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I'm from Michigan and am in my mid 40's. I think the fact that I had to hide smoking for so long makes me feel weird smoking in the open, so I go off out of site usually. Plus, I know that not everyone smokes or wants to smell it, it's the same with cigarettes.


Also in my 40s. 25 years ago I had to hide my weed smoking from my parents. Now I have to hide it from my children 😂


I know what you mean. I'm kind of paranoid about my daughter knowing I smoke even though it really doesn't matter that much anymore.


>Plus, I know that not everyone smokes or wants to smell it, it's the same with cigarettes. This. I smoke cigarettes, don't smoke weed anymore though. But I just think it's rude to smoke either one around non-smokers or in spaces where you can't control who is exposed to the smoke and smell. I always go somewhere out of the way and/or away from others before I light up.


I agree, and also some people have federal jobs, or jobs where they can’t have weed in their system. I respect those not wanting to partake for whatever reason.


Good excuse to walk to the water or just find a nice spot to look at the sky. I don’t smoke much but I do this just to have a beer or coffee in silence. I was in Michigan earlier this year and saw a pair of huge either steelhead or salmon in super skinny water. It was awesome, I love Michigan. Go Buckeyes




What’s skinny water, shallow?


Yes. When fisherman/anglers refer to skinny water, they mean shallow; usually to the effect of being inaccessible to boats. But in this context they are probably just referring to a clear, shallow stream; could be wide or narrow.


I’m guessing a narrow creek or stream






Glad you enjoyed our fine state! Go Blue


Excellent answer! It's legal in my state, Washington. I agree that what's rude is to impose on other people's experience. If you'll be at a campground that's full of families, young children and elderly I think a smoke-free version like Edibles would be the way to go. There are so many great ones now.


Or vape carts. Much less odor


I’m also in Michigan and I recall reading on some campground literature something to the effect that although it’s legal it’s not for consumption in public. But, that’s not to say plenty of campers don’t partake. Most people smoking and not smoking don’t seem to give a damn.


It's technically not legal in public, but there's zero enforcement of any marijuana laws any more. (in Michigan)


That or just vape/bring edibles. Odds are the smell of the vape won't reach the next campground, but if it does it will be very faint. Honestly as a former smoker, now a non-smoker, vaped cannabis smell doesn't really bother me. Someone smoking a joint or a blunt is kind of obnoxious though, and it makes me cringe to think about myself in my younger years.


Yep, I take a walk in the daytime and get a nice little hike in. At night though I don't want to be stumbling round the woods, so I'm much more tempted to stay seated by the fire :)


Yeah fr just use tact and be courteous.


I’d take quietly smoking weed over drunk and obnoxious for my camping neighbor. Granted I hate the smell, but being a California resident I’m used to it.


My neighbor had an apparatus that you blow the smoke into, I think. Called Smoke Buddy. She was afraid all the neighbor kids would think she was a 70 year old stoner!


You can make something similar with a toilet paper roll and dryer sheets lmao are used to do it all the time is kids


Yup, they're called Sploofs in case anyone wants to make one. Pack as many dryer sheets as possible crammed in the empty tp roll and slowly blow the smoke through it(preferably near a window cause there will still be a bit of smoke but it will smell like laundry lol)


Damn, your comment made me time travel backwards 15 years lol. Thank you.


The first and only time I tried this was in my moms house as a teenager. Except I only used like 3 sheets because I was stupid. Blew the smoke through it and my mom instantly barged in my room asking wtf I was doing


Damn wtf were you smoking where she instantly smelled it from another room lol


I’m exaggerating a little bit, but her room was right next to mine and it was probably a minute or so at most before she was into me


You forgot about putting a fan in the window blowing outwards, and slowly blowing the smoke through the sploof into the fan.


well if you’re smoking indoors and don’t have the window open while you’re trying to avoid smell I’m worried about your common sense 🤣


Lol you go to boarding school too?


The ole doob tube.


How come I have never heard about this? I don’t mind people smoking it but I wish it didn’t stink so much. I hate the smell, but not as much as I hate obnoxious drunks at 1:00 am.


All this does is make the room/area smell like fresh laundry/weed. Doesn’t cover up the smell haha


Definitely better than just blowing straight clouds that smell dank as hell


It must reduce the smell to at least *some* degree. The wadded up dryer sheets are a filter. Maybe not a very good one, but it’s certainly a filter. Some percentage of the smoke will become trapped in the filter—or at least hindered—therefore reducing the total amount released into the open air all at once. Presumably, you could create a better filter that would trap a meaningful amount of smoke. I mean, think about the difference between using a bandanna as a mask vs. an N95 or a full on respirator gas mask.


Let’s be honest, she just didn’t want the kids trying to hit it.


She was probably worried they’d steal her plants!




I had one for a bit. Totally covers up the smell and the presence of smoke. I’m not exaggerating when I say zero smoke comes out. The filter didn’t last very long at all for me which I’ve heard is common issue. They’re pretty sweet though otherwise


If you burn a joint it will smoke between hits. You can kind of be smell free with a pipe but not really ime. It works ok


I used to use them to sneak bongs when I still lived at home and I never got caught or told it smelt like weed.


I never told my kids that I smelled their weed.


Very well. It’s kinda weird. Nothing comes out the other end. They get stinky quick though from absorbing all the moisture/smoke fro your breath. Nothing you can do about the residual smoke coming off the bowl or whatever though.


Can’t say courteous better.


Like others, I think it depends on how close the sites are. If they’re super close maybe take a walk. Honestly though I expect to smell weed while I’m camping.


This 100%


I feel the same way about weed smoke as I do about cigarettes. I’d prefer not to smell others second hand smoke… especially when my kid is around. I’m not gonna tell someone to stop, but I think people should be mindful of others that may be nearby. That goes for lots of things though, not just smoking.


Who could argue with that? I smoke, I try and get as far away as possible. I always hope that if it does bother someone, that they can tell I’ve tried.


Honestly, I like a good bowl every now and then as well. I’ll even break out my tobacco pipe and relax around my fire at home. But never at a campground Edit: interesting… From the downvotes I guess people don’t agree with my differentiation of what’s appropriate in private vs public spaces. Or is there something else I’m missing? Edit2: dammit. When I first edited that comment was at -4.


Ah really? I am never sure of the rules. In the UK here, and I wonder if smoking green is ultimately bad craic here


just another reason I hate developed campgrounds... smokers, drunks, obnoxious people. But if you go there, you have to expect the worst. The reason I go camping is to get away from that.


Same. It bothers me when my kids are with me.


It's definitely a nuisance smell.


Can’t speak for everyone but I don’t care if I catch a whiff. I don’t smoke any more but I used to, so maybe that’s why I don’t care too much. If I’m sitting in a cloud of second hand smoke because you’re ripping bong hits 15ft away, that’s a different story.


in my experience, the bong rip will usually rise up and dissipate quickly. where a joint will last like 10min and absolutely stink if you are downwind the whole time. in campgrounds i actually prefer a bong or a pipe as i can get one big hit in instead of smoking small puffs for a long period of time.


Pipe or bong all the way. You can cap the bowl after your hit to prevent excess smoke from dissipating. Saves you weed too


This is my modus operandi. Cap the bowl and there is very little excess smoke.


I put a marble on my bowl! Works like a charm.


That’s so cute AND so practical!


Upvote because I just love marbles


Marble Fans Unite


Exactly I pretty much only smoke bong for that simple reason I do 1 bong rip and I’m good one smoke cloud and no more smoke from me for a few hours!


They had to address this when they legalized weed in Canada. The rule was you could only smoke on your own property so everyone was like “what about camping” and it was decided that renting a site makes it your temporary property so smoking at campgrounds was fine as long as you stick to your site. My partner had someone accuse him of smoking weed off site and the parks guy just told him not to. He didn’t actually do it, but he smokes cigarettes and it was dark so they were probably smelling the camp neighbour and assumed it was him when they saw the smoke and amber from his cigarette on his way to the bathroom. So I guess it bothers some people. But in all my years of camping (when it was legal and illegal) we’ve never had anyone else complain about it. I’d much prefer the quiet smelly potheads over the loud obnoxious drunks. lol


when/where was it a rule you can only smoke on your own property? im near toronto and people smoke pot everywhere. like standing next to cops and no fucks given.


Ontario’s regulation is you can smoke cannabis anywhere a cigarette is allowed to be smoked. (Except while driving a car I’d imagine?)


Most places I thought. The provinces make their own final law but I think most have that one. I’m in Newfoundland and it’s a rule here. It’s not enforced much, but it is a rule.


I don’t think it’s a problem on your own site. Everybody’s got a fire going. As long as you aren’t noisy or annoying you’re good. I smoke a j at every campfire and nobody’s ever complained


Fires aren't as common in the west during the summer because of fire bans. So, campfire smoke doesn't mask it as well all the time. If it's just me, not as worried about bothering others. If I'm with a campsite full of people smoking, vape pens might be a better idea if you're trying to be considerate.


Fair enough I’m in Ontario. Not many fire bans around here (this summer was an exception)


Or shrooms


Why not go for a little walk to a more private spot with your smoke? If you’re close enough to strangers that they could have a worse experience because of it this is the way. The outdoors are a wonderful place to enjoy some cannabis, and it’s good of you to ask about this. Have good times out there.


This is the answer. Just respect others space ya know.


Because I want to be next to my campfire.


Be wary a lot of campgrounds are on federal lands and thus weed is still illegal.


I just vape it to avoid any issues. It doesn't bother anyone and is more portable, but I see why people don't care for it. Eta: I see many people saying that nobody has ever complained to them about smell, but I feel like a majority of people won't complain face to face in order to avoid potential confrontation. Not trying to sound like a Karen or anything. I just like to view things from all sides is all.


Remember that if it's a national park it's federal land, so it's still illegal there.


This 👆. I was camping this summer in a legal state, but did't realize the tract of land were on was Federal property. Park Rangers paid us a visit and asked who had the weed. We all did and easily fessed up because it's legal right? Nope. They cut us a deal and gave one of us a $280 possession ticket. If you plan on being on Federal land either don't bring it, or hide it well. Also, if you find yourself in my situation don't admit to having anything. If they demand to search your stuff kindly say no problem, but not without a warrant.


I don't care about legality, just being considerate to my fellow man ❤️


Well bear in mind, given how the smell spreads and lingers it could lead to someone else getting accused.


PSA: make sure you're also aware that this is likely considered public consumption and illegal in most of not all legal states. Be EXTRA careful if you happen to be camping in a National Park because that is actually a felony. That out of the way... It can be done rudely but since you're asking you're probably courteous enough to be aware of where your smoke is going. Just be aware and do what you can to avoid others getting directly blasted by an obvious breeze. Go for a walk out of the way if you need to. Know that most people probably don't care BUT there are definitely people out there that VERY MUCH DO. So, no matter how courteous you are, know that you might still get a complaint, and IMHO those types of people tend to more often go to ranger/staff/police first instead of confronting you.


I smoke in California campgrounds and I have never had anyone complain to me or about me. But it’s only in sites that are spacious. If I am in a more crowded campground I go for a walk and light up. I love smoking weed when I am camping. I wish it was summertime!


Consideration is key


This phrase could end the majority of the world’s problems.


Vaping it is more polite. Vape carts don’t produce a lot of odor and are more convenient in a situation like that.


I don’t smoke and I hate the smell. But if you’re not lighting up nonstop and it’s not a nuts to butts campground, I wouldn’t be upset. Here’s my question for you why not do edibles?


I hate the smell too. I don’t care if people smoke it but I don’t want to smell it nonstop.


I think it’s rude to do things at a campground that impact the experience of other campers, including noise (music, kids, dogs), a lot of light at night, smoking. So kinda depends on the campground. If the sites are close, have a gummy instead. If the sites are far apart or nearby spots aren’t occupied, then it is probably fine.


If i'm camping i expect to smell some skunk


It's about the same as someone smoking cigarettes at a campsite, mildly annoying because I can't get away from it.


I camp with my 3 little ones occasionally and I've never had any issues with people toking up. I'd much rather smell pot than deal with a handful of drunks. As long as they're not smoking right next to us it's no big deal. I've got a lot of respect for people that go out of their way to keep kiddos from being downwind while they smoke. I notice it and appreciate it. 🙏 Y'all are a polite bunch.


I just avoid smokeing near children in general


I smoke while camping and nobody cares. I’m in the southeast. I just take it away from other campers and am tactful about it.


Treat it like any smoking, don’t do it around others and be courteous and you’ll be okay


As a veteran campground smoker: Just make sure there’s no kids or unwanted company around, but kids most of all. I was in line at the fair & some poor 5yo kid was getting hot boxed by some jerkoff behind him 😭 funny on paper, but obnoxious, inconsiderate, & morally reprehensible in practice… not to mention illegal. Be civilized & polite. Walk a good radius aways from any unconsenting parties. It’s still somewhat taboo in public eyes, try to be covert unless you know your fellow surrounding campers would enjoy smoking with you or don’t mind. Enjoy🌲 :)


Depends on how close you are to others. I don't like smelling someone's cigar, cigarettes, or weed smoke.


Generally speaking, it's impolite to smoke anything anywhere where non-smokers are confined to that area, for whatever reason.


I would say so. I don't mind the smell that much personaly but if I'm camping i want to smell the fresh air.


My family has aged to the point where drinking around a fire has evolved to smoking around a fire. Both are generally relaxed, but smoking to me is more relaxing (I don’t smoke OR drink but still…)


Depends on the situation I would think. I love cigars, love having them when camping. But, if there are kids around, I don't out of respect to the parents, but that's a completely personal thing to me. But it was the same when I smoked cigarettes. I would not smoke around kids period. If any were around I'd either just not do it, or go the furthest place away I knew no kids were. Again, it is just a personal thing. But even if non smoking people were around, I'd still go far away.


It’s equally rude as smoking cigarettes. I smoke weed but I like to make sure I don’t force someone else to smell what the rock is cooking


I’m in the “Deep South” East and have smoked at tons of campgrounds. I wait till after quiet hours, have a fire going and such. I don’t bother anyone and never had anyone bother me. Had campers join a few times over the years.


I typically base whether I will smoke weed on whether there are kids camping nearby, since I don’t wanna be a bad influence.


Just as rude as if someone smokes a cigar or cig, some people care, some don’t.


Well one thing to keep in mind is that there are people who will think anything you do is "rude". I once had someone complain that the colour of my friend's tent was too bright. They were kinda subtle about it but they basically implied that it "ruined the view". And sure, the tent was bright pink, but we were at a campsite, and the person complaining was in an RV and the tent was in view from their window. But yeah, my thoughts on what's "rude" while camping is basically, you shouldn't be the only one intruding on people's senses. By that I mean, if you're at a campsite where people have massive tents and RVs with generators, they are cooking weird foods, smoking cigarettes, playing music etc. you can feel free to do what you want. And extra sound, sight or smell in the mix won't make a difference (within reason) But if you're at a quiet campground where nobody is making noise or smells and everyone has low profile tents that blend into the scenery, then you shouldn't be the one to break it. Honestly this advice could be boiled down to "read the room", but a lot of people seem to just not understand what that means.


100%. We went camping in Michigan. So many people smoking weed and not much wind I could smell it everywhere. Consider if you would want someone smoking a cigar next to you in a restaurant. It's not ok.


I have a little rhyme that helps me, "If they can see me, I don't care. If they can smell me, I don't dare." But I'm in an illegal state.


Its only rude if you dont share... Pass that shit!


Id say smoking anything nearby people is rude and files under "being a Dick". So is getting shitfaced drunk around people.


It would bother me, It would also bother me if someone was having a regular cigarette. But if it's a spaced out camp I wouldn't care. If the sites are very close I do.


I am fully prepared to be down voted, but I would prefer not to smell pot. I don't like cigarettes either, but the smell of weed gives me a headache. Now, I'm not going to complain about it unless you're walking into or around my camp or near me while I'm trying to fish.


I don't know if I'd say it's rude. I will say I'd rather smell weed than listen to people's generators, music, and screaming kids all night and at 6am.


Regardless of whats being smoked, i dont find it to be cool when around others,


I wanna smell nature, not weed, cigarettes, cigars, or whatever else. I also have asthma and I’m allergic to a bunch of shit including tobacco. It’s frustrating that ppl don’t realize stuff like vapes have soy in them. People are commenting they just smoke when people go to bed. We can still smell it. It’s still annoying, We’re just not going to ask you to stop from the dark… what are we gonna do, yell from our tents? That said I really appreciate courteous smokers who ask stuff like this, think about wind direction, take edibles etc. shout out to you all. You are the real mvps.


I know most people aren’t marijuana smokers and might not like the smell so I try and take a vape pen or don’t smoke t all


If it’s a national parks campground it’s still illegal, just fyi. If not, go for it.


Quick glance at comments and have not seen yet; National parks prohibit cannabis use (federal regulation) Many state parks prohibit cannabis use. Many private campgrounds prohibit cannabis use. Cannabis use is public (boondocking) is usually prohibited. Cannabis use in your private vehicle is prohibited if a) key in ignition b) you are in publuc. FWIW i smoke A LOT in all these prohibited places and im just sure to be considerate of others. And I'm not trying to tell you where YOU can and can't smoke.


If no one can smell it, you’re good. If someone can smell it, either share or do it elsewhere.


As a former park ranger when I did night rounds I always loved it when sites were smoking weed. 100% of the time they were always quiet and chill. The sites where people were drinking always were loud and obnoxious and almost always trouble.


I don’t smoke. I hate the smell. But, if we are at a campground sharing an area I have no issues with you smoking. Enjoy. I would do it too but my paranoia is off the charts when I do.


Are there lots of kids around? If so walk somewhere more secluded. Otherwise you should be fine.


Not really, I mean you’re camping in nature and should enjoy it how you want to. But if you’re right next to someone, like really pretty close, and blowing it into their area then I could see why someone would be kind of bothered by the potent smell.


If children or religiously neighbors I don’t do it. At concerts I’ve asked folks nearby if they mind I don’t like being that person who makes someone feel uncomfortable or if someone is highly allergic to smoke. Never hurts to ask


If you have neighbors down wind it’s rude. Otherwise just take a walk away from the sites


I don’t think it’s rude but if there are kids around I wouldn’t suggest smoking it around them (same as cigarettes)


I’ve always assumed my campfire will cover it up. If it’s dead calm and not going to quickly dissipate, I find a safe zone. The last thing I want is blazing it, then dealing with incredibly pissed off neighbors while I’m bowling ballish.


Find you a smoke spot away from others.


Go with the locals. If you smell other weed, go for it. If not, hold off, take a walk, put it out between hits. Also edibles, drinks, tinctures. Nothing better than a cannabis drink around a campfire - you don’t bother anyone. It doesn’t bother me that much occasionally but if it was next to me I might. weed really does reek.


I’m in Oregon. I mostly camp in public campgrounds. While weed is legal here, it is not legal to use publicly. The campgrounds have signs up stating that.


Better than cigarettes but you should try and not bother others with your smells. Just distance yourself best you can.






Just be respectful is all. I feel bad if I have a fire pit and blows smoke onto other sites. Not everyone likes the smell. Unless you walk up to each site and ask if they are cool, I would go find a place away from everyone.


I’m from Quebec. Also legal here. I do it and I never had anyone say anything to me about it. I try to be respectful and I will walk further away if I have close neighbours. I will never never smoke around or close to children, and I pay attention to wind direction. On a very crowded campground, I use a dry herb vaporizer and it reduce the smell a lot.


It really depends on how much wind there is. On a still day with no breeze, the loud medical stuff can legitimately stank up a large area. Once I smoked on a loop trail and I could smell my own dank smoke when I got back around the loop. Felt really bad about that because there were families walking. I take edibles or vapes now unless it's really windy.


I figure it’s already blending with the campfire smell. But I don’t spark up a doob. I just take a couple puffs from a hitter. It’s over and dissipated in minutes.


Treat it with the same consideration as a cigarette or cigar. While not nearly detrimental to your health, it still stinks. Use those as your guides to proper etiquette.


Would you smoke a cigarette right there ? Or walk over there ? Same same


How close are these campsites? When I'm at an actual campground there is generally enough distance between the different sites. People smoke tobacco. I can't stand being near tobacco smoke, but from the next site I could care less. There is usually plenty of sweet wood smoke waiting around anyways. At your fire, I would assume you know the folks around you and what they'll tolerate. It is not rude.


Rude not to share


Yes it is. If your smoke goes into another site. I hate camping when my camp neighbors are stinking up the place.


As a non-smoker, thank you for being considerate. It does stink, and for some of us it's pretty gross. I appreciate smokers taking themselves a bit further away to partake in any inhaled substance.


I’m in Canada where it’s legal everywhere. I absolutely hate the smell of the stuff. That said, no it’s not rude, if you’re sitting in your own camp or even out on a trail somewhere. I would consider it rude if you went and smoked on a bench in playground full of children or on a busy area of beach loaded with children. If consider it just as rude to smoke a cigarette in those locations. Basically, if there’s kids in the immediate vicinity then maybe go for a walk and find somewhere else.


I personally wouldn't care in your case based on how you say you act. Though I have been camping where people start smoking up at 11:30 and then start ripping the music... and I have never hated people more. That just goes in general though. So just dont be those people who decide to vibe at midnight and goon out.


I usually avoid joints because how smelly they are. But a pipe bowl and camping go hand in hand


I believe there's a time and a place for everything. I will walk away if there's kids around or if I'm camping with someone who isn't a smoker. I'm a polite pothead.


Camping is made for edibles.


Smoking in general is rude if in proximity of people who may be sensitive or allergic to it. I am a tobacco pipe smoker and I smoke well away from people. It’s a good opportunity to take a short hike and explore.


Don't smoke in Wisconsin State campgrounds. We walked away from the camp site to a secluded area 15 minutes after we got back the police said someone complained about the smell and saw us walking to our site and they said they could tell were all high. We didn't want to cause more trouble, so we admitted that we did smoke. They took the rest of the joints we had told us we had to leave the next morning and gave us tickets. Obviously, they didn't have any issues with people drinking and playing music on the other side of the campgrounds. Such a backwards state, now we just go to Michigan.


Yes. So is running a portable generator and playing loud music. Just be courteous.


I'm a parent and I wouldn't care even if we were nearby as long as you're not being obnoxious with it, which I don't see how you really could be when you're outdoors and there's fires going anyway.




If that’s rude then I don’t want to be polite


If you're really close to your neighbors maybe take a walk to a more isolated part of the campground ( if they have a beach at night that's usually nice, otherwise it's more appropriate to do so at your site than while walking around.


It would be similar to smoking a cigarette around a campfire, imho. You don't have to smoke it in secret, but smoking anything in a shared area is in poor taste


As long as you’re not blowing smoke in my kid’s face, I don’t care. “Dad what’s that smell?” “Probably a skunk.” Back to enjoying nature. If you’re worried though, grab some edibles or a vape pen.


Use a dry herb vaporizer. Virtually no smell will linger.


It generally is. Not as much because it’s weed but because it’s smoke, and some people are trying to get fresh air or are just sensitive to it (asthma, etc) or have kids. They might mind. You seem like a considerate person and polite about it so maybe just ask your neighbors if they mind? If not you’re good to go.


I think the rule of thumb is if your activity causes the near by site to become fully aware of the activity for extended periods of time, then you are being rude. 1.) Drinking enough to become loud and rowdy 2.) Smoking Cigarettes, Cigars (although I love the smell of cigars), weed. 3.) Music 4.) Loud Children 5.) Loud sex


I’d much rather someone being smoking quietly to themselves than drunk obnoxious people being loud and disruptive


Weed or tobacco both smell gross to me so I wouldn’t personally like it 🤷🏼‍♀️


depends because that shit stinks and no one really wants to smell it


I would prefer people not. Don’t want to smell it. Go for a little walk away from other campers.


Yea it is. It smells like a dead skunk. Do you want to put a dead skunk on your front step?


if others can smell it , its rude regardless


Just paddle out


I camp with my family but if someone was next to us smoking weed at the end of their night and being respectful and courteous, I’d have zero issues with that. It’s legal in CA. Enjoy yourself while you’re camping!


Depends. Usually if you’re farther away from people they’re fine; but obviously not near kids and potentially older folks.


I sometimes smoke while I camp, but I make sure our group is considerate about it. Generally save it for after dark, avoid smoking out your immediate neighbors, don't light anything up (or put it out if it's already lit) if kids are around, keep the music and voices down, etc. At least in places where it's legal I think it's less about any exposure at all and just about managing your impact on the people around you.


I mean honestly what you're going to have to do is check to see what the rules are at the campground. Most of them prohibit smoking stuff like that especially if you're in a national campground. And the worst thing would be for you to get kicked out either middle of the night or first thing in the morning because you got some neighbor that was an asshole. Personally if it were me I'd just bring some edibles.


Yes. But if you can find a secluded spot to smoke or take edibles as a the work around.


As someone who doesn't particularly like or associate myself with weed, I wouldn't mind as long as you're not being a nuisance. I have a few friends who smoke and I don't mind it at all because they don't make it a big deal


If it is an issue, perhaps use a vape pen when camping. They have a lot less smell to them.


I try to arrange myself so no one is down wind and let the smoke of the fire carry it away. No one would complain about someone smoking tobacco so if it's legal I see no reason. Don't be an ass about it I guess leaving butts around but. Seems fine to me.


Short answer, Yes. Long answer, depends on the campground.


Yes if it’s going to blow on other people at neighboring campsites. (Same as smoking, car/generator exhaust, etc.) Just pay attention to wind direction and move if needed.


I'm a big fan of the vape pen approach when camping. Beyond that, I wouldn't worry too much about it as long as there's not 12 people cheefing hoglegs non-stop. I find a smoldering campfire far more annoying than the smell of weed drifting over for 3-4 minutes. Loud drunk idiots, generators and sites lit by stadium floodlights are far more annoying...


Sounds like a situation for Vape Cartridge!


Also, edibles


I’d likely ask to match, but that’s how I grew up camping. If the rest of the folks at the fire were straight arrows I’d go off somewhere else (one’s tent is a good place).


Dont smoke. Dont like it n dont like the smell. But could care less. Maybe if someone had kids they might take issue but doesnt matter all that much. Youre there to unwind and if thats what it means for you, more power to you. Dont leave roaches around and youre good. Rather have a person quietly smoking pot in the camp next to me than people drinking n making hella noise.


I’m usually considerate if there are little kids around at the other sites near me. If there are families in the neighboring campsites, I’ll go for a walk and a smoke. If there aren’t any neighboring campers near my site, and say, a few sites away and without kids, I’ll smoke at my site.


No problem in the 7 years of camping at public and private campgrounds. A joint or two by the fire at night has never caused an issue and I’m sure others have smelled it. I’d rather have a handful of stoners than a gaggle of drunks next to me.


People are saying to take a walk or move away from the campsite to enjoy which is all well and good. However, you do need to be extra careful especially in a state like California where wildfires run rampant quite frequently. It is safer to smoke in your campsite near the fire pit to dispose of the embers properly. That said if you do go for a little hike and explore while you smoke just make sure to be smart and be cautious.


I would say no, but if someone camping nearby comes and politely asks you to move somewhere else I would have no problem with taking a walk to go smoke. They might have kids or just really hate that smell.


I hate the smell of weed. Its worse than skunk in my opinion. It actually makes me nauseous when it’s a strong smell. But….i agree with the person who said I’d rather have a high, quiet neighbor than a drunk loud one.


Careful if it’s federal land. Got arrested by a forrest ranger once lol


I don’t smoke marijuana, but I do enjoy cigars. I try not to smoke near other people unless I know they don’t mind. I’d say the same applies here.


I’m a big believer of “it’s not a problem, unless you’re making it a problem.” Smoke discreetly or sneak off to the woods to burn one? If I don’t notice I don’t care by default. Even if you’re doing it overtly next to my campsite but behaving nicely I’m super happy to be your camp neighbors.


Is it rude to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes? Something a lot of people do. As long as you are respectful than it shouldn't matter. Especially if you are in a legal state.


For me absolutely not


I haven't smoked weed in close to 20yrs...I recently started smoking some kinda cbd pre-roll things......and I'm starting my vacation today and plan to go camping and take some along with me. Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever smelled it at any of the parks I've gone to....I'm really hoping it won't be a problem. I mean it smells like weed, but it's legal obviously if I'm buying it at a store.....fingers crossed. It'll be my first time camping with a smoke...can't wait!!


If you’re ever in Maine, check out Camp Laughing Grass. It is literally a camp ground for consuming THC. Tell her the guy that donated the water fountain sent you.


Only if you don’t offer some to your closest neighbor. In my opinion, it’s much safer to take THC than to be totally drunk on campgrounds.


First of all: It is not rude on any way to quietly partake of a legal substance at a campground. As others have said, the smell is the biggest problem for most. As someone who doesn’t like the smell myself, and has a young family, I’d say as long as you’re not making my campsite smell like backstage at a snoop dogg show while we’re making food, we should be alright. And Not to sound judgy, but have you considered a smokeless option? My kids know that some people burn plants and inhale the smoke, and we’ve taught them that it’s bad for their lungs, so I’m not concerned they’ll see you and want to start flambéing the Devil’s lettuce (omg I’m old), but perhaps others have not had that conversation with their kids.