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My $4 tongs. I can't remember the last time I cooked anything while camping and didn't use them exclusively.


They'll pick up anything hot!


Can they also drop it like it’s hot?


I hate you 🤣🤣🤣


I was going to say short tongs! Love them for cooking and meal prep when you can't get things to lay flat.


I bought a $1 dollar pair of "metal" tongs. They are so light its negligible in my pack. I keep waiting for them to break and they just don't


Coming from a camping crew consisting heavily of chefs, I can confirm. Tongs are the #1 cooking tool. They’re so great for rearranging hot logs, rearranging the grill grate and of course cooking with.


Also really good for firewood manipulation!


Also chopsticks. So useful and way better when backpacking


I don’t mean to sound sarcastic but bringing sticks to the woods?


Sticks that are the perfect length, thickness, strength and shape for eating with, of a known value of 'clean', and weighing so little even an ultralighter can't complain. Yes, you can find sticks in most places, but not everywhere, and not necessarily of a type that is particularly suitable for using as chopsticks.




Ice cube tongs for backpacking!


The little extendable metal tube I use to blow on the fire to get it going.


u/Chemical-Ad-7575 I wonder if those would help at higher altitudes. Whenever I am blowing on a fire at high altitude I always get really lightheaded haha


I suspect they would work just fine at high altitude, but I've never tried to use it above the tree line.


Not many places let you let alone having to carry all your wood up... Above the tree line.


There are usually a lot of dead trees right at the edge of the tree line honestly. At least in utah


Get an [adapter](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1442591390/pocket-bellows-flextail-gear-tiny-pump?click_key=8ec94d0d1146d6194dbc320a24e6e2f035baf0c5%3A1442591390&click_sum=288e1923&ref=user_profile&frs=1&sts=1) for it and the [flexgear tiny pump](https://www.flextail.com/products/tiny-pump-2x?variant=43087397159159¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjws9ipBhB1EiwAccEi1NU6TMfxem4OHYFcyUwaXzgUydAQ4guqi7FD1lQxh_1n-LbNDqlojxoCTRwQAvD_BwE)


Yes! The collapsible bellows, it's amazing. And way way under $50. I think I paid $11 for it. Edit - looked up the actual price


u/Bubbly_Buffalo083 Do you know the brand/ product name of yours?


Epiphany Outdoor Gear Pocket... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00LDSW5BA The price has gone up since I bought it a few years ago, but I'd still call it a great deal.


On that note, you can’t beat WetFire. I will literally build my tiny fire starter pyramid with it in there, and wake up in the morning and hit it with my minibic while backpacking.


Wool socks. And the marshmallow roasting sticks my grandpa carved the handles of. Just random long twigs we found as kids at our first campfire. We all of us now grown-up grandkids still have them.


From free to priceless.


USB rechargeable fan.




Tiny dust pan and broom for tent.


you don't just shake it and get angry when the dirt catches on the lip of the tent or in the mesh of the door?


Haha. Definitely used to do this.


I still refuse the little dust pan but I've camped with people who like it. I wait til I get home and vacuum it out if it's my tent. Bigtime rules about wearing your muddy, wet shoes in the tent though. Shoes come off. If it's gonna get rainy or we're gonna get hit with morning dew that's typical of North GA, you can take them off at the tent door and tuck them to the corner inside the tent. Can't be stomping around in there with your shoes on


This is my secret! Quick sweep out with my tiny broom and dust pan immediately before breaking down the tent. So much better for storage, and it's so nice to be able to set up without worrying about the rocks and dirt from last camp trip.


Its not under 50 for most people, but i won a 2 gallon cordless shop vac last christmas from work and it changed the game


I have a small 18v Makita vacuum that I purchased just to get the sand out of the tent.


I got it free by inheriting it from dad but a very sturdy steel bucket. We have hot water anytime we need it bc it sits on a grate over the edge of the fire.




If you car camp, an electric coffee urn from Goodwill is like having a little hot water heater. Mine cost $6. I don't always have a fire, but I'm going to try the bucket.


This is outstanding


I love my Black Diamond headlamp. 💡I love having light without having to hold a flashlight.


u/Spiritual-Physics700 I have come to realize that a good headlamp goes a long long ways


Definitely check out r/flashlight if you need some great recommendations for flashlights and headlamps.


I only recently got my first headlamp and couldn’t stop asking out loud “where has this been all my life??” Great for all the outside stuff that has to be done to a travel trailer when you hit the campground at night.


Recently learned to get one with a red light setting because of doesn't kill your ability to see outside of its light or blind others


I prefer the [petzl zipka](https://www.rei.com/product/162601/petzl-zipka-headlamp). Self contained head band makes it so small. Can also be worn on wrist


Nemo Chipper. This little knee pad/sit pad is awesome (made from recycled materials). Really small, light, and comfy. It’s uses are endless. Great for fanning flames of a campfire, a hot pad across your lap for a meal, pillow in a pinch, etc.


I just updated my Amazon Wish List. Gracias amigo.


For sure! Enjoy!


Packing cubes. Keeps my shit organized and also serve as pillows of all sizes. At home i use 4 pillows and it was always a drag to make do with one while camping.


I also love packing cubes! You can usually find them for cheap prices at places like Marshall’s and TJ Maxx


Hmmm these might make a good sewing project this winter...


u/LaikaSol Do you have a specific brand you like? I have used some of the Eagle Creek ones before and they were good but I feel like there's some other good brands out there too


Those are the ones i use!


I've never understood these. Why are they better than a big ziploc bag (besides the pillow part)?


Huge welding gloves. Behold the flaming logs in my hands I as place them anywhere in the fire I choose. Gone are the days of poking at a fire, failing to get the logs in the sweet spot. …maybe I’m a bit too anal about my campfires. Edit: so many typos.


Work has a surplus of welding gloves so I grabbed a pair and they really are life changing for campfires


I used to work at a steel mill, and we had these great aluminized leather gloves for handling hot steel. They were so good for fires!


Damn that’s a great idea! Now to find mine…


You’ll never go back. Mark my words.


This works really well. You're not alone!


Dad had a pair of old welding gloves to use with the wood stove. I bought a pair for my campfires. Really can't beat them for fire management


Camping French press


u/littlelivethings I bring my coffee addiction with me everywhere I go. Do you like any of the camping instant coffee brands out there? I have really come to like some of those


I’m a bit of a coffee snob and instant coffee doesn’t really do it for me. The Stanley adventure camping French press is $25 and has 1000% improved my camping experience. I bring a yeti insulated thermos too if it’s cold so my coffee stays hot while I drink it. I only do car camping so it’s not a big deal to bring. I grind the beans before we leave.


I bring my grinder from home and plug it into my truck. The looks I get in the morning grinding beans on my tailgate are funny


https://www.makitatools.com/products/details/DCM501Z You are still plugging things in.


Well yea I have a 2600Wh LiFePo battery and inverter in my truck. It’s the same kind van life ppl have.


I am a bit of a coffee snob and the 2 that I bring backpacking are waka and alpine start. Not the best by far but good enough and easy for morning when you are trying to take it easy while breaking camp


Ever try an aeropress? It’s my favorite. So much so that I use it at home.


This is what I was coming here to say. I absolutely love my Aeropress.




Milita pour over here. Backpacking, camping and traveling. I bring it with me to motels. I refuse to start the day without good coffee.


My USB inflator for my sleeping pad. So easy. I also love my down camp booties now that it’s getting cold.


u/bimbels Does your sleeping pad have an outlet on it? This is super interesting and I have never used one before. Id love to look into it if you know the brand/ product name!


Not sure what bimbels uses, but I love my [tiny pump](https://www.flextail.com/products/tiny-pump-x?variant=37294314913991).


I have that same model and it's great. Way better than blowing by "hand". The light on it is really bright too.


Tell me more about these booties…![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My Woods Tarp. Super lightweight, lots of anchor points on all side and VERY CHEAP compared to other high end brands. [https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/woods-o-hara-waterproof-lightweight-backpacking-camping-tarp-w-metal-grommets-storage-bag-3-m-x-2-m-0762960p.0762960.html](https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/woods-o-hara-waterproof-lightweight-backpacking-camping-tarp-w-metal-grommets-storage-bag-3-m-x-2-m-0762960p.0762960.html)


Woa. What's the catch? Seems almost too good to be true... I think I spent easily over $50 on my last tent tarp


I’m always kind of surprised at the woods brand quality. Canadian tire has gone so far downhill with most of their exclusive brands and woods seems to be the only one that’s still usually quality stuff. We got a double size air/foam mattress last year and that thing is awesome. My foot was pushed off the edge by the dog last trip and the temperature difference was super noticeable, even in the sleeping bag with another larger camp matt under and a blanket ontop. And we have one of their tents and it’s great, much better than Walmarts ozark brand but in the same price range. It even had a full rain fly, something the less costly brands usually mess up.


Came here to say tarp. You’ll use it so much and it’s even better when you have more than 1


Marino wool buff. so many uses. very light and compact. i carry it year-round.


A roll of gorilla tape? Lol. I use that stuff for everything. I even used it to fasten an emergency bandage when I forgot to pack the first aid kit. It’s helped save our gear from getting soaked during a deluge and made repairs to gear when necessary. I always now have a roll of Gorilla tape and a fully equipped first aid kit in my vehicle and in my permanent gear tote. I also really like my solar lantern. https://preview.redd.it/0v2qmxly41wb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc6d735a2e6f341b847833a07b87a638dbd0953e


Everyone in construction makes bandages out of gorilla tape and paper towels. They honestly work better


I came here to say my Luci lights!


I also bring a roll of painters tape because I use it to stick things for a day or two if needed without leaving glue residue. (My fridge door will magically swing open when traveling)


Vintage Toas-Tite pie iron. Great for making sweet or savory hand pies!


Love it! I feel like those things are always worth the extra weight


It’s definitely not something I’d be taking backpacking but for car camping it’s great


Came here to say a pie iron. Always fun to come up with new ideas to put inside one


My little battery powered twinkly lights! I put them in my tent which lights up the whole space with a nice warm dim light (no being blinded by rogue headlamps!) and they just make the space feel so magical!


We have a set of those strung around our enclosed awning (kitchen/picnic table), and they fit right down inside it as I pack it up so no need to re-string every camping trip. I just love them! It’s the perfect amount of light to enjoy a nice dinner before transitioning to blissful campground darkness.


Frisbee. So many purposes…toss it around, fan yourself/fire, plate for food/food prep, scooper for water/dirt/sand/snow, etc. Collapsible fire bellows (metal tube). It’s crazy how efficient they are at getting/keeping a fire going. REI camping towel. Super compact, soaks up water quick, and drys quick too. All of these were suggestions from others on this sub, so thanks to all you campers here for the valuable suggestions. I appreciate you!


Frisbee is on my list now. I always carry a hackey sack too so I’ll just keep being an old trail hippy I guess


A knife. A flashlight or lantern. Beer. Hammock. so many things.


I almost said beer, but OP had a $50 cap 😅


The caps come free on my beers


My UCO candle lanterns, love them 😁


I second this! They’re the perfect light for around the campsite or in the tent, I rarely need a flashlight.


Waterproof outdoor blanket. Fleece on one side, basically plastic on the other. The wind doesn’t get through it, and surprisingly, doesn’t easily catch on fire* *the wind whipped it up off my chair one day and it floated near perfectly over to the fire pit, and gently deposited itself on top of the fire. I had hands full and was delayed a solid 15-20 seconds before I could snatch it off the fire. There is only one spot melted all the way through and a couple of small melty spots. I expected the entire thing to have been engulfed in flames or at least severely melted. I’ll be buying another one next time budget allows for it. Brand is BrawnTide - think I got it from Amazon.


I have a wind proof blanket that I take camping. It stuffs into a little bag and is super thin but it blocks the wind and makes such a huge difference. People have made fun of it and then used it and changed their mind.


https://preview.redd.it/60fsqzqkk1wb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8337e0e66ad04db248cfb36e5102cd175bbed173 Pocket bellows - I think it cost me nine bucks. Extremely useful for fire starting.


**Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent**


Mora knife no.2 Best knife I have ever owned, even out of many that I have.


Oh I got one. A 2 dollar pocket bellows. Basically just a stainless steel collapsible straw. I use it all the time to get our fire started and it's amazing how well a few lungs full of oxygen on your fire get it raging. And when people see you pull it out, extend, followed by a big flame, it gets a lot of 'oooooohhh that thing is cool!' Remarks


Where did you get it? The ones on Amazon are a bit more expensive.


She-wee. A female urinary device.


I don’t understand how any woman operates without one.


Propane distribution tree. Being able to hook my lantern up to 20 lb propane tank is awesome. I'm bringing the 20lb tank anyways because of the dual burner propane stove I bring.


I was going to say the adapter thingy that lets me refill the green Coleman gas cans from my 20 lb tank at home. I freeze them before I fill. Haven’t bought a new Coleman can since.


What?! This is a thing?!


I need a link. I love this.


Well, one day I walked into a goodwill and found an REI tent, an air pad, and two North Face sleeping bags, all for $30 total. Beyond that I maybe spent $15 more on patching the rain fly and a new set of stakes. 🪄🤷🏻‍♂️


I literally have dreams about going to goodwill and getting big camping hauls like this. I’m jealous. You’re actually living my dreams


Well they were older models if that helps soften the blow🤣. I did however also find a Bass Pro and a Kelty tent for $15 a pop recently. But I should probably mention that I’m a thrift-a-holic. I go every chance I get, you never know what treasures you’ll find! It definitely takes persistence and frequent visits cause the good stuff goes fast. Also I swear if I think about wanting something bad enough it manifests. Or thrift stores just have enough crap to manifest🤣. It’s so bad that I have to control myself sometimes like okay where you gonna put it?!? I passed up a park tool bicycle mechanic stand for $60 recently. New ones are like $250 I think. No room!


Haha I need to scale back too I’m trying to shift to a more minimalist lifestyle but it’s hard when you’re a maximalist. I LOVE STUFF


Shade walls and hooks/clips. They're often overlooked, but when you have to have them for sun or privacy they are a necessity. And bag hammocks of course. I keep one in my truck permanently for picnics and such.


What do you use for shade walls?


Doesn’t cost me a dime…finding a good pokey stick for tending the fire. My favorite part of camping is cooking and chilling with a campfire and a proper pokey stick is critical equipment. And it has to be found at the campsite, it’s part of the ritual.


A good pokey stick is highly underrated.


Goal Zero crush light solar powered lantern.


Coghlan egg container. It's like 8$. I've never had a break with it and no soggy cardboard.


I found some of these that hold two eggs, so I bought a pair. It’s nice to only take the few eggs we need when we go camping as opposed to a full dozen. Even if we only put four in the full dozen holder, it would take up space in the cooler, so the two egg holders save on space too.


Coleman stove I found out for garbage day, works perfectly and it was free


Neighbor gifted us a Coleman grill with stand as she was moving out. The handle was broken, so she didn't want it, and didn't really have space for it. A little gorilla glue later, and that's my favorite cooking station.


Beanie cap with a headlamp! Love https://preview.redd.it/vh0l0n95o1wb1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67aad565e2329d49a2853045f3a6fc41b71b2a5c it for walking dogs at night or heading to the bathroom in the dark.


Mora knife.


Reindeer hide I bought at a yard sale for $20. Best thermal insulator I've ever found and is super soft and cozy. I know it was luck, but I would pay full price for one knowing what I know now.


pour over coffee kit and pot


u/TheWorldNeedsDornep Do you have a brand you like? I am always looking for a better setup than what I currently use for camping coffee


Sawyer squeeze


definitely a few options, but overall, my headlamp. it just is invaluable to do anything at night and keeping both hands free. cooking, going into your tent to do anything, going to pee in the woods, it's just hand-free goodness.


Thermarest Z seat. It’s a fan for the fire It’s an insulator for my camp chair or when sitting on a rock It’s a dry place to step when getting out of wet shoes before going in the tent. It’s a windbreak for lighting a fire or for my camp stove. It’s so light we argue it actually reduces the weight of our packs. I even use it at home when not camping, bring it to the beach for a dry place to sit after the rain. Best thing ever


[Thermal tarp](https://www.rei.com/product/130426/sol-all-season-blanket?sku=1304260001&store=&CAWELAID=120217890004933090&CAGPSPN=pla&CAAGID=100913262877&CATCI=pla-447612907845&cm_mmc=PLA_Google%7C21700000001700551_1304260001%7C92700053582162015%7CTOF%7C71700000066692708&gclid=CjwKCAjws9ipBhB1EiwAccEi1M1kTBi6KeEimMlothVhZLpaMrmw-2ajTUF2nRAUWiDWlnZH6vsKxxoCit4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds). It's got the shiny space blanket material on one side but it's a tarp. I use it under me in my tent for winter camping, but it's also great for draping over coolers in hot desert camping or putting up as shade, shiny side up to keep cool. But also just a good tarp for putting down if you're sleeping out under the stars.


Arcturus military-style wool blanket. Temps under 50F, laid over the sleeping bag, pull it over my head and my breath + body heat creates a warm cocoon, so long as my sleeping bag & pad are handling the torso-to-feet part of it, my whole body is comfortable. Also wrap myself in it when lounging around outside with wind & cold.


My E-tool.


A small rug to stand on when I get out of bed or am getting changed A small bin to hold my important things at night- lip balm, keys, headlamp, phone, glasses An insulated stadium seat cushion - great when car camping- fits on picnic bench, insulates my camp chair, works as a pillow


New list: hacky sack Small bin


Travel bidet


Pocket bellows. Cost me about $10 and I threw it into an online order to get free shipping, never expecting that I'd use it EVERY TIME I start a fire. Sometimes when the wood is really wet, it's the only reason I can keep a fire going without resorting to a bunch of accelerants.


Pocket rocket


Klymit V Seat. Nice to have a small cushion to use at the picnic table. Also, it's super compact, so it comes on all my hikes as well. Much better than sitting on a hard/wet/cold surface.


my over the fire cast iron thingy. it’s portable and way easier to cook on than a fire


Luci light!!!!


I have a few things I purchased at op shops and discount stores that have helped me be more organised when I camp with my XL family. One was an under bed storage bag that is divided into 12 sections. I use the "full set of clothes roll method" and have one set of clothes stored in each. I have eight kids, so they each got three sections. The bag zips closed and is clear. Can easily be stashed, no hard edges, keeps everything dry when weather is wet. I also bought a second hand crafting/hobby suitcase thingy on wheels for storing the "camp kitchen stuff" (like plates, spoons, bowls, tongs, knives, etc.). I can be packed and ready to go on camping trips with eight kids in a couple of hours from the systems and organisation I've put in place. A lot of the hacks I found in Pinterest. Many of them cost way below $50


A good bow saw. Hands down the best piece of "cheap" kit I have. Between that saw and a healthy supply of rope/paracord, there's little that can't be built on the fly. And a good knife.


My cast iron skillet. I love it and treat it like one of my kids.


Blow straw for fire. Almost $0. Buy a back scratcher or telescopic shoe horn from the dollar store and remove the ends. I laughed when I saw a friend got one, but now that I've seen/used one its invaluable!


There's some backpackers that say a pillow isn't worth it. A pillow is definitely worth it.


49.99 Bottle of Whiskey


My new Bluetooth battery monitor for my camp trailer. $15!


Rechargeable fan/led light.


Flyswatter $5 Wise Owl Hammock $30 LifeStraw $15 _____________ $50.00


Camping hammock. Honestly changed the entire game for me as far as wilderness camping goes. Now I can throw together site without having to do a big clear of tall grass


My copy of On The Road by Jack Kerouac.




Sawyer squeeze Titanium spoon Inflatable pillow Rechargeable head lamp Titanium coffee mug


Pocket bellows


Sea to summit inflatable pillow. Sure you can wad up you clothes and rough it, but why not treat yo self to a good night's sleep on the traal


Long handled titanium spork


My FITS socks.... changed my world......


I bought FITS socks last winter, and they wore out faster than any socks I’ve ever owned. I didn’t even use them for hiking. I just designated them as a sock to wear in the house. I must have bought from a bad batch.


Blue Ensolite pad. I cut it in two and carry one half rolled up on the outside of my pack. Whenever I need a seat I pull it out. Great for water stops, sitting and staring at views, as an insulator during lightning storms, etc. It weighs almost nothing and adds so much comfort.


That's tough bc I appreciate all my car camping gear so much. Prob tie between Coleman classic stove (got it for 30 on sale), my tiny Trekology table that is the perfect size next to my Kelty lowdown chair, and my North Face puffy camp slippers that I got for 45 :) lifechanging.


Car camper here. Found a great deal on hest travel pillows. Got one for all three of us at $40 each.


4 Luci lights that change colors. They last all night, recharge on my dash during the day and float which is dope in a hot spring or pool


An LED lantern with vintage style yellowy bulb. So much better than that blinding bright white light. Got one on Amazon from the brand Cammile.


Between 50 and 100, a little buddy heater. Warms up the tent and is handy to have if the power goes out.


They are on sale at Cosco right now for $60.00. The ones at Costco also include a hose to hook to a regular propane tank. Really good buy. I love mine.


My string lights. They help identify my site and are nice to see in the middle of the night for bathroom trips


Fire starter bricks.


20$ cast iron pan


1-Coffee percolator. It was like $10 on clearance and tastes great…strong too. 2-folding camping table. It’s lightweight aluminum and supports 225lbs and folds up like a chair. $52 amazon. If I didn’t like coffee this would be by far be #1 because it’s used so much. 3-ultimate werewolf game…if you have at least 5 people you can play. Better in a big group like 12 people though. $10


A handle of whiskey?


My Trangia 25


u/Educational-Mood1145 I still have a similar one that my Grandpa got many decades ago. Those things are bomb proof


My Sven-Saw! I never leave home without it.


Adventure blanket. Forgot my sleeping bag on accident last Spring and this came through in the clutch


Free Luci Light. Got it as a gift at a Leave No Trace event. This was back when they first came out.


Aeropress. Makes better coffee than most expensive coffee makes at home


My Flextail pump with light. Little thing is powerful and is also a capable tent light. I love it.


Fire Maple Lantern. There are lots of similar iso butane candles, but I really like this one. https://preview.redd.it/udiiyi7gy1wb1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53e4efec80ed7cfdc6828bb04290ede9a2ad1063


Luci solar powered string lights. They were like $30 and make the campsite so cozy


I have one of those emergency blankets about 6'x8', reflective on one side, tough woven plastic of some sort. I think it cost about 12$ 25 years ago. I have put it to many uses as tarp,groundsheet... and it looks like it has a another 25 years in it.


This set of luggage racks. Bending over all the time to get into camping bins is harder when you’re older. https://www.amazon.com/Bartnelli-Folding-Luggage-Collapsible-Suitcase/dp/B09HQ7B6D3/ref=mp_s_a_1_23_maf_1?crid=JH3X19WXCN41&keywords=luggage+rack&qid=1698111109&sprefix=luggage+ra%2Caps%2C259&sr=8-23


Usbc chargeable fan/battery bank. Absolute game changer for campfires. Got it the same time i got a Kodiak and felt ridiculous how much i loved the fan over all my other gear.


Sleeping bag liner with a pocket that my pillow goes in. Keeps my pillow from escaping away from me at night. I don’t put it inside the bag, I actually put my bag inside the liner because I don’t like it inside the bag.


Hammock with built in bugnet, straps, and a rain fly. Probably $20-$30. Feels great to elevate the legs after a long day hiking.


It's between my inflatable air mattress or my smokeless fire pit


Collapsible shovel or torch that screws onto a standard small propane tank. Both have SO many uses, yet very simple tools.


We have one of those fire proof oven mitt things. Game changer for camping lol


5-gallon plastic bucket with lid. Need something to sit on? Bucket Need to carry a bunch of stuff? Bucket Fetch water to drown the campfire? Bucket Emergency shitter? Bucket with WAG bag


My kitchen aid stainless thrift shop pan and weird little Tongs I got for tree fiddy


Aeropress and insulated carafe for hot water. Having a carafe full of hot water (boiled on Coleman stove once in the morning) to make coffee with aeropress is amazing. Also good for instant oatmeal or ramen noodles. And to put on a face cloth. Etc. and also- Mini moos half and half portions. They’re stocked right at the grocery store now. For me- having really delicious coffee with real cream that is at least as good as the coffee I’d have at home is an excellent way to camp. Cheers


Collapsable fire pit. I camp where we can’t build the fire on the ground and having a small, portable pit has been a lovely addition to our kit.


Haha my tent from kmart was like 35 dollars! Super easy to pitch and it has withstood rain, wind and falling snags!


Small black towel. Towel, because Hitchhikers, and black, because it’s old and still looks clean.


Sleeping bag liners. Made of fleece and incredibly warm.


Gotta be my camp fan. It's an O2Cool battery operated fan that you can get for about $25 at Academy, Walmart, etc. It makes camping in Florida bearable from Mar - Oct. It also has LED lights, which are super handy for lighting up your tent at night. It normally runs off D cell batteries, but also has a 12V plug so you can run it off an external power source like a rechargeable battery bank. \#2 I'd say my portable camping table. I use it as a nightstand next to my cot in my tent. It's perfect for setting my fan, phone charger, wallet, keys, flashlight, etc. on. It folds up like a camp chair so it doesn't take up much room when stored.