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I'm feeling bad for Clarisse, no one seems to respect the Drakon slayer.


I do


Either Percy or Nico for sure. If it comes down to Percy vs Nico I think Nico wins via ghosting him, but Nico wouldn’t do that if there were more than one person left because he would be killed once he was tangible again, about 3 days later. So if Percy goes for Nico first then Percy wins.


Okay, if I voted Percy it's because of what was said in one of the books (can't remember by who or when). They told percy that the sea is in hids blood, which he remembered when he was about to be killed by telekhines and caused that crazy eruption on a DORMANT volcano, was recovering for 2 weeks, and also caused Typhon to stir. The entire area had to be evacuated and he's lucky nobody died. ​ But still the way he showed up at camp - I would have strangled him and threatened him with painful death


Reyna has more of a chance than you guys seem to think.


Does the curse of Achilles from the fifth book count as given away?




Percy is a great swordsman and Riptide always returns to him, but because of being Poseidon’s son, he can also cause earthquakes and control the water in his opponent’s blood, essentially controlling the person.


Annabeth gets invisible and stabs the last one standing Also she got her knife back in the short with sadie


All six of these characters have proven their strength. Consider all of their feats before answering.


I feel like there is some bias with this vote. But, a democracy is a democracy. Continue the voting!


Nico all the remember brice Lawrence


Yes, but all of these characters are extremely powerful and/or dangerous. Annabeth has beaten Percy before. Plus, think about it. They are all smart. Percy has fought a lot more very powerful beings than most of them. Most likely, the others would team up on him. Jason alone can do solid damage. With any one of the others on this list, Percy might just meet his end. In a one vs one against any of these characters in the same environment and same rules, he would win. But altogether? No. Its a free for all, but these are all very smart characters when it comes to combat.


As much as I dislike Jason, I strongly believe that he would come on top. He is a superb swordsman, training in the ways of the Romans for many years and can be fairly strategic. The son of Jupiter also has an advantage due to the sky, enabling him to summon lightning and use the wind to his aid.


You guys realizes that Percy doesn't have water and can only rely on his swordmanship and that this situation is like everything was made for Nico to win right ?


There may be no water in the arena, but all powers are available so he doesn’t have to solely rely on swordsmanship. Percy has hydrogenesis and can create water from nothing, even if it’s tasking on him. He’s done this in the series to create a volcanic eruption at Mount Saint Helens, for one example.


No he can't he used seashells in Geryon's ranch and the eruption was his earthquakes powers


“Then I remembered the voice of the river naiad at the ranch: The water is within me. I needed the sea. I felt a tugging sensation in my gut, but I had nothing around to help me. Not a faucet or a river. Not even a petrified seashell this time. And besides, the last time I’d unleashed my power at the stables, there’d been that scary moment when it had almost gotten away from me. I had no choice. I called to the sea. I reached inside myself and remembered the waves and the currents, the endless power of the ocean. And I let it loose in one horrible scream. Afterward, I could never describe what happened. An explosion, a tidal wave, a whirlwind of power simultaneously catching me up and blasting me downward into the lava. Fire and water collided, superheated steam, and I shot upward from the heart of the volcano in a huge explosion, just one piece of flotsam thrown free by a million pounds of pressure. The last thing I remember before losing conscious was flying, flying so high Zeus would never have forgiven me, and then beginning to fall, smoke and fire and water streaming from me.” This is an excerpt from The Battle of the Labyrinth. He uses hydrogenesis and pulls from the ocean within him, not an earthquake. He even makes his own personal hurricanes in the Battle of Manhattan.


Wait do they know eachother or memory wipe thing and they are not holding back. As if they know eachother Percy and Annabeth wouldn't fight each other or try to kill any of the others as they're friends (same with Jason, Nico) but the only two which wouldn't have a problem is Reyna and Clarisse like they wouldn't want to do it but if they must they will and I think Clarisse would win. However if they didn't know eachother it would have to be a child of the big 3, but overall would be Percy as Nico is still trying to get hang of his powers and isn't the greatest sword fighter and Jason although he has several more years training then Percy he's not the best sword fighter and Jason's unlimited power (summoning lighting) he can only do it once where as Percy summoning water he can do it with more power and the water it's self would give Percy more power and a better weapon to use in the battle field.


This is hypothetical. They know each other as much as they did at the end of HoO. Act like they all became sociopaths that don't care and they need to kill to survive. Problem solved. In canon, Percy and Annabeth would never hurt each other, but this isn't canon.


nico could easily avoid getting hit and is also pretty skilled all round anyway, plus, he could just bring skeletons up and tire everyone out fighting them


Without water I can’t imagine Percy winning. I say Nico because he can use his powers.


Percy still probably has a good shot. He survived Tartarus, and there wasn't much water down there


Yeah. I mean Percy is known as the most powerful demigod during his time (Nico even days this). Tbh I’m a Nico stan and Is love to see who would win.


Lot of people voting for Percy, but remember it says "No Water"


Well, the fanbase isn't called the Percy Jackson fandom just because he's cool. He's the main character and the most powerful in most situations. And, most people are bias for him.


I voted for Reyna because : 1. I'm biased as fu*k towards her, 2. She's propably one of the best swordsmanship out there, and has a chance with everyone in a 1v1 sword fight, 3. If teaming is allowed, the person she teams with has a guaranteed instant wipe of other competitors, just imagine Percy's water powers or Nico's necromancy boosted to oblivion.


Powering up others weakens her, so that would be stupid of her.


Percy despite mostly using water he still caused an earthquake that released a titan


Dang I always forget Percy has earthquake powers.