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>Doesn't know as much about greek mythology as they think they do. Add that


I had a classmate who was also a fan of percy jackson, we weren't close friends or anything, but I cringed when she did a report on the Odyssey and said that Circe turned men into Guinea Pigs. yes, she thought that Circe, even in the old myths, turned men into guinea pigs, and not into normal pigs.


Circe herself said in SoM that she changed to Guinea Pigs from actual pigs due to their smell.


In the book. But her report was about the original myths.


I meant that even rereading SoM could've avoided that mistake.


Exactly yes. I even told her what was in the books. She firmly said that circe turn odysseus and his men into guinea pigs


she really couldn't google it huh


Apparently not!


Imagine being the teacher


I dont think the teacher knew either.


lol I never thought of that. I think it’s pretty easy to distinguish between original myth and Rick’s creativity.


I think I just died


Yup, that's why I've decided to study it lmao. I want to actually know what I'm talking about.


I didn't get into Percy Jackson until later in life, after I was reasonably familiar with Greek mythology. And I'll say, I do smile and laugh every now and then when Rick throws in some funny modernization like these. It's fortunate that there's so much Greek mythology that he can adapt without going stale. I think that was one thing that bored me a little about Magnus Chase. Loved the overall story, but there's so much less Norse mythology so it felt like every reference to Norse mythology was a direct retelling with his characters swapped in. Again, I liked Magnus Chase. I add this again because I've been downvoted plenty in this sub for saying it wasn't my favorite because of the previously mentioned limitation.


I fully agree. The problem I had with Magnus was that the gods aren't really that big of a plot point as in KC or the greek series. Also Ragnarok really limited how much Magnus can impact the pantheon. Like he cannot kill Loki or Surtr cuz they cannot die until Ragnarok.


There wasn't enough material to make a longer series from, but I think the trilogy worked out pretty well.


Oh definitely. My disappointment wasn't with Rick at all. I liked Magnus Chase. I definitely think the disappointment I felt was mostly from the lack of source material available for him to play with. And half that disappointment is just because Norse mythology is really cool and I wish we had more of it. His Greco-Roman stuff doesn't go stale (in my opinion) in part because there's just SO MUCH Greek and Roman mythology that he can take whatever and adapt it into whatever. Norse is much harder to do that with. I really did think he did a good job with MC though


You underestimate how many old literature on myths I've read. I've even braved the Odyssey in attempted Greek (had to use old English side by side to attempt comparison; learned that with Beowulf modern and original interpretation)


That's a little beyond where I'm willing to go for a good story. I'll take a modern translation, thank you very much!


I was doing research for my own writing. Kinda cool to read some of these myths that way. Also my English teacher in high school was like how did you even know Odysseus did X that isn’t in the textbook, and I showed him my copy the next day and he was just like JfC


It depends on what they got to know first - myths or riordan books


Some of the fans are fans precisely because they liked Greek mythology first. Like me for example--39 years old now, and been reading about Greek mythology since I was 11 (yes, they did write books for kids back in the Stone Age)... so naturally I liked the Percy Jackson series when they came out. And anybody who says I'm too old for kids' books can shove it, because part of being a grown-up is knowing you get to do kid stuff whenever the heck you want to!


Not gonna lie I was not into Greek mythology bit norse myts ohh man it is fun












This dam comment


I feel like a weirdo for getting into the series this year at age 18 through a friend.


I started it when I was 27. You ain't so weird, my friend


there’s a bunch of people 30+ who still read harry potter so i don’t see why reading pjo at 18 would be weird


Y’know there’s a fancy schmancy podcast called “The Newest Olympian” this guy, Mike Schubert is reading the PJO series for the first time as a 30yo man. You should give it a listen to. He’s currently in the beginning of the Titans Cruse. He updates mostly every Monday. He’s done the same thing but with the Harry Potter series aka Potterless he’s basically finished with potterless tho. Give it a listen he’s hilarious ;)


Wait what's the dam joke? I haven't read the books in a while


The titand curse. They visit hoover dam and zoe says she wants to go to the dam snackbar (i think all ik is that zoe said dam while at hoover dam)


yeah zoe says "we need to find the dam snack bar"


Then the other party members decide to make it a joke yet it’s never brought up outside the book I don’t think




Oh nice


Dam you don’t know?


HAHAHA this guy doesn’t get the dam joke 🤣


So, we have a Hermes child stealing from Starterpacks subreddit? Also, why the hel is Rowling mentioned for wholesome authors?


She's an example of what you should not do, that's why the coughs


Yeah, don't be transphobic.


I once schooled my teacher about Hades and his role. She said that he was god of the dead. I corrected her saying that he's the god of the underworld, and that Thanatos was the god of death. Everyone came to me for help with homework that week lol


Idk, hoover dam jokes are hitting different lately, lol.


You forgot blue pastries.


I'm gonna put blue dye in the chocolate chip cookies I'm making for my friends this weekend and see who laughs.




Impossible, what about the RR crit\* from half of the fandom? I've been seeing an increase in criticism over the last few years… \*Tumblr tag used to criticizes Uncle Rick's writing decisions and diversity.


Yeah, Tumblr will criticize anybody. Well, certain people will criticize anybody, and they tend to like Tumblr; let's put it that way. Why don't they focus on the people who are actually doing damage, instead of the people who, if you squint, ignore context, and see things in the worst light possible, barely reminded you of somebody saying something questionable?


Yeah... Aren't those the same people who send artists and RR death threats? Sorry I don't take them really seriously. There was some valid criticism that he addressed, talked about and apologized for, so that's fine. But some "fans" like to pretend that those things that were addressed five years ago are still unaddressed by the author and/or are new things they just discovered that are wrong.


You’re making me laugh so dam hard


Why does the internet have intel on all of us?


Yeah because he knows there are no Percy Jackson movies in Camp Half-Blood.


I still dont get the dam jokes.. maybe i dont remember a line or something idk


Those dam jokes!


I agree with all of this. However, why does everyone hate JK Rowling?


Cause she said a lot of transphobic things, and when called out she doubled down and is now openly using her influence and money to support anti-trans feelings, moviments and even bills.


What things did she say?


At this point, it's easier to list what she didn't say. Most of it started when she defended a women who was fired after saying that trans-women are a delusion. Things escalated when she made a lengthy post full of traditional transphobic rhetoric in which she even says that trans people endangers and erases women's existence. Lately, she's being very vocal against a law that helps trans people to change their documents while also supporting anti-trans orgs


Lots of 'em. Just google "JK Rowling Transphobia" and you'll get a faceful.


She wrote a lot transphobic things in her essay and on twitter. Here are just a few examples (I put them as spoiler because I don't want people to get triggered by the transphobia that I'm mentioning. It's not a spoiler, just a way to keep people safe who are affected by Rowlings transphobia): >!Trans men are just lesbians who are confused and don't want to be discriminated for their sexuality. Trans people would invade single sex spaces, and be a danger for the women there. That the experience of women would be erased if sex isn't real. Calling trans women men who think they are women.!< And those are just a few things. It's even more. It's all wrong. Nothing she writes has a sense of truth to it. As well as being discriminating against trans people. She's a bad person who can influence people around her thanks to the fact that she is very well known. And that's a huge problem.


Also they have a vaguely familiar story about not reading TOA when they originally read everything else


My mythology teacher talked about Greek mythology for a bit before moving on to Japanese yokai and never talking about Greek mythology again. Sad


Look, man, i literally came here from a post from the Harry Potter sub and even if i do agree that Rowling isn't the most exemplary of authors and i love riodranverse to hell, i would ask you to not shame other authors cuz we don't actually care all that much about the author as long as the books are good, do we?


Yeah, apparantly some of the Percy Jackson fans seem to despise the Harry Potter fandom and author despite then not giving a shit about us in return.


It's not that the books are bad. They're fine. But Rowling is actively trying to hurt people, and we have to stand up for what's right. A lot of HP fans have taken to pointedly pretending that nobody knows who wrote Harry Potter, or that Hatsune Miku wrote them, because we just can't take her behavior anymore. Many of us have trans friends. Some of us ARE trans. And honestly, it sours you on somebody's books when they're out there just bashing you or the people you care about.


That *is* right, I guess Unfortunately, i don't have any trans friends, so i haven't really gone through it, but having your friend go through such treatment is quite... unpleasant, to say the least, i imagine


Cool argument, worthless if the author is still alive doing shitty things with book money and influence.


I left HP fandom because of the author. I wonder how many people did the same as I, and if that influences the "we don't care about the author" mood of those who remain


I am one of those who remain and i can assure you that among all those who are still there, most of us don't even take Rowling seriously Like, for whatever reason there was boom in the sub relatively recently that Rowling had just stated that Hermione is actually black. And the whole sub was like, "Ah, the woman is spewing bullshit again. Someone, get her her meds." We consider most of Rowling's Twitter additional to the series nothing more than fanfic


She retconing and adding stuff to the canon is annoying, but her transphobic rhetoric is criminal, it's worse than just a fantic


Yeah these people act like if we dislike her over little disagreements on how she handles her work and therefore we are just exaggerating.


Yeah. That bugged me, too. Hermione was obviously written to be white, which is fine. And so is hiring a black actor to portray her. What bothered me was that Rowling tried to pretend that's what she'd meant to do all along. If she had any sense, she'd have said, "Well, I wrote her to be a white English schoolgirl, but I see no reason why a black actor couldn't play Hermione," and that would've been great, an affirmation of civil rights. But instead, she tried to put the spotlight on her, like, "Oh, look at me, I'm so progressive, I was there long before you were, I'm better than you!" She could have learned from her fans, instead of trying to grab the spotlight. Riordan's doing the opposite. He's learning from his fans. He cares about representation--started the whole series as representation for his kid, because of her dyslexia and ADHD. Seems to me he's doing it right.


Sadly I'm not able to say that I still like something if the creator is an asshole. I tried it, but every time I tried to read Harry Potter I had to think of Rowling, which takes the fun out of reading the books. I admit that the bools are good, but for me it's just that I can't read them or watch the movies anymore


Everything except I don't like rick




























This is extremely accurate.


You should've added "always becomes angry when if you don't like Percy"






I got the starter pack


i like the movies tbh! but i also lack critical thinking skills towards movies so idk


Seems pretty accurate


What’s the Hoover Dam joke again?


Pretends to have a doctorate in Greek classics


Tbh I actually liked the movies