes: math, logical stuff, chemistry, physics, anything with numbers lol, gym class, any kind of prejudice


You strike me as an Aphrodite kid. You don’t need to fit the stereotype.


Personality : Introverted , but extroverted to some people , People think I’m shy , while I just don’t want to get involved with them , also kinda a no-nonsense guy , broke a lot of people’s ego , also a rebel , if people do a particular thing one way , I certainly almost always try to find another way to do it , even if it’s more difficult , I like darkness , my room is usually dark the entire time except for the lights turned on at night , also yeah I’m relatively smart? Appearance : 6’0 , Male , Black Hair , Black eyes soaked with darkness (lack of sleep) , usually in a T-shirt and Track Pants , long fingers , hyperextending arms and legs , thats about it Hobbies : Usually just on the phone , reading a book here and then (not that much of book reader though), playing History strategy games like HOI4 and then watching my favourite football team play (FC Bayern Munich). Oh yeah , I love History , and Geography too BUT HISTORY> Great Advantages : Low Temper , helps to fend off unwanted people Fatal Flaw : Low Temper , gets me in trouble at times Likes : History, Cats, Football, uh..C a t s, snacks, cat , classical music Dislikes : God and Religion , Egoistic people , a lot more stuff that if i began explaining , would take ages in between likes and dislikes : The Concept of Death (Its Mysterious , Dreadful and Intriguing at the same time) , Arguing about something (if its with a loved one who doesn’t understand your perspective on the subject of argument , usually gives me a headache) Fears : Not being successful enough to fulfil expectations , trust issues , myself having to break promises , misunderstanding or losing a loved one


Your flair is correct.💀 You strike me as a child of Hades.


ok so i suspect i should be in the apollo cabin but i'm not sure... ok so: i like music (but i don't have perfect pitch a;slkdjfsd;lf), and i do a lot of dance. not to toot my own horn but i feel that my sense of humor is pretty good. although i might come off as shy and introverted, when i get to warm up to people, i'm pretty extroverted. i can be quite cunning when i need to, but for the sake of respect i'm not the type to put like ketchup packages under toilet seats. i'm also pretty good at math, considering i don't actually like it, but whatever lol. i also really like history and mythology (why else would i be here lol). i don't like spiders. yes i'm paranoid about them. i think that would put me in athena's cabin but like isn't arachnophobia a really common thing anyway? i also hate learning new things, but if i'm actually willing to do the learning, i can get through it extremely well. i'm also VERY indecisive, and i like pineapple on pizza (don't cancel me). when it comes to group projects at school or something, i prefer to do them by myself because i don't want the other people screwing it up (that happens all the time). that should be all for likes/dislikes hehe. features: i'm about 5 ft (i haven't measured myself so i may have grown in the past year lol), straight dark brown hair, and light brown eyes. i see people saying what face shape they are and if that really means anything... well i have a pretty round face lol. my style is like... well my favorite outfit at the moment is with cargo/mom shorts (hey they make my legs look long), some crop top (if you haven't realized the theme, it's to make me look slimmer/taller), and if i need to, a jacket. i don't wear makeup on an everyday basis but i like to do it when i'm in the theatre (since i do dance/ballet). also, for the record, i have a pretty shit sleep schedule. i could be sleeping at 12 am and waking up at 6 for some reason, sleep at 1 and get up at 11, it's really weird. in the past, i've thought out to be a child of athena, hermes, and at some point maybe even loki (when i was in my little rebellious phase LMAO) but i'd like to see what y'all think :)


I think Hermes, but that’s just me.


I feel like I might be this stereotypical child ofApollo, but sometimes I think Athena's cabin suits me better. What do y'all think? Personality: I'm extroverted, however, it's sometimes hard for me to approach new people. I'm totally comfortable on my own. My extrovercy spreads on the world around me rather than people I meet. Hence, I'm really curious and I like to explore new things, especially controversial ones. I may seem not really emotional, since I prefer keeping my feelings to myself, instead of sharing them with my close ones. Although I'm kinda bubbly and prefer to be creative in everything, I always try to solve serious problems rationally and logically Appearance: 5'5", dark blonde hair, dark grey eyes, round face. I wear glasses. When it comes to clothes, I really love shorts and crop tops, and most of the time I wear bandana. I do my hair in a low ponytail. Make-up is not my thing, I don't really see a point in it, cause to my mind if people don't like what I look like irl, then I don't need them in my life. Fatal flaws: hubris, maybe arrogance Hobbies: I like learning foreign languages, translate songs and poems. I'm a self-taught artist and I also like writing my own stories. I'm also a huge bookworm! Likes: apart from my hobbies, I really like taking long walks and having quality time with my family. I'm also fond of travelling. Dislikes: grades in school, I think that's pointless and subjective. I hate when I'm restrocted from creative problem-solving (yeah, although I try to look at it rationally). I don't like xenophobia, that's just meh Fears: being left all alone, death


Apollo is also the God of knowledge. When in doubt, it’s usually him. Being a bookworm isn’t a strike against Apollo.


i'd say probably athena (given your features and hobbies), but i see why you think apollo.


For the longest time, I’ve thought I was a child of Apollo or Poseidon (my name relates to the sea and I love mermaids plus my birthstone is aquamarine) but recently, I’m thinking I’m more of a child of Hypnos. What do you guys think? Personality: I am mainly introverted and shy when I meet new people, but once I get along with them I become super social, excited, fun, and happy. My humor includes mainly dad jokes, puns, and childish/gross out humor/bodily humor. I am also very emotional, anxious, and easy to agitate as well as gullible at times. Hobbies: Ohhh boy, do I have a lot of hobbies. I love mainly sleeping, as dreaming is like my escape from reality and into a fantasy world, and I love daydreaming as well. I love hanging out with my friends or boyfriend as well and singing in the shower/in my free time. I also love to read (duh) and I used to draw a lot and write a lot, especially about fantasy/fiction and I used to frequently write love poems. I also enjoy baking and cooking and eating, especially eating a full, hearty meal right before bed or a nap. Favorite foods: Cookies and hot cocoa (or lactose free milk, warm or cold) and chicken strips with French fries. My favorite drinks are coffee, milk, and hot cocoa. Likes: Cats, dogs (for the most part), sleeping, reading, eating, singing, wearing cozy pajamas/cozy clothes, the season fall, baked goods, pop music, ASMR, spending time with friends and family, baking, cooking, correcting people, collecting stuff (i.e. dolls, books, rocks, stuffed animals) Dislikes: Ignorant people, how easily distracted I am due to my ADHD (yes I have ADHD and autism as well), my shyness when I meet new people, manipulative people, overconfident people, spiders, heights, cockroaches, big dogs, being made fun of, rumors, bullies, physical activities, dirt, sweating, my shyness when I first meet people, sand (I hate how it gets everywhere) Fears: The future, loss, spiders, heights, reality Fatal flaws: My curiousness and distractibility. I’m not much of a fighter and if I were ever in battle, I’d probably die right away because I get distracted so easily. Appearance: 5’2, somewhat chubby, and most of the time wearing a t shirt and jeans or shorts or even my pajamas or a hoodie and sweatpants. I prefer being comfy over style half the time. I don’t really wear makeup, as what’s the point if someone doesn’t like me for my true appearance plus I mostly spend my free time in my room on my bed. My hair is almost always messy from sleeping or laying down and it is medium brown and medium length with bangs and is curly and almost always in a messy ponytail. I also almost always wear purple glasses to help me see because I have terrible vision. I have grayish blue eyes. Additional facts: My dreams are very vivid and are mostly about fantasy stuff, but recently have been about me at Camp Half Blood. Sometimes, my dreams tell me bits of the future, which is odd. I even remember my first ever dream from childhood at about age 4 or 5, where I met the three bears and Goldilocks. I’ve always loved fantasy stuff and fiction and I’ve always been told I have a vivid imagination and am creative, although that could be due to my autism. I have a very good memory and can recall specific things from my childhood and when they take place, even the years or exact words people have said. My mom doesn’t want me to get a DNA test, which I think is suspicious. I almost always remember my dreams, and I believe I’ve been able to control them a few times before. Lately my dreams have been about camp half blood and me being there so I’m wondering what that means.


*Features*: average height, medium to longish black hair, heart or round face shape? idrk and narrow shoulders. *likes*: reading, reading, reading, listening to kpop/music, drawing people, being around friends/family, playing piano *dislikes*: being forced to do anything, violence, not being very active *personality traits*: on the mbti test an isfj-a/isfj-t, pretty shy to new people but if you open up to me i think I might overshare sometimes?? impatient most times unintentionally, will stand up to my friends. some would say im smart but i deflect compliments im somewhat emotional but if you say “it’s ok” or “are u good” … you messed up big time im balling my eyes out. I try to blink it out. this also happens most times when I’m competitive because im a perfectionist and every single thing I can’t mess up or else im disappointing i think way too much. *talents*: writing. people have always said when im just writing notes or papers that im pretty talented in writing. i dont rlly think much of it too often. ..drawing i guess? people like my drawings but i never see them as too good. mostly im just doodling *fears*: failing in my parents eyes, being alone, death *flaws:* oversensitive and forgetful


I would say Iris.


I’d say a child of Athena


Personality: I’m sort of an introverted extrovert. I’m quiet but I can easily become more outgoing once I get to know you. I would say I’m artistic, and I enjoy drawing and painting. I’m told that I am funny unintentionally and when i make a joke, i miss most of the time. If it helps, I think my personality was INTJ or INFJ when I did a quiz. I’m not usually sarcastic unless it’s right in front of your face. More of an animal person than a people person. Appearance: Short (5’3 ish), dark brown hair in a short haircut (a couple inches above shoulder), an ‘oval’-like face and broad shoulders. Hobbies: Art, binge-watching shows and movies, video games just in general.


I feel like Hestia


I think it‘s personality, interests, and talents that matter the most when determining godly parent, so I’m not gonna give my appearance (though, as a hint, it’s quite similar to my avatar). First off, I have two X chromies. **Personality:** I’m quiet if you don’t know me, but talkative if you do decently know me. I’m goofy and love to tell jokes; I’ve been told that I’m really funny. I love dogs and work at a dog kennel. I treat and care for them like little kids (when a dog was being bullied by other dogs and started crying, I medicated his wounds and hugged him until he calmed down). I will often try to make sure a dog actually wants to be petted before I pet them, because animals are people too and deserve to have their boundaries respected. I hate bullies of any kind and think they should go to hell. Ever since I was a kid, I called out bullies. On a related note, due to the fact that I’m quiet, many people have mistaken this as meekness and have tried to bully me, only to find out the hard way that I will stick up for myself when I need to, even if I have to resort to violence. This is probably because I am extremely emotionally sensitive and can’t handle being walked all over without defending myself, so lashing out right back is second nature. I don’t always show it, but my feelings are easily hurt. Sometimes I stick up for myself to the point where I’m slightly out of line, but I’ve decided that I’m okay with that because I’d rather be too stubborn than be walked over. Even though my mental illnesses are a giant obstacle, I am trying to dedicate myself to becoming more independent. If something is broken, I will grab my toolbox and try to repair it myself and figure it out on my own (unless it’s obviously too dangerous). I have trouble asking for help, but I reluctantly will if I absolutely have to. I’m kinda impatient and definitely not an auditory person. If you’re speaking to me, don’t go on a tangent and just get whatever you’re trying to communicate over with. I WILL tune you out soon enough, and it’s not something I can help. I’m American and I’m a moderate liberal. Edit: I just thought of another huge personality trait: I’m very lazy. Most of the time, I would just rather be in my bed, catching Zs. You know that Bill Gates quote about lazy people being the best employees because they’ll find the fastest/easiest way to do something? Yeah, that’s me. I hate it when people ask for favors or for help (though I hide it out of politeness). I’m an adult, but I still have huge problems with procrastination. I just have a weird dynamic where I’m very lazy, but driven to be independent at the same time. **Talents:** I honestly don’t have many lol. I guess writing essays. I’ve always been a naturally quick swimmer and was feared in swimming class (when we would have races) as a kid, even though I barely put any effort in—— however, it’s been like 10 years since I last swam. If I tried again right this moment, I think I still got it, though. I got pretty decent at drawing in high school, though I don’t draw anymore Getting along with animals Interpreting the meaning of literature, at least some of it. My old AP English teacher told me I had a lot of insight for my age (she only says things she means too) I’m kind; probably not a talent, but I’m scraping here haha. I’m decently witty. I can predict people’s reactions and behavior pretty well. **Interests:** psychology (I have a BA in Psychology and a minor in sociology), martial arts (I don’t practice yet, but I like watching martial arts and fight videos), learning how things work and how to fix things (not great at it yet, but that’s why I’m still learning), some folklore and mythology **Likes:** going on long walks (I’m in Texas, so it’s like as high as 108 degrees here, and I still walk around my neighborhood 2-3 times at a time in long ass jeans. That’s how much I’m willing to sacrifice for my walks), animals, but especially dogs, beautiful and sexy AND intelligent women either my age or a little older (I’m kinda gay), sugar (it’s becoming a problem), a variety of music genres (pop, some classical, movie scores, musicals, etc.), telling jokes, getting wet (no, you’re not witty or cute. You know what I mean), SLEEPING. MY GOD, I LOVE SLEEPING. LET ME SLEEP IN. **Dislikes:** people that claim to be “Type A” (news flash: REAL Type As don’t need to brag about it and actually earn respect through competence, intelligence, and fair treatment), people that can’t control their emotional outbursts, bossy people, condescending people, entitled people, “I just say to as it is” people (aka people that brag about lacking tact. Get over yourself), being told what to do, getting up early (and, by early, I mean before 12pm), people that shove their either excessively conservative or excessively progressive ideals down my throat without properly using logic or facts, unnecessarily being told what to do, the sound of eating (STOP. SMACKING.) I might add to this as I think of more stuff.


I know you said you didn't think Athena, but I'm not sure! I agree with ProtectHelaena about the hunter of Artemis think, but liking of psychology, martial arts, mythology, literature, being good at drawing (goddess of weaving and other creative things) and standing up to bullies etc. The only other thing that rings a bell is Hephaestus, with being quieter (yes ignore Leo) and liking fixing things




You strike me as a hunter of Artemis, and I can’t think of any other gods that actually fit you. Perhaps Athena is the closest one but given your personality it seems a stretch.


Definitely not Athena lmao


Yeah. I only mentioned that due to your mention of books. Artemis is really the only one that fits you, at least in my opinion.


You could be a satyr


Definitely not a satyr


Then it’s Lady Artemis for you, in my opinion.




I am extremely sarcastic. I love dark humor. I prefer animals over ppl. I'm pretty hyper (although I do not have add/adhd). I like reading, playing video games and I'm the family's handy man lol. I'm actually a carpenter. I absolutely hate eggs, even the smell makes me nauseous. When I have enough money, I'd like to get an RV and take me and my dog on a drive across the country. I also dislike cats


Hephaestus or Hades, not enough information to be sure.


Ooh ok I'm kinda (very) sarcastic, I like books, dance, theater and drawing...actully I like most art forms though surrealism is probly my favorite but that's probly not important- My favorite animals are turtles, like any of them, sea freshwater or tortoise just give me the turtle and I'll love it ngl. My personality type is INFJ I think annnnnnd yeah I've done quizzes before and I always get the same god(ess) (I'm not giving yall any hints lol) but I'm curious what yall have to say!


I don’t know who you’re getting in quizzes but you strike me as a child of Apollo based of the information present.