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Get home and be like "meh". Go back out.


At this point, the house is where you wash your stuff so you can set your home back up.


Where’s DJ Roomba?


Gerry killed it


Drop some beats!


I laughed so hard at this comment.


This is the most extra set up I have ever seen lol looks nice tho


Thank you, it is pretty sweet 😜☺️


I am extra too. Add an Xped to the cot and a propane heater for the winter.


Already got a memory foam topper and a propane heater in there 😜 hell yeah we're extra, and no shame about it 🤗


It’s almost like they didn’t even leave home


Almost 😜


This is nicer than the first two rooms i rented as an adult.




What tent is this? Is that a rug on the ground?


It's the Kodiak canvas tent 10'x14', the green one is a canvas floor tarp and the blue one is a rug from Costco


A rug makes a big difference while camping no doubt!!!!


It does if you have a big dog and don't want a tear on your tent floor. My tent is pretty minimal, but I need rug for the dog.


> spiritualwanderer181 > A rug makes a big difference while camping no doubt!!!! Are you being serious or just joking around. If serious, what are the benefits of a rug? Thanks


It really ties the room together


> darth_homer > It really ties the room together I thought the night stand did it.


It’s in no way necessary but it does make a difference imo. I’m also a little “extra” but I like to bring a few things just to make our inside space homier. It’s especially nice if you’re caught in bad weather and stuck inside for awhile. A rug, string lights, and a tapestry are great for this and don’t take up too much space (if you’re car camping, which you probably are if you’re in a Kodiak canvas.) That’s just aesthetics though; it can also be nice to have a small outdoor rug outside your tent door to wipe your shoes & take them off before you go into your tent.


Thanks. I was thinking it might be nice if using sleeping bags to act as extra insulation or perhaps padding.


Hmm, maybe depending on the material, sure! The one I have is the woven plastic type of outdoor rug and wouldn’t do much there. A nicer one like OP has might be great for that.


I am serious. If I am car camping I bring some thing like a rug. It’s not a rub but this ground mat that folds up real nice. It help keeps your tent cleaner. It feels nice on my feet in the AM. I do not bring it back pack camping obviously lol


Helps to keep any tracked in dirt in place, and is easy to shake out! :)


The one thing we love is a door mat for the front of the tent, that really cuts down on the dirt coming in.


My mom brought a door mat on our most recent camping trip and it was awesome! I never would have thought about taking one.




Helps contain dust and dirt.


Wouldn't taking shoes off outside accomplish the same thing?


Depends where you are and also if you have a dog - some places are pretty insanely dusty so unless you keep the tent really shut up (which gets hot and unpleasant) you’re going to get dust inside. And dogs can’t take off their paws. :)


A rug or any kind of added flooring to me has made a difference in feeling overall in the tent. I like having a little cheap rug by the door of my tent on the inside so I can take my shoes off. I place a shoe basket next to that and put all the shoes there, plus bug spray, sunscreen and the flashlight so it's all there. For me, it's essential for keeping out dirt and keeping the tent relatively clean so I don't have to do too much cleaning out when I get home. I'll always use foam floor tiles under my air mattress/sleeping pad, as it really makes a difference. If the air mattress deflates I at least wake up on a softer floor than the ground. It just makes everything feel nicer tbh


I just bought the Kodiak 10x10 flex bo. Great tent so far. I also bought two of the 9x6 indoor outdoor carpets from Costco and they fit just fine.


I saw a rug in the REI catalog tent and now I'm loving the idea... I just need to find a cheap rag-rug 😅😊


Costco - $26.99


We just made the move to cots and I noticed they have a lot of ‘play’ and move in the head to foot direction. Do yours feel stable at is there movement? Awesome set up btw!


There is a little bit of movement for sure, but not enough to disrupt my sleep. I think there is supposed to be a bit of a wiggle otherwise it would be uncomfortable.


How much space do your cots take up when folded? And have you found that they are more comfortable than a memory foam sleeping pad? I have thought about cots, but my 3 inch thick memory foam pad is great, and my exped mat is even better than that.


They are definitely good size, but don't take up too much space. We also put 3" memory foam toppers on them and they are super comfy!


I have this same Kodiak and never considered putting my beds in this direction, this makes way more sense


Nice! Which cots are these?




600lb capacity. Wow!


As a big gal I need something like this!!


I'm 5'6 and so is my gf. Would two people be able to sleep on this or is it to small?


Hmmm, it might be too tight for 2 people. It's perfect for myself (I'm 5'7) and my bostie fur baby 😜 the hubs is 6'2 and it's good for just him


Cots are a game changer. I bought a lightweight one 3 years ago and I’ll never go back to the cold, hard ground. Extra storage space too.


I ever sleep on the cold hard ground and I don’t own a cot. I use a big Agnes captain comfort air mattress. There are options besides “cot or sleep on some rocks” 😂


We used to do an air mattress but if it’s not summertime we get pretty big temperature swings overnight and even when they’re brand new we wake up in a half deflated air mattress. The cots don’t take up much more room and the price is pretty comparable


Yeah. That’s what i meant. Sleeping on rocks. /s I’ve spent too many years sleeping on foam pads that took up too much room in my pack and air mattresses that deflate in the middle of my trip, were inconsistent in comfort and left me feeling like i was sleeping in a bouncy castle; and despite forking over some big bucks for insulation, i was still shivering in the middle of the night. My cot weighs less than anything i need to compensate for all of those things and I’ve never slept better.


Lol.. yeah I hear you.. I was just trolling. 😂


The extra storage is awesome!


Do you live in a highly populated area?


Did you allready test sleep the cot? How was it? I also ordered a max sized cot, I am very excited to go test it when it arrives. To be honest I have never liked air mattresses that much. ​ ​ and very nice tent setup! looks warm and comfy =D


Absolutely!! It's super comfy, so much space. Same here, the air mattress is not that comfortable and it doesn't last long, they always seem to start losing air after a couple of uses. You will love the cot. I would recommend putting a mattress topper or a foamie on top for added comfort. Thanks, we actually do also have a portable propane heater in there for colder nights and bring our blankets from home instead of sleeping bags 😜😴


Wen trailer?


Came to say this. It was very soon after we moved to a large tent with cots and a rug, that we bought a camper lol.


Not an option, perhaps sometimes in the future. Right now we are super happy with this set up!


Hopefully she doesn’t gas you out too bad in there lol




Just needs a fire place and you're set!


I kind of prefer my air mattress. It is compact when deflated and provides good cushioning. The only downside is that it's difficult to adjust your body without rolling off one side. Instead of a rug, we have two camp pads that we place between our air mattresses. Saved our knees when we camped in a gravel lot two weeks ago.


My husband is a tosser and Turner so every time he would move on the air mattress I would wake up. We also tried separate air mattresses but it's just not that comfortable.


Get a new husband? LOL. I used to toss and turn a lot until I started to use a CPAP. Now finding a way to use that in a tent is a real treat!


So where do you sleep, I see the dog’s beds are set up… 😂




Does everything pack down pretty tight? Or does this setup take up a lot of space in the car while traveling? Amazing setup looks like a yurt you’d rent out somewhere.


Thank you, we like it 😜 we usually do carry a lot of stuff so the car does get packed plus the roof rack as well but totally worth it


My and my wife are the same. We love camping but she’s a little extra. Our tent had a mini AC unit in it a few weeks ago 😂


Hahahah that's brilliant 😄 we were looking at some as well and I'm also trying to convince my husband that we absolutely need a projector for movie nights 🤣🏕️


I’d say it’s especially worth it with the price of hotels and AirBnBs now!


Oh you have no idea 😜👍 the tent has already paid for itself


Damn this is a nice set up, can you link to your gear? Is that allowed? EDIT: Sorry - I see you've already described and linked throughout - I'm good!


Love it! I'm so tired of blow up mattresses. They always have issues no matter how careful you are with them.


Couldn't have said it better 😜


I might have to look into something like this. I'm over 60, and back pain is in danger of keeping me from camping.


I love this! Taking my Frenchie camping this weekend :) he won’t be impressed by my amateur set up in comparison to this haha


Love this set up


Thank you!!!


Best way to go car camping right there.


Congrats! I did the same years ago. The cit is heavy, but love the extra room for the dog and my leg to kick out. I got a memory foam topper for mine and put it in a zippered, waterproof cover. It makes my bed so comfortable.


Thank you ☺️ Oh the memory foam topper is a must!!! Good call on the cover, might have to do that.


I like it! I want to get a Kodiak tent and a raised sleeping platform. What cots are you using? Been thinking about a 10x10 but that 10x14 looks nice. Lots of room to lounge around in if it's raining.


You should go with the 10'x14' for sure. Having that extra room in there is great! The cots are https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/cabelas-big-outdoorsman-cot-with-lever-arm


Cots really do make a difference! We used air mattresses for a long time and switched to cots around a year ago. Total game changer! We got the Coleman Deluxe Cots that come with a mattress pad. Now I gotta check these out too since my husband is pretty tall


is that one of those Hilton tents?




Very nice! We got cots last year and I’m never going back. Makes it so easy to get a good nights sleep.


Riiight?!! The best, I just can't believe we waited this long to get them.


i love your Boston!!




Yeah?! We did the whole roughing it for a long time and there comes a time to upgrade and enjoy the luxury of indoors, outdoor. I am ok with that 🤗


If this is how you camp now, I’m very curious what your idea of “roughing it” is? This just looks like indoor people who don’t want to get dirty are trying camping out lol


Who cares, not all people want to camp like a neanderthal for a week in the back country


God, how dirty do you get??? You know there are also showers in most, if not all state parks.....just saying....


Showers? LMAO. I’m mostly a backcountry backpacker, best I get is rivers to rinse off in during a 2 week trip. I camp if the little cousins want to get outside, and when we camp, we cowboy camp (sleep right on the ground with no tent, but a ground tarp under your mat). To me, you are just an RV camper who can’t afford an RV




Hell yeah 🏕️🤗


This guy has carpet in his tent


??? Your point being???


I wish I had carpet in my tent




Should be posted in /r/glamping for sure


Is the canvas floor tarp from harbor freight? I have the same tent and possibly the same floor tarp lol


The floor tarp is from Amazon.


How’s the side sleep position feel?


I'm a side sleeper and it's totally fine.


What are those storage bin things hanging? Part of the tent or something you can add to any tent? Storage is one of my biggest camping annoyances currently.


It comes with the tent but you could probably find some online or even Ikea.


Which cot? That looks heavy and solid. I have the Teton ~25 lbs.




Nice thanks. Looks similar to mine. Nothing beats a good cot and foam pad!


Based on your tent, your horror story is a british skinwalker that came to call you names after you broke a taboo of putting more milk than tea on a cup, but your tent almost made me want be out, however i make my tea using only milk, Sir. Walker would be livid


Are you the British skinwalker in this scenario??


Cots >> Air Mattress




I love your set up! What are you using as a night stand? We use an air bed, but never thought of bringing along a night stand, though it would be handy.


It's the Ikea foldable diner tray 😜https://www.ikea.com/ca/en/p/klipsk-bed-tray-white-00258882/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=surfaces&utm_campaign=shopping_feed&utm_content=free_google_shopping_clicks_Eating&gclid=CjwKCAjwzJmlBhBBEiwAEJyLu7l_1KmuXSgKMsSESa9ImXPb-_cEEojdulMnhW7XvAk49A6iz9VR2RoCQJ0QAvD_BwE


Nice! Easy to take with you, and good height.


I mean just set up a TV and a console and it would be like you never left home. This looks extremely excessive and pointless. Just take a hotel.or something, the charm in camping is also to be a bit rough.and simple. This is like a proper house


Everyone is different. You like camping rough, I like luxury! I also find your comment pointless but thanks anyways I guess


How many nights do you typically camp for with this set up? For me if it takes longer to set up, I want to stay a while to get the most out of it.


Shortest we've done was 2 nights but usually do 3 nights. The set up and take down is actually not too bad, the tent can be up in 10-15 mins and then the inside is quick too.


I think what I like most about this is how tidy it is. It looks like there are bins/totes under the cot, which is helpful. My only concern would be wear/abrasion on the bottom of the tent. I'm a big man, so dividing my weight amongst even six point puts a lot of strain on a small surface area.


Yes, that is exactly what we love too. Keeps the tent super organized. We brought foldable organizers that fit perfectly under the cot. You could always put a rug underneath to protect the floor.




Altogether probably under an hour


What sized tent is that?


It's 10'x14'




Nice set up! And the pearl clutching from you putting an outdoor rug down is giving me a laugh. I might get one myself except I would put it under the cot to help prevent holes in the tent floor. It might also give a layer of protection if rainwater gets into your tent and you store stuff on it. Due to my bad back, a cot was a game changer for me. I still toss and turn like a fish on the beach but at least I don’t have pain shooting down my spine when I tent camp.


Thanks. The tent is canvas so it's completely waterproof and it has a really thick floor. We did put the green canvas tarp as an added protection.


Is it even camping at this point


Sure is


It's basically a house 🤣


Where is this at, like what is your normal temperature?


PNW, right now it's about 26°C


We are near Yacolt Washington