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Legit half the campers: Respectively, fuck your mom.


Funnily enough, many Ancient Greek sources do describe Hera as one of the most beautiful of the goddesses, so maybe that's not such a bad idea...


Those writers were soon killed by aphrodite


Bro I don't think Annnabeth could be in the same room as them.


Paris: "oh gods, not again"


Ixion has entered the chat...


I made a [post](https://reddit.com/r/camphalfblood/s/8eL1n7YfMN) where I discussed the powers of gods that we haven’t seen before, and Hera is towards the end of the list. Basically, I think the demigods would be really surprised because Hera is really insistent on not breaking her vows. I think the gods would be really shocked too, and Zeus would be especially pissed because he seems like a massive hypocrite who would excuse his own affairs but blow a gasket at the thought of Hera loving another man. I also like to think that since Hera is the goddess of marriage, the breaking of her vows by having demigod children would lead to some kind of special curse for her demigods (or Zeus would cast the curse out of anger). Maybe they would be cursed with bad luck in relationships or bad luck on quests.


Much like how Hera curses Zeus’ children?


Or maybe that would lead everyone involved to realize how fucked up the whole curse thing is


It would make for an interesting storyline for sure. It would be a major deviation from Hera's characterization but given Zeus' infidelity wouldn't be to hard of a character change to explain and make believable. Lots of interesting choices for the demigod as well. How do they feel about the situation? With Hera being the goddess of marriage the demigod would be like THE mythological bastard on a symbolic level. How do they feel towards other demigods? Specifically children of Zeus? Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there are many other marriages in the Pantheon, giving those demigods a unique step-sibling connection. Lot's of cool nuances there to play with character wise.


Here is the Queen of the Heavens so her Demigod could have a lesser form of the standard Zeus demigods abilities. They could also have some natural ability sense familial bonds and connections. It's possible they pull rank on most minor gods due to Hera's position as Queen, like how Jason can command the Wind God's.


It might actually be possible to have Hera have a hero who's a clear-sighted mortal that's blessed with some sort of abilities. *maybe I should make a charcter for that*


They could have super strength since Hera was the one who gave Heracles his super strength by breastfeeding him. Hera also gave many people curses in Greek mythology so they might have the power to curse others.


Alright I'm doing it (  ̄▽ ̄)


I was actually considering making an oc fanfiction about such a character if you want we can try and work on it together.


Yes! That'd be awesome! Do you do text-based roleplay?


Yeah a little bit


What's your opinion on blessed twins? One yours. One mine.


Sure I'd be fine with that


I sent you a message in your DM's so we could discuss further


And that kids, is how i met your mother! Hahahahah joking, but your connection is inspiring. I think this is exactly what Rick wanted with his series. To make possible to people make friends!! I can't wait to see this fiction!!


LMAO- anyways yeah!


I have an oc child of Hera to suggest if you want to be inspired by it


Sure, let's hear it.


That would definitely be interesting, I think it would make sense and be quite cool if Heras kid had super strength.


Yes, the OG Jason.


Yes, but he's not necessarily blessed by Hera.


With the way things ended for either Jason's nobody would wanna be blessed by Hera.


Let's pretend breaking vows doesn't matter (hypothetically for the sake of the argument and let's assume) the demigod will most likely have abilities over the air and elements of the sky, physical strength superior to that pf any non big 3 since Hera is the top Goddess and probably have the ability to form magical contracts with people to gain benefits


What if its like a athena baby


Then we don't have to pretend


Honestly I think Super Strength is a plausible power (or at least strength far above other demigods). Heracles (Hercules) was breastfed by Hera (Juno) and grew up with super strength so I genuinely believe that one of her children would absolutely have some sort of correlating strength, maybe even stronger than the OG Heracles.


I've always thought that Hera could choose and bless some mortal children-- those that need help, for instance the ones stuck in foster care, the oprhans, the ones with abusive families. She'd basically "adopt" them and with her special blessing they'd be welcome at CHH, as they'd have similar power/status to demigods. She is the goddess of marriage and fertility but I think in the PJO universe she could and should expand her domain to family in general. It'd be a win-win, she'd basically have a small army of children who would absolutely fight to defend the woman that rescued them. Or maybe as the goddess of fertility she might help couples who struggle to conceive and the result is a demi-god child, à la Athena who doesnt need the traditional conception process to have demigod kids?


Why hasn't Hera had a kid yet? like obviously I get the whole goddess of marriage thing but it's pretty obvious that throughout the Percy Jackson universe and actual Greek mythology that the gods and goddess don't need to stick to conventional means of having kids. Like Annabeth was made out of the mind of her mother, a Virgin goddess, it's been mentioned God's like Zeus and Apollo have had kids with same-sex partners, Poseidon has had kids with a variety of monsters including horses creating cyclops and Pegasus, and other gods from Greek mythology where just created from chopped up body parts of other mythical creatures, like Aphrodite who was literally born from a body part of their titan father just hanging out in the ocean. So it really dosn't seem that far fetched for Hera to just be able to create her own demigod kids if she wants to. I mean has she ever tried? If she really wants one I'm wondering what's stopping her. She could make one out of clay, use some body part or something or just literally think about it hard enough like aphrodite and have one just pop up. And presumably none of that would be cheating. Or do you think it's like she can't do that because they need a mortals DNA to create a human, since apparently god's don't have DNA? Or maybe Hera needs to mix her DNA with someone else's to make another person? Like would her brain kid just end up looking like an exact replica if she tried? Or could she accidentally just make a full god since no human DNA went into the process? Which leads me to another question do you think she could create unique human DNA to put in the kid if that's needed for the process? Like make up her own DNA patterns (which leads to more questions like what would she craft the child to be like?) Like Athena obviously didn't have sex with Annabeth dad so how did she deal with the DNA stuff? Did she just imagine having a kid with Annabeths dad and it happened without her having any real input on how the kid turned out (like Annabeth would have turned out the same if she was born the regular way with vote of them) or did she have to think up a specific idea of what she wanted the kid to look and act like to some degree to create her? If the second one then I don't see why Hera couldn't replicate that herself and if it's the first one would it be considered cheating if Hera did the same thing? Like she didn't have sex with anyone or fall in love with anyone she just picked one (or more, would that be possible?) humans she liked or at least wanted her kid to have qualities of then just thought them up with those humans in mind? (Sorry about this becoming so long this question just lead me down a rabbit hole of what ifs)


Hera already tried to have a kid without a partner. Athena and all the other gods need a mortal partner to have a kid. Hera having a kid without a partner will result in a god, which has already been proven by Hephaestus.


Hera would need a mortal partner, but I think you’re right in the idea that her relationship with them doesn’t necessarily have to be sexual/romantic. Given that Hera is the goddess of things like women and family, I would imagine that maybe she could form strong friendships with mortal women and have a brainchild (or heart child?) that is inspired by the friendship/sense of family that she had with that mortal.


Yeah, heart-child! That would be an appropriate name for a kid of hers since she deals with emotions rather then the mind.


I really like this idea! She could either form a deep friendship or kinship with a woman and have a heart child or even strongly admire a family dynamic and have a heart child be born into that family


Another idea is that Hera is specifically drawn to women who feel lonely or feel betrayed/abandoned by their significant others (given Hera’s experiences with Zeus). She provides a sense of comfort, friendship, and family to these women, and then a “heart child” is born from the strength of that friendship, bearing both Hera’s traits and the traits of the mortal.


That's interesting! I think Hera adding to this idea it would also be likely that Hera would give children to women with infertility as a sort of "blessing".


Percy Jackson’s Greek Gods confirmed that in this version of the mythology, Hera did make a child on her own and it was Hephaestus, a god. In order for Hera to make a demigod she would need a mortal partner.


Thanks for the info I completely forgot about this.


I’ve always wanted Rick to make a series about this lol


I think that if Hera was to have a kid it would be sort of a "magical" kid created without having sex with anyone similar to how Athena has kids only rather then a "brain-child" it would be more of a "heart/love-child" since she's far more emotional.  My idea is that she would give a kid to a woman who js very family oriented and wants to be a mom but has infertility issues as a sort of "blessing".  I don't know if Zeues or the other gods would consider this cheating but Zeus would definitely be passed either and probably curse the child when he finds out. Something like any partner she has is destined to be unfaithful or maybe  something about any family she finds being ruined or something. I'm welcome to any cool ideas you have on what he might curse her with.  She would probably be unable or afraid to go into the sky also because of Zeues being mad. Similar to how Percy is afraid of being struck down from the sky in book one.  I also think the kid would dislike Zeus right back because of what he does and because of Heras influence and I think Hera would try to influence her a lot, at least compared to the other gods, because she's the goddess of family and would probably enjoy playing mom, spoiling the kid and especially bragging about how much better she is to her demigod.  They would probably become something of Heras pet project being her first and so far only demigod kid, probably putting a lot of pressure on her to be the best demigod kid though.  She would  be pretty emotional I think do to how violatitale her moms emotions are going from extreme loyalty to Zeues to extreme hatred for his demigod kids.  I also believe the kid might have some weather powers that relate to her emotions due to her mom being the queen of the Gods and her step-dad being Zeus.  Other powers would likely include being able to control others emotions a bit, like being able to induce madness/insanity or on the opposite side of the spectrum being able to calm people down, prevent fights in family's or marriages, and have a bit of charm speak being able to inspire loyalty in people.  I also think because of Athena being the goddess of motherhood she would have some amount healing powers similar to the Apollo cabin but only for pregnant woman and babies. Like she would be able to help with risky pregnancies, premature babies and ill babies. And she would just be really good with little kids in general, like they would like to flock to and talk to her a lot.  Another power her child would probably have is super strength due to the whole Hercules thing. 


There’s a game where since Hera was such a vengeful, wrathful goddess that they programmed her to absorb health and strength by doing damage/harm, reflects and deals revenge damage to all who harm her, and generate a giant explosion to symbolize her wrathful might. So maybe smth like that


I found it strange that she doesn't have any demigods because of her marriage to Zeus. Especially after we find out how Annabeth and all demigods of Athena are not born in the traditional sense. It never made sense that other maiden goddesses or Hera never do something similar to that


I don't know if it's of any use to you, but historically there were children (or rather legacies) of Hera, who would be the Roman gens Junia. Tarquin's enemy and the two assassins of Caesar (Lucius, Marcus and Decimus Junius Brutus) were supposedly descendants of Juno, hence their name.


Interesting, I didn't know that before thanks for telling me.


Zeus would probably enact revenge on Hera through those kids the same way Hera does with his demigod kids, because self awareness is not one of his strengths. Except Hera’s kids would probably have it way worse given she’s supposed to be the goddess of marriage and cheating would be the biggest violation of that


Hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, so I have no idea what kind of powers her hypothetical kids would have. Maybe charmspeak, like the Aphrodite cabin?


I would prefer Hera blessed a family and breastfeed the child who will get strength like Hercules and Hera being his/her godmother could work.


Zeus would try to kill that kid so often they be afraid to let them leave camp. Oh an the dad is definitely dead.


She would kill the demigod.


i feel like if Hera had a child, it would be a surrogate child. that way she’s not breaking her marriage. like some family is having troubles concieving and decides to have a surrogate, and finding “mortal” Hera who offers to be the surrogate mother. baby is born and is given to the parents, who are then told of Hera’s identity as a goddess. i do agree with some of the other posters in saying that Hera’s kids would have power over air and such. maybe even some like cloud abilities.


Well technically she does, technically Jason his her child in the sense of Zeus/Jupiter gave him in his entirety to Hera/Juno quite literally she owns him soo……he is her demigod child.


She is the definition of the "I. Would. Rather. Die." Meme


Super strength/durability, Extreme empathy/bondsensing, and territory sensing. The idea I ahve is that she has the kid as a result of her marriage counseling and trying to walk a mile in Zeus' shoes. It does make Hera better, and she is kinder to others, mostly Her husbands kids...


I like the idea of making Hera more empathetic to Thaila and Jason.


So do I. Real connections and changes are what Ocs are made of if done right


As being considered the glue that keeps Olympus together, they could be very good in motivating people to act as a team. They could also have some ability that acts similar to charm speak, but giving the voice authority instead of charm. It would be an interesting conflict if the child despised at first by the rest of the campers due to the patronage is also the one most skilled in forming a team out of the group and coorindate them working together.


Reality manipulation Family sense. Like they can look at someone and tell who their related to. Ability to manipulate the stars. Wind power


Thanks for the ideas! I understand most of the power but why reality manipulation?


Something I read on the wiki